
Defines functions mcreg

Documented in mcreg

## mcrInterface.r
## Interface function for computing method comparisons.
## Copyright (C) 2011 Roche Diagnostics GmbH
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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#' Comparison of Two Measurement Methods Using Regression Analysis
#' \code{mcreg} is used to compare two measurement methods by means of regression analysis.
#' Available methods comprise ordinary and weighted linear regression,
#' Deming and weighted Deming regression and Passing-Bablok regression. Point estimates of regression
#' parameters are computed together with their standard errors and confidence intervals.
#' The regression analysis yields regression coefficients 'Inercept' and 'Slope' of the regression
#' \eqn{Testmethod = Intercept + Slope * Referencemethod}. There are methods for computing the systematical
#' bias between reference and test method at a decision point Xc, \eqn{Bias(Xc) = Intercept + (Slope-1) * Xc},
#' accompanied by its corresponding standard error and confidence interval. One can use plotting
#' method \code{plotBias} for a comprehensive view of the systematical bias.
#' Weighted regression for heteroscedastic data is available for linear and Deming regression and
#' implemented as a data point weighting with the inverted squared value of the reference method.
#' Therefore calculation of weighted regression (linear and Deming) is available only for positive values (>0).
#' Passing-Bablok regression is only available for non-negative values (>=0).
#' Confidence intervals for regression parameters and bias estimates are calculated
#' either by using analytical methods or by means of resampling methods ("jackknife", "bootstrap", "nested bootstrap").
#' An analytical method is available for all types of regression except for weighted Deming.
#' For Passing-Bablok regression the option "analytical" calculates confidence intervals for the regression parameters
#' according to the non-parametric approach given in the original reference.
#' The "jackknife" (or leave one out resampling) method was suggested by Linnet for
#' calculating confidence intervals of regression parameters
#' of Deming and weighted Deming regression. It is possible to calculate jackknife confidence
#' intervals for all types of regression. Note that we do not recommend this method for Passing-Bablok
#' since it has a tendency of underestimating the variability
#' (jackknife is known to yield incorrect estimates for errors of quantiles).
#' The bootstrap method requires additionally choosing a value for \code{method.bootstrap.ci}.
#' If bootstrap is the method of choice, "BCa", t-bootstrap ("tBoot") and simple "quantile" confidence intervals are recommended
#' (See Efron B. and Tibshirani R.J.(1993),Carpenter J., Bithell J. (2000)).
#' The "nestedbootstrap" method can be very time-consuming but is necessary for calculating t-bootstrap
#' confidence intervals for weighted Deming or Passing-Bablok regression. For these regression methods there are no analytical
#' solutions for computing standard errors, which therefore have to be obtained by nested bootstrapping.
#' Note that estimating resampling based confidence intervals for Passing--Bablok regressions can take very long time 
#' for larger data sets due to the high computational complexity of the algorithm. To mitigate this drawback
#' an adaption of the Passing-Bablok algorithm has been implemented (\code{"PaBaLarge"}), which yields approximative results. This approach
#' does not build the complete upper triangular matrix of all 'n*(n-1)/2' slopes. It subdivides the range of slopes into
#' 'NBins' classes, and sorts each slope into one of these bins. The remaining steps are the same as for the exact \code{"PaBa"}
#' algorithm, except that these are performed on the binned slopes instead of operating on the matrix of slopes.
#' Our implementation of exact Passing-Bablok regression (\code{"PaBa"}) provides two alternative metrics for regression slopes which
#' can result in different regression estimates.
#' As a robust regression method PaBa is essentially invariant to the parameterization of regression slopes,
#' however in the case of an even number of all pairwise slopes the two central slopes are averaged to estimate the final regression slope.
#' In this situation using an angle based metric (\code{slope.measure="radian"}) will result in
#' a regression estimate that is geometrically centered between the two central slopes, whereas the tangent measure (\code{slope.measure="tangent"})
#' proposed in Passing and Bablok (1983) will be geometrically biased towards a higher slope. See below for a pathological example.
