
if(requireNamespace("PairViz", quietly = TRUE)) {

        p <- with(olive, l_plot(oleic~arachidic, color=Area, showGuides = FALSE))

        ## Text
        readline("press the return key to continue: next are text glyphs")

        gt <- l_glyph_add_text(p, text=as.character(olive$Area))
        p['glyph'] <- gt

        ## Images

        if (loon:::.withTclImg) {

            readline("press the return key to continue: next are image glyphs")

            path <- file.path(find.package(package = "loon"), "images")
            files <- list.files(path, full.names=TRUE)
            imgs <- l_image_import_files(files)
            names(imgs) <- gsub("\\.png$", "", basename(names(imgs)))
            area <-  gsub("^.*-", "", as.character(olive$Area))
            areaimages <- imgs[match(area, names(imgs))]
            gi <- l_glyph_add_image(p, images=areaimages)
            p['glyph'] <- gi

            readline("press the return key to continue: next reuse single image")

            l_configure(c(p,gi), images=areaimages[1])
            ## or also just
            ## l_configure(gi, images=areaimages[1])

        ## Serialaxes
        readline("press the return key to continue: next star glyphs")

        sa <- l_glyph_add_serialaxes(p, data=oliveAcids)
        l_configure(p, glyph=sa)

        readline("press the return key to continue: next configure stars")

        l_configure(sa, showEnclosing=FALSE, linewidth=2)
        l_configure(sa, showArea=FALSE)

        readline("press the return key to continue: next stack all Umbria glyphs")

        p['selected'] <- olive$Area == "Umbria"
        l_configure(p, size=40, which='selected')
        l_configure(sa, showEnclosing=TRUE, bboxColor="steelblue", showArea=FALSE)
        p['selected'] <- FALSE

        readline("press the return key to continue: next parallel coordinates")

        p['size'] <- 4
        l_configure(sa, axesLayout="parallel")

        readline("press the return key to continue: next change the sequence")

        l_configure(sa, sequence=as.vector(t(PairViz::hpaths(names(olive)[-c(1,2)]))))

        readline("press the return key to continue: next show axes")

        l_configure(sa, showAxes=TRUE)

        readline("press the return key to continue: switch back to star glyphs")

        l_configure(sa, axesLayout="radial", showAxes=FALSE, showEnclosing=FALSE)

        ## Polygon Glyphs
        readline("press the return key to continue: add polygon glyphs")

        x_star <-
            c(-0.000864304235090734, 0.292999135695765, 0.949870354364736,
              0.474503025064823, 0.586862575626621, -0.000864304235090734,
              -0.586430423509075, -0.474070872947277, -0.949438202247191, -0.29256698357822)
        y_star <-
            c(-1, -0.403630077787381, -0.308556611927398, 0.153846153846154,
              0.808556611927398, 0.499567847882455, 0.808556611927398, 0.153846153846154,
              -0.308556611927398, -0.403630077787381)
        x_cross <-
            c(-0.258931143762604, -0.258931143762604, -0.950374531835206,
              -0.950374531835206, -0.258931143762604, -0.258931143762604, 0.259651397291847,
              0.259651397291847, 0.948934024776722, 0.948934024776722, 0.259651397291847,
        y_cross <-
            c(-0.950374531835206, -0.258931143762604, -0.258931143762604,
              0.259651397291847, 0.259651397291847, 0.948934024776722, 0.948934024776722,
              0.259651397291847, 0.259651397291847, -0.258931143762604, -0.258931143762604,
        x_hexagon <-
            c(0.773552290406223, 0, -0.773552290406223, -0.773552290406223,
              0, 0.773552290406223)
        y_hexagon <-
            c(0.446917314894843, 0.894194756554307, 0.446917314894843, -0.447637568424085,
              -0.892754249495822, -0.447637568424085)

        x_polygon_glyph <- lapply(as.character(olive$Region), function(region) {
            if (region == "North")
            else if (region == "South")

        y_polygon_glyph <- lapply(as.character(olive$Region), function(region) {
            if (region == "North")
            else if (region == "South")

        gl_pol <- l_glyph_add_polygon(p, x=x_polygon_glyph, y=y_polygon_glyph, label="polygon")

        p['glyph'] <- gl_pol

        readline("press the return key to continue: don't fill polygon glyph area")

        gl_pol['showArea'] <- FALSE

        ## Mix glyphs
        readline("press the return key to continue: mix between different glyphs")

        g <- sample(
                'circle', 'square', 'triangle', 'diamond',
                'ocircle', 'osquare', 'otriangle', 'odiamond',
                if (loon:::.withTclImg) gi else NULL,
                sa, gl_pol
            dim(olive)[1], replace=TRUE
        p['glyph'] <- g

        ## Pointrange Glyphs
        readline("press the return key to continue: next pointrange glyphs")

        avg <- with(chickwts, tapply(weight, feed, mean))
        sd <- with(chickwts, tapply(weight, feed, sd))

        min <- with(chickwts, tapply(weight, feed, min))
        max <- with(chickwts, tapply(weight, feed, max))

        p1 <- l_plot(avg~sd)
        g.p <- l_glyph_add_pointrange(p1, ymin=min, ymax=max)

        p1['glyph'] <- g.p


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loon documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:48 p.m.