
Defines functions mcmc_sampler.mfbvar_ssng_diffuse mcmc_sampler.mfbvar_ss_diffuse mcmc_sampler.mfbvar_dl_diffuse mcmc_sampler.mfbvar_minn_diffuse

mcmc_sampler.mfbvar_minn_diffuse <- function(x, ...){

  n_vars <- ncol(x$Y)
  if (!(!is.null(x$Y) && !is.null(x$n_lags) && !is.null(x$n_burnin) && !is.null(x$n_reps))) {
    test_all <- sapply(x, is.null)
    test_sub <- test_all[c("Y", "n_lags", "n_burnin", "n_reps")]
    stop("Missing elements: ", paste(names(test_sub)[which(test_sub)], collapse = " "))

  # Diffuse
  prior_Pi_Omega <- create_prior_Pi_Omega(lambda1 = x$lambda1, lambda2 = x$lambda2, lambda3 = x$lambda3,
                                           prior_Pi_AR1 = x$prior_Pi_AR1, Y = x$Y,
                                    n_lags = x$n_lags, block_exo = x$block_exo)
  prior_Pi_mean <- matrix(0, n_vars, n_vars*x$n_lags + 1)
  prior_Pi_mean[, 2:(n_vars+1)] <- diag(x$prior_Pi_AR1)

  Y <- x$Y
  freq <- x$freq
  n_fcst <- x$n_fcst
  verbose <- x$verbose
  n_lags <- x$n_lags
  lambda4 <- x$lambda4

  add_args <- list(...)
  n_reps <- x$n_reps
  n_burnin <- x$n_burnin
  n_thin <- ifelse(is.null(x$n_thin), 1, x$n_thin)
  init <- add_args$init
  init_Pi <- init$init_Pi
  init_Sigma <- init$init_Sigma
  init_Z <- init$init_Z

  # n_vars: number of variables
  # n_lags: number of lags
  # n_determ: number of deterministic variables
  # n_T: sample size (full sample)
  # n_T_: sample size (reduced sample)

  freqs <- x$freqs
  Lambda_ <- x$Lambda_
  n_q <- sum(freq == freqs[1])
  if (n_q < n_vars) {
    T_b <- max(which(!apply(apply(Y[, freq == freqs[2], drop = FALSE], 2, is.na), 1, any)))
  } else {
    T_b <- nrow(Y)
  if (n_q == 0 || n_q == n_vars) {
    complete_quarters <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))
    Y <- Y[complete_quarters, ]

  n_pseudolags <- max(c(n_lags, 3))
  n_T <- dim(Y)[1]# - n_lags
  n_T_ <- n_T - n_pseudolags
  d <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(Y), ncol = 1)

  ### Preallocation
  # Pi and Sigma store their i-th draws in the third dimension, psi
  # is vectorized so it has its i-th draw stored in the i-th row
  # Pi:    p * pk * n_reps, each [,,i] stores Pi'
  # Sigma: p * p  * n_reps
  # psi:   n_reps * p
  # Z:     T * p * n_reps
  ### If forecasting (h is horizon):
  # Z_fcst: hk * p * n_reps
  # d_fcst_lags: hk * m
  ### If root checking:
  # roots: n_reps vector
  # num_tries: n_reps vector
  ### If smoothing of the state vector:
  # smoothed_Z: T * p * n_reps

  Pi    <- array(NA, dim = c(n_vars, n_vars * n_lags + 1, n_reps/n_thin))
  Sigma <- array(NA, dim = c(n_vars, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))
  Z     <- array(NA, dim = c(n_T, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))

  Z_fcst<- array(NA, dim = c(n_fcst+n_lags, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))
  if (n_fcst > 0) {
    rownames(Z_fcst) <- c((n_T-n_lags+1):n_T, paste0("fcst_", 1:n_fcst))
    Z_fcst[,,1] <- 0
  } else {
    rownames(Z_fcst) <- (n_T-n_lags+1):n_T

  ### MCMC sampling initialization

  # If the initial values are not provided, the missing values in
  # Z are filled with the next observed value and Pi, Sigma and
  # psi are then computed using maximum likelihood

