
nworkers = 2
timeout = 600
cls = makeCluster(nworkers, "PSOCK")
workers = vector(nworkers, mode = "list")
close.NULL = function(...) NULL
connect = function(server, client, port, sleep = 0.1, ...) {
    if (ID == server) {
        con = socketConnection(port = port, server = TRUE, blocking = TRUE, open = "a+b", ...)
        workers[[client]] <<- con
    if (ID == client) {
        con = socketConnection(port = port, server = FALSE, blocking = TRUE, open = "a+b", ...)
        workers[[server]] <<- con
clusterExport(cls, c("workers", "connect", "close.NULL"))
clusterMap(cls, assign, "ID", seq(nworkers), MoreArgs = list(envir = .GlobalEnv))
socket_map = read.csv(text = "\n\"server\",\"client\",\"port\"\n1,2,33000\n")
by(socket_map, seq(nrow(socket_map)), function(x) {
    clusterCall(cls, connect, x$server, x$client, x$port, timeout = timeout)
worker_code = c("if(ID != 1)\n    stop(sprintf(\"Worker is attempting to execute wrong code.\nThis code is for 1, but manager assigned ID %s\", ID))\n\nx = 1\nz = 3\ny <- unserialize(workers[[2]])\na = x + y\ny <- unserialize(workers[[2]])\nb = y + z\nout = a + b + x\nwrite.table(out, \"script5.R.log\")", "if(ID != 2)\n    stop(sprintf(\"Worker is attempting to execute wrong code.\nThis code is for 2, but manager assigned ID %s\", ID))\n\ny = 2\nserialize(y, workers[[1]], xdr = FALSE)\nserialize(y, workers[[1]], xdr = FALSE)")
evalg = function(codestring) {
    code = parse(text = codestring)
    eval(code, .GlobalEnv)
parLapply(cls, worker_code, evalg)
clusterEvalQ(cls, lapply(workers, close))

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makeParallel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:40 a.m.