#' Two-stage Least Squares Estimation of the Average Causal Mediation Effects
#' Estimate quantities for causal mediation analysis using an instrumental
#' variable estimator.
#' @param model.m a fitted model object for mediator, of class \code{lm}.
#' @param model.y a fitted model object for outcome, of class \code{lm}.
#' @param treat a character string indicating the name of the treatment variable
#' used in the models.
#' @param conf.level level of the returned two-sided confidence intervals.
#' Default is to return the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the simulated
#' quantities.
#' @param cluster a variable indicating clusters for standard errors. Note that
#' this should be a vector of cluster indicators itself, not a character
#' string for the name of the variable.
#' @param robustSE a logical value. If 'TRUE', heteroskedasticity-consistent
#' standard errors will be used. Default is 'FALSE'.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to vcovCL in the sandwich package:
#' typically the \code{type} argument for heteroskedasticity-consistent
#' standard errors.
#' @param boot a logical value. if \code{FALSE} analytic confidence intervals
#' based on Aroian (1947) will be used; if \code{TRUE} nonparametric
#' bootstrap will be used. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param sims number of Monte Carlo draws for nonparametric bootstrap.
#' @param est_se estimate standard errors. Primarily for internal use. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @importFrom stats deriv nobs setNames
#' @return \code{mediate} returns an object of class "\code{mediate}",
#' "\code{mediate.tsls}", a list that contains the components listed below.
#' The function \code{summary} can be used to obtain a table of the results.
#' \item{d1}{point estimate for average causal mediation effects.}
#' \item{}{confidence intervals for average causal mediation
#' effect. The confidence level is set at the value specified in
#' 'conf.level'.}
#' \item{z0}{point estimates for average direct effect.}
#' \item{}{confidence intervals for average direct effect.}
#' \item{z0.p}{two-sided p-values for average causal direct effect.}
#' \item{n0}{the "proportions mediated", or the size of the average causal
#' mediation effect relative to the total effect.}
#' \item{}{confidence intervals for the proportion mediated.}
#' \item{n0.p}{two-sided p-values for proportion mediated.}
#' \item{tau.coef}{point estimate for total effect.}
#' \item{}{confidence interval for total effect.}
#' \item{tau.p}{two-sided p-values for total effect.}
#' \item{boot}{logical, the \code{boot} argument used.}
#' \item{treat}{a character string indicating the name of the 'treat' variable
#' used.}
#' \item{mediator}{a character string indicating the name of the 'mediator'
#' variable used.}
#' \item{INT}{a logical value indicating whether the model specification
#' allows the effects to differ between the treatment and control conditions.}
#' \item{conf.level}{the confidence level used. }
#' \item{model.y}{the outcome model used.}
#' \item{model.m}{the mediator model used.}
#' \item{nobs}{number of observations in the model frame for 'model.m' and
#' 'model.y'. May differ from the numbers in the original models input to
#' 'mediate' if 'dropobs' was 'TRUE'.}
#' \item{cluster}{the clusters used.}
#' @references Aroian, L. A. 1947. The probability function of the product of
#' two normally distributed variables. *Annals of Mathematical Statistics,*
#' 18, 265-271.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate data. We use TSLS to address unobserved confounding (n).
#' set.seed(123)
#' sims <- 1000
#' dat <- data.frame(z = sample(0:1, sims, replace = TRUE),
#' t = sample(0:1, sims, replace = TRUE))
#' dat$n <- rnorm(sims, mean = 1)
#' dat$m <- rnorm(sims, mean = dat$z * 0.3 + dat$t * 0.2 + dat$n * 0.7, sd = 0.2)
#' dat$y <- rnorm(sims, mean = 5 + dat$t + dat$m * (-3) + dat$n, sd = 1)
#' model.m <- lm(m ~ t + z, data = dat)
#' model.y <- lm(y ~ t + m, data = dat)
#' cluster <- factor(sample(1:3, sims, replace = TRUE))
#' med <- mediate_tsls(model.m, model.y, cluster = cluster, treat = "t")
#' summary(med)
mediate_tsls <- function(model.m, model.y, treat = "",
conf.level = .95,
robustSE = FALSE, cluster = NULL,
boot = FALSE, sims = 1000, est_se = TRUE,
if (!inherits(model.m, "lm") | !inherits(model.y, "lm"))
stop("both mediator and outcome models must be of class `lm'.")
m_var <- all.vars(formula(model.m)[[2]])
y_var <- all.vars(formula(model.y)[[2]])
t_var <- treat
if (length(y_var) > 1L || length(m_var) > 1L)
stop("Left-hand side of model must only have one variable.")
n_y <- nobs(model.y)
n_m <- nobs(model.m)
if (n_y != n_m)
stop("number of observations in both models must be identical.")
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
if (NROW(cluster) != n_y)
stop("length of `cluster' must be equal to number of observations in models.")
} else {
cluster <- seq(n_y)
# Update y-model using predicted values of mediator
.dat <- eval(getCall(model.y)$data)
.dat <- .dat[names(model.m$fitted.values), ]
# .dat <- model.frame(model.y)
.dat[[m_var]] <- predict(model.m)
mod.y <- my_update(model.y, data = .dat)
# Point estimates
d <- coef(mod.y)[m_var] * coef(model.m)[t_var] # mediation effect
z <- coef(mod.y)[t_var] # direct effect
tau.coef <- d + z # total effect
nu <- d / tau.coef # proportion mediated
if (!est_se) {
se_d <- se_z <- se_tau <- se_n <- NA <- <- <- <- NA
d.p <- z.p <- tau.p <- n.p <- NA
} else {
if (!boot) {
sims <- NA
# Analytic CI
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
vcv_y <- sandwich::vcovCL(mod.y, cluster = cluster, ...)
vcv_m <- sandwich::vcovCL(model.m, cluster = cluster, ...)
