#' Discrete phase-type distributions
#' Class of objects for discrete phase-type distributions.
#' @slot name Name of the discrete phase-type distribution.
#' @slot pars A list comprising of the parameters.
#' @slot fit A list containing estimation information.
#' @return Class object.
#' @export
slots = list(
name = "character",
pars = "list",
fit = "list"
#' Constructor function for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param alpha A probability vector.
#' @param S A sub-transition matrix.
#' @param structure A valid dph structure: `"general"`, `"coxian"`,
#' `"hyperexponential"`, "gcoxian", or `"gerlang"`.
#' @param dimension The dimension of the dph structure (if structure is provided).
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dph(structure = "general", dim = 5)
#' dph(alpha = c(0.5, 0.5), S = matrix(c(0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2), 2, 2))
dph <- function(alpha = NULL, S = NULL, structure = NULL, dimension = 3) {
if (any(is.null(alpha)) & any(is.null(S)) & is.null(structure)) {
stop("input a vector and matrix, or a structure")
if (!is.null(structure)) {
rs <- random_structure(dimension, structure = structure)
alpha <- rs[[1]]
Sa <- rs[[2]]
a <- max_diagonal(Sa * (-1)) * (1 + stats::runif(1))
S <- (a * diag(dimension) + Sa) / a
name <- structure
} else {
if (dim(S)[1] != dim(S)[2]) {
stop("matrix S should be square")
if (length(alpha) != dim(S)[1]) {
stop("incompatible dimensions")
name <- "custom"
name = paste(name, " dph(", length(alpha), ")", sep = ""),
pars = list(alpha = alpha, S = S)
#' Sum method for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param e1 An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param e2 An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dph1 <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 3)
#' dph2 <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 5)
#' dph_sum <- dph1 + dph2
#' dph_sum
"+", signature(e1 = "dph", e2 = "dph"),
function(e1, e2) {
L <- sum_dph(e1@pars$alpha, e1@pars$S, e2@pars$alpha, e2@pars$S)
dph(alpha = L$alpha, S = L$S)
#' Minimum method for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param x1 An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param x2 An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dph1 <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 3)
#' dph2 <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 5)
#' dph_min <- minimum(dph1, dph2)
#' dph_min
"minimum", signature(x1 = "dph", x2 = "dph"),
function(x1, x2) {
alpha <- kronecker(x1@pars$alpha, x2@pars$alpha)
S <- kronecker(x1@pars$S, x2@pars$S)
dph(alpha = alpha, S = S)
#' Maximum method for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param x1 An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param x2 An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dph1 <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 3)
#' dph2 <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 5)
#' dph_max <- maximum(dph1, dph2)
#' dph_max
"maximum", signature(x1 = "dph", x2 = "dph"),
function(x1, x2) {
n1 <- length(x1@pars$alpha)
n2 <- length(x2@pars$alpha)
alpha <- c(kronecker(x1@pars$alpha, x2@pars$alpha), rep(0, n1 + n2))
S1 <- rbind(kronecker(x1@pars$S, x2@pars$S), matrix(0, n1 + n2, n1 * n2))
S2 <- rbind(kronecker(x1@pars$S, 1 - rowSums(x2@pars$S)), x1@pars$S, matrix(0, n2, n1))
S3 <- rbind(kronecker(1 - rowSums(x1@pars$S), x2@pars$S), matrix(0, n1, n2), x2@pars$S)
dph(alpha = alpha, S = cbind(S1, S2, S3))
#' Mixture method for phase-type distributions
#' @param x1 An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param x2 An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param prob Probability for first object.
