
Defines functions trafo update_last_history last_history del_last_history add_history substitute_q untrafo.trans_compdist untrafo.trans_mixdist untrafo.trans_standist untrafo support_sign.dist support_sign monot.trans_univdist monot sudo_support.trans_univdist sudo_support.compdist sudo_support.mixdist sudo_support.contdist sudo_support.discrdist sudo_support

Documented in last_history monot monot.trans_univdist sudo_support sudo_support.compdist sudo_support.contdist sudo_support.discrdist sudo_support.mixdist sudo_support.trans_univdist trafo untrafo untrafo.trans_compdist untrafo.trans_mixdist untrafo.trans_standist

#' @title Support Interval of Distribution Object
#' @description  \code{sudo_support} is a generic function that returns the two boundary values
#'               of object's support.
#' @param O distribution object.
#' @return Named vector containing two values.
#' @details Methods of \code{sudo_support} function calculate the support's boundary
#'          values for any distribution in the package \code{\link{mistr}}. This technique
#'          is particularly useful when dealing with a transformed distribution.
#' @examples
#' B  <- binomdist(10, 0.3)
#' sudo_support(B)
#' B2 <- -3*log(B)
#' sudo_support(B2)
#' sudo_support( mixdist(B2, normdist(), weights = c(0.5, 0.5)))
#' @rdname sudo_support
#' @export
sudo_support <- function(O) UseMethod("sudo_support")
#' @rdname sudo_support
#' @export
sudo_support.discrdist <- function(O) {
    k <- unlist(O$support[1:2])
    names(k) <- c("From", "To")
#' @rdname sudo_support
#' @export
sudo_support.contdist <- function(O) {
    k <- unlist(O$support)
    names(k) <- c("From", "To")
#' @rdname sudo_support
#' @export
sudo_support.mixdist <- function(O) {
    k <- range(unlist(lapply(O$objects, function(O) {
    names(k) <- c("From", "To")
#' @rdname sudo_support
#' @export
sudo_support.compdist <- function(O) {
    k <- c(sudo_support(O$objects[[1]])[1], sudo_support(O$objects[[length(O$objects)]])[2])
    names(k) <- c("From", "To")
#' @rdname sudo_support
#' @export
sudo_support.trans_univdist <- function(O) {
    k <- sort(eval(O$trafo$trans, list(X = sudo_support(untrafo(O)))))
    names(k) <- c("From", "To")

#' @title Monotonicity of Transformation
#' @description Function checks whether the transformation is increasing or decreasing.
#' @param O transforms distribution object.
#' @return 1 for increasing and -1 for decreasing.
#' @rdname monot
#' @export
monot <- function(O) UseMethod("monot")
#' @rdname monot
#' @export
monot.trans_univdist <- function(O) {
    t = eval(O$trafo$trans, list(X = sudo_support(untrafo(O))))
    if (all(sort(t) == t)) {
    } else {

support_sign <- function(O) UseMethod("support_sign")
#' @export
support_sign.dist <- function(O) {
    k <- sudo_support(O)
    if (k[1] >= 0) {
    if (k[2] <= 0) {
#' @title Untransformation of a Distribution Object
#' @description  \code{untrafo} is a generic function that returns the untransformed random variable, if a transformed object
#'               is given.
#' @param O transformed distribution object.
#' @return Untransformed distribution object.
#' @examples
#' B  <- binomdist(10, 0.3)
#' B2 <- -3*log(B)
#' B2
#' untrafo(B2)
#' @rdname untrafo
#' @export
untrafo <- function(O) UseMethod("untrafo")
#' @rdname untrafo
#' @export
untrafo.trans_standist <- function(O) {
    class(O) <- c(O$trafo$dist, sapply(class(O)[1:3], function(z) unlist(strsplit(z, "trans_"))[2], USE.NAMES = FALSE), "dist")
    O$trafo <- NULL
#' @rdname untrafo
#' @export
untrafo.trans_mixdist <- function(O) {
    class(O) <- c(sapply(class(O)[1:3], function(z) unlist(strsplit(z, "trans_"))[2], USE.NAMES = FALSE), "dist")
    O$trafo <- NULL
#' @rdname untrafo
#' @export
untrafo.trans_compdist <- function(O) {
    class(O) <- c(sapply(class(O)[1:3], function(z) unlist(strsplit(z, "trans_"))[2], USE.NAMES = FALSE), "dist")
    O$trafo <- NULL

