## Modified Iterative Cummulative Sum of Squares Algorithm Package
## J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre and A. Sanso (2023): Generalized Extreme Value
## Approximation to the CUMSUMQ Test for Constant Unconditional Variance in Heavy-Tailed Time Series.
## 22 / 8 / 2024
## Test statistic
kappa_test <- function(e,sig.lev=0.05,alpha=NULL,kmax=NULL){
t <- length(e)
kt <- list(kappa=0,tb=0,cv=999)
} else {
dk <- numeric(t)
a <- e-mean(e)
s2 <- sum(a^2)/t
for (k in 1:t) {dk[k] <- abs(sum(a[1:k]^2)-k*s2)}
tb <- which.max(dk)
a2 <- a^2-s2
c <- sqrt(lrv.spc.bartlett(a2,kmax))
kap <- sqrt(1/t)*dk[tb]/c
if (is.null(alpha)) {alpha=4}
cv <- cv.kappa(t=t,alpha=alpha,sig.lev=sig.lev)
p.val <- p.val.kappa(x=kap,t=t,alpha=alpha)
#' @title Critical Values
#' @description Computes critical values for the \link{kappa_test} statistic
#' @param t Sample size.
#' @param alpha Value of the tail index between 2 and 4.
#' @param sig.lev Significance level.
#' @return Critical value.
#' @seealso \link{p.val.kappa}
#' @references
#' J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre & A. Sansó (2023): Generalized Extreme Value Approximation to the CUMSUMQ Test for Constant Unconditional Variance in Heavy-Tailed Time Series.
cv.kappa <- function(t,alpha,sig.lev){
loc <- sr_loc(t,alpha)
sc <- sr_scale(t,alpha)
sh <- sr_shape(t,alpha)
p <- 1-sig.lev
if (sh==0) cv <- loc-sc*log(-log(p))
else cv <- loc+sc/sh*((-log(p))^(-sh)-1)
#' @title P-values
#' @description Computes p-values for the \link{kappa_test} statistic
#' @param x Value of the statistic.
#' @param t Sample size.
#' @param alpha Value of the tail index between 2 and 4.
#' @return p-value.
#' @seealso \link{cv.kappa}
#' @references
#' J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre & A. Sansó (2023): Generalized Extreme Value Approximation to the CUMSUMQ Test for Constant Unconditional Variance in Heavy-Tailed Time Series.
p.val.kappa <- function(x,t,alpha){
loc <- sr_loc(t,alpha)
sc <- sr_scale(t,alpha)
sh <- sr_shape(t,alpha)
if (sh==0) p.val <- exp(-exp(-(x-loc)/sc))
else p.val <- 1-exp(-(1+sh*((x-loc)/sc))^(-1/sh))
#' @title sr_loc
#' @description Computes the location parameter for the GEV approximation
#' to the distribution of \link{kappa_test} statistic
#' @param t Sample size
#' @param alpha Value of the tail index between 2 and 4
#' @param lmax Maximum lag to be used for the long-run estimation of the fourth order moment of the
#' innovations. If not specified it is generated automatically depending on the sample size.
#' @return Location parameter
#' @details used internally by \link{cv.kappa} and \link{p.val.kappa}
#' @references
#' J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre & A. Sansó (2023): Generalized Extreme Value Approximation to the CUMSUMQ Test for Constant Unconditional Variance in Heavy-Tailed Time Series.
#' @keywords internal
sr_loc <- function(t,alpha,lmax=NULL){
if (is.null(lmax)) lmax <- floor(12*(t/100)^(1/4))
b <- c(0.65259704, 0.04562764, -0.01383362, 0.00225625, 14.16896288,
-207.90049304, 2727.17596466, -0.49869921, -8.97848800, 2.76757281,
-0.34111815, 56.98359116, -459.57507997)
reg <- c(1,alpha,alpha^2,alpha^3,1/t,1/t^2,1/t^3,1/lmax,
#' @title sr_scale
#' @description Computes the scale parameter for the GEV approximation
#' to the distribution of \link{kappa_test} statistic
#' @param t Sample size
#' @param alpha Value of the tail index between 2 and 4
#' @param lmax Maximum lag to be used for the long-run estimation of the fourth order moment of the
#' innovations. If not specified it is generated automatically depending on the sample size.
#' @return Scale parameter
#' @details Used internally by \link{cv.kappa} and \link{p.val.kappa}
#' @references
#' J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre & A. Sansó (2023): Generalized Extreme Value Approximation to the CUMSUMQ Test for Constant Unconditional Variance in Heavy-Tailed Time Series.