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dph1 <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 3)
#' dph2 <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 5)
#' dph_mix <- mixture(dph1, dph2, 0.5)
#' dph_mix
"mixture", signature(x1 = "dph", x2 = "dph"),
function(x1, x2, prob) {
n1 <- length(x1@pars$alpha)
n2 <- length(x2@pars$alpha)
alpha <- c(prob * x1@pars$alpha, (1 - prob) * x2@pars$alpha)
S1 <- rbind(x1@pars$S, matrix(0, n2, n1))
S2 <- rbind(matrix(0, n1, n2), x2@pars$S)
ph(alpha = alpha, S = cbind(S1, S2))
#' Nfold method for phase-type distributions
#' @param x1 An object of class \linkS4class{ph}.
#' @param x2 An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{ph}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dph1 <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 3)
#' dph2 <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 2)
#' ph0 <- ph(structure = "general", dimension = 2)
#' Nfold(dph1, ph0)
#' Nfold(dph1, dph2)
"Nfold", signature(x1 = "dph"),
function(x1, x2) {
if (methods::is(x2, "ph")) {
exit_vect <- -x2@pars$S %*% rep(1, length(x2@pars$alpha))
alpha <- kronecker(x1@pars$alpha, x2@pars$alpha)
S <- kronecker(diag(length(x1@pars$alpha)), x2@pars$S) + kronecker(x1@pars$S, exit_vect %*% x2@pars$alpha)
return(ph(alpha = alpha, S = S))
} else if (methods::is(x2, "dph")) {
exit_vect <- rep(1, length(x2@pars$alpha)) - x2@pars$S %*% rep(1, length(x2@pars$alpha))
alpha <- kronecker(x1@pars$alpha, x2@pars$alpha)
S <- kronecker(diag(length(x1@pars$alpha)), x2@pars$S) + kronecker(x1@pars$S, exit_vect %*% x2@pars$alpha)
return(dph(alpha = alpha, S = S))
} else {
stop("wrong type of objects")
#' Show method for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param object An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @importFrom methods show
#' @export
setMethod("show", "dph", function(object) {
cat("object class: ", methods::is(object)[[1]], "\n", sep = "")
cat("name: ", object@name, "\n", sep = "")
cat("parameters: ", "\n", sep = "")
#' Coef method for dph Class
#' @param object An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @return Parameters of dph model.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- dph(structure = "general", dim = 3)
#' coef(obj)
setMethod("coef", c(object = "dph"), function(object) {
#' Moment method for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param x An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param k A positive integer (moment order).
#' @return The factional moment of the \linkS4class{dph} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' obj <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 3)
#' moment(obj, 2)
"moment", signature(x = "dph"),
function(x, k = 1) {
if (k <= 0) {
return("k should be positive")
if ((k %% 1) != 0) {
return("k should be an integer")
m1 <- matrix_power(k - 1, x@pars$S)
m2 <- matrix_power(k, solve(diag(nrow(x@pars$S)) - x@pars$S))
factorial(k) * sum(x@pars$alpha %*% m1 %*% m2)
#' Mean method for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param x An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @return The raw first moment of the \linkS4class{dph} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' obj <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 3)
#' mean(obj)
"mean", signature(x = "dph"),
function(x) {
m <- solve(diag(nrow(x@pars$S)) - x@pars$S)
sum(x@pars$alpha %*% m)
#' Var method for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param x An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @return The variance of the \linkS4class{dph} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' obj <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 3)
#' var(obj)
"var", signature(x = "dph"),
function(x) {
m <- solve(diag(nrow(x@pars$S)) - x@pars$S)
fm <- sum(x@pars$alpha %*% m)
m2 <- matrix_power(2, m)
sm <- 2 * sum(x@pars$alpha %*% x@pars$S %*% m2)
sm + fm - fm^2
#' Pgf Method for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param x An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param z A vector of real values.
#' @return The probability generating of the \linkS4class{dph} object at the
#' given locations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' obj <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 3)
#' pgf(obj, 0.5)
"pgf", signature(x = "dph"),
function(x, z) {
if (any(abs(z) > 1)) {
stop("z should between -1 and 1")
dph_pgf(z, x@pars$alpha, x@pars$S)
#' Simulation method for phase-type distributions
#' @param x An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param n An integer of length of realization.
