
Defines functions scagnostics2d

Documented in scagnostics2d

#' @title Closure of Two Dimensional Scagnostic Measures
#' @description Function creates a 2d measures object that can be used with 
#'   \code{\link{l_ng_plots}} and \code{\link{l_ng_ranges}}.
#' @inheritParams measures1d
#' @param scagnostics vector with valid scanostics meausure names, i.e "Clumpy",
#'   "Monotonic", "Convex", "Stringy", "Skinny", "Outlying", "Sparse", 
#'   "Striated", "Skewed". Also the prefix "Not" can be added to each measure
#'   which equals 1-measure.
#' @template param_separator
#' @templateVar page  learn_R_display_graph
#' @templateVar section measures
#' @template see_l_help
#' @return a measures object
#' @seealso \code{\link{l_ng_plots}}, \code{\link{l_ng_ranges}}, 
#'   \code{\link{measures2d}}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' m <- scagnostics2d(oliveAcids, separator='**')
#' m
#' m()
#' m(olive$palmitoleic > 80)
#' m('data')
#' m('grid')
#' m('measures')
#' }
scagnostics2d <- function(data, scagnostics=c(
                          separator=':') {
    if (!is.data.frame(data))
        data <- as.data.frame(data)

    if (!requireNamespace("scagnostics", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("scagnostics package needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
             call. = FALSE)
    allMeasures <- c( "Clumpy", "NotClumpy",
                      "Monotonic", "NotMonotonic", "Convex", "NotConvex", "Stringy",
                      "NotStringy", "Skinny", "NotSkinny", "Outlying","NotOutlying",
                      "Sparse", "NotSparse", "Striated", "NotStriated", "Skewed",
    if (length(scagnostics)==1) {
        if (scagnostics == 'all') {
            scagnostics <- allMeasures
    ## check if all args are ok
    scagnostics <- match.arg(scagnostics, allMeasures, TRUE)
    n <- dim(data)[1]
    p <- dim(data)[2]
    tmp_scags <- scagnostics::scagnostics.data.frame(data[1:min(10,n),])
    grid <- scagnostics::scagnosticsGrid(tmp_scags)
    rownames(grid) <- gsub(' * ', separator, colnames(tmp_scags), fixed=TRUE)
        function(keep) {
            if (missing(keep))
                keep <- rep(TRUE, n)
            if (length(keep) == 1) {
                if (keep == 'data') {
                } else if (keep == 'grid') {
                } else if (keep == 'measures') {
                } else if (keep == 'separator') {
            ## if not keyword return measures
            if (!is.logical(keep))
                stop('keep must be logical')
            if (length(keep) != n)
                stop(paste0('leength of keep is ', length(keep), ' but must be ', n))
            subsetData <- subset(data, keep)
            tryCatch( {
                scags <- t(unclass(scagnostics::scagnostics.data.frame(subsetData)))
                rownames(scags) <- gsub(" * ", separator, rownames(scags), fixed = TRUE)
            error = function(e) {
            } )
            X <- vapply(scagnostics, FUN=function(measure) {
                if (substr(measure, 1,3) == "Not") {
                    1 - scags[, substring(measure,4)]
                } else {
                    scags[, measure]
            }, numeric(dim(scags)[1]), USE.NAMES=TRUE)
            rownames(X) <- rownames(scags)
        class=c('measures', 'measures2d')

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loon documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:48 p.m.