substitute_q <- function(x, env) {
    call <- substitute(substitute(y, env), list(y = x))

add_history <- function(O, his2) {
    O$trafo$history <- mapply(c, O$trafo$history, his2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
del_last_history <- function(O) {
    h <- length(O$trafo$history$expre)
    if (h == 1) {
        O <- untrafo(O)
    } else {
        k <- lapply(seq_along(O$trafo$history), function(i) O$trafo$history[[i]][-h])
        names(k) <- names(O$trafo$history)
        O$trafo$history <- k
#' @title Returns the Last Element from History List
#' @description Function returns the last element from history list.
#' @param O transformed distribution object.
#' @param t which characterization should be extracted.
#' @return Expression if t is set to "expre", "iexpre", "oldprint" and "oldderiv". 
#'         Numeric and string if t is equal to "value" and "operation", respectively.
#' @examples
#' B  <- binomdist(10, 0.3)
#' B2 <- -3*log(B)
#' last_history(B2, "value")
#' last_history(B2, "operation")
#' @rdname last_history
#' @export
last_history <- function(O, t) {
update_last_history <- function(O, val) {
    h <- length(O$trafo$history$expre)
    O$trafo$history$value[h] <- val

#' @title Modifications of Transformations
#' @description The function modifies the given object and adds the transformation expressions.
#' @param O distribution object.
#' @param type type of modification to be performed, default: 'new'.
#' @param trans transformation expression.
#' @param invtrans inverse transformation expression.
#' @param print print expression.
#' @param deriv derivative expression.
#' @param operation string indicating which operation is performed.
#' @param value numeric value used in operation, default: 0.
#' @return Transformed distribution object.
#' @details \code{trafo} is the main function used in the transformation framework. The function
#'          offers four types of possible modifications. Note, that all expressions must use X to indicate the object in the transformation.
#'          \strong{type = "init"}: Initializes the needed lists for transformations and adds the first expressions.
#'          This type should be used only with yet untransformed distributions as the first modification. All arguments must be set.
#'          \strong{type = "new"}: Adds a new transformation to the current ones. 
#'          This must be used only on already transformed distributions. All arguments must be set.
#'          \strong{type = "update"}: Updates previous expression. This is useful when same transformation is used twice in a row.
#'          All arguments except operation must be set.
#'          \strong{type = "go_back"}: Uses to history to reverse the previous transformation. 
#'          Useful if inverse of previous transformation is evaluated. Only object and type must be specified.
#' @examples 
#' #init
#' P <- poisdist(5) ; x <- 5
#' P2 <- trafo(P, type = "init", trans = bquote(X + .(x)),
#'             invtrans = bquote(X - .(x)), print = bquote(X + .(x)),
#'             deriv = quote(1), operation = "+", value = x)
#' P2
#' #new
#' x = 3
#' P3 <- trafo(P2, type = "new", trans = bquote(.(x) * X),
#'             invtrans = bquote(X/.(x)), print = bquote(.(x) * X),
#'             deriv = bquote(1/.(x)), operation = "*", value = x)
#' P3
#' #update
#' x = 7 
#' P4 <- trafo(P3, type = "update", trans = bquote(.(x) * X),
#'             invtrans = bquote(X/.(x)), print = bquote(.(x) * X),
#'             deriv = bquote(1/.(x)), value = x)
#' P4
#' #go_back
#' P5 <- trafo(P4, type = "go_back")
#' P5
#' @rdname trafo
#' @export 
trafo <- function(O, type = "new", trans, invtrans, print, deriv, operation, value = 0){
  if(!is.transformed(O)) type = "init"
  if(type == "init"){
    trafo = list(dist = class(O)[1], trans = trans, print = print, invtrans = invtrans, deriv = deriv)
    trafo$history <-  list(expre = list(quote(X)), iexpre = list(quote(X)), operation = list(operation), value = list(value),
                           oldprint = list(quote(X)), oldderiv = list(quote(1))) 
    U <- c(O, trafo = list(trafo))
    class(U) <- trans_class(O)
  } else if(type == "new"){
    O <- add_history(O, list(O$trafo$trans, O$trafo$invtrans, operation, value, O$trafo$print, O$trafo$deriv))
    O$trafo$trans <- substitute_q(trans, list(X = O$trafo$trans))
    O$trafo$invtrans <- substitute_q(O$trafo$invtrans, list(X = invtrans))
    O$trafo$print <- substitute_q(print, list(X = O$trafo$print)) 
    O$trafo$deriv <- bquote(.(substitute_q(O$trafo$deriv, list(X = invtrans)))*.(deriv))
  } else if(type == "update"){
    O$trafo$trans <- substitute_q(trans, list(X = last_history(O, 1))) 
    O$trafo$invtrans <- substitute_q(last_history(O, 2), list(X = invtrans))
    O$trafo$print <- substitute_q(print, list(X = last_history(O, 5))) 
    O$trafo$deriv <- bquote(.(substitute_q(last_history(O, 6), list(X = invtrans)))*.(deriv))
    O <- update_last_history(O, value)
  } else if(type == "go_back"){
    O$trafo$trans <- last_history(O, 1)
    O$trafo$invtrans <- last_history(O, 2)
    O$trafo$print <- last_history(O, 5)
    O$trafo$deriv <- last_history(O, 6)
    O <- del_last_history(O)
  } else{
    stop("not recognized type")

