#' Function for fitting a model using the MFP or MFPA algorithm
#' This function is not exported and is intended to be called from
#' the [`mfp2()`] function. While most parameters are explained in
#' the documentation of `mfp2()`, their form may differ in this
#' function. Note that this function does not check its arguments
#' and expects that its input has been prepared in `mfp2()` function.
#' @param x an input matrix of dimensions nobs x nvars. Does not contain
#' intercept, but columns are already expanded into dummy variables as
#' necessary. Data are assumed to be shifted and scaled.
#' @param y a vector for the response variable or a `Surv` object.
#' @param weights a vector of observation weights of length nobs.
#' @param offset a vector of length nobs of offsets.
#' @param cycles an integer representing the maximum number of
#' iteration cycles during which FP powers for all predictor are updated.
#' @param scale a numeric vector of length nvars of scaling factors. Not applied,
#' but re-ordered to conform to `xorder`.
#' @param shift a numeric vector of length nvars of shifts. Not applied,
#' but re-ordered to conform to `xorder`.
#' @param df a numeric vector of length nvars of degrees of freedom.
#' @param center a logical vector of length nvars indicating if variables are
#' to be centered.
#' @param family a character string representing a family object.
#' @param criterion a character string defining the criterion used to select
#' variables and FP models of different degrees.
#' @param select a numeric vector of length nvars indicating significance levels
#' for backward elimination.
#' @param alpha a numeric vector of length nvars indicating significance levels
#' for tests between FP models of different degrees.
#' @param keep a character vector with names of variables to be kept
#' in the model.
#' @param xorder a string determining the order of entry of the covariates
#' into the model-selection algorithm.
#' @param powers a named list of numeric values that sets the permitted FP
#' powers for each covariate.
#' @param method a character string specifying the method for tie handling in
#' Cox regression model.
#' @param strata a factor of all possible combinations of stratification
#' variables. Returned from [survival::strata()].
#' @param nocenter a numeric vector with a list of values for fitting Cox
#' models. See [survival::coxph()] for details.
#' @param acdx a logical vector of length nvars indicating which continuous
#' variables should undergo the approximate cumulative distribution (ACD)
#' transformation.
#' @param ftest a logical indicating the use of the F-test for Gaussian models.
#' @param control a list with parameters for model fit. See [survival::coxph()]
#' or [stats::glm()] for details.
#' @param verbose a logical; run in verbose mode.
#' @section Algorithm:
#' * Step 1: order variables according to `xorder`. This step may involve
#' fitting a regression model to determine order of significance.
#' * Step 2: input data pre-processing. Setting initial powers for fractional
#' polynomial terms, checking if acd transformation is required and allowed.
#' Note that the initial powers of all variables are always set to 1, and higher
#' FPs are only evaluated in turn for each variables in the first cycle of the
#' algorithm. See e.g. Sauerbrei and Royston (1999).
#' * Step 3: run mfp algorithm cycles. See [find_best_fp_cycle()] for more
#' details.
#' * Step 4: fit final model using estimated powers.
#' @return
#' See [mfp2()] for details on the returned object.