#' Note that the difference between the two measures is negligible for data sets with reasonable sample size (N>20) and correlation.   
#' Equivariant Passing-Bablok regression as proposed by Bablok et al. (1988) (see also Dufey 2020) is not bound to slopes near 1
#' and therefore not only applicable for method comparison but also for method transformation, i.e., when two methods yield results on a different scale. 
#' Like ordinary Passing-Bablok regression, the method is robust. 
#' This method should be preferred over the older "PaBa" and "PaBalarge" algorithms. 
#' Both slope measures "radian" and "tangent" are
#' available as are methods for the determination of confidence intervals -analytical and bootstrap.
#' By default (methodlarge=TRUE),  a modified algorithm (Dillencourt et al., 1992) is used which scales quasilinearly and requires little memory.
#' Alternatively (methodlarge=F), a simpler implementation which scales quadratically and is more memory intensive may be called. 
#' While point estimates coincide for both implementations, analytic confidence intervals differ slightly. 
#' Same holds true for the Theil-Sen estimator, which is a robust alternative to linear regression.
#' Like linear regression, it assumes that x-values are error free. 
#' @param x measurement values of reference method, or two column matrix.
#' @param y measurement values of test method.
#' @param mref.name name of reference method (Default "Method1").
#' @param mtest.name name of test Method (Default "Method2").
#' @param sample.names names of cases (Default "S##").
#' @param error.ratio ratio between squared measurement errors of reference and 
#'        test method, necessary for Deming regression (Default 1).
#' @param alpha value specifying the 100(1-alpha)\% confidence level for confidence intervals (Default is 0.05).
#' @param method.reg regression method.  It is possible to choose between five regression methods: 
#'          \code{"LinReg"} - ordinary least square regression.\cr 
#'          \code{"WLinReg"} - weighted ordinary least square regression.\cr
#'          \code{"Deming"} - Deming regression.\cr 
#'          \code{"WDeming"} - weighted Deming regression.\cr
#'          \code{"TS"} - Theil-Sen regression.\cr
#'          \code{"PBequi"} - equivariant Passing-Bablok regression.\cr
#'          \code{"PaBa"} - Passing-Bablok regression.\cr  
#'          \code{"PaBaLarge"} - approximative Passing-Bablok regression for large datasets, operating on \code{NBins} classes of constant slope angle which each slope
#'                               is classified to instead of building the complete triangular matrix of all N*N/2 slopes.
#' @param method.ci method of confidence interval calculation. The function 
#'         contains four basic methods for calculation of confidence intervals for regression coefficients.
#'          \code{"analytical"} - with parametric method.\cr
#'          \code{"jackknife"} - with leave one out resampling.\cr
#'          \code{"bootstrap"} - with ordinary non-parametric bootstrap resampling.\cr
#'          \code{"nested bootstrap"} - with ordinary non-parametric bootstrap resampling.\cr 
#' @param method.bootstrap.ci bootstrap based confidence interval estimation method. 
#' @param nsamples number of bootstrap samples.
#' @param nnested number of nested bootstrap samples.
#' @param rng.seed integer number that sets the random number generator seed for bootstrap sampling. If set to NULL currently in the R session used RNG setting will be used. 
#' @param rng.kind type of random number generator for bootstrap sampling. Only used when rng.seed is specified, see set.seed for details.
#' @param iter.max maximum number of iterations for weighted Deming iterative algorithm.
#' @param threshold numerical tolerance for weighted Deming iterative algorithm convergence.
#' @param na.rm remove measurement pairs that contain missing values (Default is FALSE).
#' @param NBins number of bins used when 'reg.method="PaBaLarge"' to classify each slope in one of 'NBins' bins covering the range of all slopes
#' @param slope.measure angular measure of pairwise slopes used for exact PaBa regression (see below for details).\cr   
#'          \code{"radian"} - for data sets with even sample numbers median slope is calculated as average of two central slope angles.\cr
#'          \code{"tangent"} - for data sets with even sample numbers median slope is calculated as average of two central slopes (tan(angle)).\cr
#' @param methodlarge  Boolean. This parameter applies only to regmethod="PBequi" and "TS".  