trans_class <- function(O) UseMethod("trans_class")
#' @export
trans_class.standist <- function(O) c(paste0("trans_", class(O)[2:4]), "dist")
#' @export
trans_class.mixdist <- function(O) c(paste0("trans_", class(O)[1:3]), "dist")
#' @export
trans_class.compdist <- function(O) c(paste0("trans_", class(O)[1:3]), "dist")

#' @title Transformation of a Distribution Object
#' @description The methods for arithmetic operators \code{+, -, *, /, ^, log, exp, sqrt}, which perform
#'              a transformation of a given random variable.
#' @param e1 distribution object or numeric of length one.
#' @param e2 distribution object or numeric of length one.
#' @param x  distribution object.
#' @param base  a positive number: the base with respect to which logarithms are computed.
#' @return Object representing a transformed random variable.
#' @details The offered arithmetic operators \code{+, -, *, /, ^, log, exp, sqrt} create
#'          an object that represents transformed random variable.
#'          The functions, using the expressions manipulation, prepare expressions for
#'          transformation, inverse transformation, derivative of the inverse transformation
#'          and print. These expressions are then used later when the distribution is evaluated.
#'          The transformation framework also keeps track on history of the transformations and so
#'          is able to recognize some inverse transformations of previous transformations or update
#'          the last transformation.
#'          Additionally, the methods are able to recognize some invariant and direct transformations,
#'          and so rather change the parameters or distribution family than to loose this
#'          information.
#' @examples
#' # transformation
#' B  <- binomdist(10, 0.3)
#' B2 <- - 3*log(B)
#' B2
#' # invariant transformation
#' N  <- normdist(1, 3)
#' N2 <- - 3*N + 5
#' N2
#' # direct transformation
#' N3 <- exp(N2)
#' N3
#' # recognize inverse
#' B3 <- exp(B2/-3)
#' B3
#' # update
#' B4 <- B + 5
#' B4 + 3
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @name Distribution_transformation
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`+.univdist` <- function(e1, e2 = NULL) {
    if (is.null(e2)) return(e1)
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) { 
    } else if (x > 0) {
       return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(X + .(x)), invtrans = bquote(X - .(x)),
                 print = bquote(X + .(x)), deriv = quote(1), operation = "+", value = x))
    } else {
       return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(X - .(abs(x))), invtrans = bquote(X +.(abs(x))),
                 print = bquote(X - .(abs(x))), deriv = quote(1), operation = "+", value = x))
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`+.trans_univdist` <- function(e1, e2 = NULL) {
    if (is.null(e2)) return(e1)
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(O)
    if (last_history(O, 3) == "+") {
        z <- last_history(O, 4) + x
        if (z > 0) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "update", trans = bquote(X + .(z)), invtrans = bquote(X - .(z)),
                      print = bquote(X + .(z)), deriv = quote(1), value = z))
        } else if (z == 0) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "go_back"))
        } else {
           return(trafo(O, type = "update", trans = bquote(X - .(abs(z))), invtrans = bquote(X +.(abs(z))),
                      print = bquote(X - .(abs(z))), deriv = quote(1), value = z))
    } else {
        if (x > 0) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(X + .(x)), invtrans = bquote(X - .(x)),
                      print = bquote(X + .(x)), deriv = quote(1), operation = "+", value = x))
        } else if (x < 0) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(X - .(abs(x))), invtrans = bquote(X +.(abs(x))),
                      print = bquote(X - .(abs(x))), deriv = quote(1), operation = "+", value = x))
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.univdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (abs(x) > 1) {
       return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(.(x) * X), invtrans = bquote(X/.(x)),
                  print = bquote(.(x) * X), deriv = bquote(1/.(x)), operation = "*", value = x))
    } else if (x == -1) {
       return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans =  quote(-X), invtrans = quote(-X),
                  print = quote(-X), deriv = quote(-1), operation = "*", value = x))
    } else {
       return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(X/.(1/x)), invtrans = bquote(.(1/x) * X),
                  print = bquote(X/.(1/x)), deriv = bquote(1/.(x)), operation = "*", value = x))
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.trans_univdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (last_history(O, 3) == "*") {
        z <- last_history(O, 4) * x
        if (abs(z) > 1) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "update", trans = bquote(.(z) * X), invtrans = bquote(X/.(z)),
                      print = bquote(.(z) * X), deriv = bquote(1/.(z)), value = z))
        } else if (z == 1) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "go_back"))
        } else if (z == -1) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "update", trans = quote(-X), invtrans = quote(-X),
                      print = quote(-X), deriv = quote(-1), value = z))
        } else {
           return(trafo(O, type = "update", trans = bquote(X/.(1/z)), invtrans = bquote(.(1/z) * X),
                      print = bquote(X/.(1/z)), deriv = bquote(1/.(z)), value = z))
    } else {
        if (abs(x) > 1) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(.(x) * X), invtrans = bquote(X/.(x)),
                      print = bquote(.(x) * X), deriv = bquote(1/.(x)), operation = "*", value = x))
        } else if (x == -1) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = quote(-X), invtrans = quote(-X),
                      print = quote(-X), deriv = quote(-1), operation = "*", value = x))
        } else {
           return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(X/.(1/x)), invtrans = bquote(.(1/x) * X),
                      print = bquote(X/.(1/x)), deriv = bquote(1/.(x)), operation = "*", value = x))
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`/.dist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
        if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
        if (x == 0) stop("not possible to devide with zero")
        (1/x) * O
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
        x * (O)^(-1)

#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`-.dist` <- function(e1, e2 = NULL) {
    if (is.null(e2)) return(-1 * e1)
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        if (!is.numeric(e2) || length(e2) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
        e1 + -e2
    } else {
        if (!is.numeric(e1) || length(e1) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
        -1 * e2 + e1
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
sqrt.dist <- function(x) {

