
Defines functions obs_module

#' Server function for the observational studies module
#' Note that the part of the code that is common with the RCT module
#' has been split off into the \code{\link{include_modUniv_serverCode}}
#' function, whose body is \code{\link[base]{eval}}uated into the 
#' module's server function.
#' @param input Shiny input parameter
#' @param output Shiny output parameter
#' @param session Shiny session object
#' @seealso \code{\link{include_modUniv_serverCode}}
#' @import shiny
#' @import meta
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
obs_module <- function(input, output, session, stateEvent) {

  mtype <- 2   # This is an observational module

  # Import the "guts" of the module; but first, declare objects defined there
  values <- NULL

  dat <- callModule(module = obsLoadData, id="loadData", 
        dataset = reactive(values$dataset), 
        logMeasure = reactive(input$opt_sm %in% c("RR","OR")))
  # REACTIVE: check validity of the data
  chk <- reactive({
  # REACTIVE: run the meta-analysis
  m <- reactive({
    if (chk()) {
      grp <- trimws(as.character(dat()$group)); grp[grp==""] <- NA
      if (sum(is.na(grp))==0 & length(unique(grp))>1) {
        byVar <- factor(grp)
      } else {
        byVar <- NULL
      te <- if (input$opt_sm %in% c("RR","OR")) log(dat()$TE) else dat()$TE
        metagen(te, abs(seTE), data=dat(), studlab=Study, 
          comb.fixed=input$opt_combFixed, comb.random=input$opt_combRandom,
          byvar=byVar, sm=input$opt_sm, hakn=input$opt_hakn

  # REACTIVE: render the output panel
  output$uncpanel <- renderPrint({
    bR <- as.numeric(input$baseRisk)
    if (!is.na(bR) && (bR<0 || bR>100)) bR <- NA
    if (is.na(bR)) return(cat("Missing baseline risk"))
    if (inherits(m(), "metagen")) {
      return(print(gradeObs(m(), bR)))
    } else {
      return(cat("No meta-analysis input"))

  gradeObs <- function(m, bR) {
    lim <- function(x) {
        x[x<0] <- 0
        x[x>1000] <- 1000
    ef <- with(m, c(TE.random, lower.random, upper.random))
    uR <- bR*10
    sg <- function(x) sprintf("%.0f %s", abs(x), c("fewer", "more")[as.integer(x>=0)+1])
    if (m$sm=="RR") {
      eR <- lim(uR * exp(ef))
      a <- sprintf("RR, %.2f (%.2f \u2014 %.2f)", exp(ef[1]), exp(ef[2]), exp(ef[3]))
    } else if (m$sm=="OR") {
      ORtoP <- function(o) o / (o+1)
      eR <- lim(ORtoP(uR/(1000-uR) * exp(ef))*1000)
      a <- sprintf("OR, %.2f (%.2f \u2014 %.2f)", exp(ef[1]), exp(ef[2]), exp(ef[3]))
    } else if (m$sm=="RD") {
      eR <- lim(uR + ef*1000)
      a <- sprintf("RD, %.2f (%.2f \u2014 %.2f)", ef[1], ef[2], ef[3])
    } else { # Arcsine risk difference
      eR <- (sin(asin(sqrt(uR/1000)) + ef)^2)*1000
      a <- sprintf("ASD, %.2f (%.2f \u2014 %.2f)", ef[1], ef[2], ef[3])
    rdI <- eR-uR; rdI[2:3] <- rdI[2:3][order(abs(rdI[2:3]))]
    a <- c(a, 
          sprintf("%.0f per 1000", uR),
          sprintf("%.0f per 1000", eR[1]),
          sprintf("%.0f per 1000", uR),
          sprintf("%s per 1000 (from %s to %s)", sg(rdI[1]), sg(rdI[2]), sg(rdI[3]))
    a <- data.frame("Results"=a)
    rownames(a) <- c("Event rate (unexposed)", "Event rate (exposed)", "Relative effect", "Risk in unexposed", "RD with exposure")



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