  # This allows the user to run the MCMC sampler for a burn-in
  # period, then use the final draw of that as initialization
  # for multiple chains

  if (is.null(init_Z)) {
    Z[,, 1] <- fill_na(Y)
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Z[,, 1]) == dim(init_Z))) {
      Z[,, 1] <- init_Z
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Z is ", paste(dim(init_Z), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Z[,, 1]), collapse = " x ")))


  ols_results <- ols_initialization(z = Z[,, 1], d = d, n_lags = n_lags, n_T = n_T, n_vars = n_vars, n_determ = 1)

  if (is.null(init_Pi)) {
    Pi[,, 1]    <- cbind(ols_results$const, ols_results$Pi)
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Pi[,, 1]) == dim(init_Pi))) {
      Pi[,, 1] <- init_Pi
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Pi is ", paste(dim(init_Pi), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Pi[,, 1]), collapse = " x ")))

  # Compute the maximum eigenvalue of the initial Pi

  if (is.null(init_Sigma)) {
    Sigma[,, 1] <- ols_results$S
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Sigma[,,1]) == dim(init_Sigma))) {
      Sigma[,, 1] <- init_Sigma
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Sigma is ", paste(dim(init_Sigma), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Sigma[,,1]), collapse = " x ")))

  ### Compute terms which do not vary in the sampler

  Z_1 <- Z[1:n_pseudolags,, 1]

  # For the posterior of Pi
  inv_prior_Pi_Omega <- diag(1/c(prior_Pi_Omega))
  prior_Pi_mean_vec <- c(prior_Pi_mean)

  aux <- matrix(0, 1, 1)
  global <- c(0)
  local <- matrix(0, 1, 1)
  a <- -1
  slice <- c(0)
  gig <- TRUE

  if (verbose) {

  ### Prepare the return object
  return_obj <- list(Pi = Pi, Sigma = Sigma, psi = NULL, Z = Z,
                     Z_fcst = NULL, aggregation = x$aggregation, n_determ = 1,
                     n_lags = n_lags, n_vars = n_vars, n_fcst = n_fcst, prior_Pi_Omega = prior_Pi_Omega, prior_Pi_mean = prior_Pi_mean,
                     d = d, Y = Y, n_T = n_T, n_T_ = n_T_,
                     prior_psi_Omega = NULL, prior_psi_mean = NULL, n_reps = n_reps, n_burnin = n_burnin, n_thin = n_thin, Lambda_ = Lambda_, freq = freq,
                     init = list(init_Pi = Pi[,, n_reps/n_thin], init_Sigma = Sigma[,, n_reps/n_thin], init_Z = Z[,, n_reps/n_thin]))

  if (n_fcst>0) {
    return_obj$Z_fcst <- Z_fcst



mcmc_sampler.mfbvar_dl_diffuse <- function(x, ...){

  n_vars <- ncol(x$Y)
  if (!(!is.null(x$Y) && !is.null(x$n_lags) && !is.null(x$n_burnin) && !is.null(x$n_reps))) {
    test_all <- sapply(x, is.null)
    test_sub <- test_all[c("Y", "n_lags", "n_burnin", "n_reps")]
    stop("Missing elements: ", paste(names(test_sub)[which(test_sub)], collapse = " "))

  # Diffuse
  prior_Pi_Omega <- create_prior_Pi_Omega(lambda1 = x$lambda1, lambda2 = x$lambda2, lambda3 = x$lambda3,
                                                   prior_Pi_AR1 = x$prior_Pi_AR1, Y = x$Y,
                                                   n_lags = x$n_lags, block_exo = x$block_exo)
  prior_Pi_mean <- matrix(0, n_vars, n_vars*x$n_lags + 1)
  prior_Pi_mean[, 2:(n_vars+1)] <- diag(x$prior_Pi_AR1)

  Y <- x$Y
  freq <- x$freq
  n_fcst <- x$n_fcst
  verbose <- x$verbose
  n_lags <- x$n_lags
  lambda4 <- x$lambda4

  add_args <- list(...)
  n_reps <- x$n_reps
  n_burnin <- x$n_burnin
  n_thin <- ifelse(is.null(x$n_thin), 1, x$n_thin)
  init <- add_args$init
  init_Pi <- init$init_Pi
  init_Sigma <- init$init_Sigma
  init_Z <- init$init_Z

