
Defines functions rbind cbind

Documented in cbind rbind

#' Combine R objects by rows and columns
#' Functions \code{cbind()} and \code{rbind()} are defined in
#' the \code{mice} package in order to
#' enable dispatch to \code{cbind.mids()} and \code{rbind.mids()}
#' when one of the arguments is a \code{data.frame}.
#' The standard \code{base::cbind()} and \code{base::rbind()}
#' always dispatch to
#' \code{base::cbind.data.frame()} or \code{base::rbind.data.frame()}
#' if one of the arguments is a
#' \code{data.frame}. The versions defined in the \code{mice}
#' package intercept the user command
#' and test whether the first argument has class \code{"mids"}. If so,
#' function calls \code{cbind.mids()}, respectively \code{rbind.mids()}. In
#' all other cases, the call is forwarded to standard functions in the
#' \code{base} package.
#' @inheritDotParams base::cbind
#' @details
#' The \code{cbind.mids()} function combines two \code{mids} objects
#' columnwise into a single
#' object of class \code{mids}, or combines a single \code{mids} object with
#' a \code{vector}, \code{matrix}, \code{factor} or \code{data.frame}
#' columnwise into a \code{mids} object.
#' If both arguments of \code{cbind.mids()} are \code{mids}-objects, the
#' \code{data} list components should have the same number of rows. Also, the
#' number of imputations (\code{m}) should be identical.
#' If the second argument is a \code{matrix},
#' \code{factor} or \code{vector}, it is transformed into a
#' \code{data.frame}. The number of rows should match with the \code{data}
#' component of the first argument.
#' The  \code{cbind.mids()} function renames any duplicated variable or block names by
#' appending \code{".1"}, \code{".2"} to duplicated names.
#' The \code{rbind.mids()} function combines two \code{mids} objects rowwise into a single
#' \code{mids} object, or combines a \code{mids} object with a vector, matrix,
#' factor or data frame rowwise into a \code{mids} object.
#' If both arguments of \code{rbind.mids()} are \code{mids} objects,
#' then \code{rbind.mids()} requires that both have the same number of multiple
#' imputations. In addition, their \code{data} components should match.
#' If the second argument of \code{rbind.mids()} is not a \code{mids} object,
#' the columns of the arguments should match. The \code{where} matrix for the
#' second argument is set to \code{FALSE}, signalling that any missing values in
#' that argument were not imputed. The \code{ignore} vector for the second argument is
#' set to \code{FALSE}. Rows inherited from the second argument will therefore
#' influence the parameter estimation of the imputation model in any future
#' iterations.
#' @note
#' The \code{cbind.mids()} function constructs the elements of the new \code{mids} object as follows:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{data}     \tab Columnwise combination of the data in \code{x} and \code{y}\cr
#' \code{imp}      \tab Combines the imputed values from \code{x} and \code{y}\cr
#' \code{m}        \tab Taken from \code{x$m}\cr
#' \code{where}    \tab Columnwise combination of \code{x$where} and \code{y$where}\cr
#' \code{blocks}   \tab Combines \code{x$blocks} and \code{y$blocks}\cr
#' \code{call}     \tab Vector, \code{call[1]} creates \code{x}, \code{call[2]}
#' is call to \code{cbind.mids()}\cr
#' \code{nmis}     \tab Equals \code{c(x$nmis, y$nmis)}\cr
#' \code{method}   \tab Combines \code{x$method} and \code{y$method}\cr
#' \code{predictorMatrix} \tab Combination with zeroes on the off-diagonal blocks\cr
#' \code{visitSequence}   \tab Combined as \code{c(x$visitSequence, y$visitSequence)}\cr
#' \code{formulas}  \tab Combined as \code{c(x$formulas, y$formulas)}\cr
#' \code{post}      \tab Combined as \code{c(x$post, y$post)}\cr
#' \code{blots}     \tab Combined as \code{c(x$blots, y$blots)}\cr
#' \code{ignore}    \tab Taken from \code{x$ignore}\cr
#' \code{seed}            \tab Taken from \code{x$seed}\cr
#' \code{iteration}       \tab Taken from \code{x$iteration}\cr
#' \code{lastSeedValue}   \tab Taken from \code{x$lastSeedValue}\cr
#' \code{chainMean}       \tab Combined from \code{x$chainMean} and \code{y$chainMean}\cr