#' @keywords internal
sr_scale <- function(t,alpha,lmax=NULL){
if (is.null(lmax)) lmax <- floor(12*(t/100)^(1/4))
b <- c(8.877180e-02, 8.267183e-02, -2.451618e-02, 2.988705e-03, 1.671469e+01,
-4.570808e+02, 4.844240e+03, -2.905970e-01, -3.795325e+00,
1.003749e+02, -5.433761e+02)
reg <- c(1,alpha,alpha^2,alpha^3,1/t,1/t^2,1/t^3,1/lmax,
#' @title sr_shape
#' @description Computes the scale parameter for the GEV approximation
#' to the distribution of \link{kappa_test} statistic
#' @param t Sample size
#' @param alpha Value of the tail index between 2 and 4
#' @param lmax Maximum lag to be used for the long-run estimation of the fourth order moment of the
#' innovations. If not specified it is generated automatically depending on the sample size.
#' @return Shape parameter
#' @details Used internally by \link{cv.kappa} and \link{p.val.kappa}
#' @references
#' J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre & A. Sansó (2023): Generalized Extreme Value Approximation to the CUMSUMQ Test for Constant Unconditional Variance in Heavy-Tailed Time Series.
#' @keywords internal
sr_shape <- function(t,alpha,lmax=NULL){
if (is.null(lmax)) lmax <- floor(12*(t/100)^(1/4))
b <- c(5.662565e-01, -5.384247e-01, 1.590511e-01, -1.592778e-02,
-2.555037e+00, -9.944793e+03, 9.577819e+05, -2.857244e+07,
2.747189e+08, 6.279446e-01, 5.954574e+01, -1.062508e+03,
-1.882937e+05, 7.263533e+06, -6.993028e+07, -1.512258e+01,
9.370222e+02, -1.417866e+04)
reg <- c(1,alpha,alpha^2,alpha^3,1/t,1/t^2,1/t^3,1/t^4,1/t^5,
## MICSS algorithm
micss <- function(e,sig.lev=0.05,kmax=NULL,alpha=NULL,
if (is.null(alpha)) { # estimates tail index with absolut values
alpha.est <- estimate.alpha(x=abs(e),sig.lev=sig.lev,tail.est=tail.est,k=k)
} else {alpha.est <- list(alpha=alpha, sd.alpha=0, tail.est="fixed")}
if (alpha.est$alpha<=2) { # No finite variance
icss.results <- list(nb=0,tb=0,e=e,v=Inf)
} else {
icss.results <- icss(e,sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,
bbm <- list(icss=icss.results,alpha=alpha.est)
class(bbm) <- "micss"
#' @title Prints the output of of icss algorithm
#' @description Prints the output of \link{micss}.
#' @param x An object with the output of the \link{micss} algorithm.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return{No return value. It prints the output of \link{micss}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2)
#' e <- c(stats::rnorm(200),3*stats::rnorm(200))
#' o <- micss(e)
#' print.micss(o)
print.micss <- function(x,...){
if (!is(x,"micss")) {
stop("Wrong object. Enter the output of micss()")
aa <- x$alpha
cat("Tail estimator: ", aa$tail.est,".\n", sep="")
cat("Estimated alpha = ", aa$, "; used alpha = ",
aa$alpha, "; std error = ", aa$sd.alpha,
"\n", sep="")
cat("Test Ho: (alpha>=4) = ", aa$t4, "; p-value = ",
stats::pnorm(aa$t4),"\n", sep="")
cat("Test Ho: (alpha<=2) = ", aa$t2, "; p-value = ",
1-stats::pnorm(aa$t2),"\n\n", sep="")
bb <- x$icss
nb <- bb$nb
if (length(bb$v)==1){
if (bb$v==Inf) cat("WARNING: No finite variance\n\n")
} else {
cat("Number of breaks: ", nb, " (", nb+1," different periods)\n", sep="")
if (nb==0) {
cat("\nMax value of kappa: ", bb$kappa.max,
"; p-value = ", bb$p.val,"\n", sep="")
} else print(taula.micss(bb,alpha=aa$alpha))
#' @title taula.micss
#' @description When there are breaks in the unconditional variance, it
#' creates a matrix with the different periods, estimated variances, values of
#' \link{kappa_test} and \link{p.val.kappa}.
#' @param x An object with the output of \link{icss}.
