
Defines functions balanceTable balanceTable.internal

Documented in balanceTable

balanceTable.internal <- function(data,
                                  school.id = NULL,
                                  var.names = NULL,
                             #     treat.wts = NULL, ctrl.wts = NULL, 
                                  include.tests = FALSE,
                                  verbose = FALSE) {
# stopifnot( is.null( treat.wts ) == is.null( ctrl.wts ) )

  vars = setdiff(colnames(data), treatment )
  if ( !is.null( school.id ) ) {
    vars = setdiff( vars, school.id )
  sdiff.out <- plyr::laply(vars, sdiff, 
                           treatment = treatment, 
                           orig.data = data, 
                         #  treat.wts = treat.wts, ctrl.wts = ctrl.wts, 
                           .drop = FALSE)
  rownames(sdiff.out) <- vars
  #TODO: figure out whether to keep weight arguments and incorporate them or
  #drop them
  if ( include.tests ) {
    t.test.out <- plyr::laply(vars, agg.balance, 
                              treatment = treatment, 
                              school.id = school.id,
                              data = data, 
                              .drop = FALSE)
    rownames(t.test.out) <-  vars
    colnames(t.test.out) <- "Agg PValue"
    out.tab <- as.data.frame( cbind( sdiff.out, t.test.out ) )
    #if ( !unifwts ) {
    #  out.tab$`CRVE PValue` = NA
    #} else {   
    if ( TRUE ) {
      CRVE.out <- plyr::laply(vars, CRVE.balance, 
                              treatment = treatment, 
                              school.id = school.id,
                              data = data, 
                              .drop = FALSE)
      rownames(CRVE.out) <-  vars
      colnames(CRVE.out) <- "CRVE PValue"
      out.tab <- as.data.frame( cbind(out.tab, CRVE.out) )
  } else {
    as.data.frame( sdiff.out )

#' Create Balance Table
#' Given an unmatched sample of treated and control units and (optionally) a
#' matched sample from the same data, produces a table with pre- and post-match
#' measures of covariate balance.
#' This table can also include p-values for tests of whether the balance is
#' statistically significant.  These tests assume randomization at the cluster
#' level.  We recommend looking at the standardized differences rather than
#' p-values to assess severity of imbalance, however.
#' The two tests, for each covariate are (1) Aggregation, where the covariates
#' are averaged by each cluster, followed by a heteroskedastic robust t-test on
#' the coefficient of a regression of these averages onto treatment (and
#' intercept) and (2) cluster robust standard errors for the coefficient of
#' treatment on a regression of covariate onto treatment (and intercept).
#' @param df.orig a data frame containing the data before matching
#' @param df.match an optional data frame containing the matched sample. Must
#'   have all variable names to be balanced.
#' @param treatment name of the binary indicator for treatment status
#' @param school.id Identifier for groups (for example schools); need to pass if
#'   p-values for balance statistics are desired.
#' @param var.names List of variable names to calculate balance for.  If NULL,
#'   use all variables found in the df.orig data.frame.
#' @param verbose a logical value indicating whether detailed output should be
#'   printed.
#' @param include.tests Include tests of imbalance on covariates (TRUE/FALSE).
#' @return A data.frame of balance measures, with one row for each covariate in
#'   \code{df.orig} except \code{treatment}, and columns for treated and control
#'   means, standardized differences in means, p-values from two types of
#'   regression for difference in the groups.  See description for further
#'   details. If \code{df.match} is specified there are twice as many columns,
#'   one set for the pre-match samples and one set for the post-match samples.
#' @importFrom plyr aaply
#' @importFrom sandwich vcovHC vcovCL
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarize
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @importFrom stats coef lm pt weighted.mean
#' @importFrom magrittr `%>%`
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @references Rosenbaum, Paul R. (2002). \emph{Observational Studies}.
#'   Springer-Verlag.
#'   Rosenbaum, Paul R. (2010). \emph{Design of Observational Studies}.
#'   Springer-Verlag.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export balanceTable
balanceTable <- function(df.orig, df.match = NULL,
                         school.id = NULL,
                         var.names = NULL,
                         include.tests = FALSE,
                         verbose = FALSE){
  #if(is.null(cat.vars)) cat.vars <- rep(FALSE, ncol(df.orig))
  #Validate input
  stopifnot( is.data.frame(df.orig) )
  stopifnot( is.null(df.match) || is.data.frame(df.match) )
  if (!(treatment %in% colnames(df.orig))) {
    stop(paste0('Treatment variable "', treatment,'" not found'))
  if ( !is.null( var.names ) ) {
    stopifnot( is.character(var.names) )
    if ( length( var.names ) == 0 ) {
      stop( "Cannot have no variables to balance on. Set var.names to NULL to calc balance on everything." )
    stopifnot( all( var.names %in% names(df.orig ) ) )
    if ( !is.null( school.id ) ) {
      df.orig = df.orig[ c(treatment, school.id, var.names) ]
    } else {
      df.orig = df.orig[ c(treatment, var.names) ]
  if(!is.null(df.match) ) {
    if ( ! all( colnames(df.orig) %in% colnames(df.match) ) ) {
      stop( 'df.match must have tx column and all columns selected for balance in df.orig')
    df.match = df.match[ colnames(df.orig) ]
  #if(!is.null(cat.vars) && length(cat.vars) != ncol(df.orig)){
  #	stop('cat.vars must have exactly one entry for each column in df.orig')
  if(any(is.na(df.orig[[treatment]])) || (!is.null(df.match) && any(is.na(df.match[[treatment]])))){
    stop('NAs are present in the treatment variable')
  #non.numeric <- colnames(df.orig)[laply(df.orig, inherits, what = c('character','factor'))]
  cov.orig <- handleNA(df.orig, verbose = verbose)
    cov.match <- handleNA(df.match, verbose = verbose)
    cov.match <- resolve.cols(cov.match, cov.orig)
    cov.orig <- resolve.cols(cov.orig, cov.match)
  } else {
    cov.match <- NULL
  main_table = balanceTable.internal(data = cov.orig,
                                     treatment = treatment, school.id = school.id, var.names = var.names, 
                                     include.tests = include.tests, verbose = verbose )
  # Add in match balance if present.
  if ( !is.null( df.match ) ) {
    match_table = balanceTable.internal(data = cov.match,
                                     treatment = treatment, school.id = school.id, var.names = var.names, 
                                     include.tests = include.tests, verbose = verbose )
    colnames(main_table) = paste0( "Before ", colnames(main_table) )
    colnames(match_table) = paste0( "After ", colnames(match_table) )
    main_table = cbind( main_table, match_table )

  return( main_table )

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matchMulti documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:13 p.m.