
Defines functions print.bond summary.bond print.sum.bond bond cash print.cash print.portfolio.bond print.sum.portfolio.bond summary.portfolio.bond portfolio market print.market summary.market market.bond print.market.bond summary.market.bond print.sum.market.bond history.market print.history.market plot.history.market account print.account history.account print.history.account plot.history.account as.history.account as.history.account.sum.account fund

Documented in account as.history.account as.history.account.sum.account bond cash fund history.account history.market market market.bond plot.history.account plot.history.market portfolio print.account print.bond print.cash print.history.account print.history.market print.market print.market.bond print.portfolio.bond print.sum.bond print.sum.market.bond print.sum.portfolio.bond summary.bond summary.market summary.market.bond summary.portfolio.bond

# maRketSim - Object functions

# The heirarchy:
# core functions calculate values from values
# market objects calculates from core functions
# bond object and functions calculate from market object
# portfolio calculates from bond object and market object
# account calculates from bond object and market objects held within a portfolio

# --- Object fundamental functions (creation and display of objects) --- #

# - Bond object functions - #

print.bond <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Bond issued at time ",x[["t.issue"]]," with interest of ",x[["i"]]*100,"%, maturity of ",x[["mat"]]," years, price of $",x[["par"]],
		", coupon of $",round(x[["cpn"]],2)," paid every ",x[["f"]]," year.\n",sep="")
	invisible(x) # Return object invisibly

# Create a summary bond object which gets passed to print.sum.bond
	# Pass a market object to the function and take the time from there
summary.bond <- function(object,mkt,...) { # object is the bond object, market.rate = current market yield, time.elapsed = years since bond was issued
	# - Check parameters - #
	if(class(mkt)!="market") { stop("market must be a market object") }
	# - Get t and market.rate from the market object - #
	t = mkt$t
	market.rate <- market.rate(mkt,mat=object$mat,f=object$f)
	# - Update, extract, and calculate intermediate values - #
	time.elapsed = t - object$t.issue
	effective.mat <- object[["mat"]] - time.elapsed
	cpn <- object[["cpn"]]
	i <- market.rate*object[["f"]] # Periodic interest rate (market yield divided by number of payments per year)
	y <- market.rate*object[["f"]]
	n <- effective.mat / object[["f"]] # Number of periods
	# - Calculate final numbers - #
	pv <- cpn*(1-(1/(1+i)^n))/i + object[["par"]]/(1+i)^n
	# Duration calculation  #### change this over to use duration() - or should we, since this does fractional periods? or does it?
	periods <- seq(1,effective.mat/object[["f"]])
	pvcf <- cpn*1/(1+market.rate*object[["f"]])^periods #coupon present values of cash flow
	pvcf[length(pvcf)] <- pvcf[length(pvcf)]+object[["par"]]*1/(1+market.rate*object[["f"]])^periods[length(pvcf)] #now add in the PV of the maturity value to the final period
	dur.Macaulay <- object[["f"]] * (sum(periods * pvcf) / sum(pvcf) ) # Macaulay duration, in years
	dur <- dur.Macaulay / (1+y)
	cnvx <- object$f^2 * sum(periods*(periods+1) * pvcf) / ( (1+y)^2 * sum(pvcf) )
	# - Return results - #
	res <- list(mat=object[["mat"]],i=object[["i"]],market.rate=market.rate,effective.mat=effective.mat,par=object[["par"]],
	structure(res,class=c("sum.bond",class(object))) # Return the summary calculated values for the print.sum.bond function to display
# Print a sum.bond object
print.sum.bond <- function(x,...) {
	cat(x[["mat"]],"-year bond with interest of ",x[["i"]]*100,"% under a current market yield of ",x[["market.rate"]]*100,"%.\n",sep="")
	cat("Current maturity of ",x[["effective.mat"]]," years.\n",sep="")
	cat("Par value is $",x[["par"]],", paying $",round(x[["cpn"]],2)," every ",x[["f"]]," year.\n",sep="")
	cat("Present value (price) of the bond under current market conditions is $",round(x[["pv"]],2),"\n",sep="")
	cat("Macaulay duration is ",round(x$dur.Macaulay,2)," years, modified duration is ",round(x[["dur"]],2)," years, with a convexity of ",round(x$cnvx,2),".\n",sep="")