#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
log.univdist <- function(x, base = exp(1)) {
    if (support_sign(x) != 1) stop("random variable needs non-negative support for log trafo")
    if (!is.numeric(base) || length(base) != 1) stop("base must be a number")
    if (base == exp(1)) {
       return(trafo(x, type = "init", trans = quote(log(X)), invtrans = quote(exp(X)),
                  print = quote(log(X)), deriv = quote(exp(X)), operation = "log", value = base))
    } else {
       return(trafo(x, type = "init", trans = bquote(log(X, base = .(base))), invtrans = bquote(.(base)^X),
                  print = bquote(log(X, base = .(base))), deriv = bquote(.(base)^X * log(.(base))), operation = "log", value = base))
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
log.trans_univdist <- function(x, base = exp(1)) {
    if (support_sign(x) != 1) stop("random variable needs non-negative support for log trafo")
    if (!is.numeric(base) || length(base) != 1) stop("base must be a number")
    if (base == exp(1)) {
        if (last_history(x, 3) == "exp" & base == last_history(x, 4)) {
           return(trafo(x, type = "go_back"))
        } else {
           return(trafo(x, type = "new", trans = quote(log(X)), invtrans = quote(exp(X)),
                      print = quote(log(X)), deriv = quote(exp(X)), operation = "log", value = base))
    } else {
        if (last_history(x, 3) == "exp" & base == last_history(x, 4)) {
           return(trafo(x, type = "go_back"))
        } else {
           return(trafo(x, type = "new", trans = bquote(log(X, base = .(base))), invtrans = bquote(.(base)^X),
                      print = bquote(log(X, base = .(base))), deriv = bquote(.(base)^X * log(.(base))), operation = "log", value = base))
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
exp.univdist <- function(x) {
   trafo(x, type = "init", trans = quote(exp(X)), invtrans = quote(log(X)),
         print = quote(exp(X)), deriv = quote(1/X), operation = "exp", value = exp(1))
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
exp.trans_univdist <- function(x) {
    if (last_history(x, 3) == "log" && exp(1) == last_history(x, 4)) {
       return(trafo(x, type = "go_back"))
    } else {
       return(trafo(x, type = "new", trans = quote(exp(X)), invtrans = quote(log(X)),
                  print = quote(exp(X)), deriv = quote(1/X), operation = "exp", value = exp(1)))

