
Defines functions maxDiffCDF

Documented in maxDiffCDF

maxDiffCDF <- function(res1, res2, which = c("MLE", "smooth"), n.grid = 500) {
  # calculate maximal difference between
  # F_x and F_y via zeros of phi_x - phi_y
  x <- res1$knots
  y <- res2$knots

  z <- c(x, y)
  d <- diff(range(z))

  test.stat <- rep(NA, 2)
  names(test.stat) <- c("log-concave", "smooth log-concave")
  loc <- rep(NA, 2)
  names(loc) <- names(test.stat)

  if ("MLE" %in% which) {
    ## for log-concave density CDF
    l <- max(min(x), min(y))
    r <- min(max(x), max(y))
    z <- sort(unique(c(z[(z >= l) & (z <= r)])))
    N <- length(z)
    if (r <= l) {
      test.stat <- 1
      loc <- r
    } else {
      mat1 <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = 3)
      mat2 <- mat1

      # compute values of functions at z
      for (i in 1:N) {
        mat1[i, ] <- evaluateLogConDens(z[i], res1, which = 1)[, "log-density"]
        mat2[i, ] <- evaluateLogConDens(z[i], res2, which = 1)[, "log-density"]

      # find places of crossings
      x0 <- matrix(c(z[1], abs(evaluateLogConDens(z[1], res1, which = 3)[, "CDF"] - evaluateLogConDens(z[1], res2, which = 3)[, "CDF"])), ncol = 2) # difference at z[1]
      i <- 1:(length(z) - 1)
      i <- i[sign(mat1[i, 1] - mat2[i, 1]) != sign(mat1[i + 1, 1] - mat2[i + 1, 1])]

      if (length(i) > 0) {
        # calculate exact places of crossings by setting
        # phi_x(x) = phi_y(x) and solving for x
        zk <- z[i]
        zk1 <- z[i + 1]
        phi1k <- mat1[i, 1]
        phi1k1 <- mat1[i + 1, 1]
        phi2k <- mat2[i, 1]
        phi2k1 <- mat2[i + 1, 1]
        s1 <- (phi1k1 - phi1k) / (zk1 - zk)
        s2 <- (phi2k1 - phi2k) / (zk1 - zk)

        tmp <- sort(unique(c(zk[s1 == s2], (zk + (phi2k - phi1k) / (s1 - s2))[s1 != s2])))
        for (j in 1:length(tmp)) {
          x0 <- rbind(x0, c(tmp[j], abs(evaluateLogConDens(tmp[j], res1, which = 3)[, "CDF"] - evaluateLogConDens(tmp[j], res2, which = 3)[, "CDF"])))

      # add difference of distribution functions at z[N]
      x0 <- rbind(x0, c(z[N], abs(evaluateLogConDens(z[N], res1, which = 3)[, "CDF"] - evaluateLogConDens(z[N], res2, which = 3)[, "CDF"])))

      test.stat[1] <- max(x0[, 2])
      loc[1] <- x0[x0[, 2] == test.stat[1], 1]

  if ("smooth" %in% which) {
    ## for smooth log-concave density CDF
    xs <- seq(min(x, y) - 0.1 * d, max(x, y) + 0.1 * d, length.out = n.grid)
    F1smooth <- rep(NA, length(xs))
    F2smooth <- F1smooth
    for (i in 1:length(xs)) {
      F1smooth[i] <- evaluateLogConDens(xs[i], res1, which = 4)[, "smooth.density"]
      F2smooth[i] <- evaluateLogConDens(xs[i], res2, which = 4)[, "smooth.density"]
    diff <- F1smooth - F2smooth
    ind1 <- abs(diff(sign(diff)))

    left <- xs[c(ind1, 0) == 2]
    right <- xs[c(0, ind1) == 2]

    locs <- rep(NA, length(left))
    test.stats <- locs
    zero.fun <- function(q, res1, res2) {
      return(evaluateLogConDens(q, res1, which = 4)[, "smooth.density"] - evaluateLogConDens(q, res2, which = 4)[, "smooth.density"])

    for (i in 1:length(locs)) {
      locs[i] <- uniroot(f = zero.fun, interval = c(left[i], right[i]), res1, res2)$root
      test.stats[i] <- abs(evaluateLogConDens(locs[i], res1, which = 5)[, "smooth.CDF"] - evaluateLogConDens(locs[i], res2, which = 5)[, "smooth.CDF"])

    loc[2] <- locs[test.stats == max(test.stats)]
    test.stat[2] <- test.stats[test.stats == max(test.stats)]

  return(list("test.stat" = as.numeric(test.stat), "location" = as.numeric(loc)))

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