#' Compute Functional Identity
#' This function computes the weighted average position along each axis. FIde
#' is computed using relative weight so that it is not affected by unit
#' (e.g. g or kg for biomass). In the special case where 'weight' is filled
#' with only 0/1 (absence/presence), then FIde will be computed assuming that
#' all species have the same weight. The results of this function are used in
#' FSpe, FOri and FNND computation.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord_k a matrix of species coordinates present in a
#' given assemblage in a chosen functional space with only needed axes.
#' Species coordinates have been retrieved thanks to \code{tr.cont.fspace} or
#' \code{\link{quality.fspaces}} and filtered thanks to
#' \code{\link{sp.filter}}.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw_k a matrix containing species relative weight
#' (columns) for a given assemblage.
#' @param k a character string referring to the assemblage studied.
#' @param check_input a logical value allowing to test or not the
#' inputs. Possible error messages will thus may be more understandable for
#' the user than R error messages. Species coordinates matrix and
#' species*weight data frame must not contain NA, their rownames must be
#' filled and they must have similar names values.
#' Default: `check_input = FALSE`.
#' @return A matrix containing functional identity values for a given
#' assemblage along the dimensions (columns). Number of dimensions is fixed
#' to the number of dimensions in \code{sp_faxes_coord} data frame.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @noRd
fide.computation <- function(asb_sp_relatw_k, sp_faxes_coord_k,
k, check_input = check_input) {
# check_inputs if required:
if (check_input) {
if (any( {
stop("The species*coordinates matrix contains NA. Please check.")
if (any( {
stop("The species*weights dataframe contains NA. Please check.")
if (is.null(rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ",
"species names as row names.")
if (is.null(rownames(asb_sp_relatw_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*weights dataframe. Please add ",
"assemblages names as row names.")
if (sum(colnames(asb_sp_relatw_k) %in% rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k)) !=
nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k)) {
stop("Mismatch between names in 'relat_sp_w_asb_k' and ",
"'sp_faxes_coord_k'. Please check.")
if (round(sum(asb_sp_relatw_k), 10) != 1) {
stop("The sum of relative weights is not equal to one for ", k)
return(asb_sp_relatw_k %*% sp_faxes_coord_k)
#' Compute Functional Dispersion
#' This function computes the weighted deviation to center of gravity of
#' species present in a given assemblage. It is the weighted mean distance
#' to the weighted centroid. Its calculation requires FIde computation that
#' can be achieved thanks to \code{fide.computation} function. FDis value can
#' be scaled by the maximum value possible given species pool (i.e. the most
#' distant species pair have half of total weight) to standardize values.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord_k a matrix of species coordinates present in a
#' given assemblage in a chosen functional space with only needed axes.
#' Species coordinates have been retrieved thanks to
#' \code{\link{tr.cont.fspace}} or \code{\link{quality.fspaces}} and filtered
#' thanks to \code{\link{sp.filter}}.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw_k a matrix containing species relative weight
#' (columns) for a given assemblage.
#' @param fide_asb a matrix containing functional identity values a
#' given assemblage along the dimensions (columns). Can be retrieved after
#' \code{fide.computation} function and is compute if NULL. Default: fide_asb
#' = NULL.
#' @param k a character string referring to the assemblage studied.
#' @param check_input a logical value allowing to test or not the inputs.
#' Possible error messages will thus may be more understandable for the user
#' than R error messages. Species coordinates matrix and species*weight
#' dataframe must not contain NA, their rownames must be filled and they must
#' have similar names values. Default: check_input = FALSE.
#' @return A matrix containing functional dispersion for a given assemblage.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @noRd
fdis.computation <- function(asb_sp_relatw_k, sp_faxes_coord_k,
fide_asb = NULL, k, check_input = check_input) {
# check_inputs if required:
if (check_input) {
if (any( {
stop("The species*coordinates matrix contains NA. Please check.")
if (any( {
stop("The species*weights dataframe contains NA. Please check.")
if (is.null(rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ",
"species names as row names.")
if (is.null(rownames(asb_sp_relatw_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*weights dataframe. Please add ",
"assemblages names as row names.")