  # n_vars: number of variables
  # n_lags: number of lags
  # n_determ: number of deterministic variables
  # n_T: sample size (full sample)
  # n_T_: sample size (reduced sample)

  freqs <- x$freqs
  Lambda_ <- x$Lambda_
  n_q <- sum(freq == freqs[1])
  n_m <- n_vars - n_q
  if (n_q < n_vars) {
    T_b <- max(which(!apply(apply(Y[, freq == freqs[2], drop = FALSE], 2, is.na), 1, any)))
  } else {
    T_b <- nrow(Y)
  if (n_q == 0 || n_q == n_vars) {
    complete_quarters <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))
    Y <- Y[complete_quarters, ]

  n_pseudolags <- max(c(n_lags, 3))
  n_T <- dim(Y)[1]# - n_lags
  n_T_ <- n_T - n_pseudolags
  d <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(Y), ncol = 1)

  ### Preallocation
  # Pi and Sigma store their i-th draws in the third dimension, psi
  # is vectorized so it has its i-th draw stored in the i-th row
  # Pi:    p * pk * n_reps, each [,,i] stores Pi'
  # Sigma: p * p  * n_reps
  # psi:   n_reps * p
  # Z:     T * p * n_reps
  ### If forecasting (h is horizon):
  # Z_fcst: hk * p * n_reps
  # d_fcst_lags: hk * m
  ### If root checking:
  # roots: n_reps vector
  # num_tries: n_reps vector
  ### If smoothing of the state vector:
  # smoothed_Z: T * p * n_reps

  Pi    <- array(NA, dim = c(n_vars, n_vars * n_lags + 1, n_reps/n_thin))
  Sigma <- array(NA, dim = c(n_vars, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))
  Z     <- array(NA, dim = c(n_T, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))

  Z_fcst<- array(NA, dim = c(n_fcst+n_lags, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))
  if (n_fcst > 0) {
    rownames(Z_fcst) <- c((n_T-n_lags+1):n_T, paste0("fcst_", 1:n_fcst))
    Z_fcst[,,1] <- 0
  } else {
    rownames(Z_fcst) <- (n_T-n_lags+1):n_T

  ### MCMC sampling initialization

  # If the initial values are not provided, the missing values in
  # Z are filled with the next observed value and Pi, Sigma and
  # psi are then computed using maximum likelihood

  # This allows the user to run the MCMC sampler for a burn-in
  # period, then use the final draw of that as initialization
  # for multiple chains

  if (is.null(init_Z)) {
    Z[,, 1] <- fill_na(Y)
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Z[,, 1]) == dim(init_Z))) {
      Z[,, 1] <- init_Z
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Z is ", paste(dim(init_Z), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Z[,, 1]), collapse = " x ")))


  ols_results <- ols_initialization(z = Z[,, 1], d = d, n_lags = n_lags, n_T = n_T, n_vars = n_vars, n_determ = 1)

  if (is.null(init_Pi)) {
    Pi[,, 1]    <- cbind(ols_results$const, ols_results$Pi)
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Pi[,, 1]) == dim(init_Pi))) {
      Pi[,, 1] <- init_Pi
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Pi is ", paste(dim(init_Pi), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Pi[,, 1]), collapse = " x ")))

  # Compute the maximum eigenvalue of the initial Pi

  if (is.null(init_Sigma)) {
    Sigma[,, 1] <- ols_results$S
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Sigma[,,1]) == dim(init_Sigma))) {
      Sigma[,, 1] <- init_Sigma
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Sigma is ", paste(dim(init_Sigma), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Sigma[,,1]), collapse = " x ")))

  ## DL
  if (!("a" %in% names(x))) {
    a <- 1
  } else {
    a <- x$a

  gig <- ifelse(is.null(x$gig), TRUE, FALSE)

  if (is.null(init$init_global)) {
    init_global <- 0.1
  } else {
    init_global <- init$init_global

  if (is.null(init$init_aux)) {
    init_aux <- c(sqrt(prior_Pi_Omega[-1,])/init_global)
  } else {
    init_aux <- init$init_aux

  if (is.null(init$init_local)) {
    init_local <- c(sqrt(prior_Pi_Omega[-1,])/init_global)
  } else {
    init_local <- init$init_local

  if (is.null(init$init_slice)) {
    init_slice <- rep(1, n_vars^2*n_lags)
  } else {
    init_slice <- init$init_slice

  aux <- matrix(init_aux, nrow = n_reps/n_thin, ncol = n_vars*n_vars*n_lags, byrow = TRUE)
  local <- matrix(init_local, nrow = n_reps/n_thin, ncol = n_vars*n_vars*n_lags, byrow = TRUE)
  global <- matrix(init_global, n_reps/n_thin, ncol = 1)
  slice <- matrix(init_slice, nrow = 1, ncol = n_vars*n_vars*n_lags)

