wi2net <- function(x)
x <- -cov2cor(x)
diag(x) <- 0
x <- forceSymmetric(x)
forcePositive <- function(x){
if (any(eigen(x)$values<0)){
cov2cor(x - (min(eigen(x)$values)-.1) * diag(nrow(x)))
} else {
# E-step in the optimization algorithm:
Estep <- function(
S, # Sample covariance
Kcur, # Current estimate for K
obs # Logical indicating observed
if (missing(Kcur))
if (missing(obs))
Kcur <- diag(nrow(S))
} else
Kcur <- diag(length(obs))
if (missing(obs)) obs <- 1:nrow(Kcur) %in% 1:nrow(S)
# To make life easier:
H <- !obs
O <- obs
# Current estimate of S:
Scur <- corpcor::pseudoinverse(Kcur)
# Expected Sigma_OH:
Sigma_OH <- S %*% corpcor::pseudoinverse(Scur[O,O]) %*% Scur[O, H]
# Sigma_OH
# Expected Sigma_H:
Sigma_H <- Scur[H, H] - Scur[H,O] %*% corpcor::pseudoinverse(Scur[O,O]) %*% Scur[O,H] + Scur[H,O] %*% corpcor::pseudoinverse(Scur[O,O]) %*% S %*% corpcor::pseudoinverse(Scur[O,O]) %*% Scur[O, H]
# Construct expected sigma:
Sigma_Exp <- rbind(cbind(S,Sigma_OH),cbind(t(Sigma_OH), Sigma_H))
# M-step in the optimization algorithm:
Mstep <- function(
Sexp, # Expected full S
obs, # Logica indiating oberved variables
rho = 0,
if (!is.positive.definite(Sexp))
Sexp <- as.matrix(nearPD(Sexp)$mat)
warning("Expected covariance matrix is not positive definite")
# Rho matrix:
n <- nrow(Sexp)
RhoMat <- matrix(rho, n, n)
RhoMat[!obs,] <- 0
RhoMat[,!obs] <- 0
# Lambda:
zeroes <- which(!lambda, arr.ind = TRUE)
zeroes[,2] <- which(!obs)[zeroes[,2]]
if (nrow(zeroes) > 0){
K <- glasso(Sexp, RhoMat, penalize.diagonal=FALSE, zero = zeroes)$wi
} else {
K <- glasso(Sexp, RhoMat, penalize.diagonal=FALSE)$wi
### Main lvglasso function
lvglasso <- function(
S, # Sample cov
nLatents, # Number of latents
rho = 0, # Penalty
thr = 1.0e-4, # Threshold for convergence (sum absolute diff)
maxit = 1e4, # Maximum number of iterations
lambda # Logical matrix indicating the free factor loadings. Defaults to full TRUE matrix.
if (missing(nLatents)){
stop("'nLatents' must be specified")
nobs <- nrow(S)
ntot <- nobs + nLatents
if (missing(lambda) || is.null(lambda)){
lambda <- matrix(TRUE, nobs, nLatents)
if (nrow(lambda) != nobs | ncol(lambda) != nLatents) stop("Dimensions of 'lambda' are wrong.")
# PCA prior for K:
efaRes <- principal(S, nfactors = nLatents)