#' If TRUE, a quasilinear algorithm is used. 
#'If FALSE, a quadratic algorithm is used which is faster for less than several hundred data pairs. 
#' @return "MCResult" object containing regression results. The function \code{\link{getCoefficients}} or
#'          \code{\link{printSummary}} can be used to obtain or print a summary of the results.
#'          The function \code{\link{getData}} allows to see the original data.
#'          An S4 object of class "MCResult" containing at least the following slots: 
#'  \item{data}{measurement data in wide format, one pair of observations per sample. Includes samples ID, 
#'              reference measurement, test measurement.}
#'  \item{para}{numeric matrix with estimates for slope and intercept, corresponding standard deviations and confidence intervals.}
#'  \item{mnames}{character vector of length two containing names of analytical methods.}
#'  \item{regmeth}{type of regression type used for parameter estimation.}
#'  \item{cimeth}{method used for calculation of confidence intervals.}
#'  \item{error.ratio}{ratio between squared measurement errors of reference  and test method, necessary for Deming regression.}
#'  \item{alpha}{confidence level using for calculation of confidence intervals.}
#' @references  Bland, J. M., Altman, D. G. (1986) 
#'              Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement. 
#'              \emph{Lancet}, \bold{i:} 307--310.
#'              Linnet, K. (1993)
#'              Evaluation of Regression Procedures for Methods Comparison Studies.
#'              \emph{CLIN. CHEM.} \bold{39/3}, 424--432.
#'              Linnet, K. (1990)
#'              Estimation of the Linear Relationship between the Measurements of two Methods with Proportional Errors.
#'              \emph{Statistics in Medicine}, Vol. \bold{9}, 1463--1473.
#'              Neter, J., Wassermann, W., Kunter, M. (1985)
#'              \emph{Applied Statistical Models.} 
#'              Richard D. Irwing, INC.
#'              Looney, S. W. (2010) 
#'              Statistical Methods for Assessing Biomarkers.
#'              \emph{Methods in Molecular Biology}, vol. \bold{184}: \emph{Biostatistical Methods}. Human Press INC.
#'              Passing, H., Bablok, W. (1983) 
#'              A new biometrical procedure for testing the equality of measurements from two different analytical methods. 
#'              Application of linear regression procedures for method comparison studies in clinical chemistry, Part I. 
#'              \emph{J Clin Chem Clin Biochem}.  Nov; \bold{21(11)}:709--20.
#'              Bablok, W., Passing, H., Bender, R., & Schneider, B. (1988)
#'              A general regression procedure for method transformation. Application of linear regression procedures for method 
#'              comparison studies in clinical chemistry, Part III. 
#'              \emph{Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine}, \bold{26(11)}: 783--790.
#'              Dillencourt, M. B., Mount, D. M., & Netanyahu, N. S. (1992) 
#'              A randomized algorithm for slope selection. 
#'              \emph{International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications}, \bold{2(01)}: 1--27.
#'              Dufey, F. (2020) 
#'              Derivation of Passing-Bablok regression from Kendall's tau. 
#'              \emph{The International Journal of Biostatistics}, \bold{16(2)}: 20190157. 
#'              https://doi.org/10.1515/ijb-2019-0157
#'              Raymaekers, J.,  Dufey, F. (2022)
#'              Equivariant Passing-Bablok regression in quasilinear time. 
#'              \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.08060}.
#'              https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2202.08060
#'              Efron, B., Tibshirani, R.J. (1993)
#'              \emph{An Introduction to the Bootstrap}. Chapman and Hall.
#'              Carpenter, J., Bithell, J. (2000)
#'              Bootstrap confidence intervals: when, which, what? A practical guide for medical statisticians.
#'              \emph{Stat Med}, \bold{19 (9)}, 1141--1164.
