
Defines functions grDM

grDM <-
  if(any(is.na(gr))){stop("Missing values inside the grouping vector are not allowed")}
  if(nlevels(gr) == 1) # if no groups
    cats <- sapply(aDD,function(x)x$anz_cat)
    nro  <- sum(cats*2)  
    Qo    <- matrix(0,nro,nro)
    diag(Qo) <- 1
    leaveOUT <- cumsum(rep(cats,each=2))
    Q <- Qo[,-leaveOUT]
    prae <- rep(paste("I",1:length(cats),sep=""),cats*2)
    app1 <- unlist(sapply(cats,function(AA) paste(rep(c("zeta","lam"),each=AA),rep(1:AA,2),sep="")))
    rwn  <- paste(prae,app1,sep="")
    rownames(Q) <- rwn
    colnames(Q) <- paste("eta",1:ncol(Q),sep="")
    # DONE
  } else if(nlevels(gr) > 1) # if there are any groups (> than 1 group)!
    numbcat <- length(levels(gr))
    cats    <- sapply(aDD,function(x)x$anz_cat)
    nro     <- sum(cats*2)  
    Qbbo     <- matrix(0,nro,nro) 
    diag(Qbbo) <- 1
    mult1   <- matrix(0,numbcat,numbcat)
    leaveOUT <- cumsum(rep(cats,each=2))
    Qbb <- Qbbo[,-leaveOUT]
    # names with multiple groups
    prae1 <- rep(rep(paste("I",1:length(cats),sep=""),cats*2),numbcat)
    prae <- paste(rep(paste("G",1:numbcat,sep=""),each=nro),prae1,sep="")
    app1 <- rep(unlist(sapply(cats,function(AA) paste(rep(c("zeta","lam"),each=AA),rep(1:AA,2),sep=""))),numbcat)
    rwn  <- paste(prae,app1,sep="")
    #  DIF ? #########
    if(all(design == "nodif"))
      mult1[,1] <- 1
      Q <- mult1 %x% Qbb
      onlyZ <- which(apply(Q,2,function(x)all(x == 0)))
      Q <- Q[,-onlyZ]
      rownames(Q) <- rwn
      colnames(Q) <- paste("eta",1:ncol(Q),sep="")
    } else if(all(design == "dif1"))
      # design with big identity matrix
      diag(mult1) <- 1
      Q <- mult1 %x% Qbb
      rownames(Q) <- rwn
      colnames(Q) <- paste("eta",1:ncol(Q),sep="")
    } else if(all(design == "dif2"))
      # design where zetas are estimated within each group - lambdas remaining the same for each group
      mult1[lower.tri(mult1,diag=TRUE)] <- 1
      Q <- mult1 %x% Qbb
      whzeta <- grep("zeta",rwn)
      whzeta1 <- whzeta[whzeta > nrow(Qbb)]
      Q[whzeta1,1:ncol(Qbb)] <- 0 
      whlam <- grep("lam",rwn)
      whlam1 <- whlam[whlam > nro]
      Q[whlam1,-(1:ncol(Qbb))] <- 0
      onlyZ <- which(apply(Q,2,function(x)all(x == 0)))
      Q <- Q[,-onlyZ]
      rownames(Q) <- rwn
      colnames(Q) <- paste("eta",1:ncol(Q),sep="")
    } else if(all(design == "dif3"))
      # design where lambda is estimated for each group while the zetas remain the same for all different groups
      mult1[lower.tri(mult1,diag=TRUE)] <- 1
      Q <- mult1 %x% Qbb
      whzeta <- grep("lam",rwn)
      whzeta1 <- whzeta[whzeta > nrow(Qbb)]
      Q[whzeta1,1:ncol(Qbb)] <- 0 
      whlam <- grep("zeta",rwn)
      whlam1 <- whlam[whlam > nro]
      Q[whlam1,-(1:ncol(Qbb))] <- 0
      onlyZ <- which(apply(Q,2,function(x)all(x == 0)))
      Q <- Q[,-onlyZ]
      rownames(Q) <- rwn
      colnames(Q) <- paste("eta",1:ncol(Q),sep="")
    } else if(is.list(design))
      # hier jetzt falls ein eigenes design angegeben wird.
      #mult1[,1] <- 1
      mult1[lower.tri(mult1,diag=TRUE)] <- 1
      Q <- mult1 %x% Qbb
      rownames(Q) <- rwn

      spaltBEG <- c(0,rep(ncol(Qbb),nlevels(gr)) * 1:nlevels(gr))[-(nlevels(gr)+1)] +1 
      spaltEND <- c(rep(ncol(Qbb),nlevels(gr)) * 1:nlevels(gr))
      zeilBEG <- c(0,rep(nrow(Qbb),nlevels(gr)) * 1:nlevels(gr))[-(nlevels(gr)+1)] +1
      zeilEND <- c(rep(nrow(Qbb),nlevels(gr)) * 1:nlevels(gr))
      prmA <- c("zeta","lam")

                    zerg <- mapply(function(begz,endz,galaZ) # speichert alle zeilen

                            prot <- mapply(function(begsp,endsp,grunr) # speichert je eine vollständige zeile
                                Qtemp <- Q[begz:endz,begsp:endsp] #auswahl des quadranten
                              for(EACH in 1:length(design))
                                gala  <- design[[EACH]]
                                loe   <- which(gala[galaZ,] != grunr)
                                prm   <- prmA[EACH]
                                  if(length(loe) == 0)
                                    } else {
                                        iaus <- paste("^.+(",paste("I",loe,collapse="|",sep=""),")",prm,sep="")
                                        wo <- grep(iaus,rownames(Qtemp),value=F,perl=TRUE)
                                        Qtemp[wo,] <- 0