  ### Compute terms which do not vary in the sampler

  Z_1 <- Z[1:n_pseudolags,, 1]

  # For the posterior of Pi
  inv_prior_Pi_Omega <- diag(1/c(prior_Pi_Omega))
  prior_Pi_mean_vec <- c(prior_Pi_mean)
  if (verbose) {

  ### Prepare the return object
  return_obj <- list(Pi = Pi, Sigma = Sigma, psi = NULL, Z = Z,
                     Z_fcst = NULL, aggregation = x$aggregation, n_determ = 1,
                     n_lags = n_lags, n_vars = n_vars, n_fcst = n_fcst, prior_Pi_Omega = prior_Pi_Omega, prior_Pi_mean = prior_Pi_mean,
                     d = d, Y = Y, n_T = n_T, n_T_ = n_T_,
                     prior_psi_Omega = NULL, prior_psi_mean = NULL, n_reps = n_reps, n_burnin = n_burnin, n_thin = n_thin, Lambda_ = Lambda_, freq = freq,
                     init = list(init_Pi = Pi[,, n_reps/n_thin], init_Sigma = Sigma[,, n_reps/n_thin], init_Z = Z[,, n_reps/n_thin]))

  if (n_fcst>0) {
    return_obj$Z_fcst <- Z_fcst



mcmc_sampler.mfbvar_ss_diffuse <- function(x, ...) {

  n_vars <- ncol(x$Y)
  if (!(!is.null(x$Y) && !is.null(x$d) && !is.null(x$prior_psi_mean) && !is.null(x$prior_psi_Omega) && !is.null(x$n_lags) && !is.null(x$n_burnin) && !is.null(x$n_reps))) {
    test_all <- sapply(x, is.null)
    test_sub <- test_all[c("Y", "d", "prior_psi_mean", "prior_psi_Omega", "n_lags", "n_burnin", "n_reps")]
    stop("Missing elements: ", paste(names(test_sub)[which(test_sub)], collapse = " "))
  if (x$n_fcst > 0 && nrow(x$d_fcst) != x$n_fcst) {
    stop("d_fcst has ", nrow(x$d_fcst), " rows, but n_fcst is ", x$n_fcst, ".")

  prior_Pi_Omega <- create_prior_Pi_Omega(lambda1 = x$lambda1, lambda2 = x$lambda2, lambda3 = x$lambda3,
                                                   prior_Pi_AR1 = x$prior_Pi_AR1, Y = x$Y,
                                                   n_lags = x$n_lags, block_exo = x$block_exo)
  prior_Pi_Omega <- prior_Pi_Omega[-1, ]
  prior_Pi_mean <- matrix(0, n_vars, n_vars*x$n_lags)
  prior_Pi_mean[, 1:n_vars] <- diag(x$prior_Pi_AR1)

  Y <- x$Y
  d <- x$d
  d_fcst <- x$d_fcst
  freq <- x$freq
  prior_psi_mean <- x$prior_psi_mean
  prior_psi_Omega <- x$prior_psi_Omega
  n_fcst <- x$n_fcst
  check_roots <- x$check_roots
  verbose <- x$verbose

  add_args <- list(...)
  n_reps <- x$n_reps
  n_burnin <- x$n_burnin
  n_thin <- ifelse(is.null(x$n_thin), 1, x$n_thin)
  init <- add_args$init
  init_Pi <- init$init_Pi
  init_Sigma <- init$init_Sigma
  init_psi <- init$init_psi
  init_Z <- init$init_Z

  # n_vars: number of variables
  # n_lags: number of lags
  # n_determ: number of deterministic variables
  # n_T: sample size (full sample)
  # n_T_: sample size (reduced sample)
  n_vars <- dim(Y)[2]
  n_lags <- prod(dim(as.matrix(prior_Pi_mean)))/n_vars^2
  freqs <- x$freqs
  Lambda_ <- x$Lambda_

  n_q <- sum(freq == freqs[1])
  n_m <- n_vars - n_q
  if (n_q < n_vars) {
    T_b <- max(which(!apply(apply(Y[, freq == freqs[2], drop = FALSE], 2, is.na), 1, any)))
  } else {
    T_b <- nrow(Y)
  if (n_q == 0 || n_q == n_vars) {
    complete_quarters <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))
    Y <- Y[complete_quarters, ]
    d_fcst <- rbind(d[!complete_quarters, , drop = FALSE], d_fcst)
    d <- d[complete_quarters, , drop = FALSE]

  n_pseudolags <- max(c(n_lags, 3))
  n_determ <- dim(d)[2]
  n_T <- dim(Y)[1]# - n_lags
  n_T_ <- n_T - n_pseudolags

