
Defines functions mapbayest

Documented in mapbayest

#' Estimate parameters (maximum a posteriori)
#' @description
#' The main function of the mapbayr package. Performs a \emph{maximum a posteriori} Bayesian estimation of parameters, from a mrgsolve model object and a dataset containing information about administrations and observed concentrations.
#' @param x the model object
#' @param data NMTRAN-like data set
#' @param method optimization method; the default is `"L-BFGS-B"` (from `stat::optim()`), alternatively `"newuoa"` for `minqa::newuoa()`
#' @param hessian function used to compute the Hessian and variance-covariance matrix with (default is `stats::optimHess`, alternatively use `nlmixr::nlmixrHess`)
#' @param select_eta a vector of numeric values, the numbers of the ETAs to be estimated (default is `NULL`, all ETAs non-equal to zero)
#' @param lambda a numeric value, the weight applied to the model prior (default is 1)
#' @param lloq a numeric value, the lower limit of quantification. If not NULL, `LLOQ` and `BLQ` (below limit of quantification) variables will be added to the data. The related records will be censored with the M3 method. Ignored if `LLOQ` already in the data.
#' @param force_initial_eta a vector of numeric values to start the estimation from (default to 0 for "L-BFGS-B")
#' @param quantile_bound a numeric value representing the quantile of the normal distribution admitted to define the bounds for L-BFGS-B (default is 0.001, i.e. 0.1%)
#' @param control a list passed to the optimizer (see [stats::optim()] or  [minqa::newuoa()] documentation)
#' @param check check model code for mapbayr specification (a logical, default is `TRUE`)
#' @param verbose print a message whenever optimization is reset (a logical, default is `TRUE`)
#' @param progress print a progress bar (a logical, default is `TRUE`)
#' @param reset maximum allowed reset of the optimizer with new initial eta values if numerical difficulties, or with new bounds (L-BFGS-B) if estimate equal to a bound. (a numeric, default is 50)
#' @param output if `NULL` (the default) a mapbayests object is returned; if `df` a \emph{mapbay_tab} dataframe is returned
#' @param ... for compatibility (not used)
#' @return a mapbayests object. Basically a list containing:
#'  - model: the model object
#'  - arg.ofv.optim, arg.ofv.fix, arg.ofv.id: arguments passed to the optimization function. Useful for debugging but not relevant for a basic usage. Access to the data with `get_data(x)`
#'  - opt.value: the original output of the optimization function
#'  - final_eta: a list of individual vectors of final estimates. Access it with `x$final_eta` or `get_eta(x)`.
#'  - covariance: a list of individual variance-covariance matrix of estimation. Access it with `x$covariance` or `get_cov(x)`.
#'  - mapbay_tab: an output table containing the results of your estimations (data, IPRED, PRED, covariates, captured items, ETA etc...). Access it with `x$mapbay_tab`, `as.data.frame(x)` or `as_tibble(x)`.
#'  - information: run times and package versions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # First, code a model
#' code1 <- "$PARAM ETA1 = 0, ETA2 = 0,
#' KA = 0.5, TVCL = 1.1, TVV = 23.3
#' $OMEGA 0.41 0.32
#' $SIGMA 0.04 0
#' $PK
#' double CL=TVCL*exp(ETA1+ETA(1));
#' double V=TVV*exp(ETA2+ETA(2)) ;
#' double DV=CENT/V*(1+EPS(1))+EPS(2);
#' $PKMODEL ncmt = 1, depot = TRUE
#' "
#' my_model <- mrgsolve::mcode("my_model", code1)
#' # Then, import your data
#' my_data <- data.frame(ID = 1, TIME = c(0, 1.1, 5.2, 12.3), EVID = c(1,0,0,0), AMT = c(500, 0,0,0),
#'  CMT = c(1,2,2,2), DV = c(0, 15.1, 29.5, 22.3))
#' print(my_data)
#' # And estimate
#' my_est <- mapbayest(x = my_model, data = my_data)
#' print(my_est)
#' # see also plot(my_est) and hist(my_est)
#' # Use your estimation
#' get_eta(my_est)
#' get_param(my_est)
#' as.data.frame(my_est)
#' use_posterior(my_est)
#'@seealso \code{\link{hist.mapbayests}}
#'@seealso \code{\link{plot.mapbayests}}
#'@seealso \code{\link{use_posterior}}
mapbayest <- function(x,
                      data = NULL,
                      method = c("L-BFGS-B", "newuoa"),
                      hessian = stats::optimHess,
                      select_eta = NULL,
                      lambda = 1,
                      lloq = NULL,
                      force_initial_eta = NULL,
                      quantile_bound = 0.001,
                      control = list(),
                      check = TRUE,
                      verbose = TRUE,
                      progress = TRUE,
                      reset = 50,
                      output = NULL,

  # Start checks and pre-processing (i.e. generating arguments passed to the optimizer)
  t1 <- Sys.time()


    data <- x@args$data
  x@args$data <- NULL #empty the data slot in model object

    data <- check_mapbayr_data(data, lloq = lloq)
    check_mapbayr_modeldata(x, data)

  arg.optim   <- preprocess.optim(x, method = method, control = control, select_eta = select_eta, force_initial_eta = force_initial_eta, quantile_bound = quantile_bound)
  arg.ofv.fix <- preprocess.ofv.fix(x, data, select_eta = arg.optim$select_eta, lambda = lambda)

  iddata <- split_mapbayr_data(data)
  arg.ofv.id  <- map(iddata, preprocess.ofv.id, x = x)

  # End checks and pre-processing
  t2 <- Sys.time()

    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = "[:bar] ID :current/:total (:percent)", total = length(arg.ofv.id), force = TRUE)

  # Start optimization
  opt.value <- .mapply(FUN = do_optimization,
                       dots = transpose(arg.ofv.id),
                       MoreArgs = c(arg.optim,
                                    list(reset = reset, verbose = verbose)
  names(opt.value) <- names(iddata)
  # End optimization
  t3 <- Sys.time()

  # Start post-processing (i.e. generating output files)
  etamat <- post_eta(opt.value)
  etamat <- fill_eta(etamat, n = eta_length(x)) #all ETAs, even non-selected
    if(output == "eta") return(etamat)

  mapbay_tab <- post_mapbay_tab(x = x, data = data, etamat = etamat)
    if(output == "df") return(mapbay_tab)

  final_eta <- apply(etamat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = identity, simplify = FALSE)

    covariance <- map2(arg.ofv.id, final_eta, .f = post_covariance, x = x, hessian = hessian, arg.optim = arg.optim, arg.ofv.fix = arg.ofv.fix)
  } else {
    covariance <- map(iddata, ~matrix(NA_real_))

  out <- list(
    model = x,
    arg.optim = arg.optim,
    arg.ofv.fix = arg.ofv.fix,
    arg.ofv.id = arg.ofv.id,
    opt.value = bind_rows(lapply(opt.value, flatten), .id = "ID"),
    final_eta = final_eta,
    covariance = covariance,
    mapbay_tab = mapbay_tab,
    information = generate_information(c(t1, t2, t3))

  class(out) <- "mapbayests"


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mapbayr documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:16 p.m.