#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`^.univdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2  # power
        if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
        if (x == 1) return(O)
        if (x == 0) return(1)
        if (x > 0) {
            if (x > 1) {
                if (x%%1 == 0) {
                  if (x%%2 == 0) { # U increasing
                    if (support_sign(O) == 1) {
                      return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(X^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(X^.(1/x)),
                                 print = bquote(X^.(x)), deriv = bquote(X^.(1/x - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                    } else if (support_sign(O) == -1) { # decreasing
                      return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(X^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(-X^.(1/x)),
                                 print = bquote(X^.(x)), deriv = bquote(-X^.(1/x - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                    } else { # R
                      stop("non-monotonic transformation")
                  } else { # odd - monot+increasing
                    return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(X^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(sign(X) * abs(X)^.(1/x)),
                               print = bquote(X^.(x)), deriv = bquote(abs(X)^(.(1/x) - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                } else { # not integer - only positive support-sqrt
                  if (support_sign(O) == 1) {
                    return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(X^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(X^.(1/x)),
                               print = bquote(X^.(x)), deriv = bquote(X^(.(1/x) - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                  } else {
                    stop("not defined transformation for non-positive support")
            } else { # sqrt
                if ((1/x)%%2 == 1) {
                  return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(sign(X) * abs(X)^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(X^.(1/x)),
                             print = bquote(X^(1/.(1/x))), deriv = bquote(X^.(1/x - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                } else if (support_sign(O) == 1) {
                  return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(X^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(X^.(1/x)),
                             print = bquote(X^.(x)), deriv = bquote(X^.(1/x - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                } else {
                  stop("not defined transformation for non-positive support")
        } else { # negative
            if (x == -1) {
                if (support_sign(O) == 1 || support_sign(O) == -1) {
                  return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(1/X), invtrans = bquote(1/X),
                             print = bquote(1/X), deriv = quote(-X^(-2)), operation = "^", value = x))
                } else {
                  stop("non-monotonic transformation")
            } else {
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1  # exp
        if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
        if (x == exp(1)) return(exp(O))
        if (x <= 0) stop("exponential with non-positive base are not supported as they are not continuous")
        return(trafo(O, type = "init", trans = bquote(.(x)^X), invtrans = bquote(log(X, base = .(x))),
                   print = bquote(.(x)^X), deriv = bquote(1/(X * log(.(x)))), operation = "exp", value = x))
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`^.trans_univdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2  # power
        if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
        if (x == 1) return(O)
        if (x == 0) return(1)
        if (last_history(O, 3) == "^" && last_history(O, 4) * x == 1) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "go_back"))
        } else {
            if (x > 0) {
                if (x > 1) {
                  if (x%%1 == 0) {
                    if (x%%2 == 0) { # U increasing
                      if (support_sign(O) == 1) {
                         return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(X^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(X^.(1/x)),
