
Defines functions recall

# fancy way to catch the call so that get_averages(slopes()) does not evaluate twice
# and is fast
recall <- function(x, ...) {

    funs <- c("comparisons", "slopes", "predictions", "marginalmeans", "hypotheses", "avg_predictions", "avg_comparisons", "avg_slopes")

    # 2-step estimation with already evaluated & assigned call
    if (!is.call(x)) {
        # unsupported evaluated object: return `NULL`
        if (!inherits(x, funs)) {

        # retrieve call
        mc <- attr(x, "call")
        if (!is.call(mc)) {
            msg <- sprintf("Call could not be retrieved from object of class %s.", class(x)[1])

    # unsupported call: return `NULL`
    } else {
        if (!as.character(x[1]) %in% funs) {
        mc <- x

    dots <- list(...)

    # don't overwrite certain arguments
    if ("hypothesis" %in% names(mc) && "hypothesis" %in% names(dots)) {
        if (is.null(dots[["hypothesis"]])) {
            dots[["hypothesis"]] <- NULL

    # safe to work with original objects when available
    objs <- c("newdata", "model")
    for (obj in objs) {
        if (!is.null(attr(x, "call")[[obj]])) {
            dots[[obj]] <- attr(x, "call")[[obj]]

    # overwrite previous arguments
    for (n in names(dots)) {
        # named NULL should not remove the corresponding argument from the call
        if (is.null(dots[[n]])) {
            mc[n] <- list(NULL)
        } else {
            mc[[n]] <- dots[[n]]

    ## old `rlang` convenience. I don't think the current version is toooo unsafe.
    # FUN <- rlang::call_modify
    # args <- c(list(".call" = quote(mc)), dots)
    # # evaluate call
    # mc <- do.call("FUN", args)

    # # expand user-supplied arguments (don't think this is necessary)
    # funs <- list(
    #     "predictions" = predictions,
    #     "comparisons" = comparisons,
    #     "slopes" = slopes,
    #     "hypotheses" = hypotheses,
    #     "marginalmeans" = marginalmeans)
    # mc <- match.call(
    #     definition = funs[[as.character(mc)[1]]],
    #     call = mc)

    out <- eval(mc)


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marginaleffects documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:03 a.m.