
Defines functions dt_top_n dt_add_count dt_count

Documented in dt_add_count dt_count dt_top_n

#' Additional useful functions
#' - `dt_count` calculates number of cases by groups, possibly
#' weighted. `dt_add_count` adds number of cases to existing dataset.
#' - `dt_top_n` returns top n rows from each group.
#' @param data data.table/data.frame data.frame will be automatically converted
#'   to data.table.
#' @param ... variables to group by.
#' @param weight optional. Unquoted variable name. If provided result will be the sum of this variable by groups.
#' @param sort logical. If TRUE result will be sorted in desending order by resulting variable.
#' @param name character. Name of resulting variable.
#' @param n numeric. number of top cases. If n is negative then bottom values will be returned.
#' @param by list or vector of grouping variables
#' @param order_by unquoted variable name by which result will be sorted. If not
#'   specified, defaults to the last variable in the dataset.
#' @return data.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(mtcars)
#' # dt_count
#' dt_count(mtcars, am, vs)
#' dt_add_count(mtcars, am, vs, name = "am_vs")[] # [] for autoprinting
#' # dt_top_n
#' dt_top_n(mtcars, 2, by  = list(am, vs))
#' dt_top_n(mtcars, 2, order_by = mpg, by  = list(am, vs))
dt_count = function(data, ..., weight = NULL, sort = FALSE, name = "n"){
    name = as.symbol(name)
    weight_expr = substitute(weight)
        res = eval.parent(substitute(maditr::take(data, name := .N, by = cols(...))))
    } else {
        res = eval.parent(substitute(maditr::take(data, name := sum(weight, na.rm = TRUE), by = cols(...))))
    if(sort) {
        res = eval(substitute(maditr::sort_by(res, -name), list(name = name)))


#' @export
#' @rdname dt_count
dt_add_count = function(data, ..., weight = NULL, sort = FALSE, name = "n"){
    name = as.symbol(name)
    weight_expr = substitute(weight)
        res = eval.parent(substitute(maditr::let(data, name := .N, by = cols(...))))
    } else {
        res = eval.parent(substitute(maditr::let(data, name := sum(weight, na.rm = TRUE), by = cols(...))))
    if(sort) {
        res = eval(substitute(maditr::sort_by(res, -name), list(name = name)))


#' @export
#' @rdname dt_count
dt_top_n = function(data, n, by, order_by = NULL){
    order_by_expr = substitute(order_by)
        order_by = as.symbol(names(data)[ncol(data)])
            maditr::query(sort_by(data, -order_by), head(.SD, n), by = by)
    } else {
            maditr::query(sort_by(data, -order_by), tail(.SD, -n), by = by)


# @export
# @rdname dt_count
# dt_sample_n = function(data, n, by, replace = FALSE, weight = NULL){
#     sort_by_expr = substitute(sort_by)
#     if(is.null(sort_by_expr)){
#         sort_by = as.symbol(names(data)[ncol(data)])
#     }
#     if(n>0){
#         eval.parent(substitute({
#             query(sort_by(data, -sort_by), head(.SD, n), by = by)
#         }))
#     } else {
#         eval.parent(substitute({
#             query(sort_by(data, -sort_by), tail(.SD, -n), by = by)
#         }))
#     }
# }

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maditr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:55 a.m.