} else if (robustSE) {
vcv_y <- sandwich::vcovHC(mod.y, ...)
vcv_m <- sandwich::vcovHC(model.m, ...)
} else {
vcv_y <- vcov(mod.y)
vcv_m <- vcov(model.m)
se_d <- sqrt(
coef(mod.y)[m_var]^2 * vcv_m[t_var, t_var] +
coef(model.m)[t_var]^2 * vcv_y[m_var, m_var] +
vcv_m[t_var, t_var] * vcv_y[m_var, m_var]
se_z <- sqrt(vcv_y[t_var, t_var])
se_tau <- sqrt(
vcv_y[t_var, t_var] +
(se_d)^2 +
2 * vcv_y[t_var, m_var] * coef(model.m)[t_var]
# Proportion
delta <- function(f, B, Sigma) {
ff <- deriv(f, names(B), func = TRUE)
x <-, as.list(B))
grad <- as.matrix(attr(x, "gradient"), nr = 1)
sqrt(grad %*% Sigma %*% t(grad))
Coefs <- c(coef(model.m)[t_var], coef(mod.y)[t_var], coef(mod.y)[m_var])
Coefs <- setNames(Coefs, c("b2", "b3", "gamma"))
Sigma <- diag(c(vcv_m[t_var, t_var], diag(vcv_y)[c(t_var, m_var)]))
Sigma[3,2] <- Sigma[2,3] <- vcv_y[t_var, m_var]
f <- ~b2 * gamma / (b2 * gamma + b3)
se_n <- as.vector(delta(f, Coefs, Sigma))
# CI and p-values
qq <- (1 - conf.level) / 2
qq <- setNames(c(qq, 1 - qq), c("low", "high")) <- d + qnorm(qq) * se_d <- z + qnorm(qq) * se_z <- tau.coef + qnorm(qq) * se_tau <- nu + qnorm(qq) * se_n
d.p <- pnorm(-abs(d), sd = se_d)
z.p <- pnorm(-abs(z), sd = se_z)
tau.p <- pnorm(-abs(tau.coef), sd = se_tau)
n.p <- pnorm(-abs(nu), sd = se_n)
} else {
# clusters
# taken from sandwich::vcovBS
cl <- split(seq_along(cluster), cluster)
# matrix for bootstrap estimates
cf <- matrix(, 4 * sims), ncol = 4,
dimnames = list(NULL, c("delta", "zeta", "tau", "nu")))
## update on bootstrap samples
for(i in 1:sims) {
.subset <- unlist(cl[sample(names(cl), length(cl), replace = TRUE)])
.dat_y <- eval(getCall(model.y)$data)[.subset, ]
.dat_m <- eval(getCall(model.m)$data)[.subset, ]
out <- tryCatch({
up_y <- my_update(model.y, data = .dat_y)
up_m <- my_update(model.m, data = .dat_m)
mediate_tsls(up_m, up_y, treat = treat, cluster = NULL, est_se = FALSE)[c("d1", "z0", "tau.coef", "n0")]
}, error = function(e) {
setNames(rep(list(NA), 4), c("d1", "z0", "tau.coef", "n0"))
cf[i, ] <- unlist(out)
se_d <- sd(cf[, "delta"], na.rm = TRUE)
se_z <- sd(cf[, "zeta"], na.rm = TRUE)
se_tau <- sd(cf[, "tau"], na.rm = TRUE)
se_n <- sd(cf[, "nu"], na.rm = TRUE)
qq <- (1 - conf.level) / 2
qq <- setNames(c(qq, 1 - qq), c("low", "high")) <- quantile(cf[, "delta"], qq, na.rm = TRUE) <- quantile(cf[, "zeta"], qq, na.rm = TRUE) <- quantile(cf[, "tau"], qq, na.rm = TRUE) <- quantile(cf[, "nu"], qq, na.rm = TRUE)
d.p <- pval(cf[, "delta"], d)
z.p <- pval(cf[, "zeta"], z)
tau.p <- pval(cf[, "tau"], tau.coef)
n.p <- pval(cf[, "nu"], nu)
# Output
out <- list(d1 = unname(d), = se_d, d1.p = d.p, =,
d0 = unname(d), = se_d, d0.p = d.p, =,
z1 = unname(z), = se_z, z1.p = z.p, =,
z0 = unname(z), = se_z, z0.p = z.p, =,
tau.coef = unname(tau.coef), = se_tau, =, tau.p = tau.p,
n0 = unname(nu), = se_n, =, n0.p = n.p,
boot = boot, = "perc",
treat = treat, mediator = m_var,
nobs = nobs(model.y), sims = sims,
INT = FALSE, conf.level = conf.level,
model.y = model.y, model.m = model.m
class(out) <- c("mediate", "mediate.tsls")
# From
# This function addresses issues when `update` is called within a function.
my_update <- function(mod, formula = NULL, data = NULL) {
call <- getCall(mod)
if (is.null(call)) {
stop("Model object does not support updating (no call)", call. = FALSE)
term <- terms(mod)
if (is.null(term)) {
stop("Model object does not support updating (no terms)", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(data)) call$data <- data
if (!is.null(formula)) call$formula <- update.formula(call$formula, formula)
env <- attr(term, ".Environment")
eval(call, env, parent.frame())
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