
Defines functions print.assocTest associationTest

Documented in associationTest print.assocTest

#' Chi-square test of association / independence
#' @description Convenience function that runs a chi-square test of
#' association/independence. This is a wrapper function intended to
#' be used for pedagogical purposes only.
#' @param formula One-sided formula specifying the two variables (required).
#' @param data Optional data frame containing the variables.
#' @details The \code{associationTest} function runs the chi-square test
#' of association on the variables specified in the \code{formula} argument.
#' The formula must be a one-sided formula of the form
#' \code{~variable1 + variable2}, and both variables must be factors.
#' @return An object of class 'assocTest'. When printed, the output is
#' organised into six short sections. The first section lists the name
#' of the test and the variables included. The second lists the null and
#' alternative hypotheses for the test. The third shows the observed
#' contingency table, and the fourth shows the expected contingency
#' table under the null. The fifth prints out the test results, and the
#' sixth reports an estimate of effect size.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#' gender=factor(c("male","male","male","male","female","female","female")),
#' answer=factor(c("heads","heads","heads","heads","tails","tails","heads"))
#' )
#' associationTest( ~ gender + answer, df )
associationTest <- function( formula, data=NULL ) {

  ############ check  formula ############

  # check that the user has input a formula
  if( missing(formula) ) { stop( '"formula" argument is missing, with no default')}
  if( !methods::is( formula, "formula")) { stop( '"formula" argument must be a formula')}

  # the formula must be of the form ~ VAR1 + VAR2
  if( length( formula ) !=2 ) stop( '"formula" argument must be one-sided with two variables' )
  vars <- all.vars( formula )
  if( length( vars) !=2 ) stop( '"formula" argument must be one-sided with two variables' )

  ############ check data frame ############

  if( !missing(data) ) {

    # it needs to be data frame, because a matrix can't
    # contain actors
    if( !methods::is(data,"data.frame") ) stop ( "'data' argument must be a data frame")

    # check that both variables are in the data frame
    if( !( vars[1] %in% names(data)) ) {
      stop( paste0( "'", vars[1], "' is not the name of a variable in '", deparse(substitute(data)), "'" ))
    if( !( vars[2] %in% names(data))) {
      stop( paste0( "'", vars[2], "' is not the name of a variable in '", deparse(substitute(data)), "'" ))

  } else {

    # check that all variables exist in the workspace
    workspace <- objects( parent.frame())

    # check that both variables are in the workspace
    if( !( vars[1] %in% workspace)) {
      stop( paste0( "'", vars[1], "' is not the name of a variable in the workspace" ))
    if( !( vars[2] %in% workspace)) {
      stop( paste0( "'", vars[2], "' is not the name of a variable in the workspace" ))

    # copy variables into a data frame if none is specified, and
    # check that the variables are appropriate for a data frame.
    # need to retain the missing values for later
    data <- try( eval( stats::model.frame( formula = formula, na.action = stats::na.pass ),
                       envir=parent.frame() ), silent=TRUE )
    if( methods::is(data,"try-error") ) {
      stop( "specified variables cannot be coerced to data frame")

  # subset the data frame
  data <- data[, vars ]

  ############ check data frame ############

  # check that both variables are factors
  if( !methods::is(data[,vars[1]],"factor")) {
    stop( paste0( "'",vars[1],"' is not a factor"))
  if( !methods::is(data[,vars[2]],"factor")) {
    stop( paste0( "'",vars[2],"' is not a factor"))

  # check for missing data & print warning if needed
  missingData <- is.na( data[,vars[1]]) | is.na( data[,vars[2]])
  data <- data[!missingData,]
  if(sum(missingData) > 0) {
    warning( paste(sum(missingData)), " case(s) removed due to missingness" )

  ############ do the test ############

  # get the variable names
  f <- stats::xtabs( formula, data )

  # run the corresponding chi-square test, suppressing the warning,
  # replacing it with our own if it exists
  old.warn <- options(warn=2) # convert warnings to errors
  htest <- try( stats::chisq.test( x=f ), silent=TRUE ) # try the test
  need.warning <- FALSE # assume warning

  # check for failures:
  if( class(htest) == "try-error" ) {

    # handle the case when the "error" was the warning we're catching
    need.warning <- length( grep("Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect",htest )) > 0
    if( need.warning ) { # if it was a ties problem...
      options(warn=-1) # suppress warnings completely for the next run...
    } else { # if not...
      options( old.warn ) # reset warning state and let R throw what it likes...

    # now run the test again & compute effect size
    htest <- stats::chisq.test( x=f )
  effectsize <- cramersV( f )
  options( old.warn )   # reset warnings

  # make a note of whether yates' correction has been applied
  yates <- FALSE
  if( nrow(f)==2 & ncol(f)==2 ) yates <- TRUE

  ############ output ############

  # create output structure
  out <- list(
    variables = vars,
    observed = htest$observed,
    expected = htest$expected,
    difference = htest$observed - htest$expected,
    statistic = htest$statistic,
    df = htest$parameter,
    p.value = htest$p.value,
    effect.size = effectsize,
    yates = yates,
    warn = need.warning
  class( out ) <- "assocTest"

  # throw the warning
  if( need.warning ) {
    warning( "Expected frequencies too small: chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")



# print method

#' Print method for lsr chi-square tests
#' @param x An object of class 'assocTest'
#' @param ... For consistency with the generic (unused)
#' @return Invisibly returns the original object
#' @export
print.assocTest <- function(x, ...) {

  nDigits <- 3

  # print the name of the test
  cat("\n     Chi-square test of categorical association\n\n")

  # print the data variable
  cat( "Variables:  ", paste(x$variables,collapse=", "), "\n\n" )

  # print the hypotheses being tested
  cat( "Hypotheses: \n")
  cat( "   null:        variables are independent of one another\n")
  cat( "   alternative: some contingency exists between variables\n")

  # print out the observed
  cat( "Observed contingency table:\n")
  print( x$observed)

  # print out the expected
  cat( "Expected contingency table under the null hypothesis:\n")
  print( x$expected, digits=nDigits)

  # print test statistics
  cat( "Test results: \n")
  cat( "   X-squared statistic: ", round( x$statistic, nDigits ), "\n" )
  cat( "   degrees of freedom: ", round( x$df, nDigits ), "\n" )
  pp <- ifelse( x$p.value < .001, "<.001", round( x$p.value, nDigits ))
  cat( "   p-value: ", pp, "\n")
  cat( "\n")

  # print other things
  cat( "Other information: \n")
  cat( "   estimated effect size (Cramer's v): ", round( x$effect.size, nDigits), "\n" )
  if( x$yates) cat( "   Yates' continuity correction has been applied\n")
  if( x$warn) cat( "   warning: expected frequencies too small, results may be inaccurate\n")
  cat( "\n")

  return( invisible(x) )


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lsr documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:10 a.m.