#' Fit a Saturated Correlates Model
#' This function estimates a confirmatory factor analysis model (\code{cfa.satcor}
#' function), structural equation model (\code{sem.satcor} function), growth curve
#' model (\code{growth.satcor} function), or latent variable model (\code{lavaan.satcor}
#' function) in the R package \pkg{lavaan} using full information maximum likelihood
#' (FIML) method to handle missing data while automatically specifying a saturated
#' correlates model to incorporate auxiliary variables into a substantive model
#' without affecting the parameter estimates, the standard errors, or the estimates
#' of quality of fit (Graham, 2003).
#' @param model a character string indicating the lavaan model syntax without the
#' auxiliary variables specified in \code{aux}.
#' @param data a data frame containing the observed variables used in the lavaan
#' model syntax specified in \code{model} and the auxiliary variables
#' specified in \code{aux}.
#' @param aux a character vector indicating the names of the auxiliary variables
#' in the data frame specified in \code{data} that will be added to
#' the lavaan model syntax specified in \code{model}. Note that
#' this function can only incorporate continuous auxiliary variables,
#' i.e., the function cannot deal with categorical auxiliary variables.
#' @param fun a character string indicating the name of a specific lavaan function
#' used to fit \code{model}, i.e., \code{cfa}, \code{sem}, \code{growth},
#' or \code{lavaan}. Note that this argument is only required for
#' the function \code{na.satcor}.
#' @param check logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), argument specification is
#' checked.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the lavaan function.
#' @author
#' Takuya Yanagida
#' @references
#' Graham, J. W. (2003). Adding missing-data-relevant variables to FIML-based
#' structural equation models. \emph{Structural Equation Modeling, 10}(1), 80-100.
#' Jorgensen, T. D., Pornprasertmanit, S., Schoemann, A. M., & Rosseel, Y. (2022).
#' \emph{semTools: Useful tools for structural equation modeling}. R package version
#' 0.5-6. Retrieved from
#' @return
#' An object of class lavaan, for which several methods are available in the
#' R package \pkg{lavaan}, including a summary method.
#' @note
#' This function is a modified copy of the \code{auxiliary()}, \code{cfa.auxiliary()},
#' \code{sem.auxiliary()}, \code{growth.auxiliary()}, and \code{lavaan.auxiliary()}
#' functions in the \pkg{semTools} package by Terrence D. Jorgensen et al.
#' (2022).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load lavaan package
#' library(lavaan)
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 1: Saturated correlates model for the sem function
#' # Model specification
#' model <- 'Ozone ~ Wind'
#' # Model estimation using the sem.satcor function
#' <- sem.satcor(model, data = airquality, aux = c("Temp", "Month"))
#' # Model estimation using the na.satcor function
#' <- na.satcor(model, data = airquality, fun = "sem", aux = c("Temp", "Month"),
#' estimator = "MLR")
#' # Result summary
#' summary(
#' }
na.satcor <- function(model, data, aux, fun = c("cfa", "sem", "growth", "lavaan"),
check = TRUE, ...) {
# Initial Check --------------------------------------------------------------
# Check if input 'model' is a character string
if (isTRUE(missing(model) || is.null(model) || !is.character(model) || !length(model) == 1L)) { stop("Please specify a character string for the argument 'model'.", call. = FALSE) }
# Check if input 'data' is a data frame
if (isTRUE(missing(data) || is.null(data) || ! { stop("Please specify a data frame for the argument 'data'.", call. = FALSE) }
# Check if input 'aux' is a character vector
if (isTRUE(missing(aux)) || is.null(aux) || !is.character(aux)) { stop("Please specify a character vector for the argument 'aux'", call. = FALSE) }
# Input Check ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Check input 'check'
if (isTRUE(!is.logical(check))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'check'.", call. = FALSE) }
if (isTRUE(check)) {
# R package lavaan
if (isTRUE(!nzchar(system.file(package = "lavaan")))) { stop("Package \"lavaan\" is needed for this function, please install the package.", call. = FALSE) }
# Check input 'model'
lavaan::lavNames(model, type = "ov") |>
(\(y) if (isTRUE(any(!y %in% names(data)))) { stop("Data frame does not contain all variables specified in the argument 'model': ", paste(y[!y %in% names(data)], collapse = ", ")) })()
# Check input 'aux'
which(!aux %in% names(data)) |>
(\(y) if (isTRUE(length(y) != 0L)) { stop("Data frame does not contain all auxiliary variables specified in 'aux': ", paste(aux[y], collapse = ", ")) })()
which(!sapply(data[aux], is.numeric)) |>
(\(y) if (isTRUE(length(y) != 0L)) { stop("Auxiliary variables specified in 'aux' are not all numeric: ", paste(aux[y], collapse = ", ")) })()
which(aux %in% lavaan::lavNames(model, type = "ov")) |>
(\(y) if (isTRUE(length(y) != 0L)) { stop("Variables specified in the model syntax 'model' must not be declared as auxiliary variables: ", paste(aux[y], collapse = ", ")) })()
# Check input 'fun'
if (isTRUE(!all(fun %in% c("cfa", "sem", "growth", "lavaan")))) { stop("Character string in the argument 'fun' does not match with \"cfa\", \"sem\", \"growth\", or \"lavaan\".", call. = FALSE) }
if (isTRUE(!all(c("cfa", "sem", "growth", "lavaan") %in% fun) && length(fun) != 1L)) { stop("Please specify a character string for the argument 'fun'", call. = FALSE) }
# Arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------
## fun Argument ####
if (isTRUE(all(c("cfa", "sem", "growth", "lavaan") %in% fun))) { fun <- "sem" }
## lavaan Environment ####
envir <- getNamespace("lavaan")
## lavaan Arguments ####
lavArgs <- list(...)