                                    print = bquote(X^.(x)), deriv = bquote(X^.(1/x - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                      } else if (support_sign(O) == -1) { # decreasing
                         return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(X^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(-X^.(1/x)),
                                    print = bquote(X^.(x)), deriv = bquote(-X^.(1/x - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                      } else { # R
                        stop("non-monotonic transformation")
                    } else { # odd - monot+increasing
                       return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(X^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(sign(X) * abs(X)^.(1/x)),
                                  print = bquote(X^.(x)), deriv = bquote(abs(X)^(.(1/x) - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                  } else { # not integer - only positive support-sqrt
                    if (support_sign(O) == 1) {
                      return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(X^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(X^.(1/x)),
                                 print = bquote(X^.(x)), deriv = bquote(X^(.(1/x) - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                    } else {
                      stop("not defined transformation for non-positive support")
                } else { # sqrt
                  if ((1/x)%%2 == 1) {
                    return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(sign(X) * abs(X)^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(X^.(1/x)),
                               print = bquote(X^(1/.(1/x))), deriv = bquote(X^.(1/x - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                  } else if (support_sign(O) == 1) {
                    return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(X^.(x)), invtrans = bquote(X^.(1/x)),
                               print = bquote(X^.(x)), deriv = bquote(X^.(1/x - 1) * .(1/x)), operation = "^", value = x))
                  } else {
                    stop("not defined transformation for non-positive support")
            } else { # negative
                if (x == -1) {
                  if (support_sign(O) == 1 || support_sign(O) == -1) { # decreasing
                    return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(1/X), invtrans = bquote(1/X),
                               print = bquote(1/X), deriv = quote(-X^(-2)), operation = "^", value = x))
                  } else {
                    stop("non-monotonic transformation")
                } else {
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1  # exp
        if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
        if (x <= 0) stop("exponential with non-positive base are not supported as they are not continuous")
        if (x == exp(1)) return(exp(O))
        if (last_history(O, 3) == "log" & x == last_history(O, 4)) {
           return(trafo(O, type = "go_back"))
        } else {
           return(trafo(O, type = "new", trans = bquote(.(x)^X), invtrans = bquote(log(X, base = .(x))),
                      print = bquote(.(x)^X), deriv = bquote(1/(X * log(.(x)))), operation = "exp", value = x))

#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`+.normdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    normdist(mean = O$parameters$mean + x, sd = O$parameters$sd)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.normdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    normdist(mean = O$parameters$mean * x, sd = O$parameters$sd * abs(x))
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
exp.normdist <- function(x) {
    lnormdist(meanlog = x$parameters$mean, sdlog = x$parameters$sd)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.expdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (x > 0) {
        expdist(rate = O$parameters$rate/x)
    } else {
        `*.univdist`(O, x)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`^.expdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1) && is.numeric(e2) && length(e2) == 1 && e2 > 0) {
        if (e2 == 1) return(e1)
        weibulldist(shape = 1/e2, scale = (1/e1$parameters$rate)^e2)
    } else {
        `^.univdist`(e1, e2)

