
#  "Client" routines:  for data transfer using MG-RAST API.
#  General goals for API wrapping:
#    restricting access to API functionality is ok...
#    ...but it must be for the sake of creating clear concepts
#    give useful defaults to users
#    an R-intuitive interface
#    clear relationships between R terminology (concepts) and API terminology (concepts)
#    leave the API room to grow:
#		build in as little dependency on its current version, as possible

biomRequest <- function (x, request=c("function", "organism"), ...,
	block, wait=TRUE, quiet=FALSE, file, outfile) {
#  Post and fulfill data requests.  Important capabilities:
#    file containing IDs only
#    file of IDs and metadata
#    specification of IDs as string or character vector
#    specification of IDs as data.frame with metadata
#    block, file output
#    varying API parameters
#  for "..." arguments see:
#    doc.MGRAST(2, head=c('matrix','organism','parameters','options'))
#    doc.MGRAST(2, head=c('matrix','function','parameters','options'))
#    asynchronous 	source 		result_type 	filter 			group_level 	grep 	length 
#    evalue 		identity	 filter_source 	hide_metadata 	id 				filter_level
	if (missing (request)) {
		request <- match.arg(request)
		warning ("\'request\' is defaulting to \'", request, "\'")
	} else
		request <- match.arg(request)

	if (!missing (file)) x <- readSet (file)
	x <- expandSet (x)
	add.metadata <- NULL
	if (is.data.frame (x)) {
		add.metadata <- x
		x <- rownames(x)									# look out for reordering!

	if (missing (block)) block <- length(x)

	req <- new.env (parent = globalenv())
	param <- append (
		list (
			verify=FALSE), 									# avoid misleading warings

	ledger <- data.frame (start = seq(1, length(x), block), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	ledger$stop 		<- c (ledger$start[-1] - 1, length(x))
	ledger$requested 	<- FALSE
	ledger$ticket		<- ""
	ledger$file			<- ""

	yy <- do.call (call.MGRAST, c (param, list (id = x [ledger[1,"start"]:ledger[1,"stop"]])))
	if ("id" %in% names (yy)) {
		ledger[1,"ticket"] <- yy ["id"]
		ledger[1,"requested"] <- TRUE
	} else {
		print (yy)
		stop ("can\'t interpret server response")

	assign("IDs", x, req)
	assign("n", 1, req)
	assign("ledger", ledger, req)
	assign("param", param, req)
 	assign("add.metadata", add.metadata, req)
 	assign("outfile", if (missing (outfile)) NULL else outfile, req)

	if (wait) {
		biom(req, wait=TRUE, quiet=quiet)
	} else {
		message("returning ticket for queued request; apply biom() to fulfill")

biom.environment <- function (x, wait=TRUE, ..., quiet=FALSE) {
# data retrieval: function to fulfill requests
# "..." in prototype is just good practice for generics
# !quiet=TRUE is used to report on the download in complete detail
	assign("quiet", quiet, x)
	assign("wait", wait, x)
	with (x, {
		repeat {
			zz <- call.MGRAST("status", "instance", id=ledger[n, "ticket"], verify=FALSE)
			if("data" %in% names(zz)) {								# request may have arrived
				yy <- try (biom(zz$data))
				if (inherits (yy, "try-error")) {					# some other message from API
					print (zz$data)
					stop ("can\'t interpret server response as BIOM data")
				tt <- tempfile()
				save (yy, file=tt)
				ledger[n, "file"] <- tt
				if (!quiet) print (ledger [n,])
				if (n == nrow(ledger)) break

				n <- n+1
				yy <- do.call (call.MGRAST, c (param, list (id = IDs [ledger[n,"start"]:ledger[n,"stop"]])))
				if ("id" %in% names (yy)) {
					ledger[n,"ticket"] <- yy ["id"]
					ledger[n,"requested"] <- TRUE
				} else {
					print (yy)
					stop ("can\'t interpret API response")
			if (!wait) {
				warning ("retrieval in blocks with wait=FALSE only checks one block per call")

		if (!quiet && nrow (ledger) > 1) message("assembling...")
		ll <- lapply(
				function (ff) { 
					load(ff); unlink(ff); yy
		yy <- suppressWarnings (Reduce (merge.biom, ll))			# suppress dup row warning (not ideal)
		if (!quiet && nrow (ledger) > 1) message("done")