#' @param alpha Value of the tail index between 2 and 4
#' @return Matrix with the different periods, estimated variances, values of
#' \link{kappa_test} and \link{p.val.kappa}.
#' @details Used internally by \link{print.micss}.
#' @keywords internal
taula.micss <- function(x,alpha){
e <- x$e
t <- length(e)
nb <- x$nb
if (nb>0) {
ta <- taula.icss(x)
kappas <- rep(NA,nb+1)
pval <- rep(NA,nb+1)
for (i in 1:nb){
kap <- kappa_test(e[ta[i,1]:ta[i+1,2]],alpha=alpha)
kappas[i] <- kap$kappa
pval[i] <- kap$p.val
taula <- cbind(ta,kappas,pval)
colnames(taula) <- c("Start","End","Var", "Kappa", "p-value")
} else {taula <- NA}
## ICSS algorithm
icss <- function(e,sig.lev=0.05,kmax=NULL,alpha=NULL){
bb <-,sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,alpha=alpha)
if (bb$nb>1){
bb <- step2c(e=e,bb=bb,sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,alpha=alpha)
bb <- step3(e=e,bb=bb,sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,alpha=alpha)
if (bb$nb==0) bb <- list(nb=bb$nb,tb=bb$tb,e=e,
else bb <- list(nb=bb$nb,tb=bb$tb,e=e)
bb$v <- var.est.icss(bb)
#' @title
#' @description Computes steps 1 to 2b of the \link{icss} Algorithm.
#' @param e Stationary variable on which the constancy of unconditional variance is tested.
#' @param sig.lev Significance level.
#' @param kmax Maximum lag to be used for the long-run estimation of the fourth order moment of the innovations.
#' @param alpha Tail index.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{nb}: Number of breaks.
#' \item \code{tb}: Time of the breaks.
#' \item \code{kappa.max}: Maximum value of the \link{kappa_test} if there is no break.
#' \item \code{p.val}: p-value.
#' }
#' @details Used internally by \link{icss}.
#' @references
#' C. Inclan & G.C. Tiao (1994): Use of Cumulative Sums of Squares for Retrospective Detection of Changes of Variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, 913-923.
#' @keywords internal <- function(e,sig.lev,kmax,alpha){
nb <- 0
tb <- 0
} else {
kt <- kappa_test(e=e,sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,alpha=alpha) # step1
if (kt$kappa > kt$cv) { # there is a break
t2 <- kt$tb
tb.f <- step2a(e[1:t2],sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,alpha=alpha)
tb.l <- step2b(e[(t2+1):length(e)],sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,
alpha=alpha) + t2-1
if (is.null(kmax)) {kmax <- floor(12*(length(e)/100)^(1/4))}
if ((tb.l-tb.f)<(kmax+3)){ # there is only one break
nb <- 1
tb <- tb.f
} else { # more than one break
nb <- 2
tb <- c(tb.f,tb.l)
} else { # No breaks found
nb <- 0
tb <- 0
kappa.max <-kt$kappa
if (nb==0) return(list(nb=nb,tb=tb,kappa.max=kappa.max,p.val=kt$p.val))
else return(list(nb=nb,tb=tb))
#' @title step2a
#' @description Computes step 2a of the \link{icss} Algorithm.
#' @param e Stationary variable on which the constancy of unconditional variance is tested.
#' @param sig.lev Significance level.
#' @param kmax Maximum lag to be used for the long-run estimation of the fourth order moment of the innovations.
#' @param alpha Tail index.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{tb}: Time of the break.
#' }
#' @details Used internally by \link{icss}.
#' @references
#' C. Inclan & G.C. Tiao (1994): Use of Cumulative Sums of Squares for Retrospective Detection of Changes of Variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, 913-923.
#' @keywords internal
step2a <- function(e,sig.lev,kmax,alpha){
tb <- length(e)
a <- e
kt <- kappa_test(a,sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,alpha=alpha)
if (kt$kappa > kt$cv) { # there is a break
tb <- kt$tb
a <- a[1:tb]
} else break
#' @title step2b
#' @description Computes step 2b of the \link{icss} Algorithm.
#' @param e Stationary variable on which the constancy of unconditional variance is tested.
#' @param sig.lev Significance level.
#' @param kmax Maximum lag to be used for the long-run estimation of the fourth order moment of the innovations.
#' @param alpha Tail index.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{tb}: Time of the break.
#' }
#' @details Used internally by \link{icss}.
#' @references
#' C. Inclan & G.C. Tiao (1994): Use of Cumulative Sums of Squares for Retrospective Detection of Changes of Variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, 913-923.