  ### Preallocation
  # Pi and Sigma store their i-th draws in the third dimension, psi
  # is vectorized so it has its i-th draw stored in the i-th row
  # Pi:    p * pk * n_reps, each [,,i] stores Pi'
  # Sigma: p * p  * n_reps
  # psi:   n_reps * p
  # Z:     T * p * n_reps
  ### If forecasting (h is horizon):
  # Z_fcst: hk * p * n_reps
  # d_fcst_lags: hk * m
  ### If root checking:
  # roots: n_reps vector
  # num_tries: n_reps vector
  ### If smoothing of the state vector:
  # smoothed_Z: T * p * n_reps

  Pi    <- array(NA, dim = c(n_vars, n_vars * n_lags, n_reps/n_thin))
  Sigma <- array(NA, dim = c(n_vars, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))
  psi   <- array(NA, dim = c(n_reps/n_thin, n_vars * n_determ))
  Z     <- array(NA, dim = c(n_T, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))
  Z_fcst<- array(NA, dim = c(n_fcst+n_lags, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))
  if (n_fcst > 0) {
    rownames(Z_fcst) <- c((n_T-n_lags+1):n_T, paste0("fcst_", 1:n_fcst))
    Z_fcst[,,1] <- 0
  } else {
    rownames(Z_fcst) <- (n_T-n_lags+1):n_T
  d_fcst_lags <- as.matrix(rbind(d[(n_T-n_lags+1):n_T, , drop = FALSE], d_fcst))
  d_fcst_lags <- d_fcst_lags[1:(n_lags+n_fcst), , drop = FALSE]
  roots <- vector("numeric", n_reps/n_thin)
  num_tries <- roots

  ### MCMC sampling initialization

  # If the initial values are not provided, the missing values in
  # Z are filled with the next observed value and Pi, Sigma and
  # psi are then computed using maximum likelihood

  # This allows the user to run the MCMC sampler for a burn-in
  # period, then use the final draw of that as initialization
  # for multiple chains

  if (is.null(init_Z)) {
    Z[,, 1] <- fill_na(Y)
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Z[,, 1]) == dim(init_Z))) {
      Z[,, 1] <- init_Z
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Z is ", paste(dim(init_Z), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Z[,, 1]), collapse = " x ")))


  ols_results <- tryCatch(ols_initialization(z = Z[,, 1], d = d, n_lags = n_lags, n_T = n_T, n_vars = n_vars, n_determ = n_determ),
                          error = function(cond) NULL)
  if (is.null(ols_results)) {
    ols_results <- list()
    ols_results$Pi <- prior_Pi_mean
    ols_results$psi <- prior_psi_mean

  if (is.null(init_Pi)) {
    Pi[,, 1]    <- ols_results$Pi
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Pi[,, 1]) == dim(init_Pi))) {
      Pi[,, 1] <- init_Pi
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Pi is ", paste(dim(init_Pi), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Pi[,, 1]), collapse = " x ")))

  # Compute the maximum eigenvalue of the initial Pi
  if (check_roots == TRUE) {
    Pi_comp    <- build_companion(Pi = Pi[,, 1], n_vars = n_vars, n_lags = n_lags)
    roots[1]   <- max_eig_cpp(Pi_comp)

  if (is.null(init_Sigma)) {
    Sigma[,, 1] <- ols_results$S
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Sigma[,,1]) == dim(init_Sigma))) {
      Sigma[,, 1] <- init_Sigma
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Sigma is ", paste(dim(init_Sigma), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Sigma[,,1]), collapse = " x ")))

  if (is.null(init_psi)) {
    if (roots[1] < 1) {
      psi[1, ] <- ols_results$psi
    } else {
      psi[1, ] <- prior_psi_mean
  } else {
    if (length(psi[1, ]) == length(init_psi)) {
      psi[1,] <- init_psi
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The length of init_psi is ", paste(length(init_psi), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(length(psi[1,]), collapse = " x ")))

