
Defines functions obsLoadDataUI obsLoadData

#' UI function for the "observational studies load data" module
#' This module is called from the observational studies module, 
#' and handles saving/loading of data used for the meta-analysis
#' either from a rhandsontable table, or from/to an Excel file
#' @param id Module id
#' @import rhandsontable
#' @import shiny
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
obsLoadDataUI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    fileInput(ns('obsLoadExcel'), 'Load an Excel file with abstracted data',
        accept = c('application/vnd.ms-excel', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet')),
    helpText("or place your values here:", style="font-weight:bold"),
      actionButton(ns("addRowToRctsTabWidget"), "Add rows"),
      actionButton(ns("trimRctsTabWidget"), "Clear empty rows"),
      downloadButton(ns("obsSaveExcel"), "Save as Excel"),
      cellArgs = list(style = "padding: 6px; text-align:center")
    conditionalPanel(sprintf("document.getElementById('%s').innerHTML != ''", ns("msgpanel")),
      column(6, awesomeCheckbox(ns("autoSE"), "Auto-calculate SE", value=TRUE), offset=6)

#' Server function for the "observational studies load data" module
#' This module is called from the observational studies module, 
#' and handles saving/loading of data used for the meta-analysis
#' either from a rhandsontable table, or from/to an Excel file
#' @param input Shiny input parameter
#' @param output Shiny output parameter
#' @param session Shiny session object
#' @import rhandsontable
#' @import readxl
#' @import WriteXLS
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @import shiny
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
obsLoadData <- function(input, output, session, dataset = NULL, logMeasure = TRUE) {

  # Helper function
  getNonEmptyDFrows <- function(dat, ignore.studlab=FALSE) {
    if (ignore.studlab) {
      apply(dat[,2:5], 1, function(x) !sum(is.na(unlist(x)))==4)
    } else {
      apply(dat[,1:5], 1, function(x) (sum(is.na(unlist(x))) + sum(unlist(x)=="", na.rm=TRUE))<5)
  # Helper function
  formatObsDat <- function(tempDat, log=TRUE, autoSE=FALSE, noSE=FALSE) {
    while(ncol(tempDat)<6) {
      tempDat <- cbind(tempDat, NA)
    tempDat <- tempDat[,1:6]
    tempDat[,1] <- as.character(tempDat[,1])
    suppressWarnings(for (i in 2:5) tempDat[,i] <- as.numeric(tempDat[,i]))
    tempDat[,6] <- as.character(tempDat[,6])
    names(tempDat) <- c("Study", "Effect", "95CI.LL", "95CI.UL", "SE", "Group")
    if (!noSE) {
      idx <- rep(TRUE, nrow(tempDat))
      if (!autoSE) idx <- is.na(tempDat$SE)
      if (log) {
        tempDat$SE <- ifelse(idx, with(tempDat, (log(`95CI.UL`)-log(`95CI.LL`))/(2*qnorm(0.975))), tempDat$SE)
      } else {
        tempDat$SE <- ifelse(idx, with(tempDat, (`95CI.UL`-`95CI.LL`)/(2*qnorm(0.975))), tempDat$SE)
    if (!is.na(rev(tempDat[,2])[1])) {
      tempDat <- tempDat[1:(nrow(tempDat)+1),]
      rownames(tempDat) <- NULL
  # Helper function
  compSE <- function(a,b) {
    # Returns TRUE if a and b are different
    a[is.na(a)] <- -Inf; b[is.na(b)] <- -Inf
    return(sum(round(a,4) != round(b,4))>0)

  # Load some data in advance!
  obsDAT <- formatObsDat(as.data.frame(read_excel(system.file("shiny", "examples", "obs-template.xls", package = "miniMeta")), stringsAsFactors=FALSE), log=TRUE)

