
Defines functions mcemGLMM

Documented in mcemGLMM

# User interface function.
# Input information:
# The random effects have to be stated individually when using more than one. For nested random effects the interaction has to be specified. Right now a data set is required (that will change next.) When using a t distribution, the parameter df must have length equal to the number of variance components in the model.

# From the input we need to extract:
# sigmaType:  Structure of the sigma matrices in the model.
# kKi:        Number of random effects per variance component.
# kLh:        Number of subvariance components in each variance component.
# kLhi:       Number of random effects in each subvariance component.
# kY, kX, kZ: Data and design matrices.
# controlEM:
#   EMit:     Number of EM iterations.
#   MCit:     Number of intial MCMC iterations
#   MCf:      Factor to increase the number of MCMC iterations.
#   MCsd:     Standard deviation for the proposal step.

mcemGLMM <- function(fixed, random, data, 
                     family = c("bernoulli", "poisson", "negbinom", "gamma"), 
                     vcDist = c("normal", "t"), df, controlEM = list(), 
                     controlTrust = list(), initial) {
  # Reading Y and X.
  call0 <- match.call()
  if (missing(data)) {
    kY <- get_all_vars(fixed)[, 1]
    kX <- model.matrix(fixed)
  } else {
    kY <- data[, all.vars(fixed)[1]]
    kX <- model.matrix(fixed, data = data)
  # Drop columns with only zeros. Keep attributes.
  kX0 <- kX[, colSums(kX^2) !=0]
  attr(kX0, "assign") <- attr(kX, "assign")[colSums(kX^2) !=0]
  kX <- kX0
  xlabs <- colnames(kX)
  # Options
  ctrl <- list(EMit = 40, MCit = 3000, MCf = 1.025, verb = 0, MCsd = 0, EMdelta = 0.05, EMepsilon = 0.02)
  ctrlN <- names(ctrl)
  ctrl[(controlN <- names(controlEM))] <- controlEM
  if(length(unkwn <- controlN[!controlN %in% ctrlN])){
    warning("Unknown names in control: ", paste(unkwn, collapse = ", "))
  # Options for trust
  cTrust <- list(rinit = 10, rmax = 200, iterlim = 100)
  cTrustNames <- names(cTrust)
  cTrust[(controlN <- names(controlTrust))] <- controlTrust
  if(length(unkwn <- controlN[!controlN %in% cTrustNames])){
    warning("Unknown names in control: ", paste(unkwn, collapse = ", "))
  # Initial values
  if (missing(initial)) {
    if (family == "bernoulli") {
      if(!missing(data)) {
        initial0 <- glm(fixed, family = binomial, data = data)$coefficients
      } else {
        initial0 <- glm(fixed, family = binomial)$coefficients
    if (family == "poisson") {
      if(!missing(data)) {
        initial0 <- glm(fixed, family = poisson, data = data)$coefficients
      } else {
        initial0 <- glm(fixed, family = poisson)$coefficients
    if (family == "negbinom") {
      if(!missing(data)) {
        initial0 <- c(glm(fixed, family = poisson, data = data)$coefficients, 100)
      } else {
        initial0 <-c(glm(fixed, family = poisson)$coefficients, 100)
    if (family == "gamma") {
      if(!missing(data)) {
        initial0 <- c(lm(fixed, data = data)$coefficients, 1)
      } else {
        initial0 <-c(lm(fixed)$coefficients, 1)
    if(!is.list(random)) {
      initial <- c(initial0, 4)
    } else {
      initial <- c(initial0, rep(4, length(random)))
  # Fitting starts. Case 1: One random effect not in a list.
  if (!is.list(random)) {
    # Case 1: One random effect with a diagonal matrix.
    if (missing(data)) {
      kZ <- model.matrix(random)
    } else {
      kZ <- model.matrix(random, data = data)
    zlabs <- attr(terms(random), "term.labels")
    sigmaType <- 0
    kKi <- ncol(kZ)
    kLh <- 1
    kLhi <- kKi
    if (vcDist == "normal") {
      if (family == "bernoulli") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLE_n(sigmaType, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "poisson") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLEPoisson_n(sigmaType, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "negbinom") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLENegBinom_n(sigmaType, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "gamma") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLEGamma_n(sigmaType, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
    } else {
      if (length(df) > 1) {
        stop("The number of variance components and the length of df must me equal.")
      if (family == "bernoulli") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLE_t_fixed_df(sigmaType, df, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "poisson") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLEPoisson_t_fixed_df(sigmaType, df, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "negbinom") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLENegBinom_t_fixed_df(sigmaType, df, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "gamma") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLEGamma_t_fixed_df(sigmaType, df, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
  } else {
    # Case 2: Possible multiple random effects with diagonal matrices.
    sigmaType <- rep(0, length(random))
    kZ <- NULL
    kKi <- NULL
    kLh <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(random)) {
      if (missing(data)) {
        tmpZ <- model.matrix(random[[i]])
      } else {
        tmpZ <- model.matrix(random[[i]], data = data)
      tmpZ <- tmpZ[, colSums(tmpZ^2) !=0] # Check for columns with only zeros. This might happen with nested random effects.
      kZ <- cbind(kZ, tmpZ)
      kKi <- c(kKi, ncol(tmpZ))
      kLh <- c(kLh, 1)        
    kLhi <- kKi
    zlabs <- as.character(lapply(lapply(random, terms), attr, which="term.labels"))
    # Normal random effects
    if (vcDist == "normal") {
      if (family == "bernoulli") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLE_n(sigmaType, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "poisson") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLEPoisson_n(sigmaType, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "negbinom") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLENegBinom_n(sigmaType, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "gamma") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLEGamma_n(sigmaType, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
    # t random effects
    if (vcDist == "t") {
      if (length(df) != length(random)) {
        stop("The number of variance components and the length of df must me equal.")
      if (family == "bernoulli") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLE_t_fixed_df(sigmaType, df, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "poisson") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLEPoisson_t_fixed_df(sigmaType, df, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "negbinom") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLENegBinom_t_fixed_df(sigmaType, df, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
      if (family == "gamma") {
        fit0 <- mcemMLEGamma_t_fixed_df(sigmaType, df, kKi, kLh, kLhi, kY, kX, kZ, initial, controlEM = ctrl, controlTrust = cTrust)
  # Some cleaning up.
  class(fit0) <- "mcemGLMM"
  if (family == "bernoulli" | family == "poisson") {
    colnames(fit0$mcemEST) <- c(xlabs, zlabs)
  } else {
    colnames(fit0$mcemEST) <- c(xlabs, "alpha", zlabs)
  # Remove rows of zeros (stopping before max iterations)
  fit0$mcemEST <- fit0$mcemEST[rowSums(fit0$mcemEST^2) != 0, ]
  # Save call
  fit0$call <- call0
  # Names for fixed effect's design matrix
  colnames(fit0$x) <- colnames(kX)
  # Write warnings or other messages
  if (abs(det(fit0$iMatrix)) < .Machine$double.eps) {
    warning("Information matrix is not invertible.")
  if (sum(diag(solve(fit0$iMatrix)) < rep(0, length(diag(fit0$iMatrix))))) {
    warning("Negative standard error estimate. \n This is possible due to Monte Carlo error. Extending the model with mcemGLMMext is recommended. See help(mcemGLMMext) for details.")

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mcemGLM documentation built on April 3, 2023, 5:43 p.m.