### Fast calculation of SVE estimators using Herberle et. al (2017)
mSVEfft <- function (A, b, method = "bartlett")
n <- nrow(A) # A must be centered matrix
p <- ncol(A)
w <- as.vector(lag(1:b, n = n, b = b, method = method)) # calculate lags
w <- c(1, w[1:(n-1)], 0, w[(n-1):1]) # starting steps from FFT paper
w <- Re(fftw_r2c(w))
FF <- matrix(0, ncol = p, nrow = 2*n)
FF[1:n,] <- A
if(p > 1) # multivariate
FF <- mvfftw_r2c (FF)
FF <- FF * matrix(w, nrow = 2*n, ncol = p)
FF <- mvfftw_c2r(FF) / (2* n )
return ((t(A) %*% FF[1:n, ]) / n )
} else if(p == 1) ##univariate calls
FF <- fftw_r2c (FF)
FF <- FF * matrix(w, nrow = 2*n, ncol = p)
FF <- fftw_c2r(FF) / (2* n )
return ((t(A) %*% FF[1:n]) / n )
### Main function. Estimates the covariance matrix
### Recommend blather = FALSE for users and TRUE for developers
#' Multivariate Monte Carlo standard errors for expectations.
#' Function returns the estimate of the covariance matrix in the Markov Chain CLT using batch means
#' or spectral variance methods (with different lag windows). The function also returns the Monte
#' Carlo estimate.
#' @param x A matrix or data frame of Markov chain output. Number of rows is the Monte
#' Carlo sample size.
#' @param method Any of \dQuote{\code{bm}},\dQuote{\code{obm}},\dQuote{\code{bartlett}},\dQuote{\code{tukey}}. \dQuote{\code{bm}}
#' represents batch means estimator, \dQuote{\code{obm}} represents the overlapping batch means estimator,
#' and \dQuote{\code{bartlett}} and \dQuote{\code{tukey}} represent the modified-Bartlett window and
#' the Tukey-Hanning windows for the spectral variance estimators.
#' @param r The lugsail parameters (\code{r}) that converts a lag window into its lugsail
#' equivalent. Larger values of \code{r} will typically imply less underestimation of \dQuote{\code{cov}},
#' but higher variability of the estimator. Default is \code{r = 3} and \code{r = 1,2} are
#' good choices. \code{r > 5} is not recommended.
#' @param size Represents the batch size in \dQuote{\code{bm}} and the truncation point in \dQuote{\code{bartlett}} and
#' \dQuote{\code{tukey}}. Default is \code{NULL} which implies that an optimal batch size is calculated
#' using the \code{batchSize} function. Can take character values of \dQuote{\code{sqroot}} and
#' \dQuote{\code{cuberoot}} or any numeric value between 1 and n/2. \dQuote{\code{sqroot}} means
#' size is floor(n^(1/2)) and \dQuote{\code{cuberoot}} means size is floor(n^(1/3)).
#' @param g A function that represents features of interest. \code{g} is applied to each row of \code{x} and
#' thus \code{g} should take a vector input only. If \code{g} is \code{NULL}, \code{g} is set to be identity, which
#' is estimation of the mean of the target density.
#' @param adjust Defaults to \code{TRUE}. logical for whether the matrix should automatically be adjusted if unstable.
#' @param blather If \code{TRUE}, returns under-the-hood workings of the package.
#' @return A list is returned with the following components,
#' \item{cov}{a covariance matrix estimate.}
#' \item{est}{estimate of g(x).}
#' \item{nsim}{number of rows of the input x.}
#' \item{eigen_values}{eigen values of the estimate cov.}
#' \item{method}{method used to calculate matrix cov.}
#' \item{size}{value of size used to calculate cov.}
#' \item{Adjustment_Used}{whether an adjustment was used to calculate cov.}
#' @usage mcse.multi(x, method = "bm", r = 3, size = NULL, g = NULL,
#' adjust = TRUE, blather = FALSE)
#' @references
#' Vats, D., Flegal, J. M., and, Jones, G. L Multivariate output analysis for Markov chain Monte Carlo,
#' \emph{Biometrika}, \bold{106}, 321–-337.
#' Vats, D., Flegal, J. M., and, Jones, G. L. (2018) Strong Consistency of multivariate spectral variance
#' estimators for Markov chain Monte Carlo, \emph{Bernoulli}, \bold{24}, 1860–-1909.
#' @seealso \code{\link{batchSize}}, which computes an optimal batch size.
#' \code{\link{mcse.initseq}}, which computes an initial sequence estimator.
#' \code{\link{mcse}}, which acts on a vector.
#' \code{\link{mcse.mat}}, which applies mcse to each column of a matrix or data frame.