#'              \emph{CLSI EP9-A2}. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotDifference}}, \code{\link{plot.mcr}}, \code{\link{getResiduals}}, \code{\link{plotResiduals}}, \code{\link{calcResponse}}, \code{\link{calcBias}}, \code{\link{plotBias}}, \code{\link{compareFit}}
#' @author Ekaterina Manuilova \email{ekaterina.manuilova@@roche.com}, Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{andre.schuetzenmeister@@roche.com}, Fabian Model \email{fabian.model@@roche.com}, Sergej Potapov \email{sergej.potapov@@roche.com}, Florian Dufey \email{florian.dufey@@roche.com}, Jakob Raymaekers \email{jakob.raymaekers@@kuleuven.be}
#' @examples
#' library("mcr")
#' data(creatinine,package="mcr")
#' x <- creatinine$serum.crea
#' y <- creatinine$plasma.crea
#' # Deming regression fit.
#' # The confidence intercals for regression coefficients
#' # are calculated with analytical method
#' model1<- mcreg(x,y,error.ratio=1,method.reg="Deming", method.ci="analytical",
#'                mref.name = "serum.crea", mtest.name = "plasma.crea", na.rm=TRUE)
#' # Results
#' printSummary(model1)
#' getCoefficients(model1)
#' plot(model1)
#' # Deming regression fit.
#' # The confidence intervals for regression coefficients
#' # are calculated with bootstrap (BCa) method
#' model2<- mcreg(x,y,error.ratio=1,method.reg="Deming",
#'                method.ci="bootstrap", method.bootstrap.ci = "BCa",
#'                mref.name = "serum.crea", mtest.name = "plasma.crea", na.rm=TRUE)
#' compareFit(model1, model2) 
#' ## Pathological example of Passing-Bablok regression where measure for slope angle matters  
#' x1 <- 1:10; y1 <- 0.5*x1; x <- c(x1,y1); y <- c(y1,x1) 
#' m1 <- mcreg(x,y,method.reg="PaBa",method.ci="analytical",slope.measure="radian",
#'             mref.name="X",mtest.name="Y")
#' m2 <- mcreg(x,y,method.reg="PaBa",method.ci="analytical",slope.measure="tangent",
#'             mref.name="X",mtest.name="Y")
#' plot(m1, add.legend=FALSE,identity=FALSE,
#'      main="Radian vs. tangent slope measures in Passing-Bablok regression\n(pathological example)",
#'      ci.area=FALSE,add.cor=FALSE)
#' plot(m2, ci.area=FALSE,reg.col="darkgreen",reg.lty=2,identity=FALSE,add.legend=FALSE,
#'      draw.points=FALSE,add=TRUE,add.cor=FALSE)
#' includeLegend(place="topleft",models=list(m1,m2),model.names=c("PaBa Radian","PaBa Tangent"),
#'               colors=c("darkblue","darkgreen"),lty=c(1,2),design="1",digits=2)

mcreg <- function(x, y = NULL, error.ratio = 1, alpha = 0.05,
              mref.name = NULL, mtest.name = NULL, sample.names = NULL,
              method.reg = c("PaBa", "LinReg", "WLinReg", "Deming", "WDeming", "PaBaLarge", "PBequi", "TS"),
              method.ci = c("bootstrap", "jackknife", "analytical", "nestedbootstrap"),
              method.bootstrap.ci = c("quantile", "Student", "BCa", "tBoot"),
              nsamples = 999, nnested = 25, rng.seed = NULL, rng.kind = "Mersenne-Twister",
              iter.max = 30, threshold = 0.000001, na.rm = FALSE, NBins = 1000000,
			  slope.measure = c("radian", "tangent"),methodlarge=TRUE)
	## Match choice parameters
    method.reg <- match.arg(method.reg)
    method.ci <- match.arg(method.ci)
    method.bootstrap.ci <- match.arg(method.bootstrap.ci)
    slope.measure <- match.arg(slope.measure)
	## Check input data
    if( method.reg %in% c("Deming", "WDeming")){
        stopifnot(length(error.ratio) > 0)
        stopifnot(error.ratio >= 0) 
        if( method.reg == "WDeming"){
            stopifnot(length(iter.max) > 0)
            stopifnot(round(iter.max) == iter.max)  
            stopifnot(iter.max > 0)
            stopifnot(length(threshold) > 0)
            stopifnot(threshold >= 0)
    if( method.ci %in% c("bootstrap","nestedbootstrap") ){
        stopifnot(length(nsamples) > 0)
        stopifnot(nsamples > 0)
        if( method.ci == "nestedbootstrap" ){
            stopifnot(length(nnested) > 0)