#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`+.unifdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    unifdist(min = O$parameters$min + x, max = O$parameters$max + x)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.unifdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (x > 0) {
        unifdist(min = O$parameters$min * x, max = O$parameters$max * x)
    } else {
        unifdist(min = O$parameters$max * x, max = O$parameters$min * x)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`^.tdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1) && is.numeric(e2) && length(e2) == 1 && abs(e2) == 2) {
        if (e2 == 2) {
            fdist(1, e1$parameters$df)
        } else {
            fdist(e1$parameters$df, 1)
    } else {
        `^.univdist`(e1, e2)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`^.fdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1) && is.numeric(e2) && length(e2) == 1 && e2 == -1) {
        fdist(df1 = e1$parameters$df2, df2 = e1$parameters$df1)
    } else {
        `^.univdist`(e1, e2)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`-.betadist` <- function(e1, e2 = NULL) {
    if (is.null(e2)) return(-1 * e1)
    if (is.dist(e2) && is.numeric(e1) && length(e1) == 1 && e1 == 1) {
        betadist(shape1 = e2$parameters$shape2, shape2 = e2$parameters$shape1)
    } else {
        `-.dist`(e1, e2)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`-.binomdist` <- function(e1, e2 = NULL) {
    if (is.null(e2)) return(-1 * e1)
    if (is.dist(e2) && is.numeric(e1) && length(e1) == 1 && e1 == e2$parameters$size) {
        binomdist(size = e2$parameters$size, prob = 1 - e2$parameters$prob)
    } else {
        `-.dist`(e1, e2)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.gammadist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (x > 0) {
        if (names(O$parameters[2]) == "scale") {
            gammadist(shape = O$parameters$shape, scale = O$parameters$scale * x)
        } else {
            gammadist(shape = O$parameters$shape, rate = O$parameters$rate/x)
    } else {
        `*.univdist`(O, x)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`+.cauchydist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    cauchydist(location = O$parameters$location + x, scale = O$parameters$scale)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.cauchydist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    cauchydist(location = O$parameters$location * x, scale = O$parameters$scale * abs(x))
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`^.cauchydist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1) && is.numeric(e2) && length(e2) == 1 && e2 == -1) {
        C <- e1$parameters$location^2 + e1$parameters$scale^2
        cauchydist(location = e1$parameters$location/C, scale = e1$parameters$scale/C)
    } else {
        `^.univdist`(e1, e2)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.lnormdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (x > 0) {
        lnormdist(meanlog = O$parameters$meanlog + log(x), sdlog = O$parameters$sdlog)
    } else {
        `*.univdist`(e1, e2)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
log.lnormdist <- function(x, base = exp(1)) {
    if (is.numeric(base) && base == exp(1) && length(base) == 1) {
        normdist(mean = x$parameters$meanlog, sd = x$parameters$sdlog)
    } else {
        log.univdist(x, base = base)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`^.lnormdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1) && is.numeric(e2) && length(e2) == 1) {
        lnormdist(meanlog = e1$parameters$meanlog * e2, sdlog = e1$parameters$sdlog * abs(e2))
    } else {
        `^.univdist`(e1, e2)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.weibulldist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (x > 0) {
        weibulldist(shape = O$parameters$shape, scale = O$parameters$scale * x)
    } else {
        `*.univdist`(O, x)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`+.gumbeldist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    gumbeldist(loc = O$parameters$loc + x, scale = O$parameters$scale)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.gumbeldist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (x > 0) {
        gumbeldist(loc = O$parameters$loc * x, scale = O$parameters$scale * x)
    } else {
        `*.univdist`(O, x)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`+.frechetdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    frechetdist(loc = O$parameters$loc + x, scale = O$parameters$scale, shape = O$parameters$shape)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.frechetdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (x > 0) {
        frechetdist(loc = O$parameters$loc * x, scale = O$parameters$scale * x, shape = O$parameters$shape)
    } else {
        `*.univdist`(O, x)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.paretodist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (x > 0) {
        paretodist(scale = O$parameters$scale * x, shape = O$parameters$shape)
    } else {
        `*.univdist`(O, x)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`+.GPDdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    GPDdist(loc = O$parameters$loc + x, scale = O$parameters$scale, shape = O$parameters$shape)
#' @rdname distrafo
#' @export
`*.GPDdist` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (is.dist(e1)) {
        O <- e1
        x <- e2
    } else {
        O <- e2
        x <- e1
    if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1) stop("second argument must be a number")
    if (x == 0) return(0)
    if (x == 1) return(O)
    if (x > 0) {
        GPDdist(loc = O$parameters$loc * x, scale = O$parameters$scale * x, shape = O$parameters$shape)
    } else {
        `*.univdist`(O, x)

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