
if (requireNamespace("rworldmap", quietly = TRUE) &&
    requireNamespace("RColorBrewer", quietly = TRUE)) {

        #' Link Points With Map and Vice Versa

        scale01 <- function(x) {(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}

        ## Color Gradient to Map Life Expectancy on Map
        colfn <- colorRamp(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, name="YlOrBr"), alpha=FALSE)

        colorkey = list('America'='#E5FF2F',
                        'Europe & Central Asia'='#FF982F',
                        'Middle East & North Africa'='#68FF5E',
                        'Sub-Saharan Africa'='#3F4FFF',
                        'South Asia'='#36BEE3',
                        'East Asia & Pacific'='#FF2F2F')

        dat <- subset(UsAndThem, Year == 2002)
        dat$Region.Color <- with(dat, unlist(colorkey[match(Geographic.Region,names(colorkey))]))

        LifeExpectancyColor <- sapply(scale01(dat$LifeExpectancy), function(val) {
            col <- colfn(val)
            rgb(col[1], col[2], col[3], maxColorValue=255)
        } )

        ## plot of life expectancy versus fertility
        p <- with(dat, l_plot(LifeExpectancy ~ Fertility, color=Region.Color,
                              guidesBackground = 'gray20',
                              guidelines = 'gray30',

        ## Choropleth Map
        world <- rworldmap::getMap(resolution = "coarse")
        p_map <- l_plot() # background='#71ABDB'

        l_map <- l_layer(p_map, world, asSingleLayer=TRUE, index="end", label="world map")

        map_countries <- tolower(attr(l_map, "NAME"))
        data_countries <- tolower(as.character(dat$Country))

        fromto <- list(c("antigua and barb.","antigua and barbuda"),
                       c("bosnia and herz.", "bosnia and herzegovina"),
                       c("congo (kinshasa)", "congo, dem. rep."),
                       c("congo (brazzaville)", "congo, rep."),
                       c("ivory coast", "cote d'ivoire"),
                       c("eq. guinea", "equatorial guinea"),
                       c("fr. polynesia", "french polynesia"),
                       c("guinea bissau", "guinea-bissau"),
                       c("hong kong", "hong kong, china"),
                       c("n. korea","korea, rep."),
                       c("s. korea", "korea, dem. rep."),
                       c("macau", "macao, china"),
                       c("macedonia", "macedonia, fyr"),
                       c("micronesia", "micronesia, fed. sts."),
                       c("st. vin. and gren.", "saint vincent and the grenadines"),
                       c("slovakia", "slovak republic"),
                       c("solomon is.", "solomon islands"),
                       c("s. sudan", "south sudan"),
                       c("east timor","timor-leste"),
                       c("gaza", "west bank and gaza"),
                       c("west bank", "west bank and gaza"),
                       c("yemen", "yemen, rep."))

        for(l in fromto) {
            map_countries[map_countries == l[1]] <- l[2]

        map_Country2Wmap <- lapply(data_countries, function(x) {
            which(x == map_countries)
        names(map_Country2Wmap) <- data_countries

        # grep("slovak", data_countries, value = TRUE)
        # grep("yemen", map_countries, value = TRUE)
        # names(Filter(function(x)length(x)==0, map_Country2Wmap))
        ## Not Found
        # "guadeloupe"
        # "martinique"
        # "netherlands antilles"
        # "reunion"

        #    printTags <- function(W) {
        #        print(l_currenttags(W))
        #    }
        #    l_bind_item(p_map, 'all', '<ButtonPress>', printTags)
        #    l_map['tag'] <- attr(l_map, "NAME")

        map_Wmap2Country <- match(map_countries, data_countries)

        LifeExpectancyMapColor <- rep("grey80", l_map['n'])
        invisible(Map(function(i, col){
            if(length(i) > 0) {
                LifeExpectancyMapColor[i] <<- col
        }, map_Country2Wmap, LifeExpectancyColor))

        l_map['color'] <- LifeExpectancyMapColor

        updateMap_sp <- function() {
            i <- unlist(map_Country2Wmap[p['selected']])
            cols <- LifeExpectancyMapColor
            if(!is.null(i)) {
                cols[Filter(function(x)!,i)] <- 'magenta'
            l_map['color'] <- cols

        b <- l_bind_state(p, 'selected', function(){updateMap_sp()})

        busy <- FALSE

        updatePlot_sp <- function(add) {

            busy <<- TRUE
            i <- l_currentindex(p_map)
            if(i !=-1 && ![i])) {
                if (add) {
                    l_configure(p, selected=TRUE, which=map_Wmap2Country[i])
                } else {
                    sel <- rep(FALSE, p['n'])
                    sel[map_Wmap2Country[i]] <- TRUE
                    p['selected'] <- sel

        cancel_click <- function() {

            if(!busy) p['selected'] <- FALSE
            busy <<- FALSE

        b2 <- l_bind_item(p_map, paste0('layer&&',l_map), '<ButtonPress-1>',
        b3 <- l_bind_item(p_map, paste0('layer&&',l_map), '<Shift-ButtonPress-1>',
        b4 <- l_bind_canvas(p_map, event='<ButtonPress-1>', cancel_click)

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loon documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:48 p.m.