#' @references
#' Sauerbrei, W. and Royston, P., 1999. \emph{Building multivariable prognostic
#' and diagnostic models: transformation of the predictors by using fractional
#' polynomials. J Roy Stat Soc a Sta, 162:71-94.}
#' @seealso
#' [mfp2()], [find_best_fp_cycle()]
fit_mfp <- function(x,
verbose) {
variables_x <- colnames(x)
if (verbose) {
cat("\ni Initial degrees of freedom:\n")
print(matrix(df, nrow = 1, dimnames = list("df", variables_x)),
quote = FALSE)
# step 1: order variables ----------------------------------------------------
variables_ordered <- variables_x
# order only variables if they are 2 or more
if (length(variables_x) > 1) {
variables_ordered <- order_variables(
xorder = xorder,
x = x, y = y, family = family, weights = weights, offset = offset,
strata = strata, method = method, control = control, nocenter = nocenter
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("\ni Visiting order: %s\n",
paste0(variables_ordered, collapse = ", ")))
# step 2: pre-process input --------------------------------------------------
# named list of initial fp powers set to 1 ordered by xorder
powers_current <- setNames(as.list(rep(1, ncol(x))), variables_ordered)
# name and reorder input vectors by xorder
alpha <- setNames(alpha, variables_x)[variables_ordered]
select <- setNames(select, variables_x)[variables_ordered]
df <- setNames(df, variables_x)[variables_ordered]
center <- setNames(center, variables_x)[variables_ordered]
shift <- setNames(shift, variables_x)[variables_ordered]
scale <- setNames(scale, variables_x)[variables_ordered]
acdx <- setNames(acdx, variables_x)[variables_ordered]
# powers is already named. so we need to sort it based on variables_ordered
powers <- powers[variables_ordered]
# Assert repeated powers of 1 is not supported. The program will fail when
# degree is 1 in find_best_fpm_step() due to setdiff(v, c(1))
diff_one <- unlist(lapply(powers, function(v) all(c(v%in%1)) && length(v)!=1))
if (any(diff_one)) {
dfx <- df[diff_one]
if (any(dfx>1))
stop(" The powers of some variables are repeated and all equal to 1. Set df for those
variables to 1 or change the powers.\n",
sprintf("i This applies to the following variables: %s.",
paste0(names(dfx>1), collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)
# force variables into the model by setting p-value to 1
if (!is.null(keep)) {
select[which(names(select) %in% keep)] <- 1
# acd transformation setup
if (any(acdx == TRUE)) {
# reset acdx of variables with less than 5 distinct values to False
acdx <- reset_acd(x, acdx)
# assign two powers to acd variables (1, NA):
# the first is for xi, and the second is for acd(xi).
# Initially NA is assigned to acd(xi), to be updated in step 3.
variables_acd <- names(acdx)[acdx == TRUE]
powers_current_acd <- sapply(variables_acd, function(v) c(1, NA),
simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
# update initial powers
powers_current <- modifyList(x = powers_current, val = powers_current_acd)
# override df of acd variables by setting them to 4
df[which(variables_ordered %in% variables_acd)] <- 4
# step 3: mfp cycles ---------------------------------------------------------
# initialize cycle counter
j <- 1
converged <- FALSE
# run cycles and update the powers in each step
while (j <= cycles) {
if (verbose) {
cat(sprintf("\ni Running MFP Cycle %d\n", j))
# estimated powers for the j-th cycle
powers_updated <- find_best_fp_cycle(
x = x,
y = y,
powers_current = powers_current,
df = df,
weights = weights,
offset = offset,
family = family,
criterion = criterion,
select = select,
alpha = alpha,
keep = keep,
powers = powers,
ftest = ftest,
control = control,
rownames = rownames(x),
strata = strata,
nocenter = nocenter,
method = method,
acdx = acdx,
verbose = verbose
# check for convergence (i.e. no change in powers and variables in model)
if (identical(powers_current, powers_updated)) {
converged <- TRUE
if (verbose) {
"\ni Fractional polynomial fitting algorithm converged after %d cycles.\n",
} else {
# update the powers of the variables at the end of each cycle
powers_current <- powers_updated
j <- j + 1
if (!converged) {
warning(sprintf("i No convergence after %d cycles.", cycles),
"i Results of the last iteration reported.")
# step 4: fit final model with estimated functional forms --------------------
# transform x using the final FP powers selected.
# x has already been shifted and scaled.
data_transformed <- transform_matrix(
x = x, power_list = powers_current, center = center, acdx = acdx
# fit model, and return full glm or coxph object
modelfit <- fit_model(
x = data_transformed$x_transformed,
y = y,
family = family,
weights = weights,
offset = offset,
method = method,
strata = strata,
control = control,
rownames = rownames(data_transformed$x_transformed),
nocenter = nocenter,
fast = FALSE
# create mfp2 object ---------------------------------------------------------
# add components to fitted model object
fit <- modifyList(
centers = data_transformed$centers,
acd_parameter = data_transformed$acd_parameter,
convergence_mfp = converged,
# untransformed and scaled x for selected variables
# selected means that not all powers are NA
x_original = x[, names(powers_current[!sapply(powers_current, function(x) all(]),
drop = F],
y = y,
fp_terms = create_fp_terms(powers_current, acdx,
df, select, alpha, criterion),
transformations = data.frame(shift = shift,
scale = scale,
center = center),
fp_powers = powers_current,
acd = acdx
# expand list to conform to glm or coxph objects
# # check if still necessary
# # add wald test in order to use summary.coxph()
# # this calculation follows coxph() source code
# nabeta <- !$coefficients)
# fit$wald.test <- survival::coxph.wtest(
# fit$var[nabeta, nabeta], fit$coefficients[nabeta],
# control$toler.chol
# )$test
class(fit) <- c("mfp2", class(fit))
#' Helper to order variables for mfp2 algorithm
#' To be used in [fit_mfp()].
