#' Download data and metadata from a dataset that uses ISO metadata.
#' This is an internal function called by the download_d1_data.R function. Not to be exported
#' @import dataone
#' @import EML
#' @import purrr
#' @import readr
#' @importFrom emld as_emld
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd_hms
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom utils URLdecode
#' @param meta_raw (character) A raw metadata object produced by download_d1_data
#' @param meta_obj (character) A metadata object produced by download_d1_data
#' @param meta_id (character) A metadata identifier produced by download_d1_data
#' @param data_id (character) A data identifier produced by download_d1_data
#' @param metadata_nodes (character) The member nodes where this metadata is stored, produced by download_d1_data
#' @param path (character) Path to a directory to download data to.
#' @keywords internal
download_ISO_data <- function(meta_raw, meta_obj, meta_id, data_id, metadata_nodes, path) {
# Silence 'visible bindings' note
name <- value <- entity_data <- NULL
meta_iso_xml <- XML::xmlTreeParse(meta_raw)
eml <- tryCatch({emld::as_emld(meta_obj, from = "xml")}, # If eml make EML object
error = function(e) {NULL})
metadata <- eml %>%
unlist() %>%
metadata2 <- meta_iso_xml %>%
unlist() %>%
ISO_type <- metadata2 %>% filter(name == "doc.children.MD_Metadata.children.metadataStandardName.children.CharacterString.children.text.value")
metadata <- metadata %>%
mutate(value = ifelse(name == "@type", ISO_type$value ,value ))
metadata <- metadata %>%
dplyr::mutate(name = dplyr::case_when(
grepl("@type", name) ~ "xml.version",
grepl("title", name) ~ "title",
grepl("individualName", name) ~ "people",
grepl("abstract", name) ~ "abstract",
grepl("identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.descriptiveKeywords.MD_Keywords.keyword.CharacterString", name) ~ "keyword",
grepl("doc.children.MD_Metadata.children.metadataStandardName.children.CharacterString.children.text.value", name) ~ "Metadata_ISO_Version",
grepl("geographicDescription", name) ~ "geographicCoverage.geographicDescription",
grepl("identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.extent.EX_Extent.geographicElement.EX_GeographicBoundingBox.westBoundLongitude.Decimal", name) ~ "geographicCoverage.westBoundingCoordinate",
grepl("identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.extent.EX_Extent.geographicElement.EX_GeographicBoundingBox.eastBoundLongitude.Decimal", name) ~ "geographicCoverage.eastBoundingCoordinate",
grepl("identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.extent.EX_Extent.geographicElement.EX_GeographicBoundingBox.northBoundLatitude.Decimal", name) ~ "geographicCoverage.northBoundingCoordinate",
grepl("identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.extent.EX_Extent.geographicElement.EX_GeographicBoundingBox.southBoundLatitude.Decimal", name) ~ "geographicCoverage.southBoundingCoordinate",
grepl("identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.extent.EX_Extent.temporalElement.EX_TemporalExtent.extent.TimePeriod.beginPosition", name) ~ "temporalCoverage.beginDate",
grepl("identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.extent.EX_Extent.temporalElement.EX_TemporalExtent.extent.TimePeriod.endPosition", name) ~ "temporalCoverage.endDate",
grepl("", name) ~ "methods",
grepl("objectName", name) ~ "objectName",
grepl("online.url", name) ~ "url",
grepl("dataQualityInfo.DQ_DataQuality.lineage.LI_Lineage.statement.CharacterString", name) ~ "methods"
)) %>%
dplyr::filter(! %>%
dplyr::mutate(value = stringr::str_trim(value)) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::group_by(name) %>%
dplyr::summarize(value = paste(value, collapse = "; "), .groups = "drop") %>%
dplyr::mutate(value = gsub("\n", "", value)) #without this, fields get truncated in Excel
meta_tabular <- tidyr::pivot_wider(data = metadata,
names_from = name,
values_from = value)
