
Defines functions plot.longitudinal print.longitudinal summary.longitudinal as.longitudinal is.longitudinal

Documented in as.longitudinal is.longitudinal plot.longitudinal print.longitudinal summary.longitudinal

### longitudinal.R  (2005-05-06)
###    Data structure for longitudinal data
### Copyright 2005 Korbinian Strimmer
### This file is part of the `GeneTS' library for R and related languages.
### It is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public
### License, version 3, or at your option, any later version,
### incorporated herein by reference.
### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
### PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
### details.
### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
### License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
### Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
### MA 02111-1307, USA

######### PUBLIC ######## 

## basic functions

is.longitudinal = function(x)
  if(inherits(x, "longitudinal")) 

as.longitudinal = function(x, repeats=1, time)
   if (!is.matrix(x) )
    stop("only matrices can be coerced to longitudinal")
  # create repeats vector
  if (length(repeats) == 1) 
    if (dim(x)[1] %% repeats != 0)
      stop("number of repeats incompatible with number of rows of data matrix")
    repeats = rep(repeats, dim(x)[1] %/% repeats) 
  if (sum(repeats) != dim(x)[1])
    stop("sum of repeats must equal the number of rows in data matrix")

  # create time vector  
  if (missing(time)) time = 1:length(repeats)
  if (any(duplicated(time))) 
    stop("duplicated entries in time vector") 
  if (length(time) != length(repeats))
    stop("length of time vector must be equal to the length of repeats vector")
  if (any( diff(time) <= 0 ))  
    stop("entries time vector must be monotonically increasing")
  # construct longitudinal object
  attr(x, "class") = "longitudinal"
  attr(x, "time") = time
  attr(x, "repeats") = repeats
  rn = NULL
  for (i in 1:length(repeats))
    rn = c(rn, paste( time[i], seq(1, repeats[i]), sep="-") )
  rownames(x) = rn

## basic output stuff

summary.longitudinal = function(object, ...)
  x = object
  if (has.repeated.measurements(x))
     tmp = "yes"
      tmp = "none"
  cat("Longitudinal data:\n ")
  cat(paste(dim(x)[2], "variables measured at",
   length(get.time.repeats(x)$time), "different time points\n"))
  cat(paste(" Total number of measurements per variable:", dim(x)[1]), "\n")
  cat(paste(" Repeated measurements:", tmp, "\n"))
  cat(" To obtain the measurement design call 'get.time.repeats()'.\n")


print.longitudinal = function(x, ...)
  attr(x, "class") = attr(x, "time") = attr(x, "repeats") = NULL

  NextMethod("print", x, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)

plot.longitudinal = function(x, series=1, type=c("median", "mean"), autolayout=TRUE, ...)
   if (type=="median") func=median
   if (type=="mean") func=mean

   cx = condense.longitudinal(x, series, func)
   lc = length(series)
   tr = get.time.repeats(x)
   nrow = ceiling(sqrt(lc))
   ncol = ceiling(lc/nrow)
   if(autolayout) par(mfrow=c(nrow,ncol))
   xx = rep(tr$time, tr$repeats)
   for (i in 1:lc)
     name = colnames(x)[series[i]]
       name = paste("Series", series[i])
     plot(xx, x[,series[i]], main=name, ylab="value", xlab="time", col=gray(0.7), ...)
     lines(tr$time, cx[,i], col=4)
   if(autolayout) par(mfrow=c(1,1))

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longitudinal documentation built on Nov. 14, 2021, 1:07 a.m.