rcor.test <-
function (mat, p.adjust = FALSE, p.adjust.method = "holm", ...) {
mat <- data.matrix(mat)
cor.mat <- cor(mat, ...)
p <- ncol(mat)
index <- t(combn(p, 2))
nindex <- nrow(index)
pvals <- numeric(nindex)
for (i in 1:nindex) {
pvals[i] <- cor.test(mat[, index[i, 1]], mat[, index[i, 2]], ...)$p.value
if (p.adjust)
pvals <- p.adjust(pvals, method = p.adjust.method)
out <- list(cor.mat = cor.mat, p.values = cbind(index, pvals))
class(out) <- "rcor.test"
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