metadata_url <- metadata_nodes$data$baseURL[[1]]
## Summary metadata from EML (combine with general metadata later)
entity_meta <- suppressWarnings(list(
Metadata_ID = meta_id,
Metadata_URL = metadata_url,
Metadata_Version = meta_tabular$xml.version,
File_Description = NA,
File_Label = NA,
Dataset_URL = paste0("", meta_id),
Dataset_Title = meta_tabular$title,
Dataset_StartDate = meta_tabular$temporalCoverage.beginDate,
Dataset_EndDate = meta_tabular$temporalCoverage.endDate,
Dataset_Location = meta_tabular$geographicCoverage.geographicDescription,
Dataset_WestBoundingCoordinate = meta_tabular$geographicCoverage.westBoundingCoordinate,
Dataset_EastBoundingCoordinate = meta_tabular$geographicCoverage.eastBoundingCoordinate,
Dataset_NorthBoundingCoordinate = meta_tabular$geographicCoverage.northBoundingCoordinate,
Dataset_SouthBoundingCoordinate = meta_tabular$geographicCoverage.southBoundingCoordinate,
Dataset_Taxonomy = meta_tabular$taxonomicCoverage,
Dataset_Abstract = meta_tabular$abstract,
Dataset_Methods = meta_tabular$methods,
Dataset_People = meta_tabular$people
# Write files & download data--------
message("\nDownloading data ", data_id, " ...")
cn <- dataone::CNode()
data_nodes <- dataone::resolve(dataone::CNode("PROD"), data_id)
d1c <- dataone::D1Client("PROD", data_nodes$data$nodeIdentifier[[1]])
pid <- data_id
data_sys <- suppressMessages(dataone::getSystemMetadata(d1c@mn, pid))
data_name <- data_sys@fileName %|||% ifelse(exists("entity_data"), entity_data$physical$objectName %|||% entity_data$entityName, NA) %|||% data_id
data_name <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9. -]+", "_", data_name) #remove special characters & replace with _
data_extension <- gsub("(.*\\.)([^.]*$)", "\\2", data_name)
data_name <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", data_name) #remove extension
data_name <- gsub(" ", "", data_name) # remove spaces
meta_name <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9. -]+", "_", meta_id) #remove special characters & replace with _
# Also remove periods from various objects
meta_name <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = meta_name)
data_name <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = data_name)
data_extension <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = data_extension)
# Assemble a new folder name
new_dir <- file.path(path, paste(meta_name, data_name, data_extension,
sep = "__"))
# Create a counter
k <- 1
# If this folder already exists, make a new folder
# Make a *new* new folder
new_dir <- file.path(path, paste(meta_name, data_name, data_extension,
paste0("copy_", k), sep = "__"))
# Increment counter
k <- k + 1 }
# Make the folder (if it doesn't exist already)
dir.create(new_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
## download Data
data_nodes <- dataone::resolve(dataone::CNode("PROD"), data_id)
d1c <- dataone::D1Client("PROD", data_nodes$data$nodeIdentifier[[1]])
out <- dataone::downloadObject(d1c, data_id, path = new_dir)
message("Download complete")
# change downloaded data object name to data_name
data_files <- list.files(new_dir, full.names = TRUE)
data_files_ext <- stringr::str_extract(data_files, ".[^.]{1,4}$")
file.rename(data_files, file.path(new_dir, paste0(data_name, data_files_ext)))
entity_meta_general <- list(File_Name = data_name,
Date_Downloaded = paste0(Sys.time()),
Data_ID = data_id,
Data_URL = data_nodes$data$url[[1]]
## write metadata xml/tabular form if exists
if (exists("eml")) {
EML::write_eml(eml, file.path(new_dir, paste0(data_name, "__full_metadata.xml")))
entity_meta_combined <- c(entity_meta_general, entity_meta) %>% unlist() %>% enframe()
file.path(new_dir, paste0(data_name, "__summary_metadata.csv")))
} else {entity_meta_general <- entity_meta_general %>% unlist() %>% enframe()
file.path(new_dir, paste0(data_name, "__summary_metadata.csv")))
## Output folder name
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