#' @param xorder a string determining the order of entry of the covariates
#' into the model-selection algorithm. The default is `ascending`, which enters
#' them by ascending p-values, or decreasing order of significance in a
#' multiple regression (i.e. most significant first).
#' `descending` places them in reverse significance order, whereas
#' `original` respects the original order in `x`.
#' @param x a design matrix of dimension n * p where n is the number of
#' observations and p the number of predictors including intercept for glms,
#' or excluding intercept for Cox models.
#' @param y a vector of responses for glms, or a `Surv` object generated using
#' the [survival::Surv()] function for Cox models.
#' @param family a character string naming a family function supported by
#' `glm()` or "cox" for Cox models.
#' @param weights,offset parameters for both glm and Cox models, see either
#' [stats::glm()] or [survival::coxph()] depending on family.
#' @param strata,method,control,nocenter Cox model specific parameters, see
#' [survival::coxph()].
#' @param ... passed to `order_variables_by_significance`.
#' @return
#' A vector of the variable names in `x`, ordered according to `xorder`.
#' @import utils
order_variables <- function(xorder = "ascending",
x = NULL,
...) {
names_ordered <- colnames(x)
if (xorder != "original") {
names_ordered <- order_variables_by_significance(xorder = xorder, x = x, ...)
#' @describeIn order_variables Order by significance in regression model. The
#' number of columns of `x` should be greater than 1 for Cox models.
order_variables_by_significance <- function(xorder,
nocenter) {
# Convert factors to dummy variables if it exists...take it to the main function
# x = model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~", paste(colnames(x), collapse="+"))),
# data =
# save the family in factor form to be used later for gaussian
fam <- family
# number of rows of x or observations
n <- dim(x)[1]
if (family != "cox") {
# requires a function as a family not a character name
if (is.character(family)) {
family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
if (is.function(family)) family <- family()
# family <- family()
fit.full <-
x = cbind(rep(1, n), x), y = y, weights = weights, offset = offset,
family = family
# Rank of the glm full model
p1 <- fit.full$rank
# There is an additional scale parameter to estimate in OLS regression. The
# binomial and Poisson regression models have no scale parameter.
if (fam == "gaussian") p1 <- p1 + 1
# loglikelihood of the full model calculated based on aic = -2logL + 2k
logl.full <- p1 - fit.full$aic / 2
# Deviance of the full model
dev.full <- -2 * logl.full
# we need to calculate p-values for each variable using likelihood ratio test
varnames <- colnames(x)
ns <- length(varnames)
p.value <- loglikx <- dev <- df.reduced <- numeric(ns)
