
Defines functions expect_margins expect_predictions expect_slopes

Documented in expect_margins expect_predictions expect_slopes

#' `tinytest` helper
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
expect_slopes <- function(
    n_unique = NULL,
    pct_na = 5,
    se = TRUE,
    ...) {


    object <- hush(slopes(object, ...))

    diff <- ""

    # class
    fail_class <- !isTRUE(checkmate::check_class(object, "slopes"))
    if (fail_class) {
        msg <- sprintf("Wrong class: `%s`.", class(object)[1])
        diff <- c(diff, msg)

    # tidy()
    tid <- hush(tidy(object))
    fail_tidy <- !isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(tid))
    if (fail_tidy) {
        msg <- "tidy() failed to return a data frame."
        diff <- c(diff, msg)

    # na
    fail_na <- isTRUE(hush(mean(is.na(object$estimate)) * 100 > pct_na))
    if (fail_na) {
        msg <- sprintf("More than %s of missing values.", pct_na)
        diff <- c(diff, msg)

    # unique
    fail_unique <- isTRUE(hush(length(unique(object$estimate)) < n_unique - 1))
    if (fail_unique) {
        msg <- sprintf("Fewer than %s unique values.", n_unique)
        diff <- c(diff, msg)

    # unique
    if (isTRUE(se) && !"std.error" %in% colnames(object)) {
        msg <- sprintf("Fewer than %s unique values.", n_unique)
        diff <- c(diff, msg)
        fail_se <- TRUE
    } else {
        fail_se <- FALSE

    # diff message
    diff <- paste(diff, collapse = "\n")

    # pass/fail
    fail <- fail_class || fail_tidy || fail_na || fail_unique || fail_se

    # tinytest object
    out <- tinytest::tinytest(
        result = !fail,
        call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
        diff = diff)


#' `tinytest` helper
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
expect_predictions <- function(object,
                               se = TRUE,
                               n_row = NULL,
                               n_col = NULL) {


    diff <- ""

    # class
    fail_class <- !isTRUE(checkmate::check_class(object, "predictions"))
    if (fail_class) {
        msg <- sprintf("Wrong class: `%s`.", class(object)[1])
        diff <- c(diff, msg)

    # std.error
    if (isTRUE(se) && !"std.error" %in% colnames(object)) {
        msg <- "No standard error."
        diff <- c(diff, msg)
        fail_se <- TRUE
    } else {
        fail_se <- FALSE

    # rows and cols
    if (isTRUE(n_row > nrow(object))) {
        msg <- sprintf("Number of rows: %s", nrow(object))
        diff <- c(diff, msg)
        fail_row <- TRUE
    } else {
        fail_row <- FALSE

    if (isTRUE(n_col > ncol(object))) {
        msg <- sprintf("Number of columns: %s", ncol(object))
        diff <- c(diff, msg)
        fail_col <- TRUE
    } else {
        fail_col <- FALSE

    # diff message
    diff <- paste(diff, collapse = "\n")

    # pass/fail
    fail <- fail_class || fail_se || fail_row || fail_col

    # tinytest object
    out <- tinytest::tinytest(
        result = !fail,
        call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
        diff = diff)


#' `tinytest` helper
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
expect_margins <- function(results,
                           se = TRUE,
                           tolerance = 1e-5,
                           verbose = FALSE) {


    is_equal <- function(x, y) {
        all(abs((x - y) / x) < tolerance)

    results$type <- NULL

    margins_object <- data.frame(margins_object)
    term_names <- unique(results$term)

    flag <- TRUE

    # dydx
    for (tn in term_names) {
        unknown <- results[results$term == tn, "estimate"]
        lab <- paste0("dydx_", tn)
        if (lab %in% colnames(margins_object)) {
            known <- as.numeric(margins_object[, lab])
            tmp <- is_equal(known, unknown)
            if (isFALSE(tmp)) {
                flag <- FALSE
                if (isTRUE(verbose)) print(sprintf("dydx: %s", tn))

    # std.error
    if (isTRUE(se) && "std.error" %in% colnames(results)) {
        for (tn in term_names) {
            lab_se <- paste0("SE_dydx_", tn)
            lab_var <- paste0("Var_dydx_", tn)
            if (lab_se %in% colnames(margins_object)) {
                unknown <- results[results$term == tn, "std.error"]
                known <- as.numeric(margins_object[, lab_se])
                tmp <- is_equal(known, unknown)
                if (isFALSE(tmp)) {
                    flag <- FALSE
                    if (isTRUE(verbose)) print(sprintf("se: %s", tn))
            } else if (lab_var %in% colnames(margins_object)) {
                unknown <- results[results$term == tn, "std.error"]
                known <- sqrt(as.numeric(margins_object[, lab_var]))
                tmp <- is_equal(known, unknown)
                if (isFALSE(tmp)) {
                    flag <- FALSE
                    if (isTRUE(verbose)) print(sprintf("Var: %s", tn))
            } else {
                flag <- FALSE
                if (isTRUE(verbose)) print(sprintf("missing column: %s", lab))

    # tinytest object
    out <- tinytest::tinytest(
        result = flag,
        call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
        diff = diff)


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marginaleffects documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:26 a.m.