#' \code{chainVar}        \tab Combined from \code{x$chainVar} and \code{y$chainVar}\cr
#' \code{loggedEvents}    \tab Taken from \code{x$loggedEvents}\cr
#' \code{version}    \tab Current package version\cr
#' \code{date}       \tab Current date\cr
#' }
#' The  \code{rbind.mids()} function constructs the elements of the new \code{mids} object as follows:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{data}     \tab Rowwise combination of the (incomplete) data in \code{x} and \code{y}\cr
#' \code{imp}      \tab Equals \code{rbind(x$imp[[j]], y$imp[[j]])} if \code{y} is \code{mids} object; otherwise
#' the data of \code{y} will be copied\cr
#' \code{m}        \tab Equals \code{x$m}\cr
#' \code{where}    \tab Rowwise combination of \code{where} arguments\cr
#' \code{blocks}   \tab Equals \code{x$blocks}\cr
#' \code{call}     \tab Vector, \code{call[1]} creates \code{x}, \code{call[2]} is call to \code{rbind.mids}\cr
#' \code{nmis}     \tab \code{x$nmis} + \code{y$nmis}\cr
#' \code{method}   \tab Taken from \code{x$method}\cr
#' \code{predictorMatrix} \tab Taken from \code{x$predictorMatrix}\cr
#' \code{visitSequence}   \tab Taken from \code{x$visitSequence}\cr
#' \code{formulas}  \tab Taken from \code{x$formulas}\cr
#' \code{post}      \tab Taken from \code{x$post}\cr
#' \code{blots}     \tab Taken from \code{x$blots}\cr
#' \code{ignore}    \tab Concatenate \code{x$ignore} and \code{y$ignore}\cr
#' \code{seed}            \tab Taken from \code{x$seed}\cr
#' \code{iteration}       \tab Taken from \code{x$iteration}\cr
#' \code{lastSeedValue}   \tab Taken from \code{x$lastSeedValue}\cr
#' \code{chainMean}       \tab Set to \code{NA}\cr
#' \code{chainVar}        \tab Set to \code{NA}\cr
#' \code{loggedEvents}    \tab Taken from \code{x$loggedEvents}\cr
#' \code{version}    \tab Taken from \code{x$version}\cr
#' \code{date}       \tab Taken from \code{x$date}
#' }
#' @return An S3 object of class \code{mids}
#' @author Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn, Stef van Buuren
#' @seealso \code{\link[base:cbind]{cbind}}, \code{\link{ibind}},
#' \code{\link[=mids-class]{mids}}
#' @references van Buuren S and Groothuis-Oudshoorn K (2011). \code{mice}:
#' Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in \code{R}. \emph{Journal of
#' Statistical Software}, \bold{45}(3), 1-67.
#' \doi{10.18637/jss.v045.i03}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' # --- cbind ---
#' # impute four variables at once (default)
#' imp <- mice(nhanes, m = 1, maxit = 1, print = FALSE)
#' imp$predictorMatrix
#' # impute two by two
#' data1 <- nhanes[, c("age", "bmi")]
#' data2 <- nhanes[, c("hyp", "chl")]
#' imp1 <- mice(data1, m = 2, maxit = 1, print = FALSE)
#' imp2 <- mice(data2, m = 2, maxit = 1, print = FALSE)
#' # Append two solutions
#' imp12 <- cbind(imp1, imp2)
#' # This is a different imputation model
#' imp12$predictorMatrix
#' # Append the other way around
#' imp21 <- cbind(imp2, imp1)
#' imp21$predictorMatrix
#' # Append 'forgotten' variable chl
#' data3 <- nhanes[, 1:3]
#' imp3 <- mice(data3, maxit = 1, m = 2, print = FALSE)
#' imp4 <- cbind(imp3, chl = nhanes$chl)
#' # Of course, chl was not imputed
#' head(complete(imp4))
#' # Combine mids object with data frame
#' imp5 <- cbind(imp3, nhanes2)
#' head(complete(imp5))
#' # --- rbind ---
#' imp1 <- mice(nhanes[1:13, ], m = 2, maxit = 1, print = FALSE)
#' imp5 <- mice(nhanes[1:13, ], m = 2, maxit = 2, print = FALSE)
#' mylist <- list(age = NA, bmi = NA, hyp = NA, chl = NA)
#' nrow(complete(rbind(imp1, imp5)))
#' nrow(complete(rbind(imp1, mylist)))
#' nrow(complete(rbind(imp1, data.frame(mylist))))
#' nrow(complete(rbind(imp1, complete(imp5))))
#' @export
cbind <- function(...) {
  if (is.null(attr(list(...)[[1]], "class"))) {
  if ("mids" %in% attr(list(...)[[1]], "class")) {
  } else {

#' @rdname cbind
#' @export
rbind <- function(...) {
  if (is.null(attr(list(...)[[1]], "class"))) {
  if ("mids" %in% attr(list(...)[[1]], "class")) {
  } else {

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mice documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:38 p.m.