#' Compute functional spaces and their quality
#' Compute a Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) using functional distance
#' between species. Then the function evaluates the quality of spaces built
#' using an increasing number of principal components. Quality is evaluated as
#' the (absolute or squared) deviation between trait-based distance (input) and
#' distance in the PCoA-based space (raw Euclidean distance or scaled distance
#' according to its maximum value and maximum of trait-based distance). Option
#' to compute a functional dendrogram and its quality. This function is based
#' on the framework presented in Maire _et al._ (2015).
#' @param sp_dist a dist object with pairwise distance among all species (at
#' least 3 species needed). Functional distance matrix from trait values can
#' be computed using \code{\link{funct.dist}} function.
#' @param maxdim_pcoa a single numeric value with maximum number of PCoA axes
#' to consider to build multidimensional functional spaces. Default:
#' `maxdim_pcoa = 10`. See below about number of axes actually considered.
#' @param deviation_weighting a character string referring to the
#' method(s) used to weight the differences between species pairwise distance
#' in the functional space and trait-based distance. \code{'absolute'}
#' (default) means absolute differences are used to compute mean absolute
#' deviation \emph{mad} index; \code{'squared'} means squared differences are
#' used to compute root of mean squared deviation \emph{rmsd} index. Both
#' values could be provided to compare quality metrics.
#' @param fdist_scaling a vector with logical value(s) specifying
#' whether distances in the functional space should be scaled before
#' computing differences with trait-based distances. Scaling ensures that
#' trait-based distances and distances in the functional space have the same
#' maximum.
#' Default: `FALSE`. Both values could be provided to compare quality metrics.
#' @param fdendro a character string indicating the clustering
#' algorithm to use to compute dendrogram. Should be one of the method
#' recognized by \code{\link[stats]{hclust}} (e.g. 'average' for UPGMA).
#' Default: `fdendro = NULL` (so no dendrogram computed).
#' @return A list with:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{$quality_fspaces}: a data frame with quality metric(s) for
#' each functional space. Functional spaces are named as 'pcoa_.d' and if
#' required 'tree_clustering method'. Quality metrics are named after
#' deviation_weighting ('mad' for 'absolute' and and 'rmsd' for 'squared')
#' and if fdist_scaling is TRUE with suffix '_scaled'.
#' \item \code{$details_trdist} a list with 2 elements:
#' \code{$trdist_summary}
#' a vector with minimum (min), maximum (max), mean (mean) and standard
#' deviation (sd) of \code{sp_dist}; \code{$trdist_euclidean} a logical
#' value indicating whether \code{sp_dist} checks Euclidean properties.
#' \item \code{$details_fspaces} a list with 4 elements: \code{$sp_pc_coord}
#' a matrix with coordinates of species (rows) along Principal Components
#' (columns) with positive eigenvalues ; \code{$pc_eigenvalues} a matrix
#' with eigenvalues of axes from PCoA ; \code{$dendro} a hclust
#' object with the dendrogram details (null if no dendrogram computed) ;
#' \code{$pairsp_fspaces_dist} a dataframe containing for each pair of
#' species (rows), their names in the 2 first columns ('sp.x' and 'sp.y'),
#' their distance based on trait-values ('tr'), and their Euclidean
#' (for PCoA) or cophenetic (for dendrogram if computed) distance in each
#' of the functional space computed ('pcoa_1d', 'pcoa_2d', ... ,
#' 'tree_clust');
#' if `fdist_scaling = TRUE`, \code{$pairsp_fspaces_dist_scaled} a data
#' frame with scaled values of distances in functional spaces.
#' \item \code{$details_deviation} a list of data frames:
#' \code{$dev_distsp} a dataframe containing for each space (columns) the
#' difference for all species pairs (rows) of the distance in the
#' functional space and trait-based distance (i.e. positive deviation
#' indicates overestimation of actual distance) ; \code{$abs_dev_distsp}
#' and/or
#' \code{$sqr_dev_distsp}, dataframes with for each space (columns) and all
#' species pairs (rows) the absolute or squared deviation of distance ; if
#' `fdist_scaling = TRUE` \code{$dev_distsp_scaled}, and
#' \code{$abs_dev_distsp_scaled} and/or \code{$sqr_dev_distsp_scaled}, data
#' frames with deviation computed on scaled distance in functional spaces.
#' }
#' @note The maximum number of dimensions considered for assessing quality of
#' functional spaces depends on number of PC axes with positive eigenvalues
#' (i.e. axes with negative eigenvalues are not considered); so it could be
#' lower than \code{$maxdim_pcoa}.
#' The quality metric obtained with deviation_weighting = 'squared' and
#' `fdist_scaling = TRUE` is equivalent to the square-root of the 'mSD'
#' originally suggested in Maire _et al._ (2015).
#' @references
#' Maire _et al._ (2015) How many dimensions are needed to accurately assess
#' functional diversity? A pragmatic approach for assessing the quality of
#' functional spaces _Global Ecology and Biogeography_, **24**, 728-740.
