
Defines functions get.dist.func get.indicator fuse

Documented in fuse

#' Compute FUSE (Functionally Unique, Specialized and Endangered)
#' This index takes into account species functional uniqueness (also called
#' Functional Originality), species specialisation and species IUCN status.
#' @param sp_dist a dist object provided by \code{\link{funct.dist}}, 
#'   \code{\link[cluster]{daisy}} or \code{\link[ade4]{dist.ktab}}.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord a data frame with the coordinates of the species on a
#'   multidimensional space based on a selected number of axes derived from a
#'   Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA). The species are in rows and the PCOA
#'   axes are in column.
#' @param nb_NN a numerical value giving the number of nearest neighbor to
#'   consider. Default: `nb_NN = 5`.
#' @param GE a numerical vector giving the IUCN status rank (DD = NA, LC = 0, 
#'   NT = 1, VU = 2, EN = 3, CR = 4) or the IUCN extinction probability 
#'   associated with each status. See Mooers _et al._ (2008) for further 
#'   information. For example, DD = NA, LC = 0, NT = 0.1, VU = 0.4, EN = 0.666, 
#'   and CR = 0.999).
#' @param standGE a logical value to standardize the GE values.
#' @return A data frame with species in rows and the following metrics in
#'   columns: 
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item FUSE: functionally unique, specialized and endangered (see 
#'     Pimiento _et al._ (2020);
#'     \item FUn_std: functional uniqueness standardized between 0 and 1 (see
#'       Mouillot _et al._ (2013);
#'     \item FSp_std: functional specialization standardized between 0 and 1 
#'       (see Mouillot _et al._ (2013);
#'   }
#' @references 
#' Mouillot _et al._ (2013) Rare species support vulnerable functions in 
#'   high-diversity ecosystems. _PLoS Biology_, **11**, e1001569.\cr
#' Pimiento _et al._ (2020) Functional diversity of marine megafauna in the 
#'   Anthropocene. _Science Advances_, **6**, eaay7650.\cr
#' Violle _et al._ (2007) Let the concept of trait be functional! _Oikos_, 
#'   **116**, 882-892.
#' @author Fabien Leprieur and Camille Albouy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load species traits data:
#' sp_tr <- read.csv(system.file('extdata', 'data_traits_MMA_ursus.csv', 
#'   package = 'mFD'), dec = ',', sep = ';', header = TRUE, row.names = 1,
#'   na.strings='NA')
#' # Trait compilation and ordination:
#' dimorphism      <- ordered(sp_tr$dimorphism)
#' breeding_site   <- ordered(sp_tr$breeding_site)
#' social_behavior <- ordered(sp_tr$social_behavior)
#' weight_max      <- log(sp_tr$adult_weight_max)
#' social_group    <- log(sp_tr$social_group_mean)
#' # Trait Matrix construction:
#' sp_tr_end <- data.frame(
#'   main_diet = sp_tr$main_diet, 
#'   foraging_water_depth = sp_tr$foraging_water_depth,
#'   foraging_location = sp_tr$foraging_location, 
#'   fasting_strategy = sp_tr$fasting_strategy,
#'   female_sexual_maturity = sp_tr$female_sexual_maturity, 
#'   weaning = sp_tr$weaning,
#'   gestation = sp_tr$gestation, inter_litter = sp_tr$inter_litter,
#'   breeding_site = sp_tr$breeding_site, 
#'   social_group = sp_tr$social_group_mean,
#'   social_behavior = sp_tr$social_behavior, 
#'   weight_max = sp_tr$adult_weight_max,
#'   dimorphism = sp_tr$dimorphism)
#' rownames(sp_tr_end) <- rownames(sp_tr)
#' # Function weigthing vector:
#' v <- c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 
#'   0.5)
#' # Gower distance calculation:
#' sp_tr_end$main_diet <- as.factor(sp_tr_end$main_diet)
#' sp_tr_end$foraging_water_depth <- as.factor(sp_tr_end$foraging_water_depth)
#' sp_tr_end$foraging_location <- as.factor(sp_tr_end$foraging_location)
#' sp_tr_end$breeding_site <- as.factor(sp_tr_end$breeding_site)
#' sp_tr_end$social_behavior <- as.factor(sp_tr_end$social_behavior)
#' sp_dist_tr <- cluster::daisy(sp_tr_end, metric = c('gower'), 
#'   type = list(symm = c(4)), weights = v)
#' # Principal coordinate analyses
#' Pcoa <- ade4::dudi.pco(ade4::quasieuclid(sp_dist_tr), scann = FALSE, 
#'                        nf = 40)
#' sp_faxes_coord <- Pcoa$li[1:40]
#' # FUSE calculation:
#'  FUSE_res <- mFD::fuse(
#'     sp_dist        = sp_dist_tr, 
#'     sp_faxes_coord = as.matrix(sp_faxes_coord), 
#'     nb_NN          = 5,  
#'     GE             = sp_tr$IUCN_num,
#'     standGE        = TRUE)
#'  FUSE_res
#'  FUSE_res2 <- mFD::fuse(
#'     sp_dist        = sp_dist_tr, 
#'     sp_faxes_coord = as.matrix(sp_faxes_coord), 
#'     nb_NN          = 5,
#'     GE             = sp_tr$IUCN_50,
#'     standGE        = TRUE)
#'  FUSE_res2
#'  FUSE_res3 <- mFD::fuse(
#'     sp_dist        = sp_dist_tr, 
#'     sp_faxes_coord = as.matrix(sp_faxes_coord), 
#'     nb_NN          = 5, 
#'     GE             = sp_tr$IUCN_100,
#'     standGE        = TRUE)
#'  FUSE_res3