names(p.value) <- names(dev) <- names(df.reduced) <- varnames
for (i in 1:ns) {
# remove one variable at a time and fit the reduced model.
# only works if you have more than one variable due to (-i)
fit.reduced <-
x = cbind(rep(1, n), x[, -i, drop = FALSE]),
y = y,
weights = weights,
offset = offset,
family = family
# calculate the deviance of the reduced model-model without the ith variable
p2 <- fit.reduced$rank
if (fam == "gaussian") p2 <- p2 + 1
# loglikelihood of the reduced model
logl.reduced <- p2 - fit.reduced$aic / 2
# Deviance of the reduced model
dev[i] <- -2 * logl.reduced
# degrees of freedom of the reduced model
df.reduced[i] <- p2
# loglik difference: -2(logL.reduced - logL.full)
teststatic <- -2 * logl.reduced + 2 * logl.full
# calculate the Chi-square p.value
p.value[i] <- pchisq(teststatic, df = p1 - p2, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else { # cox model
fit.full <- fit_cox(
x = x,
y = y,
strata = strata,
weights = weights,
offset = offset,
control = control,
method = method,
rownames = rownames(x),
nocenter = nocenter
# Degrees of freedom for the full cox model
p1 <- fit.full$df
# loglikelihood of the full cox model
logl.full <- fit.full$logl
# Deviance of the full cox model
dev.full <- -2 * logl.full
# we need to calculate p-values for each variable using likelihood ratio test
varnames <- colnames(x)
ns <- length(varnames)
p.value <- loglikx <- dev <- df.reduced <- numeric(ns)
names(p.value) <- names(dev) <- names(df.reduced) <- varnames
for (i in 1:ns) {
# remove one variable at a time and fit the reduced model
fit.reduced <- fit_cox(
x = x[, -i, drop = FALSE],
y = y, strata = strata,
weights = weights,
offset = offset,
control = control,
method = method,
rownames = rownames(x),
nocenter = nocenter
# Degrees of freedom for the reduced model
p2 <- fit.reduced$df
# loglikelihood of the reduced model
logl.reduced <- fit.reduced$logl
# Deviance of the reduced model
dev[i] <- -2 * logl.reduced
# degrees of freedom of the reduced model
df.reduced[i] <- p2
# loglik difference: -2(logL.reduced - logL.full)
teststatic <- -2 * logl.reduced + 2 * logl.full
# calculate the p.value
p.value[i] <- pchisq(teststatic, df = p1 - p2, lower.tail = FALSE)
# Order the p-values based on xorder
pvalues <- switch(xorder,
"descending" = sort(p.value, decreasing = TRUE),
"ascending" = sort(p.value, decreasing = FALSE),
"original" = p.value
#' Helper to reset acd transformation for variables with few values
#' To be used in [fit_mfp()].
#' This function resets the `acdx` parameter (logical vector) of variables with
#' less than 5 distinct values to `FALSE`.
#' @param x a design matrix of dimension nobs x nvars where nvars is the number
#' of predictors excluding an intercept.
#' @param acdx a named logical vector of length nvars indicating which continuous
#' variables should undergo the approximate cumulative distribution (ACD)
#' transformation. May be ordered differently than the columns of `x`.
#' @return
#' Logical vector of same length as `acdx`.
reset_acd <- function(x,
acdx) {
names_acd <- names(acdx)[which(acdx == TRUE)]
# number of unique values of each column in acdx
n_unique <- apply(x[, names_acd, drop = FALSE], 2,
function(col) length(unique(col)))
ind_reset <- which(n_unique < 5)
if (length(ind_reset) > 0) {
acdx[names_acd][ind_reset] <- FALSE
warning("i For any variable with fewer than 5 unique values no acd transformation can be performed.\n",
sprintf("i The requested acd transform has been reset to FALSE for the following variables: %s.",
paste0(names_acd[ind_reset], collapse = ", ")))
#' Helper to run cycles of the mfp algorithm
#' This function estimates the best FP functions for all predictors in the
#' current cycle. To be used in [fit_mfp()].
#' @details
#' A cycle is defined as a complete pass through all the predictors in the input
#' matrix `x`, while a step is defined as the assessment of a single predictor.
#' This algorithm is described in Sauerbrei et al. (2006) and given in detail
#' in Royston and Sauerbrei (2008), in particular chapter 6.
#' Briefly, a cycle works as follows: it takes as input the data matrix along with
#' a set of current best fp powers for each variable. In each step, the fp
#' powers of a single covariate are assessed, while adjusting for other
#' covariates. Adjustment variables are transformed using their current
#' fp powers (this is done in [transform_data_step()]) and the fp powers
#' of the variable of interest are tested using the closed test procedure
#' (conducted in [find_best_fp_step()]).
#' Some of the adjustment variables may have their fp power set to `NA`,
#' which means they were not selected from the working model and are not used
#' in that step. The results from all steps are returned, completing a cycle.
#' Note that in each cycle every variable is evaluated.This includes variables
#' that may have been eliminated in previous cycles. They will re-enter each
#' new cycle for potential inclusion in the working model or to be re-evaluated
#' for elimination.
#' The current adjustment set is always given through the current fp powers,
#' which are updated in each step (denoted as `powers_current`).
#' @references
#' Royston, P. and Sauerbrei, W., 2008. \emph{Multivariable Model - Building:
#' A Pragmatic Approach to Regression Anaylsis based on Fractional Polynomials
#' for Modelling Continuous Variables. John Wiley & Sons.}\cr
#' Sauerbrei, W., Meier-Hirmer, C., Benner, A. and Royston, P., 2006.
#' \emph{Multivariable regression model building by using fractional
#' polynomials: Description of SAS, STATA and R programs.
