getDurationFromNevents: Range of accrual duration for target number of events

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getDurationFromNeventsR Documentation

Range of accrual duration for target number of events


Obtains a range of accrual duration to reach the target number of events.


  nevents = NA_real_,
  allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
  accrualTime = 0L,
  accrualIntensity = NA_real_,
  piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0L,
  stratumFraction = 1L,
  lambda1 = NA_real_,
  lambda2 = NA_real_,
  gamma1 = 0L,
  gamma2 = 0L,
  followupTime = NA_real_,
  fixedFollowup = 0L,
  npoints = 23L,
  interval = as.numeric(c(0.001, 240))



The target number of events.


Allocation ratio for the active treatment versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.


A vector that specifies the starting time of piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g., c(0, 3) breaks the time axis into 2 accrual intervals: [0, 3) and [3, Inf).


A vector of accrual intensities. One for each accrual time interval.


A vector that specifies the starting time of piecewise exponential survival time intervals. Must start with 0, e.g., c(0, 6) breaks the time axis into 2 event intervals: [0, 6) and [6, Inf). Defaults to 0 for exponential distribution.


A vector of stratum fractions that sum to 1. Defaults to 1 for no stratification.


A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group.


A vector of hazard rates for the event in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group.


The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the active treatment group.


The hazard rate for exponential dropout, a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout applicable for all strata, or a vector of hazard rates for dropout in each analysis time interval by stratum for the control group.


Follow-up time for the last enrolled subjects. Must be provided for fixed follow-up design.


Whether a fixed follow-up design is used. Defaults to 0 for variable follow-up.


The number of accrual duration time points. Defaults to 23.


The interval to search for the solution of accrualDuration. Defaults to c(0.001, 240).


A data frame of the following variables:

  • nevents: The target number of events.

  • fixedFollowup: Whether a fixed follow-up design is used.

  • accrualDuration: The accrual duration.

  • subjects: The total number of subjects.

  • followupTime: The follow-up time for the last enrolled subject.

  • studyDuration: The study duration.


Kaifeng Lu,


# Piecewise accrual, piecewise exponential survivals, and 5% dropout by
# the end of 1 year.

  nevents = 80, allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
  accrualTime = seq(0, 8),
  accrualIntensity = 26/9*seq(1, 9),
  piecewiseSurvivalTime = c(0, 6),
  stratumFraction = c(0.2, 0.8),
  lambda1 = c(0.0533, 0.0309, 1.5*0.0533, 1.5*0.0309),
  lambda2 = c(0.0533, 0.0533, 1.5*0.0533, 1.5*0.0533),
  gamma1 = -log(1-0.05)/12,
  gamma2 = -log(1-0.05)/12,
  fixedFollowup = FALSE)

lrstat documentation built on June 23, 2024, 5:06 p.m.