#' @return A realization of independent and identically distributed discrete
#' phase-type variables.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- dph(structure = "general")
#' sim(obj, n = 100)
setMethod("sim", c(x = "dph"), function(x, n = 1000) {
d <- length(x@pars$alpha)
exit_vec <- 1 - rowSums(x@pars$S)
trans_mat <- cbind(x@pars$S, exit_vec)
aux_vec <- rep(0, d + 1)
aux_vec[d + 1] <- 1
trans_mat <- rbind(trans_mat, aux_vec)
rdphasetype(n, x@pars$alpha, trans_mat)
#' Density method for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param x An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param y A vector of locations.
#' @return A vector containing the density evaluations at the given locations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- dph(structure = "general")
#' dens(obj, c(1, 2, 3))
setMethod("dens", c(x = "dph"), function(x, y) {
y_inf <- (y == Inf)
dens <- y
dens[!y_inf] <- dphdensity(y, x@pars$alpha, x@pars$S)
dens[y_inf] <- 0
#' Distribution method for discrete phase-type distributions
#' @param x An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param q A vector of locations.
#' @param lower.tail Logical parameter specifying whether lower tail (CDF) or
#' upper tail is computed.
#' @return A vector containing the CDF evaluations at the given locations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- dph(structure = "general")
#' cdf(obj, c(1, 2, 3))
setMethod("cdf", c(x = "dph"), function(x,
lower.tail = TRUE) {
q_inf <- (q == Inf)
cdf <- q
cdf[!q_inf] <- dphcdf(q[!q_inf], x@pars$alpha, x@pars$S, lower.tail)
cdf[q_inf] <- as.numeric(1 * lower.tail)
#' TVR Method for dph Class
#' @param x An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param rew A vector of rewards.
#' @return An object of the of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- dph(structure = "general")
#' TVR(obj, c(1, 0, 1))
setMethod("TVR", c(x = "dph"), function(x, rew) {
if (length(x@pars$alpha) != length(rew)) {
stop("vector of rewards of wrong dimension")
if (any((rew %% 1) != 0) | any(rew < 0)) {
stop("vector of rewards must contain only non-negative integeras")
alpha_copy <- x@pars$alpha
S_copy <- x@pars$S
mat_sizes <- rew + (rew == 0)
rew_tilde <- NULL
alpha_tilde <- NULL
S_tilde <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(rew)) {
S_row <- NULL
for (j in 1:length(rew)) {
mat_aux <- matrix(0, nrow = mat_sizes[i], ncol = mat_sizes[j])
if (i == j) {
mat_aux[-mat_sizes[i], -1] <- diag(1, mat_sizes[i] - 1)
mat_aux[mat_sizes[i], 1] <- S_copy[i, j]
S_row <- cbind(S_row, mat_aux)
S_tilde <- rbind(S_tilde, S_row)
alpha_aux <- rep(0, mat_sizes[i])
alpha_aux[1] <- alpha_copy[i]
alpha_tilde <- c(alpha_tilde, alpha_aux)
if (rew[i] != 0) {
rew_tilde <- c(rew_tilde, rep(1, rew[i]))
} else {
rew_tilde <- c(rew_tilde, 0)
mar_par <- tvr_dph(alpha_tilde, S_tilde, rew_tilde)
dph(alpha = mar_par[[1]], S = mar_par[[2]])
#' Fit method for dph class
#' @param x An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param y Vector or data.
#' @param weight Vector of weights.
#' @param stepsEM Number of EM steps to be performed.
#' @param every Number of iterations between likelihood display updates.
