# Segment class ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Segment
#' @description A Segment object is automatically constructed and attached to
#' the Pipeline when a call to `make_*()` is made. It stores the relationships
#' between targets, dependencies, and sources.
#' @param id An integer that uniquely identifies the segment
#' @param targets A character vector of paths to files
#' @param dependencies A character vector of paths to files which the `targets`
#' depend on
#' @param packages A character vector of names of packages which `targets`
#' depend on
#' @param envir The environment in which to execute the instructions.
#' @param force A logical determining whether or not execution of the `source`
#' or `recipe` will be forced (i.e. happen whether or not the targets are
#' out-of-date)
#' @param label A short label for the segment
#' @param note A description of what the segment does
#' @param result An object, whatever is returned by executing the instructions
#' @param executed A logical, whether or not the instructions were executed
#' @param execution_time A difftime, the time taken to execute the instructions
#' @keywords internal
#' @family segment
#' @export Segment
#' @aliases Segment
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
Segment <- R6::R6Class("Segment",
private = list(
id = NULL,
instructions_txt = NULL,
instructions_bullet = NULL,
result_txt = NULL
public = list(
#' @field targets A character vector of paths to files
targets = NULL,
#' @field dependencies A character vector of paths to files which the `targets`
#' depend on
dependencies = NULL,
#' @field packages A character vector of names of packages which `targets`
#' depend on
packages = NULL,
#' @field force A logical determining whether or not execution of the `source`
#' or `recipe` will be forced (i.e. happen whether or not the targets are
#' out-of-date)
force = NULL,
#' @field envir The environment in which to execute the instructions.
envir = NULL,
#' @field result An object, whatever is returned by executing the instructions
result = NULL,
#' @field executed A logical, whether or not the instructions were executed
executed = FALSE,
#' @field execution_time A difftime, the time taken to execute the instructions
execution_time = NULL,
#' @field label A short label for the segment
label = NULL,
#' @field note A description of what the segment does
note = NULL,
#' @description Initialise a new Segment
initialize = function(id, targets, dependencies, packages, envir, force,
executed, result, execution_time) {
if (!is.integer(id)) stopifnot_class(id, "numeric")
stopifnot_class(targets, "character")
if (!is.null(dependencies)) stopifnot_class(dependencies, "character")
if (!is.null(packages)) stopifnot_class(packages, "character")
stopifnot_class(envir, "environment")
stopifnot_class(executed, "logical")
stopifnot_class(force, "logical")
if (!is.null(execution_time)) stopifnot_class(execution_time, "difftime")
find.package(packages) # Error if package cannot be found
if (any(targets %in% dependencies)) {
stop("`dependencies` must not be among the `targets`", call. = FALSE)
targets <- unique(targets)
dependencies <- unique(dependencies)
packages <- unique(packages)
private$id <- as.integer(id)
self$targets <- targets
self$dependencies <- dependencies
self$packages <- packages
self$envir <- envir
self$force <- force
self$executed <- executed
self$result <- result
self$execution_time <- execution_time
#' @description Printing method
print = function() {
cli::cat_line(cli::col_grey("# makepipe segment"))
cat(paste(self$text_summary, collapse = "\n"))
#' @description Update the Segment with new execution information
update_result = function(executed, execution_time, result) {
stopifnot_class(executed, "logical")
if (!is.null(execution_time)) stopifnot_class(execution_time, "difftime")
self$executed <- executed
self$result <- result
self$execution_time <- execution_time
#' @description Apply annotations to Segment
annotate = function(label = NULL, note = NULL) {
if (!is.null(label) && !label == "") self$label <- label
if (!is.null(note) && !note == "") self$note <- note
active = list(
#' @field edges Get edges connecting the dependencies, instructions, and targets
edges = function() {
is_recipe <- inherits(self, "SegmentRecipe")
edges <- rbind(
new_edge(self$dependencies, private$instructions_txt, TRUE, is_recipe, FALSE),
new_edge(private$instructions_txt, self$targets, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
if (length(self$packages) > 0) {
edges <- rbind(
new_edge(self$packages, private$instructions_txt, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
edges$.segment_id <- private$id
dependencies <- self$dependencies
if (!is_recipe) dependencies <- c(dependencies, self$source)
missing_deps <- FALSE
if (!is.null(dependencies)) missing_deps <- any(!file.exists(dependencies))
if (missing_deps) {
# Sometimes the dependencies of one segment of the pipeline are the
# targets are the targets of a previous segment. In this case, if the
# dependency doesn't exist, it will be rebuilt and hence be newer than
# the existing targets therefore making the targets out-of-date
edges$.outdated <- TRUE
} else {
edges$.outdated <- out_of_date(self$targets, dependencies, self$packages)
edges$.outdated[edges$.source] <- FALSE # If not a target, then up to date
#' @field nodes Get nodes corresponding to dependencies, instructions, and targets
nodes = function() {
is_recipe <- inherits(self, "SegmentRecipe")
nodes <- rbind(
new_node(private$instructions_txt, TRUE, is_recipe, FALSE),
new_node(self$targets, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
new_node(self$dependencies, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
new_node(self$packages, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
#' @field text_summary A plain text summary of the Segment
text_summary = function() {
bullet <- function(...) paste0("* ", ...)