if (sum(colnames(asb_sp_relatw_k) %in% rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k)) !=
nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k)) {
stop("Mismatch between names in 'relat_sp_w_asb_k' and ",
"'sp_faxes_coord_k'. Please check.")
if (round(sum(asb_sp_relatw_k), 10) != 1) {
stop("The sum of relative weights is not equal to one for ", k)
# compute fide if NULL:
if (is.null(fide_asb)) {
fide_asb_k <- asb_sp_relatw_k %*% sp_faxes_coord_k
# compute distance to the centroid to compute fdis:
dist_centr_k <- apply(sp_faxes_coord_k, 1,
function(x) (sum((x - fide_asb_k) ^ 2)) ^ 0.5)
# compute fdis value:
fdis_asb_k <- (asb_sp_relatw_k %*% dist_centr_k)
if (!is.null(fide_asb)) {
# compute distance to the centroid to compute fdis:
dist_centr_k <- apply(sp_faxes_coord_k, 1,
function(x) {
(sum((x - fide_asb[k,
colnames(sp_faxes_coord_k)]) ^ 2)) ^ 0.5
# compute fdis value:
fdis_asb_k <- (asb_sp_relatw_k %*% dist_centr_k)
#' Compute Functional Richness
#' This function computes the volume of functional space filled by species
#' present in a given assemblage.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord_k a matrix of species coordinates present in a given
#' assemblage in a chosen functional space with only needed axes. Species
#' coordinates have been retrieved thanks to \code{\link{tr.cont.fspace}} or
#' \code{} and filtered thanks to \code{\link{sp.filter}}.
#' @param check_input a logical value allowing to test or not the inputs.
#' Possible error messages will thus may be more understandable for the user
#' than R error messages. Species coordinates matrix must not contain NA, its
#' rownames must be filled and the number of species should strictly be
#' higher than the number of axes to compute the convex hull.
#' Default: `check_input = FALSE`.
#' @return a list containing: \strong{$fric} a vector with fric value for a
#' given assemblage and \strong{vertices_nm} a vector containing names of the
#' species being vertices (species are ordered as in row names of input)
#' @note Computation with qconvex algorithm is led using option 'Tv' so result
#' are verified for structure, convexity, and point inclusion. FRic value is
#' based on axes units. See \code{\link{alpha.fd.multidim}} for option to
#' scale values using volume by species pool.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @noRd
fric.computation <- function(sp_faxes_coord_k, check_input = check_input) {
# check_inputs if required:
if (check_input) {
if (any( {
stop("The species*coordinates matrix contains NA. Please check.")
if (is.null(rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ",
"species names as row names.")
# applying convhulln function to compute
# convexhull... ... with options = 'FA', to
# compute the general area of the functional hull,
# if convex hulln can not be computed
# (coplanearity), takes the value: NA
conv_fa_k <- tryCatch(geometry::convhulln(sp_faxes_coord_k,
option = "FA"),
error = function(err) "NA")
# extracting unique names of vertices from the
# matrix with identity of ... ... species for each
# facet if vertices have been computed (no
# coplanearity pbs): ... and get the raw fric
# value:
if (!is.character(conv_fa_k)) {
vert_nm_k <- row.names(sp_faxes_coord_k)[
fric <- conv_fa_k$vol
# if vertices have not been computed (coplanearity
# pbs):
if (is.character(conv_fa_k)) {
vert_nm_k <- NULL
fric <- NA
return_list <- list(fric = fric, vertices_nm = vert_nm_k)
#' Compute Functional Divergence (FDiv) Index for One Assemblage
#' This function to compute Functional Divergence (FDiv) index for one
#' assemblage. FDiv indice accounts for deviation of biomass to the center of
#' gravity of the vertices shaping the convex hull.
#' FDiv is scaled between 0 and 1. For details about FDiv index see
#' Villeger _et al._ 2008. Use \code{\link{alpha.fd.multidim}} to compute FDiv
#' over multiple assemblages (and together with other FD indices) .
#' @param sp_faxes_coord_k a matrix with species coordinates for species
#' present in a given assemblage along functional axes.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw_k a matrix containing species relative weight
#' (columns) for a given assemblage.
#' @param vert_nm a vector with names of the species being vertices of the
#' convex hull (so should be a subset of colnames of \code{sp_faxes_coord_k}.