                                },begsp=spaltBEG, endsp=spaltEND, grunr=1:nlevels(gr),SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

                            },begz=zeilBEG, endz=zeilEND,galaZ=1:nlevels(gr),SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

     zwQ <- lapply(zerg,function(XX)do.call(cbind,XX))
      Q  <- do.call(rbind,zwQ)
      onlyZ <- which(apply(Q,2,function(x)all(x == 0)))
      Q <- Q[,-onlyZ]
      rownames(Q) <- rwn
      colnames(Q) <- paste("eta",1:ncol(Q),sep="")
    } else {stop("Check your input for argument: 'design' ")}

  # -----------------------------------------------#
  ############## ---->  NLM <---- ##################

    if(nlevels(gr) == 1) # if no groups
      cats <- sapply(aDD,function(x)x$anz_cat)
      nro  <- sum(cats*2)  
      Qo    <- matrix(0,nro,nro)
      diag(Qo) <- 1
      leaveOUT <- cumsum(rep(cats,each=2))
      Q <- Qo[,-leaveOUT]
      prae <- rep(paste("I",1:length(cats),sep=""),cats*2)
      app1 <- unlist(sapply(cats,function(AA) paste(rep(c("zeta","lam"),each=AA),rep(0:(AA-1),2),sep=""),simplify=FALSE ))
      app1[grep("zeta0",app1)] <- "beta"
      app1[grep("lam0",app1)]  <- "alpha"
      rwn  <- paste(prae,app1,sep="")
      rownames(Q) <- rwn
      colnames(Q) <- paste("eta",1:ncol(Q),sep="")
      # DONE
    } else if(nlevels(gr) > 1)
      numbcat <- nlevels(gr)
      cats    <- sapply(aDD,function(x)x$anz_cat)
      nro     <- sum(cats*2)  
      Qbbo     <- matrix(0,nro,nro) 
      diag(Qbbo) <- 1
      mult1   <- matrix(0,numbcat,numbcat)
      leaveOUT <- cumsum(rep(cats,each=2))
      Qbb <- Qbbo[,-leaveOUT]
      prae1 <- rep(rep(paste("I",1:length(cats),sep=""),cats*2),numbcat)
      prae <- paste(rep(paste("G",1:numbcat,sep=""),each=nro),prae1,sep="")
      app1 <- rep(unlist(sapply(cats,function(AA) paste(rep(c("zeta","lam"),each=AA),rep(0:(AA-1),2),sep=""))),numbcat)
      app1[grep("zeta0",app1)] <- "beta"
      app1[grep("lam0",app1)]  <- "alpha"
      rwn  <- paste(prae,app1,sep="")

      #  DIF ? #########
      if(all(design == "nodif"))
        mult1[,1] <- 1
        Q <- mult1 %x% Qbb
        onlyZ <- which(apply(Q,2,function(x)all(x == 0)))
        Q <- Q[,-onlyZ]
        rownames(Q) <- rwn
        colnames(Q) <- paste("eta",1:ncol(Q),sep="")
      } else if(is.list(design))
          mult1[lower.tri(mult1,diag=TRUE)] <- 1
          Q <- mult1 %x% Qbb
          rownames(Q) <- rwn
          spaltBEG <- c(0,rep(ncol(Qbb),nlevels(gr)) * 1:nlevels(gr))[-(nlevels(gr)+1)] +1 
          spaltEND <- c(rep(ncol(Qbb),nlevels(gr)) * 1:nlevels(gr))
          zeilBEG <- c(0,rep(nrow(Qbb),nlevels(gr)) * 1:nlevels(gr))[-(nlevels(gr)+1)] +1
          zeilEND <- c(rep(nrow(Qbb),nlevels(gr)) * 1:nlevels(gr))
          prmA <- c("alpha","beta","zeta","lam")

          zerg <- mapply(function(begz,endz,galaZ) # speichert alle zeilen

            prot <- mapply(function(begsp,endsp,grunr) # speichert je eine vollständige zeile
              Qtemp <- Q[begz:endz,begsp:endsp] #auswahl des quadranten
              for(EACH in 1:length(design))
                gala  <- design[[EACH]]
                loe   <- which(gala[galaZ,] != grunr)
                prm   <- prmA[EACH]
                if(length(loe) == 0)
                } else {
                  iaus <- paste("^.+(",paste("I",loe,collapse="|",sep=""),")",prm,sep="")
                  wo <- grep(iaus,rownames(Qtemp),value=F,perl=TRUE)
                  Qtemp[wo,] <- 0
            },begsp=spaltBEG, endsp=spaltEND, grunr=1:nlevels(gr),SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
          },begz=zeilBEG, endz=zeilEND,galaZ=1:nlevels(gr),SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
          zwQ <- lapply(zerg,function(XX)do.call(cbind,XX))
          Q  <- do.call(rbind,zwQ)
          onlyZ <- which(apply(Q,2,function(x)all(x == 0)))
          Q <- Q[,-onlyZ]
          rownames(Q) <- rwn
          colnames(Q) <- paste("eta",1:ncol(Q),sep="")

          } else {stop("Check your input for argument: 'design' ")}



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