#' @keywords internal
step2b <- function(e,sig.lev,kmax,alpha){
a <- e
t <- length(e)
kt <- kappa_test(a,sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,alpha=alpha)
if (kt$kappa > kt$cv) { # there is a break
tb <- kt$tb
a <- a[(tb+1):length(a)]
} else break
return(tb=t-length(a)+1) # OK
#' @title step2c
#' @description Computes step 2c of the \link{icss} Algorithm.
#' @param e Stationary variable on which the constancy of unconditional variance is tested.
#' @param bb The output of function \link{}.
#' @param sig.lev Significance level.
#' @param kmax Maximum lag to be used for the long-run estimation of the fourth order moment of the innovations.
#' @param alpha Tail index.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{nb}: Number of breaks.
#' \item \code{tb}: Time of the breaks.
#' }
#' @details Used internally by \link{icss}.
#' @references
#' C. Inclan & G.C. Tiao (1994): Use of Cumulative Sums of Squares for Retrospective Detection of Changes of Variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, 913-923.
#' @keywords internal
step2c <- function(e,bb,sig.lev,kmax,alpha){
nb <- bb$nb
tb <- bb$tb
i <- 1 # iteration
a <- e[(tb[i]+1):tb[i+1]]
if (length(a)<26) {break} # minimal sample
bb <-,sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,alpha=alpha)
if (bb$nb==0) { # no new breaks
} else if (bb$nb==1){ # only one new break
tb <- c(tb,bb$tb+tb[i])
tb <- sort(tb)
nb <- nb+1
} else { # two new breaks
tb <- c(tb,(bb$tb+tb[i]))
tb <- sort(tb)
i <- i+1
a <- e[(tb[i]+1):tb[i+1]]
nb <- nb+2
#' @title step3
#' @description Computes step 3 of the \link{icss} Algorithm.
#' @param e Stationary variable on which the constancy of unconditional variance is tested.
#' @param bb The output of \link{step2c}, A list with the number of break and the time of the breaks.
#' @param sig.lev Significance level.
#' @param kmax Maximum lag to be used for the long-run estimation of the fourth order moment of the innovations.
#' @param alpha Tail index.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{nb}: Number of breaks.
#' \item \code{tb}: Time of the breaks.
#' }
#' @details Used internally by \link{icss}.
#' @references
#' C. Inclan & G.C. Tiao (1994): Use of Cumulative Sums of Squares for Retrospective Detection of Changes of Variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, 913-923.
#' @keywords internal
step3 <- function(e,bb,sig.lev,kmax,alpha){
b0 <- c(0,bb$tb,length(e))
iter <- 1
max.iter <- 10
nb <- (length(b0)-2)
if (nb>1){
if (iter == max.iter) {break}
b1 <- 0
for (i in 1:nb){ # checking the break points
a <- e[(b0[i]+1):b0[i+2]]
kt <- kappa_test(a,sig.lev=sig.lev,kmax=kmax,alpha=alpha)
if (kt$kappa > kt$cv) {b1 <- c(b1,(b0[i]+kt$tb))}
b1 <- c(b1,length(e))
b1 <- unique(b1)
if ((length(b1)==length(b0))){
if ((max(abs(b1-b0))<=2)) {break}
else {
b0 <- b1
iter <- iter+1
} else {
b0 <- b1
iter <- iter+1
} else {
b1 <- b0
nb <- (length(b1)-2)
if (nb>0) {tb <- b1[2:(length(b1)-1)]}
else tb <- 0
#' @title Plots the output of the ICSS algorithm
#' @description Plots the output of the ICSS algorithm.
#' @param x An object with the output of \link{icss} or \link{micss}.
#' @param type Type of graphic. 3 possibilities: "std", which is the default,
#' plots the absolute value of the variable and the standard deviation; "var"
#' plots the squares of the variable and the variance; "res.std" plots
#' the standardized residuals.