#' This vector can be provided through \code{vertices}) function or
#' retrieved after the \code{fric.computation} function. Default: vert_nm =
#' NA.
#' @param k a character string referring to the assemblage studied.
#' @param check_input a logical value allowing to test or not the inputs.
#' Possible error messages will thus may be more understandable for the user
#' than R error messages. Species coordinates matrix and species*weight
#' dataframe must not contain NA, their rownames must be filled, they must
#' have similar names values, species acting as vertices must be contained in
#' the species coordinates matrix and the number of species should strictly
#' be higher than number of axes for computing the convex hull. Default:
#' check_input = FALSE.
#' @return A list with \strong{$fdiv} a single value vector ; \strong{$details}
#' a list with $vertices_nm a vector containing names of the species being
#' vertices ; \strong{$B_coord} a vector with coordinates of the center of
#' gravity ; \strong{$mean_dtoB} a single value with average distance of
#' species to center of gravity of vertices.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @noRd
fdiv.computation <- function(sp_faxes_coord_k, asb_sp_relatw_k,
vert_nm = NULL, k, check_input = check_input) {
# check_inputs if required:
if (check_input) {
if (any( {
stop("The species*coordinates matrix contains NA. Please check.")
if (any( {
stop("The species*weights dataframe contains NA. Please check.")
if (is.null(rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ",
"species names as row names.")
if (is.null(rownames(asb_sp_relatw_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*weights dataframe. Please add ",
"assemblages names as row names.")
if (sum(colnames(asb_sp_relatw_k) %in% rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k)) !=
nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k)) {
stop("Mismatch between names in 'asb_sp_relatw_k' and ",
if (any(!is.null(vert_nm))) {
if (any((vert_nm %in% row.names(sp_faxes_coord_k) == FALSE))) {
stop("Names of the vertices are not all present in species ",
"coordinates matrix. Please check.")
if (any(is.null(vert_nm))) {
if (nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k) <= ncol(sp_faxes_coord_k)) {
stop("Number of species should strictly be higher than number of ",
"axes for computing the convex hull. Please check.")
if (round(sum(asb_sp_relatw_k), 10) != 1) {
stop("The sum of relative weights is not equal to one for ", k)
# if vertices names are not provided, compute
# vertices:
if (is.null(vert_nm)) {
# computes vertices names:
vert_nm <- vertices(sp_faxes_coord_k, check_input = FALSE)
# compute fdiv values if vertices have been
# computed (no coplanearity pbs):
if (! is.null(vert_nm)) {
# get the coordinates of the vertices center of
# gravity (named B):
B_coord <- apply(sp_faxes_coord_k[vert_nm, ], 2, mean)
# compute the euclidean distance of all species to
# B:
dtoB <- apply(sp_faxes_coord_k, 1, function(x) {
(sum((x - B_coord)^2))^0.5
# compute mean of distances to B:
mean_dtoB <- mean(dtoB)
# compute deviation of species distances to B to
# their mean:
dev_dtoB <- dtoB - mean_dtoB
# computes the weighted mean of raw deviations:
ab_dev <- asb_sp_relatw_k * dev_dtoB
# compute the weighted mean of absolute deviations:
ab_absdev <- asb_sp_relatw_k * abs(dev_dtoB)
# computing fdiv index:
fdiv_asb_k <- (sum(ab_dev) + mean_dtoB) / (sum(ab_absdev) + mean_dtoB)
# if vertices have not been computed (coplanearity pb):
if (is.null(vert_nm)) {
fdiv_asb_k <- NA
B_coord <- NA
mean_dtoB <- NA
return_list <- list(fdiv = fdiv_asb_k, details = list(vertices_nm = vert_nm,
B_coord = B_coord,
mean_dtoB = mean_dtoB))
#' Compute Functional Evenness (FEve)
#' This function computes the regularity of distribution of species weights in
#' the functional space.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord_k a matrix of species coordinates present in a
#' given assemblage in a chosen functional space with only needed axes.
#' Species coordinates have been retrieved thanks to
#' \code{\link{tr.cont.fspace}} or
#' \code{\link{quality.fspaces}} and filtered thanks to
#' \code{\link{sp.filter}}.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw_k a \strong{matrix} containing species relative weight
#' (columns) for a given assemblage.