fuse <- function(sp_dist, sp_faxes_coord, nb_NN = 5, GE, standGE = FALSE) {
  if (!identical(row.names(as.matrix(sp_dist)), row.names(sp_faxes_coord))) {
    stop("Coords lines do not match with the distance matrix.")
  if (!is.matrix(sp_faxes_coord)) {
    stop("Species coordinates on functional axes should be provided as a ", 
         "matrix. Please check.")
  if (any(is.na(sp_faxes_coord))) {
    stop("The species x coordinates matrix contains NA. Please check.")
  if (is.null(rownames(sp_faxes_coord))) {
    stop("No row names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ", 
         "species names as row names.")
  if (is.null(rownames(sp_faxes_coord))) {
    stop("No row names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ", 
         "species names as row names.")
  if (any(is.na(sp_dist))) {
    stop("The species distances matrix contains NA. Please check.")
  if (is.null(rownames(as.matrix(sp_dist)))) {
    stop("No row names provided in species distances matrix. Please add ", 
         "species names as row names.")
  nm <- rownames(sp_faxes_coord)
  # Specialization calculation
  O <- apply(sp_faxes_coord, 2, mean)
  spe <- apply(sp_faxes_coord, 1, function(x) {
    sum((x - O) ^ 2) ^ 0.5
  # Uniqueness calculation
  uni_res <- get.indicator(sp_dist = as.matrix(sp_dist), nb_NN = nb_NN)
  uniqu   <- uni_res$Average_uniqueness[ , "Mean"]
  if (standGE) {
    GE <- as.vector(vegan::decostand(GE, "range", na.rm = TRUE))
  # FUSE metrics calculation
  FUn_std <- as.vector(vegan::decostand(uniqu, "range"))
  FUGE <- log(1 + (FUn_std * GE))
  FSp_std <- as.vector(vegan::decostand(spe, "range"))
  FSGE <- log(1 + (FSp_std * GE))
  FUSE <- stats::setNames(FUGE + FSGE, nm = nm)

  data.frame(cbind(FUSE, FUn_std, FSp_std))

#' Compute the nearest neighbors for all considered species for FUSE 
#' computation
#' @param sp_dist a matrix object representing the distance in an euclidean
#'   space between species based on species traits.
#' @param nb_NN a numerical value giving the number of nearest neighbor to
#'   consider.
#' @author Fabien Leprieur and Camille Albouy
#' @noRd

get.indicator <- function(sp_dist, nb_NN) {
  w <- reshape2::melt(sp_dist)
  s <- split(w, f = w[, 2])
  Res <- lapply(s, function(x) get.dist.func(nb_NN = nb_NN, data = x))
  Res_mean_sd <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(Res), 
                                       function(i) Res[[i]][[1]]))
  NN <- lapply(1:length(Res), function(i) Res[[i]][[2]])
  rownames(Res_mean_sd) <- names(NN) <- names(Res)
  list(Average_uniqueness = Res_mean_sd, Nearest_neighbour = NN)

#' Calculate the nearest neighbors for a given species
#' @param nb_NN a numerical value giving the number of nearest neighbor to
#'   consider.
#' @param data a data frame considering all the distance between the considered
#'  species and all of these neighbors.
#' @author Fabien Leprieur and Camille Albouy
#' @noRd

get.dist.func <- function(nb_NN, data) {
  data <- data[order(data[ , 3], decreasing = FALSE), ]
  data <- data[-1, ]
  mm <- mean(data[1:nb_NN, 3])
  sd <- sd(data[1:nb_NN, 3])
  sp <- as.character(data[1:nb_NN, 1])
  list(c(Mean = mm, Sd = sd), Species = sp)

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