list_quote <- function(...) paste0("'", paste(..., collapse = "', '"), "'")
# Title
title <- self$label
if (is.null(title) & !is.null(self$source)) title <- basename(self$source)
if (is.null(title)) title <- "Recipe"
out <- c(paste0("## ", title), "")
# Note
if (!is.null(self$note)) out <- c(out, self$note, "")
# Bullets
out <- c(out, bullet(private$instructions_bullet))
out <- c(out, bullet("Targets: ", list_quote(self$targets)))
if (length(self$dependencies) > 0) {
out <- c(out, bullet("File dependencies: ", list_quote(self$dependencies)))
if (length(self$packages) > 0) {
out <- c(out, bullet("Package dependencies: ", list_quote(self$packages)))
out <- c(out, bullet("Executed: ", self$executed))
if (self$executed) {
out <- c(out, bullet("Execution time: ", format(self$execution_time)))
if (self$executed) {
out <- c(out, bullet(private$result_txt))
out <- c(out, bullet("Environment: ", env_name(self$envir)))
# Recipe subclass --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Segment
#' @description A Segment object is automatically constructed and attached to
#' the Pipeline when a call to `make_*()` is made. It stores the relationships
#' between targets, dependencies, and sources.
#' @param id An integer that uniquely identifies the segment
#' @param recipe A chunk of R code which makes the `targets`
#' @param targets A character vector of paths to files
#' @param dependencies A character vector of paths to files which the `targets`
#' depend on
#' @param packages A character vector of names of packages which `targets`
#' depend on
#' @param envir The environment in which to execute the instructions.
#' @param force A logical determining whether or not execution of the `source`
#' or `recipe` will be forced (i.e. happen whether or not the targets are
#' out-of-date)
#' @param result An object, whatever is returned by executing the instructions
#' @param executed A logical, whether or not the instructions were executed
#' @param execution_time A difftime, the time taken to execute the instructions
#' @param quiet A logical determining whether or not messages are signaled
#' @keywords internal
#' @family segment
#' @export SegmentRecipe
#' @aliases SegmentRecipe
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
SegmentRecipe <- R6::R6Class("SegmentRecipe",
inherit = Segment,
public = list(
#' @field recipe A chunk of R code which makes the `targets`
recipe = expression(),
#' @description Initialise a new Segment
initialize = function(id, recipe, targets, dependencies, packages, envir,
force, executed, result, execution_time) {
if (!is.language(recipe)) stop("`recipe` must be an expression", call. = FALSE)
super$initialize(id, targets, dependencies, packages, envir, force, executed, result, execution_time)
instructions_txt <- robust_deparse(recipe)
instructions_bullet <- paste0("Recipe: \n\n", instructions_txt, "\n")
result_txt <- ifelse(is.null(result), "Result: 0 object(s)", "Result: 1 object(s)")
private$instructions_txt <- instructions_txt
private$instructions_bullet <- instructions_bullet
private$result_txt <- result_txt
self$recipe <- recipe
#' @description Update the Segment with new execution information
update_result = function(executed, execution_time, result) {
private$result_txt <- ifelse(is.null(result), "Result: 0 object(s)", "Result: 1 object(s)")
super$update_result(executed, execution_time, result)
#' @description Execute the Segment
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to `base::eval()`
execute = function(envir = NULL, quiet = getOption("makepipe.quiet"), ...) {
if (!is.null(envir)) {
stopifnot_class(envir, "environment")
self$envir <- envir
outdated <- TRUE
if (!self$force) outdated <- out_of_date(self$targets, self$dependencies, self$packages)
if (outdated) {
if (!quiet) {
"Targets are out of date. Updating...",
msg_done = "Finished updating",
msg_failed = "Something went wrong"
execution_time <- Sys.time()
out <- eval(self$recipe, envir = self$envir, ...)
execution_time <- Sys.time() - execution_time
if (!quiet) cli::cli_process_done()
} else {
execution_time <- NULL
if (!quiet) cli::cli_alert_success("Targets are up to date")
out <- NULL
self$update_result(outdated, execution_time, out)
# Source subclass --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Segment
#' @description A Segment object is automatically constructed and attached to
#' the Pipeline when a call to `make_*()` is made. It stores the relationships
#' between targets, dependencies, and sources.