#' @param k a \strong{character string} referring to the assemblage studied.
#' @param check_input a \strong{logical value} allowing to test or not the
#' inputs.
#' Possible error messages will thus may be more understandable for the user
#' than R error messages. Species coordinates matrix and species*weight
#' dataframe must not contain NA, their rownames must be filled, they must
#' have similar names values, and the number of species in the assemblage
#' must be higher than three to compute feve. Default: `check_input = FALSE`.
#' @return a matrix containing functional evenness for a given assemblage.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @noRd
feve.computation <- function(asb_sp_relatw_k, sp_faxes_coord_k,
k, check_input = check_input) {
# get the number of species present in the
# assemblage:
sp_nb_asb_k <- nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k)
# check_inputs if required:
if (check_input) {
if (any( {
stop("The species*coordinates matrix contains NA. Please check.")
if (any( {
stop("The species*weights dataframe contains NA. Please check.")
if (is.null(rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ",
"species names as row names.")
if (is.null(rownames(asb_sp_relatw_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*weights dataframe. Please add ",
"assemblages names as row names.")
if (sum(colnames(asb_sp_relatw_k) %in% rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k)) !=
nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k)) {
stop("Mismatch between names in 'relat_sp_w_asb_k' and ",
if (sp_nb_asb_k < 3) {
stop("There must be at least 3 species in the assemblage to compute ",
"feve. The assemblage ", k, " contains less than 3 species.")
if (round(sum(asb_sp_relatw_k), 10) != 1) {
stop("The sum of relative weights is not equal to one for ", k)
# compute distances between species to calculate
# weighted evenness indice:
sp_dist_asb_k <- stats::dist(sp_faxes_coord_k, method = "euclidian")
# compute a dist object summarizing the mst for
# species:
mst_asb_k <- mst.computation(sp_faxes_coord_k)
# compute a dist_long object that can be useful to
# return:
mst_asb_k_2 <- dendextend::dist_long(sp_dist_asb_k)
names(mst_asb_k_2) <- c("sp.x", "sp.y", "feve_mst")
mst_asb_k_2 <- mst_asb_k_2[which(mst_asb_k_2$feve_mst != 0), ]
# compute the pairwise cumulative abundances:
cum_ab_asb_k <- matrix(0, nrow = sp_nb_asb_k, ncol = sp_nb_asb_k)
for (i in (1:sp_nb_asb_k)) {
for (j in (1:sp_nb_asb_k)) {
cum_ab_asb_k[i, j] <- asb_sp_relatw_k[i] + asb_sp_relatw_k[j]
cum_ab_asb_k <- stats::as.dist(cum_ab_asb_k)
# compute the weighted evenness index for the
# (number of species - 1)... ... segments linking
# species:
ew_asb_k <- rep(0, sp_nb_asb_k - 1)
ind <- 1
for (m in (1:((sp_nb_asb_k - 1) * sp_nb_asb_k / 2))) {
if (mst_asb_k[m] != 0) {
ew_asb_k[ind] <- sp_dist_asb_k[m] / (cum_ab_asb_k[m])
ind <- ind + 1
# compute the minimum between partial weighted
# evenness (pew) index and ... ... 1/(number of
# species - 1):
min_pew_asb_k <- rep(0, sp_nb_asb_k - 1)
comp_value <- 1 / (sp_nb_asb_k - 1)
for (l in (1:(sp_nb_asb_k - 1))) {
min_pew_asb_k[l] <- min((ew_asb_k[l] / sum(ew_asb_k)), comp_value)
# compute feve value:
feve_asb_k <- round(((sum(min_pew_asb_k)) - comp_value)/(1 - comp_value), 6)
return_list <- list(feve = feve_asb_k, mst = mst_asb_k,
mst_2 = mst_asb_k_2)
#' Compute Functional mMan Pairwise Distance (FMPD)
#' This function computes the mean weighted distance between all pairs of
#' species. FMPD value can be scaled by the maximum value possible given
#' species pool (i.e. the most distant species pair have total weight) to
#' standardize values.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord_k a \strong{matrix} of species coordinates present in
#' a given
#' assemblage in a chosen functional space with only needed axes. Species
#' coordinates have been retrieved thanks to \code{\link{tr.cont.fspace}} or
#' \code{\link{quality.fspaces}} and filtered thanks to \code{sp.filter}.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw_k a \strong{matrix} containing species relative weight
#' (columns) for a given assemblage.
