
Defines functions predict.cv_misvm cv_misvm.mi_df cv_misvm.formula cv_misvm.default cv_misvm validate_cv_misvm new_cv_misvm

Documented in cv_misvm cv_misvm.default cv_misvm.formula cv_misvm.mi_df predict.cv_misvm

new_cv_misvm <- function(x = list(), method = c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic")) {
  method <- match.arg(method)
    class = "cv_misvm",
    method = method

validate_cv_misvm <- function(x) {
  message("No validations currently in place for object of class 'cv_misvm'.")

#' Fit MI-SVM model to the data using cross-validation
#' Cross-validation wrapper on the [misvm()] function to fit the MI-SVM model
#'   over a variety of specified cost parameters.  The optimal cost parameter
#'   is chosen by the best AUC of the cross-fit models.  See `?misvm` for
#'   more details on the fitting function.
#' @inheritParams misvm
#' @param x A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each
#'   row represents a sample.
#' @param cost_seq A sequence of `cost` arguments (default `2^(-2:2)`) in
#'   `misvm()`.
#' @param n_fold The number of folds (default 5). If this is specified,
#'   `fold_id` need not be specified.
#' @param fold_id The ids for the specific the fold for each instance. Care must
#'   be taken to ensure that ids respect the bag structure to avoid information
#'   leakage.  If `n_fold` is specified, `fold_id` will be computed
#'   automatically.
#' @return An object of class `cv_misvm`.  The object contains the following
#'   components:
#' * `misvm_fit`: A fit object of class `misvm` trained on the full data with
#' the cross-validated choice of cost parameter. See [misvm()] for details.
#' * `cost_seq`: the input sequence of cost arguments
#' * `cost_aucs`: estimated AUC for the models trained for each `cost_seq`
#' parameter.  These are the average of the fold models for that cost, excluding
#' any folds that don't have both levels of `y` in the validation set.
#' * `best_cost`: The optimal choice of cost parameter, chosen as that which has
#' the maximum AUC.  If there are ties, this will pick the smallest cost with
#' maximum AUC.
#' @seealso [misvm()] for fitting without cross-validation.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(8)
#' mil_data <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 20,
#'                              positive_prob = 0.15,
#'                              dist = rep("mvnormal", 3),
#'                              mean = list(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10)),
#'                              sd_of_mean = rep(0.1, 3))
#' df <- build_instance_feature(mil_data, seq(0.05, 0.95, length.out = 10))
#' cost_seq <- 2^seq(-5, 7, length.out = 3)
#' # Heuristic method
#' mdl1 <- cv_misvm(x = df[, 4:123], y = df$bag_label,
#'                  bags = df$bag_name, cost_seq = cost_seq,
#'                  n_fold = 3, method = "heuristic")
#' mdl2 <- cv_misvm(mi(bag_label, bag_name) ~ X1_mean + X2_mean + X3_mean, data = df,
#'                  cost_seq = cost_seq, n_fold = 3)
#' if (require(gurobi)) {
#'   # solve using the MIP method
#'   mdl3 <- cv_misvm(x = df[, 4:123], y = df$bag_label,
#'                    bags = df$bag_name, cost_seq = cost_seq,
#'                    n_fold = 3, method = "mip")
#' }
#' predict(mdl1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "bag")
#' # summarize predictions at the bag layer
#' suppressWarnings(library(dplyr))
#' df %>%
#'   bind_cols(predict(mdl2, df, type = "class")) %>%
#'   bind_cols(predict(mdl2, df, type = "raw")) %>%
#'   distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)
#' @author Sean Kent, Yifei Liu
#' @name cv_misvm

#' @export
cv_misvm <- function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn cv_misvm Method for data.frame-like objects
#' @export
cv_misvm.default <- function(
    method = c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic"),
    weights = TRUE,
    control = list(kernel = "linear",
                   sigma = 1,
                   nystrom_args = list(m = nrow(x),
                                       r = nrow(x),
                                       sampling = "random"),
                   max_step = 500,
                   type = "C-classification",
                   scale = TRUE,
                   verbose = FALSE,
                   time_limit = 60,
                   start = FALSE),
    ...) {

  method <- match.arg(method, c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic"))
  if (!missing(n_fold) && !missing(fold_id)) {
    message("Both n_fold and fold_id are supplied, ignoring n_fold in favor of fold_id")