            stopifnot(nnested > 0)    

    stopifnot(length(alpha) > 0)
    stopifnot(alpha > 0 & alpha < 1)

        stopifnot(ncol(x) == 2)
        stopifnot(nrow(x) > 2)
		data <- x
        stopifnot(is.numeric(x) & is.numeric(y))
        stopifnot(length(x) == length(y))
        stopifnot(length(x) > 2)	
        stopifnot(!all(is.na(x)) & !all(is.na(y)))
		data <- cbind(x,y)
    colnames(data) <- c("x","y")
    npoints.old <- dim(data)[1]
        stopifnot(length(sample.names) == nrow(data))
	## Remove NAs
        cc <- complete.cases(data) 
        data <- data[cc,]
        sample.names <- sample.names[cc]
        npoints.new <- dim(data)[1]
        if(npoints.old != npoints.new){
            cat(paste(  "Please note: \n",round(npoints.old-npoints.new), " of ",npoints.old,
                        " observations contain missing values and have been removed.\nNumber of data points in analysis is ",
                        npoints.new,".\n", sep=""))
    stopifnot((sd(data[,"x"]) > 0) & (sd(data[,"y"]) > 0))
    #----- Limits for data points
        mref.name <- "Method1"
        mtest.name <- "Method2"
    if(mref.name == mtest.name)
        cat("Names of test method and reference method are equal!")
    mnames <- c(mref.name, mtest.name)   
    ## For PaBa set error ratio 1 for correct weighted residual calculation
    if(method.reg %in% c("PaBa", "PaBaLarge")) error.ratio <- 1

    if(method.reg == "WDeming" & min(data) <= 0) 
        stop("Weighted Deming regression for non-positive values is not available.")
    if(method.reg %in% c("PaBa", "PaBaLarge") & min(data) < 0) 
        stop("Passing-Bablok regression for negative values is not available.")	
    if(method.reg == "WLinReg" & any(data == 0)) 
        stop("Weighted linear regression for zero values is not available.")
    if(method.reg %in% c("WDeming","PaBa") & method.ci=="bootstrap" & method.bootstrap.ci=="tBoot") 
        stop(paste("The analytical estimation of coefficients' SE for", method.reg ,"is not available. \nFor tBoot please choose nested bootstrap."))	

    ## Analytical confidence intervals
        if(method.reg %in% c("PaBa", "PaBaLarge")){
            ## Determine if slope 1 or -1 is expected
            posCor <- cor(data[,"x"], data[,"y"], method="kendall") >= 0
            if(method.reg == "PaBa"){  
                ## Compute slope matrix
                #angM <- mc.calcAngleMat(data[,"x"], data[,"y"], posCor=posCor)
                ## Regression
                mc.res <- mc.paba(angM = NULL, data[,"x"], data[,"y"], 
									posCor = posCor, alpha = alpha, 
									slope.measure = slope.measure)		
            }else{    # PaBaLarge: regression using the approximative PaBa-algorithm
                mc.res <- mc.paba.LargeData( data[,"x"], data[,"y"], 
											posCor = posCor, NBins = NBins, 
											alpha = alpha, slope.measure = slope.measure)
            xmean <- as.numeric(NA)
            weight <- rep(1, nrow(data))
        }else if(method.reg %in% c("LinReg","WLinReg","Deming","PBequi","TS")){
            mcr <- switch(  method.reg,
                            LinReg  = mc.linreg(data[,"x"], data[,"y"]),
                            WLinReg = mc.wlinreg( data[,"x"], data[,"y"]),
                            Deming = mc.deming(data[,"x"], data[,"y"], error.ratio),
                            PBequi = mc.PBequi(data[,"x"],data[,"y"],method.reg="PBequi",slope.measure=slope.measure,methodlarge=methodlarge),
                            TS = mc.PBequi(data[,"x"],data[,"y"],method.reg="TS",slope.measure=slope.measure,methodlarge=methodlarge)
            mc.res <- mc.analytical.ci(mcr$b0, mcr$b1, mcr$se.b0, mcr$se.b1, nrow(data), alpha)
            xmean <- mcr$xw
            weight <- mcr$weight
            if(method.reg %in% c("PBequi")) error.ratio=1/(mcr$b1)^2
            stop(paste("The analytical estimation of confidence intervals for", method.reg, "is not available."))