#' @author Sebastien Villeger, Eva Maire, and Camille Magneville
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species x Traits Data
#' data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Traits x Categories Data
#' data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
#' # Compute Functional Distance
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(
#' sp_tr = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' metric = "gower",
#' scale_euclid = "scale_center",
#' ordinal_var = "classic",
#' weight_type = "equal",
#' stop_if_NA = TRUE)
#' # Compute Functional Spaces Quality (to retrieve species coordinates)
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(
#' sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
#' maxdim_pcoa = 10,
#' deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#' fdist_scaling = FALSE,
#' fdendro = "average")
#' fspaces_quality_fruits
#' # Retrieve Species Coordinates
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits
quality.fspaces <- function(sp_dist, fdendro = NULL, maxdim_pcoa = 10,
deviation_weighting = "absolute",
fdist_scaling = FALSE) {
# check_inputs #
# check distance object:
if (!dendextend::is.dist(sp_dist)) {
stop("Trait-based distance between species should be provided as a dist ",
# check species names:
if (is.null(labels(sp_dist))) {
stop("No species names provided in distance matrix.")
# check the number of species:
if (length(sp_dist) < 3) {
stop("There must be at least 3 species in 'sp_dist'.")
# check the absence of NA:
if (any( {
stop("NA are not allowed in 'sp_dist'.")
# check that the maximum number of axes to keep after PCoA:
if (maxdim_pcoa < 1) {
stop("The number of pcoa axes must be higher than 0.")
# check that the name of quality metric is correct:
if (any(!deviation_weighting %in% c("absolute", "squared"))) {
stop("Input 'deviation_weighting' should be 'absolute' and/or 'squared'.")
# check that the scaled_metric input is logical:
if (any(!is.logical(fdist_scaling))) {
stop("Input 'fdist_scaling' should be TRUE and/or FALSE.")
# summary of input = trait-based distance between species ####
# species names from input distance matrix
sp_nm <- labels(sp_dist)
# compute min, max, mean, standard deviation of distances
trdist_summary <- c(min = min(sp_dist), max = max(sp_dist),
mean = mean(sp_dist), sd = stats::sd(sp_dist))
# checking whether it is Euclidean
trdist_euclidean <- ade4::is.euclid(sp_dist)
# storing summary of inputs
details_trdist <- list("trdist_summary" = trdist_summary,
"trdist_euclidean" = trdist_euclidean)
# Computing functional spaces #
# computing PCoA ----
pcoa_trdist <- ape::pcoa(sp_dist)
# number of dimensions to keep given the input from user and number of PC...
# ... with positive eigenvalues:
nbdim <- min(maxdim_pcoa, ncol(pcoa_trdist$vectors))
# keeping species coordinates on the 'nbdim' axes and renaming axes:
sp_pc_coord <- pcoa_trdist$vectors[ , 1:nbdim]
colnames(sp_pc_coord) <- paste("PC", 1:nbdim, sep = "")
## check not run: any( rownames(sp_pc_coord)!= sp_nm)
# storing details about PCoA:
details_fspaces<-list("sp_pc_coord" = sp_pc_coord,
"pc_eigenvalues" = pcoa_trdist$values[1:nbdim, ])
# vector with names of all spaces from PCoA:
fspaces_nm <- paste0("pcoa_", 1:nbdim, "d")
# turning dist object with trait-based ditance in a 3-variables dataframe ...
# ...with 1 row for each pair of species (names in the 2 first columns):
df_distsp <- dendextend::dist_long(sp_dist)
names(df_distsp) <- c("sp.x", "sp.y", "tr")
# computing distance between species on increasing number of PCoA axes....
#... and adding these pairwise distance ot the distance dataframe:
# loop on number of axes kept
for (k in 1:nbdim) {
# computing Euclidean distance between species
dist_k_dim<- stats::dist(sp_pc_coord[, 1:k])
# storing these distances as additional column to distance dataframe:
df_distsp[ , paste0("pcoa_", k, "d")] <-
# if needed, computing quality of dendrogram ----
# if no dendrogram, null output:
fdendro_hclust <- NULL
# if dendrogram computed, compute the quality:
if ( !is.null(fdendro)) {
# checking if the name of clustering method is correct:
if (!fdendro %in% c("ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average",
"mcquitty", "median", "centroid")) {
stop("Name of the clustering algorithm does not match with those ",
"allowed by stats::hclust. Please check.")