  # store the levels of y and convert to 0,1 numeric format.
  y_info <- convert_y(y)
  y <- y_info$y
  lev <- y_info$lev

  # weights
  if (is.numeric(weights)) {
    stopifnot(names(weights) == lev || names(weights) == rev(lev))
    weights <- weights[lev]
    names(weights) <- c("0", "1")
  } else if (weights) {
    bag_labels <- sapply(split(y, factor(bags)), unique)
    weights <- c("0" = sum(bag_labels == 1) / sum(y == 0), "1" = 1)
  } else {
    weights <- NULL

  fold_info <- select_cv_folds2(y, bags, n_fold, fold_id)
  fold_id <- fold_info$fold_id
  n_fold <- fold_info$n_fold

  aucs <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(cost_seq), ncol = n_fold)
  for (i in seq_along(cost_seq)) {
    for (fold in 1:n_fold) {
      train <- fold_id != fold
      val <- fold_id == fold

      model_i_fold <- misvm(x[train, , drop = FALSE], y[train], bags[train],
                            cost = cost_seq[i], method = method,
                            weights = weights, control = control)
      pred_i_fold <- predict(model_i_fold,
                             new_data = x[val, , drop = FALSE],
                             new_bags = bags[val],
                             type = "raw")

      if (length(unique(y[val])) != 2) {
        aucs[i, fold] <- NA
      } else {
        aucs[i, fold] <- pROC::auc(response = classify_bags(y[val], bags[val]),
                                   predictor = classify_bags(pred_i_fold$.pred, bags[val]),
                                   levels = c(0, 1), direction = "<")
  cost_aucs <- rowMeans(aucs, na.rm = TRUE)
  best_cost <- cost_seq[which.max(cost_aucs)]

  misvm_fit <- misvm(x, y, bags,
                     cost = best_cost, method = method,
                     weights = weights, control = control)

  res <- list(misvm_fit = misvm_fit,
              cost_seq = cost_seq,
              cost_aucs = cost_aucs,
              best_cost = best_cost)

  res$misvm_fit$levels <- lev
  new_cv_misvm(res, method = method)

#' @describeIn cv_misvm Method for passing formula
#' @export
cv_misvm.formula <- function(formula, data, cost_seq, n_fold, fold_id, ...) {
  mi_names <- as.character(stats::terms(formula, data = data)[[2]])
  bag_label <- mi_names[[2]]
  bag_name <- mi_names[[3]]

  predictors <- setdiff(colnames(data), c(bag_label, bag_name))

  x <- stats::model.matrix(formula[-2], data = data[, predictors])
  if (attr(stats::terms(formula, data = data), "intercept") == 1) x <- x[, -1, drop = FALSE]
  x <- as.data.frame(x)

  response <- stats::get_all_vars(formula, data = data)
  y <- response[, 1]
  bags <- response[, 2]

  res <- cv_misvm.default(x, y, bags, cost_seq = cost_seq, n_fold = n_fold,
                          fold_id = fold_id, ...)

  res$misvm_fit$call_type <- "misvm.formula"
  res$misvm_fit$formula <- formula
  res$misvm_fit$bag_name <- bag_name
  res$call_type <- "cv_misvm.formula"

#' @describeIn cv_misvm Method for `mi_df` objects, automatically handling bag
#'   names, labels, and all covariates.
#' @export
cv_misvm.mi_df <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- as.data.frame(validate_mi_df(x))
  y <- x$bag_label
  bags <- x$bag_name
  x$bag_label <- x$bag_name <- NULL

  res <- cv_misvm.default(x, y, bags, ...)
  res$call_type <- "cv_misvm.mi_df"
  res$bag_name <- "bag_name"

#' Predict method for `cv_misvm` object
#' @param object An object of class `cv_misvm`.
#' @inheritParams predict.misvm
#' @return A tibble with `nrow(new_data)` rows.  If `type = 'class'`, the tibble
#'   will have a column '.pred_class'.  If `type = 'raw'`, the tibble will have
#'   a column '.pred'.
#' @examples
#' mil_data <- generate_mild_df(
#'   nbag = 10,
#'   nsample = 20,
#'   positive_degree = 3
#' )
#' df1 <- build_instance_feature(mil_data, seq(0.05, 0.95, length.out = 10))
#' mdl1 <- cv_misvm(x = df1[, 4:123], y = df1$bag_label,
#'                  bags = df1$bag_name, cost_seq = 2^(-2:2),
#'                  n_fold = 3, method = "heuristic")
#' predict(mdl1, new_data = df1, type = "raw", layer = "bag")
#' # summarize predictions at the bag layer
#' suppressWarnings(library(dplyr))
#' df1 %>%
#'   bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, type = "class")) %>%
#'   bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, type = "raw")) %>%
#'   distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)
#' @export
#' @author Sean Kent
predict.cv_misvm <- function(object, new_data,
                             type = c("class", "raw"),
                             layer = c("bag", "instance"),
                             new_bags = "bag_name",
                             ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type, c("class", "raw"))
  layer <- match.arg(layer, c("bag", "instance"))

  predict.misvm(object$misvm_fit, new_data = new_data, type = type, layer = layer,
                new_bags = new_bags)

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mildsvm documentation built on July 14, 2022, 9:08 a.m.