#' @param title Title of the graphic.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return{No return value. It generates a plot the output of \link{micss} or \link{icss}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2)
#' e <- c(stats::rnorm(200),3*stats::rnorm(200))
#' o <- micss(e)
#' plot.icss(o,title="Example of the MICSS algorithm")
plot.icss <- function(x,type="std",title=NULL,...){
if (is(x,"icss")) {kk <- x}
else if (is(x,"micss")) {kk <- x$icss}
else {
stop("Wrong object. Enter the output of micss() or icss()")
e <- kk$e
t <- length(e)
if (is.null(kk$v)) v <- var.est.icss(kk)
else v <- kk$v
if (type=="std"){
plot(x=1:t, y=abs(e), type = "l", xlab="t",
ylab="Absolute residuals and", main=title)
} else if (type=="var"){
plot(x=1:t, y=e^2, type = "l", xlab="t",
ylab="Squared residuals", main=title)
} else if (type=="res.std"){
plot(x=1:t, y=e/sqrt(v), type = "l", xlab="t",
ylab="Standarized residuals", main=title)
#' @title taula.icss
#' @description When there are breaks in the unconditional variance, it
#' creates a matrix with the different periods and estimated variances.
#' @param x An object with the output of \link{icss}.
#' @return Matrix with the different periods and estimated variances.
#' @details Used internally by \link{print.icss}. If there are no break returns NA value.
#' @keywords internal
taula.icss <- function(x){
e <- x$e
t <- length(e)
nb <- x$nb
if (nb>0) {
taula <- matrix(NA, nrow=(nb+1), ncol=3)
colnames(taula) <- c("Start","End","Var")
rownames(taula) <- seq(1,(nb+1),1)
b <- c(0,x$tb,t)
for (i in 1:(nb+1)){
taula[i,1] <- b[i]+1
taula[i,2] <- b[i+1]
taula[i,3] <- stats::var(e[(b[i]+1):b[i+1]])
} else {taula <- NA}
#' @title Prints the output of of icss algorithm
#' @description Prints the output of \link{icss}.
#' @param x An object with the output of the \link{icss} algorithm.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return{No return value. It prints the output of \link{icss}}
#' @details Used internally by \link{icss}.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2)
#' e <- c(stats::rnorm(200),3*stats::rnorm(200))
#' o <- icss(e)
#' print.icss(o)
print.icss <- function(x,...){
if (!is(x,"icss")) {
stop("Wrong object. Enter the output of icss()")
nb <- x$nb
cat("Number of breaks: ", nb, " (", nb+1," different periods)\n", sep="")
if (nb>0) print(taula.icss(x))
#' @title var.est.icss
#' @description Computes the variance of each period according to the breaks found with \link{icss} or \link{micss}.
#' @param x An object with the output of \link{icss} or \link{micss}.
#' @return A vector with the variances.
#' @keywords internal
var.est.icss <- function(x){
e <- x$e
t <- length(e)
if (x$nb==0) {v <- rep(stats::var(e),t)}
else {
taula <- taula.icss(x)
v <- rep(taula[1,3],taula[1,2])
for (i in 2:nrow(taula)){
v <- c(v,rep(taula[i,3],(taula[i,2]-taula[i,1]+1)))
## Procedures to estimate and test the index of tail thickness
#' @title estimate.alpha
#' @description Computes the estimator of the tail index (alpha) using Hill (1975) or Nicolau & Rodrigues (2019) estimators and
#' tests both the hypothesis that alpha is bigger or equal to 4, and that alpha is lower or equal to 2.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param sig.lev Significance level. The default value is 0.05.
#' @param tail.est Estimator of the tail index. The default value is "Hill", which uses Hill's (1975) estimator. "NR" uses Nicolau & Rodrigues (2019) estimator.
#' @param k Fraction of the upper tail to be used to estimate of the tail index. The default value is 0.1.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{alpha}: Value of the tail index (alpha) to be used in \link{micss}.
#' \item \code{}: Estimated tail index.
#' \item \code{t4}: Test of the null hypothesis alpha>=4 against alpha<4.
#' \item \code{t2}: Test of the null hypothesis alpha<=2 against alpha>2.
#' }
#' @details Used internally by \link{micss}.
#' @references
#' B. Hill (1975): A Simple General Approach to Inference About the Tail of a Distribution. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 3, 1163-1174.