# Create an individual bond object which gets its issue date and interest rate from the market object
bond <- function(mkt,mat=NA,par=1000,f=.5,dur=NA) { # i = interest rate; mat = maturity, in years; par = par; f = frequency of payouts, in fractions of a year (.5 = semiannual)
	# Get market rate for a bond of this duration
	if(!is.na(dur)) i <- market.rate(mkt,dur=dur,f=f)
	if(!is.na(mat))	i <- market.rate(mkt,mat=mat,f=f)
	# Error check inputs
	if(is.na(mat)&is.na(dur)) stop("Must specify either maturity or duration.\n")
	if(class(mkt)!="market") stop("Market must be a market object.\n")
	if(f!=.5) stop("Only semi-annual (f=.5) bonds are supported for now.\n")
	if(i>=1) stop("Your interest rate should be expressed as a proportion (e.g. for a 5% yield, i=.05)\n")
	# Calculate coupon
	cpn <- i*par*f
	# Calculate maturity from duration rather than the (default) other way around, if specified
	if(!is.na(dur) & is.na(mat)) {
		mat <- findMat(dur=dur,i=i,f=f)
	# Return results
	res <- list(i=i,mat=mat,par=par,f=f,cpn=cpn,t.issue=mkt$t)
	class(res) <- "bond"

# - Cash object function - #
# compound should either be "continuous" or a fractional frequency of compounding (e.g. 0.5 for twice-yearly compounding)
cash <- function(value=0,mkt,compound="continuous",name=NA) {
	MMrate <- market.rate(mkt=mkt,mat=10^-5)
	if(is.na(name)) { name <- as.character(runif(1)) }
	res <- list(name=name,value=value,MMrate=MMrate,t.issue=mkt$t)
	class(res) <- "cash"

print.cash <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Cash portfolio \'",x$name,"\' containing $",round(x$value,2)," created at time ",x$t.issue,".\n",sep="")

# - Portfolio object functions - #

# Print basic bond portfolio characteristics
print.portfolio.bond <- function(x,...) {
	num.bonds <- length(x$bonds)
	# Get the max number of digits for outputting par and coupon values (since it varies over such a wide range)
	digits.par <- nchar(format(max(sapply(x$bonds,function(x) { invisible(x$par) })),scientific=FALSE))
	digits.cpn <- nchar(format(max(sapply(x$bonds,function(x) { invisible(x$cpn) })),scientific=FALSE))
	cat("Portfolio \'",x$name,"\' created at time ",x$orig.mkt$t," containing ",num.bonds," bonds.\n",sep="")
	# Print table of bonds
	padding.par <- rep(" ",digits.par-2)
	padding.cpn <- rep(" ",ifelse(digits.cpn+1>6,digits.cpn-5,0))
	cat("i (%)    Maturity  ",padding.par,"Par   ",padding.cpn,"Coupon        t\n",sep="")
	for(n in seq(num.bonds)) {
		b <- x$bonds[[n]]
		cat(sprintf("%5.2f      %03.1f yr  $%*.0d   $%*.0d       %03.1f ",b$i*100,b$mat,digits.par,b$par,digits.cpn,as.integer(b$cpn),b$t),"\n")

# Print bond portfolio details, potentially under new market conditions
print.sum.portfolio.bond <- function(x,...) {
	mkt <- x$portfolio.sum$mkt
	cat("Portfolio '",x$portfolio.bonds$name,"' of ",length(x$portfolio.bonds$bonds)," bonds created at time ",x$portfolio.bonds$orig.mkt$t,". Current time is ",mkt$t,".\n",sep="")
	cat("PV of portfolio is $",x$portfolio.sum$pv,"\n",sep="")
	cat("Duration of portfolio is ",x$portfolio.sum$dur,"\n",sep="")
	cat("Coupon yield is ",round(x$portfolio.sum$yield.current*100,2),"%\n",sep="")
	cat("Coupon total is $",x$portfolio.sum$annual.cpn," per year.\n",sep="")
	cat("N.B. Portfolio summaries do not include reinvested coupons or maturing securities.  For that, place the portfolio in an account.\n")

# Summarize portfolio.bond under future market conditions
summary.portfolio.bond <- function(object,mkt=object$orig.mkt, ...) {
	# Exclude bonds which have start t after current market time (e.g. which have not yet been purchased), and which have already matured
	object <- current.portfolio.bond(object,mkt)
	# Summarize remaining (purchased) bonds
	s <- lapply(object$bonds,summary,mkt=mkt)
	bonds.pv <- unlist(s)[names(unlist(s))=="pv"]
	pv <- sum(bonds.pv)
	bonds.dur <- unlist(s)[names(unlist(s))=="dur"]
	dur <- sum((bonds.pv/pv) * bonds.dur)
	bonds.cpn <- unlist(s)[names(unlist(s))=="cpn"]
	bonds.f <- unlist(s)[names(unlist(s))=="f"]
	annual.cpn <- sum(bonds.cpn/bonds.f)
	yield.current <- annual.cpn / pv
	res <- list(