  values <- reactiveValues(
    obsDAT = obsDAT,
    obsDATfeed = obsDAT
    if (!is.null(input$obsTabWidget)) {
      rawTable <- formatObsDat(hot_to_r(input$obsTabWidget), log=logMeasure(), noSE=TRUE)
      autoTable <- formatObsDat(hot_to_r(input$obsTabWidget), log=logMeasure(), autoSE=input$autoSE)
      if (compSE(rawTable$SE, autoTable$SE)) {
        values$obsDATfeed <- NULL # Ensure feed back even if same as previous auto-calculated value
        values$obsDATfeed <- autoTable
      if (!is.logical(all.equal(autoTable[getNonEmptyDFrows(autoTable),], 
        isolate(values$obsDAT[getNonEmptyDFrows(values$obsDAT),]), check.attributes=FALSE))) {
        # Replacing obsDAT
        values$obsDAT <- autoTable
  # Code to load an Excel file
  observeEvent(input$obsLoadExcel, {
    values$obsFileReady <- FALSE
    if (is.null(input$obsLoadExcel)) return()
    inFile <- input$obsLoadExcel
    tempDat <- try(as.data.frame(read_excel(inFile$datapath), stringsAsFactors=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
    if (length(tempDat)==1 && class(tempDat)=="try-error") {
      showModal(modalDialog(title = "Whoops...", 
        "Error while trying to read this file.", br(), "Is it an actual Excel file?", 
        footer = modalButton("OK, got it"), size="s"))
    tempDat <- formatObsDat(tempDat, log=logMeasure(), autoSE=input$autoSE)
    tempDat <- tempDat[getNonEmptyDFrows(tempDat),]
    tempDat <- tempDat[1:(nrow(tempDat)+1),]
    values$obsDATfeed <- tempDat
  }, ignoreInit=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(dataset())) {
      tempDat <- dataset()[,1:6]
      names(tempDat) <- c("Study", "Effect", "95CI.LL", "95CI.UL", "SE", "Group")
      values$obsDATfeed <- formatObsDat(tempDat, log=logMeasure())
  # Code to render the table in the widget, if values have changed
  output$obsTabWidget <- renderRHandsontable({
    rhandsontable(values$obsDATfeed, stretchH="all", rowHeaders=NULL, overflow="hidden") %>% 
      hot_col("Effect", format="0.00") %>% hot_col("95CI.LL", format="0.00") %>% 
      hot_col("95CI.UL", format="0.00") %>% hot_col("SE", format="0.0000") %>% hot_col("Group")
  # Code to add rows to the widget
  observeEvent(input$addRowToRctsTabWidget, {
    values$obsDATfeed <- values$obsDAT[1:(nrow(values$obsDATfeed)+1),]
  }, ignoreInit=TRUE)

  # Clear empty rows from TabWidget
  observeEvent(input$trimRctsTabWidget, {
    dummy <- values$obsDAT
    dummy <- dummy[getNonEmptyDFrows(dummy),]
    dummy <- dummy[1:(nrow(dummy)+1),]
    rownames(dummy) <- NULL
    values$obsDATfeed <- dummy
  }, ignoreInit=TRUE)  
  # Download data as Excel
  output$obsSaveExcel <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
    content = function(file) {
      dummy <- obs_dat()
      names(dummy) <- c("Study", "Effect", "95CI.LL", "95CI.UL", "SE", "Group")
      WriteXLS(dummy, file, "RCTs")
  # REACTIVE: render the messaging panel
  output$msgpanel <- renderUI({
    if (logMeasure()) {
      calcSE <- (log(values$obsDAT[,4]) - log(values$obsDAT[,3]))/(2*qnorm(0.975))
      symm <- abs(log(values$obsDAT[,4]) - log(values$obsDAT[,2]))/abs(log(values$obsDAT[,2]) - log(values$obsDAT[,3]))
    } else {
      calcSE <- (values$obsDAT[,4] - values$obsDAT[,3])/(2*qnorm(0.975))
      symm <- abs(values$obsDAT[,4] - values$obsDAT[,2])/abs(values$obsDAT[,2] - values$obsDAT[,3])
    i.seOff <- which(abs(calcSE-values$obsDAT[,5])>0.01)
    i.asymm <- which((abs(symm)-1)>0.05)
    if (length(i.seOff)+length(i.asymm)==0) return(NULL)
    res <- ""
    if (length(i.seOff)>0) {
      res <- paste0(res, 
        "The standard errors in these studies do not match the confidence intervals: ",
        as.character(strong(paste(values$obsDAT[i.seOff,1], collapse=", "))), "<br/>",
        as.character(em("--> Maybe delete the SE column and allow miniMeta to recompute it?")), 
    if (length(i.asymm)) {
      res <- paste0(res, 
        "The confidence intervals for these studies do not appear symmetric: ",
        as.character(strong(paste(values$obsDAT[i.asymm,1], collapse=", "))), "<br/>",
        as.character(em("--> Make sure the data you've entered are correct.")), "<br/>")
  outputOptions(output, "msgpanel", suspendWhenHidden=FALSE)

  # REACTIVE: return the table if it has changed
  obs_dat <- reactive({
    datt <- values$obsDAT
    colnames(datt) <- c("Study", "TE", "LL", "UL", "seTE", "group")
    datt[getNonEmptyDFrows(datt, ignore.studlab=FALSE),]

  return(reactive({ obs_dat() }))


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

miniMeta documentation built on March 1, 2020, 5:07 p.m.