  ### Compute terms which do not vary in the sampler

  # Create D (does not vary in the sampler), and find roots of Pi
  # if requested
  D_mat <- build_DD(d = d, n_lags = n_lags)
  dt <- d[-(1:n_lags), , drop = FALSE]
  d1 <- d[1:n_lags, , drop = FALSE]
  psi_i <- psi[1, ]
  Pi_i <- Pi[,, 1]
  Sigma_i <- Sigma[,, 1]
  Z_i <- Z[-(1:n_lags),, 1]
  mu_mat <- dt %*% t(matrix(psi_i, nrow = n_vars))

  # For the posterior of Pi
  inv_prior_Pi_Omega <- diag(1/c(prior_Pi_Omega))
  Omega_Pi <- matrix(inv_prior_Pi_Omega %*% c(prior_Pi_mean), n_vars*n_lags, n_vars)

  # For the posterior of psi
  phi_mu <- matrix(0, 1, 1)
  lambda_mu <- matrix(0, 1, 1)
  omega <- matrix(diag(prior_psi_Omega), nrow = 1)
  c0 <- 0
  c1 <- 0
  s <- 0

  Z_1 <- Z[1:n_pseudolags,, 1]

  mcmc_ssng_diffuse(Y[-(1:n_lags),],Pi,Sigma,psi,phi_mu, lambda_mu, omega, Z,Z_fcst,Lambda_,prior_Pi_Omega,Omega_Pi,
  if (verbose) {
  ### Prepare the return object
  return_obj <- list(Pi = Pi, Sigma = Sigma, psi = psi, Z = Z,
                     Z_fcst = NULL, aggregation = x$aggregation, n_determ = n_determ,
                     n_lags = n_lags, n_vars = n_vars, n_fcst = n_fcst, prior_Pi_Omega = prior_Pi_Omega, prior_Pi_mean = prior_Pi_mean,
                     d = d, Y = Y, n_T = n_T, n_T_ = n_T_,
                     prior_psi_Omega = prior_psi_Omega, prior_psi_mean = prior_psi_mean, n_reps = n_reps, n_burnin = n_burnin, n_thin = n_thin, Lambda_ = Lambda_,
                     init = list(init_Pi = Pi[,, n_reps/n_thin], init_Sigma = Sigma[,, n_reps/n_thin], init_psi = psi[n_reps/n_thin, ], init_Z = Z[,, n_reps/n_thin]))

  if (check_roots == TRUE) {
    return_obj$roots <- roots
    return_obj$num_tries <- num_tries
  if (n_fcst > 0) {
    return_obj$Z_fcst <- Z_fcst



mcmc_sampler.mfbvar_ssng_diffuse <- function(x, ...) {

  n_vars <- ncol(x$Y)
  if (!(!is.null(x$Y) && !is.null(x$d) && !is.null(x$prior_psi_mean) && !is.null(x$n_lags) && !is.null(x$n_burnin) && !is.null(x$n_reps))) {
    test_all <- sapply(x, is.null)
    test_sub <- test_all[c("Y", "d", "prior_psi_mean", "n_lags", "n_burnin", "n_reps")]
    stop("Missing elements: ", paste(names(test_sub)[which(test_sub)], collapse = " "))
  if (x$n_fcst > 0 && nrow(x$d_fcst) != x$n_fcst) {
    stop("d_fcst has ", nrow(x$d_fcst), " rows, but n_fcst is ", x$n_fcst, ".")

  prior_Pi_Omega <- create_prior_Pi_Omega(lambda1 = x$lambda1, lambda2 = x$lambda2, lambda3 = x$lambda3,
                                                   prior_Pi_AR1 = x$prior_Pi_AR1, Y = x$Y,
                                                   n_lags = x$n_lags, block_exo = x$block_exo)
  prior_Pi_Omega <- prior_Pi_Omega[-1, ]
  prior_Pi_mean <- matrix(0, n_vars, n_vars*x$n_lags)
  prior_Pi_mean[, 1:n_vars] <- diag(x$prior_Pi_AR1)

  Y <- x$Y
  d <- x$d
  d_fcst <- x$d_fcst
  freq <- x$freq
  prior_psi_mean <- x$prior_psi_mean
  prior_psi_Omega <- x$prior_psi_Omega
  n_fcst <- x$n_fcst
  check_roots <- x$check_roots
  verbose <- x$verbose

  add_args <- list(...)
  n_reps <- x$n_reps
  n_burnin <- x$n_burnin
  n_thin <- ifelse(is.null(x$n_thin), 1, x$n_thin)
  init <- add_args$init
  init_Pi <- init$init_Pi
  init_Sigma <- init$init_Sigma
  init_psi <- init$init_psi
  init_Z <- init$init_Z
  init_omega <- init$init_omega
  init_phi_mu <- init$init_phi_mu
  init_lambda_mu <- init$init_lambda_mu

