cbplot: Plot a function together with its confidence/credible bands

View source: R/cbplot.R

cbplotR Documentation

Plot a function together with its confidence/credible bands


This routine typically plots a function together with its confidence or credible bands. The credible band can be indicated either by additional lines or by a shaded region or by both.


cbplot(x, y, low, upp, type=c("l", "s"), band.type=c("ls", "s", "l"), add=FALSE,
       col="darkblue", lty=1, lwd=2,
       cbcol=col, cblty=4, cblwd=lwd,
       scol=rainbow_hcl(1, start=180, end=180), slwd=5,
       xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main="", sub="", cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1, ...)



a numeric vector with x coordinates corresponding to y, low, upp.


a numeric vector with y coordinates of the function to plot.


a numeric vector with y coordinates of the lower limit of the credible band.


a numeric vector with y coordinates of the upper limit of the credible band.


argument with the same meaning as type in plot.default.


a character which specifies the graphical way to show the credible band, “ls” stands for line and shaded region, “s” stands for shaded region only and “l” stands for line only.


if TRUE then everything is added to the current plot.

col, lty, lwd

graphical paramters to draw the x-y line.

cbcol, cblty, cblwd

graphical parameters to draw the x-low and x-upp lines.

scol, slwd

graphical parameters for the shaded region between the credible/confidence bounds.

xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main, sub, cex.lab, cex.axis

other graphical parameters.


additional arguments passed to the plot function.




Arnošt Komárek arnost.komarek@mff.cuni.cz


### Artificial credible bands around the CDF's of N(100, 15*15)
### and N(80, 10*10)
iq <- seq(55, 145, length=100)
Fiq <- pnorm(iq, 100, 15)
low <- Fiq - 0.1
upp <- Fiq + 0.1

iq2 <- seq(35, 125, length=100)
Fiq2 <- pnorm(iq, 80, 10)
low2 <- Fiq2 - 0.1
upp2 <- Fiq2 + 0.1

cbplot(iq, Fiq, low, upp, xlim=c(35, 145))
cbplot(iq2, Fiq2, low2, upp2, add=TRUE, col="red4",
       scol=rainbow_hcl(1, start=20, end=20))

mixAK documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 1:06 a.m.

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