#' Comput Stat Data Anal, 50(12): 3464-85.}
#' Sauerbrei, W. and Royston, P., 1999. \emph{Building multivariable prognostic
#' and diagnostic models: transformation of the predictors by using fractional
#' polynomials. J Roy Stat Soc a Sta, 162:71-94.}
#' @inheritParams fit_mfp
#' @param powers_current a list of length equal to the number of variables,
#' indicating the fp powers to be used in the current step for all variables
#' (except `xi`).
#' @param rownames passed to [].
#' @return
#' current FP powers
find_best_fp_cycle <- function(x,
acdx) {
names_x <- names(powers_current)
for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
# iterate through all predictors xi and update xi's best FP power
# in terms of loglikelihood
# the result can be NA (variable not significant), linear, FP1, FP2, ...
# note that the adjustment set and powers are given by powers_current
# which is updated in each step
powers_current[[i]] <- find_best_fp_step(
x = x,
y = y,
xi = names_x[i],
powers_current = powers_current,
weights = weights,
offset = offset,
df = df[i],
select = select[i],
alpha = alpha[i],
keep = keep,
family = family,
criterion = criterion,
powers = powers,
method = method,
strata = strata,
ftest = ftest,
control = control,
rownames = rownames,
nocenter = nocenter,
acdx = acdx,
verbose = verbose
#' Helper to calculates the final degrees of freedom for the selected model
#' To be used in [fit_mfp()].
#' @param p power of a variable.
#' @details
#' An example calculation: if p is the power(s) and p = c(1,2), then df = 4
#' but if x = NA then df = 0.
#' @return
#' returns numeric value denoting the number of degrees of freedom (df).
calculate_df <- function(p) {
if (all( {
# df for unselected variable
df <- 0
} else {
# Remove NAs in powers (2,NA) or (NA,1) etc. Happens because of acd
# make sure to drop names by using as.numeric
p <- as.numeric(p[!])
# df of linear function
if (identical(p, 1)) {
df <- 1
# df of fpm. Note that df = 2m where m is the degree. if length = 1 then
# degree = 1 and df = 2 etc
} else {
df <- 2 * length(p)
#' Helper to convert a nested list with same or different length into a matrix
#' To be used in [fit_mfp()].
#' @param power_list list of powers created in `fit_mfp()`.
#' @return
#' a matrix.
convert_powers_list_to_matrix <- function(power_list) {
# Check the maximum number of powers i.e FP2 has 2 while FP1 has 1
psize <- sapply(power_list, length)
maxp <- max(psize)
# Create a new nested list of same length. This means that if FP1 was choosen
# for x then the second power should be NA
new_list_powers <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(power_list))
for (i in 1:maxp) {
new_list_powers[[i]] <- sapply(power_list, function(x) x[i])
# combine the powers and rename.
matp <-, new_list_powers)
colnames(matp) <- paste0("power", 1:maxp)
#' Helper to create overview table of fp terms
#' To be used in [fit_mfp()].
#' @return
#' Dataframe with overview of all fp terms. Each row represents a variable,
#' with rownames giving the name of the variable. Variables with acd
#' transformation are prefixed by `A_` by the `print` and `summary` methods.
#' The dataframe comprises the following columns:
#' * `df_initial`: initial degrees of freedom.
#' * `select`: significance level for backward elimination.
#' * `alpha`: significance level for fractional polyomial terms.
#' * `selected`: logical value encoding presence in the model.
#' * `df_final`: final estimated degrees of freedom.
#' * `acd`: logical value encoding use of ACD transformation.
#' * `powerN`: one or more columns with the final estimated fp powers (numbered
#' 1 to N).
#' @inheritParams fit_mfp
#' @param fp_powers powers of the created FP terms.
create_fp_terms <- function(fp_powers,
criterion) {
fp_terms <- data.frame(
# initial degrees of freedom
df_initial = df,
select = select,
alpha = alpha,
acd = acdx,
# presence / absence in final model encoded by NAs in fp_powers
selected = sapply(fp_powers, function(p) ifelse(all(, FALSE, TRUE)),
# final degrees of freedom
df_final = sapply(fp_powers, calculate_df),
rownames(fp_terms) <- names(fp_powers)
if (criterion != "pvalue") {
fp_terms$select <- toupper(criterion)
fp_terms$alpha <- toupper(criterion)
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