  # n_vars: number of variables
  # n_lags: number of lags
  # n_determ: number of deterministic variables
  # n_T: sample size (full sample)
  # n_T_: sample size (reduced sample)
  n_vars <- dim(Y)[2]
  n_lags <- prod(dim(as.matrix(prior_Pi_mean)))/n_vars^2
  freqs <- x$freqs
  Lambda_ <- x$Lambda_

  n_q <- sum(freq == freqs[1])
  n_m <- n_vars - n_q
  if (n_q < n_vars) {
    T_b <- max(which(!apply(apply(Y[, freq == freqs[2], drop = FALSE], 2, is.na), 1, any)))
  } else {
    T_b <- nrow(Y)
  if (n_q == 0 || n_q == n_vars) {
    complete_quarters <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))
    Y <- Y[complete_quarters, ]
    d_fcst <- rbind(d[!complete_quarters, , drop = FALSE], d_fcst)
    d <- d[complete_quarters, , drop = FALSE]

  n_pseudolags <- max(c(n_lags, 3))
  n_determ <- dim(d)[2]
  n_T <- dim(Y)[1]# - n_lags
  n_T_ <- n_T - n_pseudolags

  c0 <- ifelse(is.null(x$prior_ng), 0.01, x$prior_ng[1])
  c1 <- ifelse(is.null(x$prior_ng), 0.01, x$prior_ng[2])
  s <- ifelse(is.null(x[["s"]]), 1, x$s)

  ### Preallocation
  # Pi and Sigma store their i-th draws in the third dimension, psi
  # is vectorized so it has its i-th draw stored in the i-th row
  # Pi:    p * pk * n_reps, each [,,i] stores Pi'
  # Sigma: p * p  * n_reps
  # psi:   n_reps * p
  # Z:     T * p * n_reps
  ### If forecasting (h is horizon):
  # Z_fcst: hk * p * n_reps
  # d_fcst_lags: hk * m
  ### If root checking:
  # roots: n_reps vector
  # num_tries: n_reps vector
  ### If smoothing of the state vector:
  # smoothed_Z: T * p * n_reps

  Pi    <- array(NA, dim = c(n_vars, n_vars * n_lags, n_reps/n_thin))
  Sigma <- array(NA, dim = c(n_vars, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))
  psi   <- array(NA, dim = c(n_reps/n_thin, n_vars * n_determ))
  Z     <- array(NA, dim = c(n_T, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))
  omega <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_reps/n_thin, ncol = n_vars * n_determ)
  phi_mu <- rep(NA, n_reps/n_thin)
  lambda_mu <- rep(NA, n_reps/n_thin)
  Z_fcst<- array(NA, dim = c(n_fcst+n_lags, n_vars, n_reps/n_thin))
  if (n_fcst > 0) {
    rownames(Z_fcst) <- c((n_T-n_lags+1):n_T, paste0("fcst_", 1:n_fcst))
    Z_fcst[,,1] <- 0
  } else {
    rownames(Z_fcst) <- (n_T-n_lags+1):n_T
  d_fcst_lags <- as.matrix(rbind(d[(n_T-n_lags+1):n_T, , drop = FALSE], d_fcst))
  d_fcst_lags <- d_fcst_lags[1:(n_lags+n_fcst), , drop = FALSE]
  roots <- vector("numeric", n_reps/n_thin)
  num_tries <- roots

  ### MCMC sampling initialization

  # If the initial values are not provided, the missing values in
  # Z are filled with the next observed value and Pi, Sigma and
  # psi are then computed using maximum likelihood

  # This allows the user to run the MCMC sampler for a burn-in
  # period, then use the final draw of that as initialization
  # for multiple chains

  if (is.null(init_Z)) {
    Z[,, 1] <- fill_na(Y)
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Z[,, 1]) == dim(init_Z))) {
      Z[,, 1] <- init_Z
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Z is ", paste(dim(init_Z), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Z[,, 1]), collapse = " x ")))


  ols_results <- tryCatch(ols_initialization(z = Z[,, 1], d = d, n_lags = n_lags, n_T = n_T, n_vars = n_vars, n_determ = n_determ),
                          error = function(cond) NULL)
  if (is.null(ols_results)) {
    ols_results <- list()
    ols_results$Pi <- prior_Pi_mean
    ols_results$psi <- prior_psi_mean

  if (is.null(init_Pi)) {
    Pi[,, 1]    <- ols_results$Pi
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Pi[,, 1]) == dim(init_Pi))) {
      Pi[,, 1] <- init_Pi
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Pi is ", paste(dim(init_Pi), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Pi[,, 1]), collapse = " x ")))

