getDesignAgreement: Power and sample size for Cohen's kappa

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getDesignAgreementR Documentation

Power and sample size for Cohen's kappa


Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample size given power for Cohen's kappa.


  beta = NA_real_,
  n = NA_real_,
  ncats = NA_integer_,
  kappaH0 = NA_real_,
  kappa = NA_real_,
  p1 = NA_real_,
  p2 = NA_real_,
  rounding = TRUE,
  alpha = 0.025



The type II error.


The total sample size.


The number of categories.


The kappa coefficient under the null hypothesis.


The kappa coefficient under the alternative hypothesis.


The marginal probabilities for the first rater.


The marginal probabilities for the second rater. Defaults to be equal to the marginal probabilities for the first rater if not provided.


Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for sample size rounding.


The one-sided significance level. Defaults to 0.025.


The kappa coefficient is defined as

\kappa = \frac{\pi_o - \pi_e}{1 - \pi_e},

where \pi_o = \sum_i \pi_{ii} is the observed agreement, and \pi_e = \sum_i \pi_{i.} \pi_{.i} is the expected agreement by chance.

By Fleiss et al. (1969), the variance of \hat{\kappa} is given by

Var(\hat{\kappa}) = \frac{v_1}{n},


v_1 = \frac{Q_1 + Q_2 - Q3 - Q4}{(1-\pi_e)^4},

Q_1 = \pi_o(1-\pi_e)^2,

Q_2 = (1-\pi_o)^2 \sum_i \sum_j \pi_{ij}(\pi_{i.} + \pi_{.j})^2,

Q_3 = 2(1-\pi_o)(1-\pi_e) \sum_i \pi_{ii}(\pi_{i.} + \pi_{.i}),

Q_4 = (\pi_o \pi_e - 2\pi_e + \pi_o)^2.

Given \kappa and marginals \{(\pi_{i.}, \pi_{.i}): i=1,\ldots,k\}, we obtain \pi_o. The only unknowns are the double summation in Q_2 and the single summation in Q_3.

We find the optimal configuration of cell probabilities that yield the maximum variance of \hat{\kappa} by treating the problem as a linear programming problem with constraints to match the given marginal probabilities and the observed agreement and ensure that the cell probabilities are nonnegative. This is an extension of Flack et al. (1988) by allowing unequal marginal probabilities of the two raters.

We perform the optimization under both the null and alternative hypotheses to obtain \max Var(\hat{\kappa} | \kappa = \kappa_0) and \max Var(\hat{\kappa} | \kappa = \kappa_1) for a single subject, and then calculate the sample size or power according to the following equation:

\sqrt{n} |\kappa - \kappa_0| = z_{1-\alpha} \sqrt{\max Var(\hat{\kappa} | \kappa = \kappa_0)} + z_{1-\beta} \sqrt{\max Var(\hat{\kappa} | \kappa = \kappa_1)}.


An S3 class designAgreement object with the following components:

  • power: The power to reject the null hypothesis.

  • alpha: The one-sided significance level.

  • n: The total sample size.

  • ncats: The number of categories.

  • kappaH0: The kappa coefficient under the null hypothesis.

  • kappa: The kappa coefficient under the alternative hypothesis.

  • p1: The marginal probabilities for the first rater.

  • p2: The marginal probabilities for the second rater.

  • piH0: The cell probabilities that maximize the variance of estimated kappa under H0.

  • pi: The cell probabilities that maximize the variance of estimated kappa under H1.

  • rounding: Whether to round up sample size.


Kaifeng Lu,


V. F. Flack, A. A. Afifi, and P. A. Lachenbruch. Sample size determinations for the two rater kappa statistic. Psychometrika 1988; 53:321-325.


(design1 <- getDesignAgreement(
  beta = 0.2, n = NA, ncats = 4, kappaH0 = 0.4, kappa = 0.6,
  p1 = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4), p2 = c(0.15, 0.2, 0.24, 0.41),
  rounding = TRUE, alpha = 0.05))

lrstat documentation built on June 23, 2024, 5:06 p.m.