#' \code{\link{mcse.q}} and \code{\link{mcse.q.mat}}, which compute standard
#' errors for quantiles.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Bivariate Normal with mean (mu1, mu2) and covariance sigma
#' n <- 1e3
#' mu <- c(2, 50)
#' sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), nrow = 2)
#' out <- BVN_Gibbs(n, mu, sigma)
#' <- mcse.multi(x = out)
#' mcse.tuk <- mcse.multi(x = out, method = "tukey")
#' # If we are only estimating the mean of the first component,
#' # and the second moment of the second component
#' g <- function(x) return(c(x[1], x[2]^2))
#' mcse <- mcse.multi(x = out, g = g)
mcse.multi <- function(x, method = "bm", r=3, size = NULL, g = NULL, adjust = TRUE, blather = FALSE)
method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("bm", "obm", "bartlett", "tukey", "lug"))
if(method == "lug") # not releaved to the public. Inside option for developers
method <- "bm"
r <- 3
# at some point the method used may be different
# from the method asked. Blather will output this
method.used <- method
c <- 0.5
if(!is.numeric(r)) stop("r should be numeric")
if(!is.numeric(c)) stop("c should be numeric")
if(r > 5) warning("We recommend using r <=5. r = 1,2,3 are standard")
if(r < 1) {
warning("r cannot be less than 1. Setting r = 3")
r <- 3
if(c > 1) {
warning("c cannot be greater than 1. Setting c = 0.5")
c <- 0.5
# making matrix compatible and applying g
chain <- as.matrix(x)
if(!is.matrix(chain) && !
stop("'x' must be a matrix or data frame.")
if (is.function(g))
chain <- apply(chain, 1, g)
chain <- as.matrix(chain)
chain <- t(chain)
## Setting dimensions on the mcmc output.
n <- dim(chain)[1]
p <- dim(chain)[2]
if(n < (p+1))
stop("sample size is insufficient for a Markov chain of this dimension")
# Setting batch size based on chosen option
b <- batchSize(x = x, method = method) # optimal
else if(size == "sqroot")
b <- floor(sqrt(n))
else if(size == "cuberoot") {
b <- floor(n^(1/3))
else {
if (!is.numeric(size) || size < 1 || size >= n || floor(n/size) <=1) {
warning("size is either too large, too small, or not a number. Setting 'size' to the optimal
size = batchSize(x = x, method = method)
b <- floor(size)
a <- floor(n/b)
if(b == 1 && r != 1)
r <- 1
## Overall means of the mcmc output
mu.hat <- colMeans(chain) # this is based on the full output. not n = a*b
## Setting matrix sizes to avoid dynamic memory
sig.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
message <- "" # will store some info for blather
if(b < (2*r))
r <- 1
message <- paste(message, "estimated batch size is low, lugsail not required")
adjust.used <- FALSE
if(b == 1)
init.mat <- var(chain)
sig.mat <- init.mat
## Batch Means
if(method == "bm")
init.mat <- mbmC(chain, b)
sig.mat <- init.mat
if(r>1) {
sig.mat <- (1/(1-c))*init.mat - (c/(1-c))*mbmC(chain, floor(b/r))
## Overlapping Batch Means
if(method == "obm")
init.mat <- mobmC(chain, b)
sig.mat <- init.mat
if(r>1) {
sig.mat <- (1/(1-c))*init.mat - (c/(1-c))*mobmC(chain, floor(b/r))
## Bartlett or Tukey
if((method == "bartlett") || (method == "tukey"))
chain <- scale(chain, center = mu.hat, scale = FALSE)
init.mat <- mSVEfft(A = chain, b = b, method = method)
sig.mat <- init.mat
sig.mat <- (1/(1-c))*init.mat - (c/(1-c))*mSVEfft(A = chain, b = floor(b/r), method = method)
adjust.used <- FALSE
method.used <- paste("Lugsail ", method, " with r = ", r)
if(prod(diag(sig.mat) > 0) == 0) # If diagonals are negative, cannot use larger values of r
sig.mat <- init.mat
method.used <- method
message <- paste(message, paste("Diagonals were negative with r = ", r,". r = 1 was used.", sep = ""), sep = "")
adjust.used <- TRUE #whether an adjustment was made
sig.eigen <- eigen(sig.mat, only.values = TRUE)$values
if(adjust) # if adjust is FALSE, may output non PD estimator
if(min(sig.eigen) <= 0) #needs an adjustment. No need to adjust is not needed
adjust.used <- TRUE
warning("Estimated matrix not positive definite. The chain might be highly correlated or very high dimensional. Consider increasing the sample size. Using the default batch means estimator as a substitute.")
if(method == "bm") {
sig.mat = init.mat
} else {
sig.mat = mcse.multi(x, method = "bm", r=1, size = size, g = g, adjust = FALSE, blather = FALSE)$cov
sig.eigen <- eigen(sig.mat, only.values = TRUE)$values
value = list("cov" = sig.mat, "est" = mu.hat, "nsim" = n, "eigen_values" = sig.eigen,
"method" = method.used, "size" = b, "Adjustment_Used" = adjust.used, "message" = message)
} else {
value = list("cov" = sig.mat, "est" = mu.hat, "nsim" = n, "eigen_values" = sig.eigen)
class(value) = "mcmcse"
#' Check if the class of the object is mcmcse
#' @param x The object that is checked to belong to the class mcmcse
#' @return Boolean variable indicating if the input belongs to the class mcmcse
#' @examples
#' ## Bivariate Normal with mean (mu1, mu2) and covariance sigma
#' n <- 1e3
#' mu <- c(2, 50)
#' sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), nrow = 2)
#' out <- BVN_Gibbs(n, mu, sigma)
#' is.mcmcse(mcse.multi(out))
#' @export
is.mcmcse <- function(x) inherits(x, "mcmcse")
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