#' @param id An integer that uniquely identifies the segment
#' @param source The path to an R script which makes the `targets`
#' @param targets A character vector of paths to files
#' @param dependencies A character vector of paths to files which the `targets`
#' depend on
#' @param packages A character vector of names of packages which `targets`
#' depend on
#' @param envir The environment in which to execute the instructions.
#' @param force A logical determining whether or not execution of the `source`
#' or `recipe` will be forced (i.e. happen whether or not the targets are
#' out-of-date)
#' @param result An object, whatever is returned by executing the instructions
#' @param executed A logical, whether or not the instructions were executed
#' @param execution_time A difftime, the time taken to execute the instructions
#' @param quiet A logical determining whether or not messages are signaled
#' @keywords internal
#' @family segment
#' @export SegmentSource
#' @aliases SegmentSource
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
SegmentSource <- R6::R6Class("SegmentSource",
inherit = Segment,
public = list(
#' @field source The path to an R script which makes the `targets`
source = character(),
#' @description Initialise a new Segment
initialize = function(id, source, targets, dependencies, packages, envir,
force, executed, result, execution_time) {
stopifnot_class(source, "character")
if (!file.exists(source)) stop("`source` does not exist", call. = FALSE)
if (any(targets %in% source)) {
stop("`source` must not be among the `targets`", call. = FALSE)
super$initialize(id, targets, dependencies, packages, envir, force, executed, result, execution_time)
private$instructions_txt <- source
private$instructions_bullet <- paste0("Source: '", source, "'")
private$result_txt <- paste0("Result: ", length(result), " object(s)")
self$source <- source
#' @description Update the Segment with new execution information
update_result = function(executed, execution_time, result) {
private$result_txt <- paste0("Result: ", length(result), " object(s)")
super$update_result(executed, execution_time, result)
#' @description Execute the Segment
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to `base::source()`
execute = function(envir = NULL, quiet = getOption("makepipe.quiet"), ...) {
if (!is.null(envir)) {
stopifnot_class(envir, "environment")
self$envir <- envir
outdated <- TRUE
if (!self$force) outdated <- out_of_date(self$targets, c(self$dependencies, self$source), self$packages)
# Prepare fresh execution environment so we don't clutter existing environment
register_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
assign("__makepipe_register__", register_env, self$envir)
if (outdated) {
if (!quiet) {
"Targets are out of date. Updating...",
msg_done = "Finished updating",
msg_failed = "Something went wrong"
execution_time <- Sys.time()
source(self$source, local = self$envir, ...)
execution_time <- Sys.time() - execution_time
if (!quiet) cli::cli_process_done()
} else {
execution_time <- NULL
if (!quiet) cli::cli_alert_success("Targets are up to date")
self$update_result(outdated, execution_time, register_env)
# Internal ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Create edges
#' @param from A character vector of nodes
#' @param to A character vector of nodes
#' @param .source Either TRUE or FALSE
#' @param .recipe Either TRUE or FALSE
#' @param .pkg Either TRUE or FALSE
#' @return A data.frame defining edges from all nodes in `from` to all nodes in
#' `to`.
#' @noRd
new_edge <- function(from, to, .source, .recipe, .pkg) {
lvls <- levels(factor(c(from, to)))
from = factor(from, lvls),
to = factor(to, lvls),
arrows = "to",
.source = .source,
.recipe = .recipe,
.pkg = .pkg,
.outdated = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' Create nodes
#' @param id A character vector of nodes
#' @param .source Either TRUE or FALSE
#' @param .recipe Either TRUE or FALSE
#' @param .pkg Either TRUE or FALSE
#' @return A data.frame defining nodes
#' @noRd
new_node <- function(id, .source, .recipe, .pkg) {
if (is.null(id)) return(NULL)
nodes <- data.frame(
id = factor(id),
.source = .source,
.recipe = .recipe,
.pkg = .pkg,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' Get an environment's name
#' @param x An environment
#' @return A character vector
#' @noRd
env_name <- function(x) {
env_name <- environmentName(x)
if (env_name == "") {
env_name <- utils::capture.output(print(x))
env_name <- regmatches(
regexec("<environment: (.*)>", text = env_name)
env_name <- env_name[[1]][2]
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Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.