NMixPlugCondDensJoint2: Pairwise bivariate conditional densities: plug-in estimate

View source: R/NMixPlugCondDensJoint2.R

NMixPlugCondDensJoint2R Documentation

Pairwise bivariate conditional densities: plug-in estimate


This function serves as an inference tool for the MCMC output obtained using the function NMixMCMC. It computes estimates of pairwise bivariate conditional densities (given one margin) obtained by using posterior summary statistics (e.g., posterior means) of mixture weights, means and variances (plug-in estimate).


NMixPlugCondDensJoint2(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
NMixPlugCondDensJoint2(x, icond, scale, w, mu, Sigma, ...)

## S3 method for class 'NMixMCMC'
NMixPlugCondDensJoint2(x, icond, grid, lgrid=50, scaled=FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'GLMM_MCMC'
NMixPlugCondDensJoint2(x, icond, grid, lgrid=50, scaled=FALSE, ...)



an object of class NMixMCMC for NMixPlugCondDensJoint2.NMixMCMC function.

An object of class GLMM_MCMC for NMixPlugCondDensJoint2.GLMM_MCMC function.

A list with the grid values (see below) for NMixPlugCondDensJoint2.default function.


index of the margin by which we want to condition


a two component list giving the shift and the scale. If not given, shift is equal to zero and scale is equal to one.


a numeric vector with posterior summary statistics for the mixture weights. The length of this vector determines the number of mixture components.


a matrix with posterior summary statistics for mixture means in rows. That is, mu has K rows and p columns, where K denotes the number of mixture components and p is dimension of the mixture distribution.


a list with posterior summary statistics for mixture covariance matrices.


a list with the grid values for each margin in which the density should be evaluated. The value of grid[[icond]] determines the values by which we condition.

If grid is not specified, it is created automatically using the information from the posterior summary statistics stored in x.


a length of the grid used to create the grid if that is not specified.


if TRUE, the density of shifted and scaled data is summarized. The shift and scale vector are taken from the scale component of the object x.


optional additional arguments.


An object of class NMixPlugCondDensJoint2 which has the following components:


a list with the grid values for each margin. The components of the list are named x1, ... or take names from grid argument.


index of the margin by which we condition.


a list with the computed conditional densities for each value of x[[icond]]. Each dens[[j]] is again a list with conditional densities for each pair of margins given margin icond equal to x[[icond]][j]. The value of dens[[j]][[i-k]] gives values of conditional density of the (i,k)-th margins given margin icond equal to x[[icond]][j].

There is also a plot method implemented for the resulting object.


Arnošt Komárek arnost.komarek@mff.cuni.cz

See Also

plot.NMixPlugCondDensJoint2, NMixMCMC, GLMM_MCMC, NMixPredCondDensJoint2.

mixAK documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 1:06 a.m.