#' @param k a \strong{character string} referring to the assemblage studied.
#' @param check_input a \strong{logical value} allowing to test or not the
#' inputs.
#' Possible error messages will thus may be more understandable for the user
#' than R error messages. Species coordinates matrix and species*weight
#' dataframe must not contain NA, their rownames must be filled and they must
#' have similar names values. Default: check_input = FALSE.
#' @return A matrix containing functional mean pairwise distance for a given
#' assemblage.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @noRd
fmpd.computation <- function(asb_sp_relatw_k, sp_faxes_coord_k,
k, check_input = check_input) {
# check_inputs if required:
if (check_input) {
if (any( {
stop("The species*coordinates matrix contains NA. Please check.")
if (any( {
stop("The species*weights dataframe contains NA. Please check.")
if (is.null(rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ",
"species names as row names.")
if (is.null(rownames(asb_sp_relatw_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*weights dataframe. Please add ",
"assemblages names as row names.")
if (sum(colnames(asb_sp_relatw_k) %in% rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k)) !=
nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k)) {
stop("Mismatch between names in 'asb_sp_relatw_k' and ",
if (round(sum(asb_sp_relatw_k), 10) != 1) {
stop("The sum of relative weights is not equal to one for ", k)
# compute mean distance between species of a given
# community to... ... compute fmpd value:
dist_sp_asb_k <- as.matrix(stats::dist(sp_faxes_coord_k,
method = "euclidean"))
dist_sp_asb_k[which(dist_sp_asb_k == 0)] <- NA
mean_dist_sp_asb_k <- apply(dist_sp_asb_k, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
# compute fmpd value for a given assemblage:
fmpd_asb_k <- (asb_sp_relatw_k %*% mean_dist_sp_asb_k)
#' Compute Functional Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance (FNND)
#' This function computes the weighted mean distance to nearest neighbor. It
#' uses /code{dist.nearneighb} function that computes distance to the nearest
#' neighbor for each species.FNND value can be scaled by the maximum value
#' possible given species pool (i.e. the most distant species pair have total
#' weight) to standardize values.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord_k a \strong{matrix} of species coordinates present in
#' a given
#' assemblage in a chosen functional space with only needed axes. Species
#' coordinates have been retrieved thanks to \code{\link{tr.cont.fspace}} or
#' \code{\link{quality.fspaces}} and filtered thanks to
#' \code{\link{sp.filter}}.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw_k a \strong{matrix} containing species relative weight
#' (columns) for a given assemblage.
#' @param k a \strong{character string} referring to the assemblage studied.
#' @param check_input a \strong{logical value} allowing to test or not the
#' inputs.
#' Possible error messages will thus may be more understandable for the user
#' than R error messages. Species coordinates matrix and species*weight
#' dataframe must not contain NA, their rownames must be filled and they must
#' have similar names values. Default: `check_input = FALSE`.
#' @return A matrix containing functional mean nearest neighbor distance for a
#' given assemblage.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @noRd
fnnd.computation <- function(asb_sp_relatw_k, sp_faxes_coord_k,
k, check_input = check_input) {
# check_inputs if required:
if (check_input) {
if (any( {
stop("The species*coordinates matrix contains NA. Please check.")
if (any( {
stop("The species*weights dataframe contains NA. Please check.")
if (is.null(rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ",
"species names as row names.")
if (is.null(rownames(asb_sp_relatw_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*weights dataframe. Please add ",
"assemblages names as row names.")