lavArgs$data <- substitute(data)
lavArgs$fixed.x <- FALSE
lavArgs$missing <- "fiml"
lavArgs$meanstructure <- TRUE
lavArgs$ordered <- NULL
## Parameter table ####
ptArgs <- lavArgs
ptArgs$model <- model
ptArgs$ <- FALSE
PT <- lavaan::parTable(, ptArgs, envir = envir))[c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "user", "block", "group", "free", "label", "plabel", "start")]
## Constraints and User-Defined Parameters ####
conRows <- PT$op %in% c("==", "<", ">", ":=")
if (isTRUE(any(conRows))) {
CON <- PT[conRows, ]
PT <- PT[!conRows, ]
} else {
CON <- data.frame(NULL)
# Model specification --------------------------------------------------------
## Specify Saturated Correlates Model ####
satPT <- outer(aux, aux, function(x, y) paste(x, "~~", y)) |>
(\(y) lavaan::lavaanify(c(y[lower.tri(y, diag = TRUE)], paste(aux, "~ 1"),
outer(aux, lavaan::lavNames(PT, type = "ov"), function(x, y) paste(x, "~~", y))),
ngroups = max(PT$group))[c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "user", "block", "group")])()
## Check Number of Added Parameters and Add Columns ####
mergedPT <- lavaan::lav_partable_merge(PT, satPT, remove.duplicated = TRUE, warn = FALSE)
nAuxPar <- nrow(mergedPT) - nrow(PT)
newRows <- seq_len(nAuxPar) + nrow(PT)
mergedPT$free[newRows] <- seq_len(nAuxPar) + max(PT$free)
mergedPT$plabel[newRows] <- paste0(".p", seq_len(nAuxPar) + nrow(PT), ".")
# Merge parameter table
lavArgs$model <- lavaan::lav_partable_complete(rbind(mergedPT, CON))
# Model Estimation -----------------------------------------------------------
## Main Model #### <-, lavArgs, envir = envir)
## Baseline Model ####
baseArgs <- list()
baseArgs$model <- lavaan::lav_partable_complete(satPT)
baseArgs$data <- data
baseArgs$group <- lavArgs$group
baseArgs$group.label <- lavArgs$group.label
baseArgs$missing <- "fiml"
baseArgs$cluster <- lavArgs$cluster
baseArgs$sample.cov.rescale <- lavArgs$sample.cov.rescale
baseArgs$estimator <- lavArgs$estimator
baseArgs$information <- lavArgs$information
baseArgs$se <- lavArgs$se
baseArgs$test <- lavArgs$test
baseArgs$bootstrap <- lavArgs$bootstrap
baseArgs$control <- lavArgs$control
baseArgs$optim.method <- lavArgs$optim.method
baseArgs$fixed.x <- FALSE
baseArgs$missing <- "fiml"
# Baseline model estimation$baseline.model <- suppressWarnings("lavaan", baseArgs, envir = envir))
# Return object --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname na.satcor
cfa.satcor <- function(model, data, aux, check = TRUE, ...) {
mc <- = TRUE)
mc$fun <- "cfa"
mc$check <- check
mc[[1L]] <- quote(misty::na.satcor)
eval(mc, parent.frame())
#' @rdname na.satcor
sem.satcor <- function(model, data, aux, check = TRUE, ...) {
mc <- = TRUE)
mc$fun <- "sem"
mc$check <- check
mc[[1L]] <- quote(misty::na.satcor)
eval(mc, parent.frame())
#' @rdname na.satcor
growth.satcor <- function(model, data, aux, check = TRUE, ...) {
mc <- = TRUE)
mc$fun <- "growth"
mc$check <- check
mc[[1L]] <- quote(misty::na.satcor)
eval(mc, parent.frame())
#' @rdname na.satcor
lavaan.satcor <- function(model, data, aux, check = TRUE, ...) {
mc <- = TRUE)
mc$fun <- "lavaan"
mc$check <- check
mc[[1L]] <- quote(misty::na.satcor)
eval(mc, parent.frame())
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