                    result <- newMCResultAnalytical(method.names = mnames, 
										sample.names = sample.names, 
                                        wdata = data,
										para = mc.res, 
										xmean = xmean, 
										regmeth = method.reg,
                                        cimeth = method.ci, 
										error.ratio = error.ratio, 
										alpha = alpha, 
										weight = weight)

    } else if(method.ci == "jackknife") {
        cat("Jackknife based calculation of standard error and confidence intervals according to Linnet's method.\n")
        res <- mc.bootstrap(method.reg = method.reg, 
							jackknife = TRUE,
							bootstrap = "none", 
							X = data[,"x"], Y = data[,"y"],
                            error.ratio = error.ratio, 
							nsamples = nsamples, 
							NBins = NBins, 
							slope.measure = slope.measure,
                            threshold = threshold, 
							iter.max = iter.max, 
							nnested = nnested)
        B0jack <- res$B0jack
        B1jack <- res$B1jack
        glob.coef <- res$glob.coef
        jackB0 <- mc.calcLinnetCI(B0jack, glob.coef[1], alpha)
        jackB1 <- mc.calcLinnetCI(B1jack, glob.coef[2], alpha)
        weight <- res$weight
        mc.res <- mc.make.CIframe(b0 = jackB0$est, b1 = jackB1$est, 
									se.b0 = jackB0$se, se.b1 = jackB1$se, 
									CI.b0 = jackB0$CI, CI.b1 = jackB1$CI)
        result <- newMCResultJackknife( method.names = mnames, 
										sample.names = sample.names, 
										wdata = data, para = mc.res, 
										regmeth = method.reg,
                                        cimeth = method.ci, 
										B0jack = B0jack, B1jack = B1jack, 
										alpha = alpha, glob.coef = glob.coef,
                                        error.ratio = error.ratio, weight = weight)
	## Bootstrap confidence intervals
    }else if(method.ci %in% c("bootstrap", "nestedbootstrap")) {
        ## Set random number generator
        rng.old <- NULL
            stopifnot(length(rng.seed) == 1)
            if(exists(".Random.seed")) rng.old <- .Random.seed # store old RNG
            set.seed(seed = rng.seed, kind = rng.kind)
            ## No defined RNG initialization => set parameters to NA for storage in object
            rng.seed <- as.numeric(NA)
            rng.kind <- as.character(NA)
        #if (method.ci=="nestedbootstrap" & method.bootstrap.ci %in% c("Student","BCa")) warning("You need nested bootstrap only for 'tBoot' method.\n Please use option 'bootstrap' ")
        if(method.bootstrap.ci == "BCa"){
            res <- mc.bootstrap(method.reg = method.reg, 
								jackknife = TRUE, 
								bootstrap = method.ci, 
								X = data[,"x"], Y = data[,"y"], NBins = NBins, 
								slope.measure = slope.measure,
                                error.ratio = error.ratio, 
								nsamples = nsamples, 
								threshold = threshold, 
								iter.max = iter.max, 
								nnested = nnested)
            B0jack <- res$B0jack
            B1jack <- res$B1jack
            res <- mc.bootstrap(method.reg = method.reg, 
								jackknife = FALSE, 
								bootstrap = method.ci, 
								X = data[,"x"], Y = data[,"y"], NBins = NBins, 
								slope.measure = slope.measure,
                                error.ratio = error.ratio, 
								nsamples = nsamples, 
								threshold = threshold, 
								iter.max = iter.max, 