if (sum(colnames(asb_sp_relatw_k) %in% rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k)) !=
nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k)) {
stop("Mismatch between names in 'asb_sp_relatw_k' and ",
if (round(sum(asb_sp_relatw_k), 10) != 1) {
stop("The sum of relative weights is not equal to one for ", k)
# create a list to store distance to the nn for
# each species of... ...the assemblage:
dist_nn_k <- list()
# create a list to store the identity of the nn for
# each species of... ...the assemblage:
nm_nn_k <- list()
# compute distance to the nearest neighbor in a
# given assemblage to... ... compute fnnd value
# and compute name of the nearest neighbor to
# return:
for (i in (1:nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k))) {
ref_sp <- rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k)[i]
dist_nn_sp_asb_k <- dist.nearneighb(sp_faxes_coord_k, ref_sp)
dist_nn_k[ref_sp] <-
dist_nn_sp_asb_k$`distance of the reference species to its nearest neighbour`
nms <- list(dist_nn_sp_asb_k$`nearest neighbour identity`)
names(nms) <- ref_sp
nm_nn_k[ref_sp] <- nms
# compute fnnd:
fnnd_asb_k <- (asb_sp_relatw_k %*% unlist(dist_nn_k))
# get the return list of outputs:
return_list <- list(fnnd = fnnd_asb_k, details = list(nm_nn_k = nm_nn_k,
dist_nn_k = dist_nn_k))
#' Compute Functional Originality
#' This function computes the weighted mean distance to nearest species from
#' the species pool. FOri value can be scaled by the maximum distance to the
#' nearest neighbour possible in the global species pool (i.e. an assemblage
#' hosting only the most original species).
#' @param dist_nn_global_pool a \strong{vector} containing the minimal distance
#' to the nearest neighbor for each species of the global pool of species.
#' @param asb_sp_relatw_k a \strong{matrix} containing species relative weight
#' (columns) for a given assemblage.
#' @param k a \strong{character string} referring to the assemblage studied.
#' @param check_input a \strong{logical value} allowing to test or not the
#' inputs.
#' Possible error messages will thus may be more understandable for the user
#' than R error messages. Species*weight dataframe must not contain NA and
#' its rownames must be filled. Default: `check_input = FALSE`.
#' @return a matrix containing functional originality for a given assemblage.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @noRd
fori.computation <- function(dist_nn_global_pool, asb_sp_relatw_k,
k, check_input = check_input) {
# check_inputs if required:
if (check_input) {
if (any( {
stop("The species*weights dataframe contains NA. Please check.")
if (is.null(rownames(asb_sp_relatw_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*weights dataframe. Please add ",
"assemblages names as row names.")
if (round(sum(asb_sp_relatw_k), 10) != 1) {
stop("The sum of relative weights is not equal to one for ", k)
nm_sp_asb_k <- colnames(asb_sp_relatw_k)
fori_asb_k <- (asb_sp_relatw_k %*% as.matrix(dist_nn_global_pool[
#' Compute Functional Specialization
#' This function computes the weighted mean distance to the centroid of the
#' global species pool. It computes the average position of all the species
#' present given assemblage. FSpe value can be scaled by the maximum distance
#' to the global pool centroid (i.e. an assemblage hosting only the most
#' specialized species).
#' @param special_sp_global_pool a \strong{vector} containing the distance to
#' the centroid of the global pool of species for each species of the global
#' pool (it is called specialization).
#' @param asb_sp_relatw_k a \strong{matrix} containing species relative weight
#' (columns) for a given assemblage.
#' @param k a \strong{character string} referring to the assemblage studied.
#' @param check_input a \strong{logical value} allowing to test or not the
#' inputs.
#' Possible error messages will thus may be more understandable for the user
#' than R error messages. Species*weight dataframe must not contain NA and
#' its rownames must be filled. Default: `check_input = FALSE`.
#' @return A matrix containing functional specialization for a given
#' assemblage.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @noRd
fspe.computation <- function(asb_sp_relatw_k, special_sp_global_pool,
k, check_input = check_input) {
# check_inputs if required:
if (check_input) {
if (any( {
stop("The species*weights dataframe contains NA. Please check.")
if (is.null(rownames(asb_sp_relatw_k))) {
stop("No row names provided in species*weights dataframe. Please add ",
"assemblages names as row names.")
if (round(sum(asb_sp_relatw_k), 10) != 1) {
stop("The sum of relative weights is not equal to one for ", k)
nm_sp_asb_k <- colnames(asb_sp_relatw_k)
special_sp_asb_k <- special_sp_global_pool[nm_sp_asb_k]
fspe_asb_k <- asb_sp_relatw_k %*% special_sp_asb_k
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