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- dph(structure = "general", dimension = 2)
#' data <- sim(obj, n = 100)
#' fit(obj, data, stepsEM = 100, every = 20)
"fit", c(x = "dph", y = "ANY"),
weight = numeric(0),
stepsEM = 1000,
every = 100) {
if (!all(y > 0)) {
stop("data should be positive")
if (!all(weight >= 0)) {
stop("weights should be non-negative")
A <- data_aggregation(y, weight)
y <- A$un_obs
weight <- A$weights
dph_par <- x@pars
alpha_fit <- clone_vector(dph_par$alpha)
S_fit <- clone_matrix(dph_par$S)
options(digits.secs = 4)
cat(format(Sys.time(), format = "%H:%M:%OS"), ": EM started", sep = "")
cat("\n", sep = "")
for (k in 1:stepsEM) {
EMstep_dph(alpha_fit, S_fit, y, weight)
if (k %% every == 0) {
cat("\r", "iteration:", k,
", logLik:", logLikelihoodDPH(alpha_fit, S_fit, y, weight),
sep = " "
x@pars$alpha <- alpha_fit
x@pars$S <- S_fit
x@fit <- list(
logLik = logLikelihoodDPH(alpha_fit, S_fit, y, weight),
nobs = sum(A$weights)
cat("\n", format(Sys.time(), format = "%H:%M:%OS"), ": EM finalized", sep = "")
cat("\n", sep = "")
#' MoE method for dph Class
#' @param x An object of class \linkS4class{dph}.
#' @param formula A regression formula.
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param alpha_vecs Matrix of initial probabilities.
#' @param weight Vector of weights.
#' @param stepsEM Number of EM steps to be performed.
#' @param every Number of iterations between likelihood display updates.
#' @param rand_init Random initiation in the R-step.
#' @param maxWts Maximal number of weights in the nnet function.
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{sph}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- dph(structure = "general")
#' n <- 100
#' responses <- rpois(n, 3) + 1
#' covariate <- data.frame(age = sample(18:65, n, replace = TRUE) / 100, income = runif(n, 0, 0.99))
#' f <- responses ~ age + income # regression formula
#' MoE(x = x, formula = f, y = responses, data = covariate, stepsEM = 20)
"MoE", c(x = "dph"),
alpha_vecs = NULL,
weight = numeric(0),
stepsEM = 1000,
every = 10,
rand_init = TRUE,
maxWts = 1000) {
p <- length(x@pars$alpha)
frame <- stats::model.frame(formula, data = data)
n <- nrow(frame)
d <- ncol(frame) - 1
if (is.null(alpha_vecs)) alpha_vecs <- matrix(x@pars$alpha, ncol = p, nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
if (length(weight) == 0) weight <- rep(1, n)
S_fit <- clone_matrix(x@pars$S)
c <- c()
for (i in 1:p) c <- c(c, rep(i, n))
extended_x <- matrix(t(as.matrix(frame[, -1])), nrow = n * p, ncol = d, byrow = TRUE)
dm <- data.frame(Class = c, extended_x)
names(dm)[-1] <- names(frame)[-1]
ndm <- data.frame(dm[dm$Class == 1, -1])
names(ndm) <- names(dm)[-1]
for (k in 1:stepsEM) {
B_matrix <- EMstep_dph_MoE(alpha_vecs, S_fit, frame[, 1], weight)
wt <- reshape2::melt(B_matrix)[, 3]
wt[wt < 1e-22] <- wt[wt < 1e-22] + 1e-22
if (k == 1 | rand_init == TRUE) {
multinom_model <- nnet::multinom(Class ~ ., data = dm, weights = wt, trace = F, MaxNWts = maxWts)
} else {
multinom_model <- nnet::multinom(Class ~ ., data = dm, weights = wt, trace = F, Wts = multinom_model$wts, MaxNWts = maxWts)
alpha_vecs <- stats::predict(multinom_model, type = "probs", newdata = ndm)
if (k %% every == 0) {
ll <- logLikelihoodDPH_MoE(alpha_vecs, S_fit, frame[, 1], weight)
cat("\r", "iteration:", k, ", logLik:", ll, sep = " ")
cat("\n", sep = "")
list(alpha = alpha_vecs, S = S_fit, mm = multinom_model)
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