# Create a bond portfolio object from a list of bonds
portfolio <- function(bonds,mkt,name=NA) {
	if(class(bonds)!="list" && class(bonds[[1]]!="bond")) { stop("Bonds must be a list of bond objects.\n") }
	if(is.na(name)) { name <- as.character(runif(1)) }
	port <- list(name=name,bonds=bonds,orig.mkt=mkt,t.issue=mkt$t)

# - Market object functions - #

# -- Market container -- #
market <- function(mkts,t=0) {
	# Validation
	if(substr(class(mkts),1,6) == "market") { # If we've just been fed a raw market object, make it a list
		mkts <- list(mkts)
	if(class(mkts) != "list" ) { stop("Markets list must be a list of market objects") }
	classes1 <- as.data.frame(sapply(mkts,class))[1,]
	if(any(table(classes1)>1)) { stop("Only one market per type!") }
	# Return object

# Print market container
print.market <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Market time is:",x$t,"\n")

# Summary market container
summary.market <- function(object,...) {

# -- Bond market -- #
# Create a market object which gives market (interest rate and yield curve characteristics, as well as the money-market rate) characteristics to bond objects
# if i is specified, it's a flat yield curve with interest rate i (e.g. i=0.05)
# if yield.curve is specified, it should be a quoted formula relating duration to i, e.g.: quote(mat/100+.01)
# MMrate = money market rate; MM.frequency = compounding frequency on cash
market.bond <- function(i=NA,yield.curve=NA,MMrate=NA,MM.frequency=.5) {
	# Error check inputs
	mat <- 5 # specify a maturity to test the yield curve equation
	if(is.na(i)&is.na(eval(yield.curve))) stop("Specify either a flat interest rate i or a yield.curve, not both")	
	if(!is.na(eval(yield.curve)) && (eval(yield.curve)>1 | eval(yield.curve) <0)) stop("Something's funny with your yield curve.")
	if(!is.na(i)&!is.na(eval(yield.curve))) stop("You've specified both i and yield.curve; one or the other please.\n")
	# Specify money-market rate if none is specified
	if(is.na(MMrate)) {
		if(!is.na(i)) {
			MMrate <- i
		} else {
			mat <- 1/12 # One-month maturity
			MMrate <- eval(yield.curve)
			cat("No money market rate specified; defaulting to the ",round(MMrate,3)*100,"% yield of a 1-month maturity issue.\n",sep="")
	# Convert i to a yield.curve if only i is specified (this causes problems!)
	#if(!is.na(i)&is.na(yield.curve)) {
	#	yield.curve=i
	# Build market object and return it                
	res <- list(i=i,yield.curve=yield.curve,MMrate=MMrate)
	class(res) <- "market.bond"

# Print market characteristics
print.market.bond <- function(x,...) {
	if(is.na(x$i)) {
		cat("Yield curve relating interest rate to maturity is: ")
		cat("Money market rate is:",x$MMrate,"\n")
	} else {
		cat("Yield curve is flat, with interest rate",x$i,"\nMoney market rate is:",x$MMrate,"\n")

# Market summary
# i is the coupon rate of a non-mentioned bond you wish to analyze max duration under
summary.market.bond <- function( object, i=NA, ... ) {
  if(is.na(r)) { r <- object$i } #Assume at-par unless otherwise specified
	max.dur <- findMaxDur( market.rate=market.rate( mat= ), i=object$i )
  max.mat <- findMaxMat( r=r, i=object$i )
	# Output results
	res <- list(i = object$i, yield.curve = object$yield.curve, MMrate = object$MMrate, max.dur = max.dur, max.mat = max.mat, r=r )
print.sum.market.bond <- function(x,...) {
	#cat("Maximum duration of a bond with coupon rate ",round(x$r,3)*100,"% is ",round(x$max.dur,2),"\n",sep="")

# - history.market functions - #
# Define a history.market option
history.market <- function(mkts,...) {
	# Validate input
	if(class(mkts)!="list" | any(sapply(mkts,"class")!="market")) { stop("mkts must be a list of market objects.\n") }
	# Sort
	times <- sapply(mkts,function(x) { invisible(x$t) } )
	mkts <- mkts[order(times)]
	# More input validation
	if( any(as.numeric(table(times))>1) ) { stop("You have more than one market for a given point in time.\n") }
	# Return

# Print history.market
print.history.market <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Market history\n--------------------------------------------\n")