# adding dendro name to list of spaces
fspaces_nm <- c(fspaces_nm, paste0("tree_", fdendro))
# compute dendrogram using defined clustering algorithm and storing:
fdendro_hclust <- stats::hclust(sp_dist, method = fdendro)
details_fspaces$dendro <- fdendro_hclust
# compute cophenetic distance between all species along the dendrogram:
dist_fdendro <- stats::cophenetic(fdendro_hclust)
## check not run: any( rownames(as.matrix(dist_fdendro))!= sp_nm)
# add pairwise cophenetic distance to the dataframe:
df_distsp[ , paste0("tree_", fdendro)] <-
# storing distances in functional spaces
details_fspaces$pairsp_fspaces_dist <- df_distsp
# computing quality of all functional spaces ####
# dataframe to store quality metrics of all spaces
q_fspaces <- data.frame(fspaces_nm, row.names = fspaces_nm)
# if required on raw distances in the functional spaces ----
if (FALSE %in% fdist_scaling) {
# compute deviation between distance in each functional space and ...
# ... trait-based distance, and storing in a list:
dev_distsp <- data.frame(df_distsp[ , c("sp.x", "sp.y")],
df_distsp[ ,fspaces_nm ] - df_distsp[, "tr"])
details_deviation <- list(dev_distsp = dev_distsp)
# if required based on absolute deviation
if ("absolute" %in% deviation_weighting) {
# compute absolute deviation and storing:
abs_dev_distsp <- data.frame(dev_distsp[ , c("sp.x", "sp.y")],
abs(dev_distsp[ , fspaces_nm]))
details_deviation$abs_dev_distsp <- abs_dev_distsp
# mean absolute deviation:
q_fspaces[fspaces_nm, "mad"] <- apply(abs_dev_distsp[ , fspaces_nm],
2, mean)
# if required based on squared deviation:
if ("squared" %in% deviation_weighting) {
# compute squared deviation and storing:
sqr_dev_distsp <- data.frame(dev_distsp[ , c("sp.x", "sp.y")],
(dev_distsp[ , fspaces_nm]) ^ 2)
details_deviation$sqr_dev_distsp <- sqr_dev_distsp
# root of mean squared deviation:
q_fspaces[fspaces_nm, "rmsd"] <- sqrt(apply(sqr_dev_distsp[, fspaces_nm],
2, mean))
# if required, computing metrics on scaled distances in the functional
# spaces----
if (TRUE %in% fdist_scaling) {
# scaling distance in each functional space according to maximum...
# ... distance in the functional space and maxium trait-based distance :
df_distsp_scaled <- data.frame(
df_distsp[ , c("sp.x", "sp.y", "tr")],
apply(df_distsp[ , fspaces_nm], 2, function(x) {
x / max(x) * max(df_distsp[ , "tr"]) }))
details_fspaces$pairsp_fspaces_dist_scaled <- df_distsp_scaled
# compute deviation between scaled distance and trait-based distance:
dev_distsp_scaled <- data.frame(df_distsp_scaled[ , c("sp.x", "sp.y")],
df_distsp_scaled[ , fspaces_nm] -
df_distsp_scaled[ , "tr"])
details_deviation <- list(dev_distsp_scaled = dev_distsp_scaled)
details_deviation$dev_distsp_scaled <- dev_distsp_scaled
# if required based on absolute deviation
if ("absolute" %in% deviation_weighting ) {
# compute absolute deviation and storing:
abs_dev_distsp_scaled <- data.frame(
dev_distsp_scaled[ , c("sp.x", "sp.y")],
abs(dev_distsp_scaled[ , fspaces_nm]))
details_deviation$abs_dev_distsp_scaled <- abs_dev_distsp_scaled
# mean absolute deviation:
q_fspaces[fspaces_nm, "mad_scaled"] <-
apply(abs_dev_distsp_scaled[ , fspaces_nm], 2, mean)
# if required based on squared deviation:
if ("squared" %in% deviation_weighting) {
# compute squared deviation and storing:
sqr_dev_distsp_scaled <- data.frame(
dev_distsp_scaled[ , c("sp.x", "sp.y")],
(dev_distsp_scaled[ , fspaces_nm]) ^ 2)
details_deviation$sqr_dev_distsp_scaled <- sqr_dev_distsp_scaled
# root of mean squared deviation:
q_fspaces[fspaces_nm, "rmsd_scaled"] <- sqrt(
apply(sqr_dev_distsp_scaled[ , fspaces_nm], 2, mean))
quality_fspaces <- as.matrix(q_fspaces)
quality_fspaces <- quality_fspaces[ , -1, drop = FALSE]
quality_fspaces <-
for (i in (1:ncol(quality_fspaces))) {
quality_fspaces[ , i] <- as.numeric(quality_fspaces[ , i])
colnames(quality_fspaces) <- colnames(q_fspaces)[-1]
# grouping and returning results:
return_list <- list("quality_fspaces" = quality_fspaces,
"details_trdist" = details_trdist,
"details_fspaces" = details_fspaces,
"details_deviation" = details_deviation)
if (min(sp_dist) == 0) {
warning("Functional distance between some species is equal to 0 ",
"(explains the Warning message 1). You can choose to gather ",
"species into Functional Entities gathering species with similar ",
"traits values.")
} # end of function
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