

imp <- mice(nhanes, maxit = 1, m = 2, seed = 123, print = FALSE)

lng <- subset(complete(imp, "long"), .imp == 1, select = c(age, bmi, hyp, chl))
all <- complete(imp, "all")[[1]]

test_that("long and all produce same data", {
  expect_equal(lng, all)

# mids workflow using saved objects
imp <- mice(nhanes, seed = 123, print = FALSE)
fit <- with(imp, lm(chl ~ age + bmi + hyp))
est <- pool(fit)
est.mice <- est

# mild workflow using saved objects and base::lapply
idl <- complete(imp, "all")
fit <- lapply(idl, lm, formula = chl ~ age + bmi + hyp)
est <- pool(fit)
est.mild <- est

# long workflow using base::by
cmp <- complete(imp, "long")
fit <- by(cmp, as.factor(cmp$.imp), lm, formula = chl ~ age + bmi + hyp)
est <- pool(fit)
est.long <- est

test_that("workflow mids, mild and long produce same estimates", {
  expect_identical(getqbar(est.mice), getqbar(est.mild))
  expect_identical(getqbar(est.mice), getqbar(est.long))

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mice documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:38 p.m.