#' J. Nicolau and P.M.M. Rodrigues (2019): A new regression-based tail index estimator. The Review of Economics and Statistics 101, 667-680.
if (tail.est=="NR") { <- alpha_nr(x,k)
t4 <- (($alpha-4)/$sd.alpha) # test Ho: alpha=4, Ha: alpha<4
t2 <- (($alpha-2)/$sd.alpha) # test Ho: alpha=2, Ha: alpha>2
if (t4>stats::qnorm(sig.lev)) {alpha <- 4}
else {
if (t2<stats::qnorm(1-sig.lev)) {alpha=2}
else {$alpha}
else { # "Hill" <- alpha_hill(x,k)
t4 <- sqrt($s)*($alpha/4-1) # test Ho: alpha=4, Ha: alpha<4
t2 <- sqrt($s)*($alpha/2-1) # test Ho: alpha=2, Ha: alpha>2
if (t4>stats::qnorm(sig.lev)) {alpha <- 4}
else {
if (t2<stats::qnorm(1-sig.lev)) {alpha=2}
else {$alpha}
return(list(alpha=alpha,$alpha, t4=t4, t2=t2,$sd.alpha, tail.est=tail.est))
alpha_hill <- function(x,k){
y <- stats::na.omit(x)
x0 <- stats::quantile(y,1-k, na.rm = TRUE)
s <- length(y[(y>x0)])
alpha <- s/sum(log(y[(y>x0)]/x0))
sd.alpha <- sqrt(alpha^2/s)
alpha_nr <- function(y,k){
y <- stats::na.omit(y)
t <- length(y)
ah <- alpha_hill(y,k)$alpha
m <- floor(t*k)+10
u <- seq(1/m,(m-1)/m,1/m)
x0 <- stats::quantile(y,1-k, na.rm = TRUE)
x <- (1-u)^(-1/ah)*x0
x <- x[(x<=max(y))]
m <- length(x)
pr <- rep(0,m)
for(i in 1:m){
pr[i] <- length(y[(y>x[i])])/t
yy <- log(pr)
z <- -log(x) <- stats::lm(yy~z)
b <- stats::coef(
sd.alpha <- sqrt(2*b[2]^2/m)
## Whitening and long-run variance
whitening <- function(y,kmax=NULL){
t <- length(y)
min_BIC <- abs(log(stats::var(y)))*1000
res <- e <- y-mean(y)
rho <- 0
k <- 0
if (is.null(kmax)) {kmax <- floor(12*(t/100)^(1/4))}
if (kmax==0) {kmax <- 1}
for (i in 1:kmax){
temp <- e
for (j in 1:i) {temp <- cbind(temp, dplyr::lag(e,j))}
temp <- temp[(i+1):nrow(temp),]
X <- as.matrix(temp[,(2:ncol(temp))])
y <- as.matrix(temp[,1]) <- stats::lm(y~0+X, na.action=na.omit)
rho_temp <- stats::coef(
res_temp <- stats::resid(
BIC <- log(sum(res_temp^2)/(t-kmax))+(i*log(t-kmax)/(t-kmax))
if (BIC < min_BIC){
min_BIC <- BIC
k <- i
rho <- rho_temp
res <- res_temp # Whited
#' @title Estimator of the long-run variance using the Barlett window
#' @description Estimation of the long-run variance using the Barlett window.
#' @param x Stationary variable. A numeric vector.
#' @param kmax Maximum lag to be used for the long-run estimation of the variance.
#' @return Estimation of the long-run variance.
#' @details Estimates the log-run fourth order moment when x are the squares of a variable.
#' @references
#' D. Sul, P.C.B. Phillips & C.Y. Choi (2005): Prewhitening Bias in HAC Estimation, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 67, 517-546.
#' D.W.K. Andrews & J.C. Monahan (1992): An Improved Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator. Econometrica 60, 953-966.
#' @examples
#' lrv.spc.bartlett(rnorm(100))
lrv.spc.bartlett <- function(x,kmax=NULL){
t <- length(x)
w <- whitening(x,kmax=kmax)
res <- w$e
rho <- w$rho
k <- w$lag
temp <- cbind(res,dplyr::lag(res,1))[2:length(res),]
X <- as.matrix(temp[,2])
y <- as.matrix(temp[,1])
a <- coef(stats::lm(y~0+X)) # AR(1) approximation as in Andrews & Monahan (1992, pag. 958)
l <- 1.1447*(4*a^2*t/((1+a)^2*(1-a)^2))^(1/3) # Obtaining the bandwidth for the spectral window
l <- min(trunc(l),(length(res)-1)) # Truncate the estimated bandwidth
lrv <- sum(res^2)/t # Short-run variance
if ( {l <- 0}
if (l>0){
for (i in 1:l){ # Long-run variance
w <- (1-i/(l+1)) # Bartlett kernel
lrv <- lrv+2*w*sum(res[1:(length(res)-i)]*res[(1+i):length(res)])/t
lrv_recolored <- lrv/(1-sum(rho))^2
lrv <- min(lrv_recolored,(t*lrv)) # Sul, Phillips & Choi (2003) boundary rule
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