#		if(!is.null("add.metadata")) columns(yy) <- add.metadata
		if(!is.null(outfile)) writeLines(as.character(yy), outfile)

metadata.character <- function (x, detail=NULL, ..., quiet=TRUE, file) {
# get metadata without data.
# detail = NULL			for projects, returns metagnomes		(list, because one-to-many)
#						for metagenomes, returns projects		(named vector, because one-to-one)
# detail = TRUE			equivalent to "verbosity=minimal"		(data.frame, for both samples and projects)
# detail = c("minimal","verbose","full")				for projects		(data.frame)
# 		 = c("minimal","metadata","stats","full")		for metagenomes		(data.frame)
# relayed directly as "verbosity" to call.MGRAST()
# suppressWarnings() is necessary here since API doesn't return everything it says it will
	if (!missing (file)) x <- readSet(file)
	x <- scrubSet(x)
	y <- scrapeSet(x) [1]

	if (is.null(detail) && y=="project") {
		f <- function (x) {    #  get metagenome_ids out of project return
                        mgs<-suppressWarnings (call.MGRAST ("project", "instance", id=x, verbosity='full', quiet=quiet)) $ metagenomes
                        ids<-sapply(mgs, function(x) x$metagenome_id)  } 
		sapply (x, f, simplify=FALSE)									# sapply retains names

	} else if (is.null(detail) && y=="metagenome") {
		f <- function (x) suppressWarnings (call.MGRAST (
			"metagenome", "instance", id=x, verbosity='min', quiet=quiet)) $ project [1]
		sapply (x, f)

	} else {
		if (isTRUE (detail)) detail <- "minimal"
		f <- function (x) suppressWarnings (call.MGRAST (
			y, "instance", id=x, verbosity=detail, ..., quiet=quiet))
		z <- list2df (sapply (x, f, simplify=FALSE))
		z$id <- z$url <- NULL											# get rid of some annoying things
		z$library2 <- z$project2 <- z$sample2 <- NULL					# same, for metagenome metadata only

dir.MGRAST <- function (from, to, length.out=0, ..., quiet=TRUE) {
#  here we translate just a bit:
#  arg names "from", "to", "length.out" are familiar to R people,
#  as are indices starting at 1.
#  for "..." arguments see:
#    doc.MGRAST(3, head=c('project','query','parameters','options'))}
#  verbosity = c("minimal", "verbose", "full")
#  order = c("id", "name")
#  limit = ["integer"]
#  offset = ["integer"]
#  --> allow "from" and "to" to contain names
	if (missing(from) && missing(to)) {								# length.out given or ==0
		from <- 1
	} else if (missing(from) && length.out) {						# to and length.out given
		from <- to - length.out + 1
	} else if (missing(from))	{									# to given, only
		from <- 1
		length.out <- to
	else if (!missing(to))
		length.out <- to - from + 1
	args <- resolve (list (...), list(
		resource = "project",
		request = "query",
		verbosity = "minimal",
		order = "name",
		limit = length.out,
		offset = from - 1))
	y <- list2df (do.call (call.MGRAST, args) $ data)

####  make a data.frame.
####  content will vary according to "verbosity".
####  remove certain junk fields, and turn "status" (public/private) into a factor.
####  rownames of the data.frame will always be "mgpXX"

	rownames(y) <- y$id
	y$id <- y$created <- y$url <- y$version <- NULL
	y$status <- as.factor (y$status)

search.MGRAST <- function (public=NULL, detail=NULL, match.all=TRUE, ..., quiet=TRUE) {
#  for "..." arguments see:
#    doc.MGRAST(3, head=c('metagenome','query','parameters','options'))}
#  verbosity = c("minimal","mixs","metadata","stats","full")
#  status = c("both","public","private")
#  match = c("all","any")
#  offset = [integer]
#  limit = [integer]
#  order = [string]
#  direction = c("asc","desc")
#  ----
#  function		"search parameter: query string for function"
#  metadata		"search parameter: query string for any metadata field"
#  md5				"search parameter: md5 checksum of feature sequence"
#  organism		"search parameter: query string for organism"
#  --> would want no limit on search results, right?
#  --> maybe retrieve in chunks & provide assembly)
	args <- resolve (list (...), list(
		resource = "metagenome",
		request = "query",
		verbosity = if (is.null (detail)) "minimal" else if (isTRUE (detail)) "metadata" else detail,
		status = if (is.null (public)) "both" else if (isTRUE (public)) "public" else "private",
		match = if (match.all) "all" else "any",
		offset = 0,
		limit = 50))
	y <- list2df (do.call (call.MGRAST, args) $ data)
	if (args$limit && nrow(y) == args$limit)
		message ("limit reached; more results may be available")

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