  # Compute the maximum eigenvalue of the initial Pi
  if (check_roots == TRUE) {
    Pi_comp    <- build_companion(Pi = Pi[,, 1], n_vars = n_vars, n_lags = n_lags)
    roots[1]   <- max_eig_cpp(Pi_comp)

  if (is.null(init_Sigma)) {
    Sigma[,, 1] <- ols_results$S
  } else {
    if (all(dim(Sigma[,,1]) == dim(init_Sigma))) {
      Sigma[,, 1] <- init_Sigma
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of init_Sigma is ", paste(dim(init_Sigma), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(dim(Sigma[,,1]), collapse = " x ")))

  if (is.null(init_psi)) {
    if (roots[1] < 1) {
      psi[1, ] <- ols_results$psi
    } else {
      psi[1, ] <- prior_psi_mean
  } else {
    if (length(psi[1, ]) == length(init_psi)) {
      psi[1,] <- init_psi
    } else {
      stop(paste0("The length of init_psi is ", paste(length(init_psi), collapse = " x "), ", but should be ", paste(length(psi[1,]), collapse = " x ")))

  if (is.null(init_omega)) {
    if (is.null(prior_psi_Omega)) {
      omega[1, ] <- diag(prior_psi_Omega)
    } else {
      omega[1, ] <- rep(0.1, n_determ*n_vars)
  } else {
    omega[1, ] <- init_omega
  if (is.null(init_phi_mu)) {
    phi_mu[1] <- 1
  } else {
    phi_mu[1] <- init_phi_mu
  if (is.null(init_lambda_mu)) {
    lambda_mu[1] <- 1
  } else {
    lambda_mu[1] <- init_lambda_mu

  ### Compute terms which do not vary in the sampler

  # Create D (does not vary in the sampler), and find roots of Pi
  # if requested
  D_mat <- build_DD(d = d, n_lags = n_lags)
  dt <- d[-(1:n_lags), , drop = FALSE]
  d1 <- d[1:n_lags, , drop = FALSE]

  # For the posterior of Pi
  inv_prior_Pi_Omega <- diag(1/c(prior_Pi_Omega))
  Omega_Pi <- matrix(inv_prior_Pi_Omega %*% c(prior_Pi_mean), n_vars*n_lags, n_vars)

  Z_1 <- Z[1:n_pseudolags,, 1]

  mcmc_ssng_diffuse(Y[-(1:n_lags),],Pi,Sigma,psi,phi_mu, lambda_mu, omega, Z,Z_fcst,Lambda_,prior_Pi_Omega,Omega_Pi,
  if (verbose) {
  ### Prepare the return object
  return_obj <- list(Pi = Pi, Sigma = Sigma, psi = psi, Z = Z, phi_mu = phi_mu, lambda_mu = lambda_mu, omega = omega,
                     Z_fcst = NULL, aggregation = x$aggregation, n_determ = n_determ,
                     n_lags = n_lags, n_vars = n_vars, n_fcst = n_fcst, prior_Pi_Omega = prior_Pi_Omega, prior_Pi_mean = prior_Pi_mean,
                     d = d, Y = Y, n_T = n_T, n_T_ = n_T_,
                     prior_psi_Omega = prior_psi_Omega, prior_psi_mean = prior_psi_mean, n_reps = n_reps, n_burnin = n_burnin, n_thin = n_thin, Lambda_ = Lambda_,
                     init = list(init_Pi = Pi[,, n_reps/n_thin], init_Sigma = Sigma[,, n_reps/n_thin], init_psi = psi[n_reps/n_thin, ], init_Z = Z[,, n_reps/n_thin], init_omega = omega[n_reps/n_thin, ], init_lambda_mu = lambda_mu[n_reps/n_thin], init_phi_mu = phi_mu[n_reps/n_thin]))

  if (check_roots == TRUE) {
    return_obj$roots <- roots
    return_obj$num_tries <- num_tries
  if (n_fcst > 0) {
    return_obj$Z_fcst <- Z_fcst



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mfbvar documentation built on Feb. 10, 2021, 5:12 p.m.