
Defines functions biomassPerTL

Documented in biomassPerTL

#'@title Calculates the biomass per discrete trophic level
#'@description This function calculates the biomass per discrete trophic level
#'  for \eqn{j} areas and \eqn{i} years.
#'@param X A dataframe of fishery independent data derived from research vessel
#'  survey data or model output, with columns \code{YEAR}, \code{ID},
#'  \code{SPECIES}, and \code{BIOMASS}. \code{YEAR} indicates the year the
#'  observation was recorded, \code{ID} is an area code indicating where the
#'  observation was recorded, \code{SPECIES} is a numeric code indicating the
#'  species sampled, and \code{BIOMASS} is the corresponding biomass (stratified
#'  and corrected for catchability as required).
#'@param TL.table A dataframe with columns \code{SPECIES} and the corresponding
#'  \code{TL} (trophic level). Entries in the \code{SPECIES} column should be
#'  the unique values of species codes in \code{X} (or a subset thereof). Other
#'  columns in \code{TL.table} will be ignored.
#'@param metric A character string indicating which column in \code{X} to use to
#'  calculate indicator. Default is \code{metric = "BIOMASS"}.
#'@param TL.grouping Size of the trophic level bin for which to aggregate
#'  biomass. For example, if \code{TL.grouping = 1}, trophic levels are binned
#'  from 1.00 - 1.99, 2.00 - 2.99, etc. If \code{TL.grouping = 0.5}, trophic
#'  levels are binned from 1.00 - 1.49, 1.50 - 1.99, 2.00 - 2.49, 2.50 - 2.99,
#'  etc. Default is \code{TL.grouping = 1}.
#'@param years A vector of years for which to calculate indicator.
#'@return Returns a dataframe with columns \code{ID}, \code{YEAR}, and the
#'  corresponding biomass for each trophic level grouping. For example: for
#'  \code{TL.grouping = 1}, function will return columns \code{BIOMASS_TL2},
#'  \code{BIOMASS_TL3}, \code{BIOMASS_TL4}. For \code{TL.grouping = 0.5},
#'  function will return columns \code{BIOMASS_TL2}, \code{BIOMASS_TL2.5},
#'  \code{BIOMASS_TL3}, \code{BIOMASS_TL3.5}, \code{BIOMASS_TL4},
#'  \code{BIOMASS_TL4.5}.
#'  If there is no data for spatial scale \eqn{j} in year \eqn{i}, indicator
#'  value is assigned \code{NA}.
#'@importFrom stats aggregate
#'@family stability and resistance indicators
#'@references Bundy A, Gomez C, Cook AM. 2017. Guidance framework for the
#'  selection and evaluation of ecological indicators. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish.
#'  Aquat. Sci. 3232: xii + 212 p.
#'  Bundy, A. 2005. Structure and functioning of the eastern Scotian Shelf
#'  ecosystem before and after the collapse of groundfish stocks in the early
#'  1990s. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62(7),
#'  pp.1453-1473.
#'  Coll M, Shannon LJ, Moloney CL, Palomera I, Tudela S, 2006. Comparing
#'  trophic flows and fishing impacts of a NW Mediterranean ecosystem with
#'  coastal upwellings by means of standardized ecological models and
#'  indicators. Ecol. Model. 198, 53-70.
#'@author  Danielle Dempsey \email{Danielle.Dempsey@@dfo-mpo.gc.ca}, Adam Cook,
#'  Catalina Gomez, Alida Bundy
#'# Compile data
#'# Calculate indicators
#'biomassPerTL(X = X, TL.table = species.info, metric = "BIOMASS",
#'TL.grouping = 1, years = c(2014:2019))

biomassPerTL <- function(X, TL.table, metric = "BIOMASS", TL.grouping = 1, years) {
  breaks <- seq(1, 10, by = TL.grouping)                          # create a vector from 1 to 10 (increasing by TL.grouping)
  TL.table['TL'] <- breaks[findInterval(TL.table[,'TL'], breaks)] # truncates "TL" (removes values after the decimal)
  TL.table <- na.omit(TL.table[, c("SPECIES", "TL")])  
  X <- merge(X, TL.table, by = 'SPECIES')                         # merge X and the trophic level data		
  ind <- stats::aggregate(X[metric], by= X[c('ID', 'YEAR', 'TL')], FUN = sum) # calculate total biomass per TL
# Extract biomass at each TL ----------------------------------------------
  uI <- unique(X$ID)                            # extract the spatial scale ID's
  DF <- createDataframe(uI = uI, years = years) # create a dataframe that matches each area ID to each year

  uTL <- unique(ind$TL)     # extract unique trophic levels
  for(i in 1:length(uTL)){
    TL.i <- uTL[i]                                  # set TL.i to the current trophic level
    biomass.i <- ind[ind$TL == TL.i, ]              # subset ind to include only TL.i
    name.i <- paste(metric, "_TL", TL.i, sep = "")  # name indicator metric_TL.i
    names(biomass.i)[4] <- name.i
    biomass.i$TL <- NULL                            # remove TL column 
    DF <- merge(DF, biomass.i, all.x = T)           # merge biomass.i with DF so that years without data are set to NA 
  DF <- DF[order(DF$ID), ]                          # order by ID to match other functions


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marindicators documentation built on Nov. 12, 2019, 5:07 p.m.