# Plot history.market
plot.history.market <- function(x,plot.MMrate=TRUE,plot.mats=c(1,2,5,10),cols=rainbow(length(plot.mats)),start.t=x[[1]]$t,end.t=x[[length(x)]]$t+0.5,xlab="Year",ylab="Interest Rate (%)",...) {
	# Validate inputs
	if(length(x)<2) {
		cat("Cannot plot a market history of a single period.\n")
	if(plot.MMrate) {
		plot.mats <- c(0.0001,plot.mats)
	# Extract bond market history
	df <- data.frame(t=NA,i=NA,mat=NA)
	df <- df[0,]
	for(n in seq(length(x))) {
		for(mat in plot.mats) {
			df.row <- data.frame(
			df <- rbind(df,df.row)
	# Preprocess data for plotting (interest rates as %, stagger x coordinates)
	df$i <- df$i*100
	stagger.scale <- 35 # scaling constant
	stagger.vec <- (seq(length(plot.mats))-median(seq(length(plot.mats))))/stagger.scale
	df <- merge(df,data.frame(mat=plot.mats,stagger=stagger.vec))
	df <- sort.data.frame(df,formula=~t+mat)
	df$t <- df$t + df$stagger
	# Plot
	cols <- cols
	for(n in seq(length(plot.mats))) {
		df.line <- subset(df,mat==plot.mats[n])
		# Create a dataframe to plot a constant rate until the rate changes
		df.line <- df.line[rep(seq(nrow(df.line)),each=2),] # replicate each line
		new.ts <- df.line[seq(1,nrow(df.line),2),"t"] # Grab the set of times
		new.ts <- c(new.ts[seq(2,length(new.ts))],end.t) # Shift them by one
		df.line[seq(2,nrow(df.line),2),"t"] <- new.ts # Replace the duplicated rows with our shifted times
		# Now plot

# - Account functions (Accounts hold portfolios and reinvest the proceeds into cash portfolios) - #
# Make account object from its components
account <- function(prts,hist.mkt,t.issue=hist.mkt[[1]]$t) {
	# Validate inputs
	prt.classes <- as.data.frame(sapply(prts,class))[1,]
	if(any(prt.classes!="portfolio.bond" & prt.classes!="cash")) { stop("Currently supported objects: portfolio.bond, cash.\n")}
	if(any(class(hist.mkt)!=c("history.market","market"))) { stop("Market must be a history.market object. \n Stock objects not yet supported.\n") }
	# Calculate original/issue market and time
	mkt.orig <- current.market(hist.mkt,t.issue)
	# Add in a cash account if one isn't specified yet
	if(all(prt.classes!="cash")) {
		prts[[length(prts)+1]] <- cash(value=0,mkt=mkt.orig,name="cash")
	# Name elements of portfolio list
	names(prts) <- unlist(lapply(prts,function(x) x$name))
	# Return
	res <- list(prts=prts,hist.mkt=hist.mkt,mkt.orig=mkt.orig,t.issue=t.issue,pv.issue=sum(sapply(prts,pv)))

# Print basic account characteristics and portfolio components
print.account <- function(x,...) {
	cat("$",x$pv.issue," invested into account in year ",x$t.issue," as follows:\n",sep="")
	portfolio.types <- table(unlist(lapply(sapply(x$prts,class),last)))
	for(p in seq(length(portfolio.types))) {
		if(p!=1) { cat(" and ",sep="") }
		cat(portfolio.types[p]," ",names(portfolio.types)[p],sep="")
	cat(" portfolio(s).\n",sep="")
	for(n in seq(length(x$prts))) {
		cat(names(x$prts)[n],": ",sep="")

# - History.account functions - #
# Create history.account object from accounts
history.account <- function(accts,...) {
	# Validate input
	if(class(accts)!="list" | any(sapply(accts,"class")!="account")) { stop("accts must be a list of account objects.\n") }
	# Return object
# Print history.account
print.history.account <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Account history\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
# Plot history.account
plot.history.account <- function(x,ylab="PV ($)",xlab="Time",...) {
	ts.issue <- sapply(x,function(x) x$t.issue)
	pvs.issue <-  sapply(x,function(x) x$pv.issue)

# Extract/reinterpret other objects as history.accounts
as.history.account <- function(x,...) {
as.history.account.sum.account <- function(x,...) {

# - Funds - #
# Create fund object
 # Holdings must be a list of other objects, or NA
 # Can store price.history either as a straight history or as a deviation from an index+ER
fund <- function(holdings,price.history,div.history,expense.ratio=0,index="",name=NA,...) {
	# Validate
	if(!is.na(holdings) | class(holdings)!="list") { stop("Holdings must be a list of other objects (bonds, stocks, etc.).\n") }
	if(is.na(name)) { name <- as.character(runif(1)) }
	# Return our object

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