# # If sampleSizeis missing, set to 1000. Is only used for prior anyway.
# # if (missing(sampleSize)){
# sampleSize <- 1000
# # }
# # Get prior for K:
# efaRes <- fa(S, n.obs= sampleSize, nfactors=nLatents)
resid <- residuals(efaRes)
class(resid) <- "matrix"
load <- loadings(efaRes)
class(load) <- "matrix"
r <- efaRes$r.scores
class(r) <- "matrix"
r <- diag(diag(r))
# # Stupid nonanalytic way to get prior:
# # Simulate N random variales:
# # eta <- rmvnorm(10000, rep(0, nLatents), r)
# #
# # # Simulate oserved scores:
# # Y <- eta %*% t(load) + rmvnorm(10000, rep(0, nobs), diag(diag(resid)
Sym <- rbind(cbind(diag( efaRes$uniquenesses),matrix(0,nobs,nLatents) ),cbind(t(matrix(0,nobs,nLatents) ),r))
As <- matrix(0, ntot, ntot)
if (nLatents > 0) As[1:nobs, (nobs+1):ntot] <- load
Sigma <- solve(diag(ntot) - As) %*% Sym %*% t(solve(diag(ntot) - As))
# Compute K:
# browser()
K <- solve(cor2cov(cov2cor(Sigma),c(sqrt(diag(S)), rep(1, nLatents) )))
# K <- K
# K <- cov2cor(K)
if (!is.positive.definite(K))
K <- as.matrix(nearPD(K)$mat)
# warning("Expected covariance matrix is not positive definite")
# browser()
# K <- matrix(-0.5,ntot,ntot)
# K[1:nobs,1:nobs] <- 0
# diag(K) <- 1
# K <- round(K,2)
# K <- EBICglasso(cov(cbind(Y,eta)), sampleSize)
# K <- as.matrix(forceSymmetric(cbind(rbind(pseudoinverse(resid),t(-load)), rbind(-load,pseudoinverse(r)))))
# K <- as.matrix(forceSymmetric(cbind(rbind(pseudoinverse(resid),-0.5), rbind(rep(-0.5,nobs),1))))
# K <- as.matrix(forceSymmetric(cbind(rbind(diag(nrow(S)),t(-load)), rbind(-load,pseudoinverse(r)))))
# browser()
# K <- matrix(-0.5,ntot,ntot)
# K[1:nobs,1:nobs] <- 0
# diag(K) <- 1
# obs <- c(rep(TRUE,nrow(S)), rep(FALSE,nLatents))
# K <- rbind(cbind(2*diag(nobs),-load),cbind(t(-load), 2*diag(ntot - nobs)))
# rownames(K) <- colnames(K) <- NULL
# diag(K) <- diag(K) - min(eigen(pseudoinverse(K))$values)
# # K[1:nobs,1:nobs] <- 0
# diag(K) <- 1
obs <- c(rep(TRUE,nrow(S)), rep(FALSE,nLatents))
# # Stupid prior:
# K <- matrix(0, ntot, ntot)
# diag(K) <- 1
# if (nLatents > 0) K[1:nobs, (nobs+1):ntot] <- K[ (nobs+1):ntot, 1:nobs] <- -1/nobs
# is.positive.definite(as.matrix(forceSymmetric(Estep(S, K, obs))))
### EM ###
it <- 1
Kold <- K
Sexp <- as.matrix(forceSymmetric(Estep(S, K, obs)))
# Sexp <- cor2cov(cov2cor(Sexp),ifelse(obs,sqrt(diag(Sexp)),1))
K <- as.matrix(forceSymmetric(Mstep(Sexp, obs, rho, lambda)))
# qgraph(wi2net(K), layout = "spring")
# If not pos def, shift eigenvalues:
K <- forcePositive(K)
# Check for convergence:
if (sum(abs(cov2cor(corpcor::pseudoinverse(Kold)[obs,obs]) - cov2cor(corpcor::pseudoinverse(K)[obs,obs]))) < thr){
} else {
it <- it + 1
if (it > maxit){
warning("Algorithm did not converge!")
} else {
Kold <- K
if (!is.null(colnames(S)))
colnames(K) <- c(colnames(S),rep(paste0("F",seq_len(nLatents))))
if (is.null(rownames(S)))
rownames(K) <-c(paste0("x",seq_len(ncol(S))),paste0("F",seq_len(nLatents)))
# Partial correlations:
pc <- wi2net(K)
diag(pc) <- 1
rownames(pc) <- colnames(pc) <- rownames(K) <- colnames(K)
# Compute psychometric matrices:
Theta <- solve(K[obs, obs])
Lambda <- -Theta %*% K[obs,!obs]
Psi <- solve(K[!obs, !obs] - t(Lambda) %*% K[obs, obs] %*% Lambda)
# Return list mimics glasso:
Res <- list(
w = corpcor::pseudoinverse(K), # Estimated covariance matrix
wi = K, # Estimated precision matrix
pcor = pc, # Estimated partial correlation matrix
observed = obs, # observed and latents indicator
niter = it, # Number of iterations used in the algorithm
lambda = Lambda,
theta = Theta,
omega_theta = K[obs, obs],
psi = Psi
class(Res) <- "lvglasso"
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