								nnested = nnested)
        xmean <- res$xmean
        B0 <- res$B0
        B1 <- res$B1
        MX <- res$MX
        sigmaB0 <- res$sigmaB0
        sigmaB1 <- res$sigmaB1
        glob.coef <- res$glob.coef
        glob.sigma <- res$glob.sigma
        npoints <- length(data[,"x"])
        nsamples <- res$nsamples
        nnested <- res$nnested
        weight <- res$weight
        if(method.bootstrap.ci == "Student"){
            bootB0 <- mc.calc.Student(B0, xhat=glob.coef[1], alpha, npoints)
            bootB1 <- mc.calc.Student(B1, xhat=glob.coef[2], alpha, npoints)
        } else if(method.bootstrap.ci == "BCa") {
            bootB0 <- mc.calc.bca(Xboot=B0, Xjack=B0jack, xhat=glob.coef[1], alpha)
            bootB1 <- mc.calc.bca(Xboot=B1, Xjack=B1jack, xhat=glob.coef[2], alpha)
            bootB0$se <- glob.sigma[1]
            bootB1$se <- glob.sigma[2]
            bootB0$se <- NA
            bootB1$se <- NA
        }else if(method.bootstrap.ci == "tBoot"){
            bootB0 <- mc.calc.tboot(Xboot=B0, Sboot=sigmaB0, xhat=glob.coef[1], shat=glob.sigma[1], alpha)
            bootB1 <- mc.calc.tboot(Xboot=B1, Sboot=sigmaB1, xhat=glob.coef[2], shat=glob.sigma[2], alpha)
        }else if(method.bootstrap.ci == "quantile"){
            bootB0 <- mc.calc.quantile(Xboot=B0, alpha)
            bootB1 <- mc.calc.quantile(Xboot=B1, alpha)
            bootB0$se <- NA
            bootB1$se <- NA
        if(method.reg == "WDeming") 
            cat("The global.sigma is calculated with Linnet's method\n")
        mc.res <- mc.make.CIframe(b0 = glob.coef[1], b1 = glob.coef[2], 
									se.b0 = bootB0$se, se.b1 = bootB1$se, 
									CI.b0 = bootB0$CI, CI.b1 = bootB1$CI)
        if(method.bootstrap.ci == "BCa"){
            result <- newMCResultBCa(method.names = mnames, 
									sample.names = sample.names, 
                                    wdata=data, para=mc.res, xmean=xmean, 
                                    cimeth=method.ci, bootcimeth=method.bootstrap.ci, 
									B0jack=B0jack, B1jack=B1jack,
                                    B0=B0, B1=B1, MX=MX, 
									sigmaB0=sigmaB0, sigmaB1=sigmaB1, 
									alpha=alpha, glob.coef=glob.coef,
                                    glob.sigma=glob.sigma, nsamples=nsamples, 
									nnested=nnested, error.ratio=error.ratio,
                                    rng.seed=rng.seed, rng.kind=rng.kind, weight=weight)
            result <- newMCResultResampling(method.names = mnames, 
											sample.names = sample.names, 
                                            wdata=data, para=mc.res, xmean=xmean, 
                                            cimeth=method.ci, bootcimeth=method.bootstrap.ci,
                                            B0=B0, B1=B1, MX=MX, 
											sigmaB0=sigmaB0, sigmaB1=sigmaB1, 
											alpha=alpha, glob.coef=glob.coef,
                                            glob.sigma=glob.sigma, nsamples=nsamples, 
											nnested=nnested, error.ratio=error.ratio,
                                            rng.seed=rng.seed,rng.kind=rng.kind, weight=weight)
        ## Restore old random number generator
        if(!is.null(rng.old)) .Random.seed <- rng.old

    ## Return MCResult object

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mcr documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 5:14 p.m.