
Defines functions hellinger.boot.disc hellinger.disc .get.fmin.hellinger.0 .get.fmin.hellinger .get.f.n.sqrt L2.boot.disc L2.disc .get.fmin.L2.0 .get.fmin.L2

Documented in hellinger.boot.disc hellinger.disc L2.boot.disc L2.disc

## Purpose: returns the L2 distance function corresponding to parameters x

.get.fmin.L2 <- function(dat, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams, j, n.inf, N, dist_call){


    w <- x[1:(j - 1)]

    # first term of difference: sum over values up to "n.inf"
    theta.list.long <- vector(mode = "list", length = ndistparams)
    names(theta.list.long) <- formals.dist
    for(i in 1:ndistparams){
      theta.list.long[[i]] <- matrix(x[(i*j):((1 + i)*j - 1)], nrow = (n.inf + 1), ncol = j,
                                     byrow = TRUE)
    theta.list.long$x <- 0:n.inf

    # # NAs or warnings can happen as solnp sometimes uses intermediate
    # # parameter values outside of the box constraints (to speed up convergence
    # # and avoid numerical ill conditioning)
    mat <- suppressWarnings(do.call(dist_call, args = theta.list.long))
    w <- c(x[1:(j - 1)], 1 - sum(x[1:(j - 1)]))
    if(any(w < 0)) return(sqrt(.Machine$integer.max))
    f.theta <- as.matrix(mat) %*% w
    if(any(is.na(f.theta))) return(sqrt(.Machine$integer.max))
    f.theta.sq <- f.theta^2
    f.1 <- sum(f.theta.sq) # first term of difference

    # second term of difference: sum over the data as we multiply with the empirical
    #                            distribution function
    for(i in 1:ndistparams){
      theta.list.long[[i]] <- matrix(x[(i*j):((1 + i)*j - 1)], nrow = N, ncol = j,
                                     byrow = TRUE)
    theta.list.long$x <- dat

    # # NAs or warnings can happen as solnp sometimes uses intermediate
    # # parameter values outside of the box constraints (to speed up convergence
    # # and avoid numerical ill conditioning)
    mat <- suppressWarnings(do.call(dist_call, args = theta.list.long))
    w <- c(x[1:(j - 1)], 1 - sum(x[1:(j - 1)]))
    if(any(w < 0)) return(sqrt(.Machine$integer.max))
    f.theta.obs <- as.matrix(mat) %*% w
    if(any(is.na(f.theta.obs))) return(sqrt(.Machine$integer.max))
    f.2 <- (2/N)*sum(f.theta.obs) # second term of difference

    return(f.1 - f.2)

## Purpose: returns the L2 distance function corresponding to parameters x
##          when the mixture consists of only a single component

.get.fmin.L2.0 <- function(dat, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams, n.inf, N,  dist_call){


    # first term of difference: sum over values up to "n.inf"
    theta.list.long <- vector(mode = "list", length = ndistparams)
    names(theta.list.long) <- formals.dist
    for(i in 1:ndistparams){
      theta.list.long[[i]] <- rep(x[i], n.inf + 1)
    theta.list.long$x <- 0:n.inf

    # # NAs or warnings can happen as solnp sometimes uses intermediate
    # # parameter values outside of the box constraints (to speed up convergence
    # # and avoid numerical ill conditioning)
    f.theta <- suppressWarnings(do.call(dist_call, args = theta.list.long))
    if(any(is.na(f.theta))) return(sqrt(.Machine$integer.max))
    f.theta.sq <- f.theta^2
    f.1 <- sum(f.theta.sq)

    # second term of difference: sum over the data as we multiply with the empirical
    #                            distribution function
    for(i in 1:ndistparams){
      theta.list.long[[i]] <- rep(x[i], N)
    theta.list.long$x <- dat

    # NAs or warnings can happen as solnp sometimes uses intermediate
    # parameter values outside of the box constraints (to speed up convergence
    # and avoid numerical ill conditioning)
    f.components.obs <- suppressWarnings(do.call(dist_call, args = theta.list.long))
    if (any(is.na(f.components.obs))) return(sqrt(.Machine$integer.max))
    f.theta.obs <- sum(f.components.obs)
    f.2 <- (2/N)*sum(f.theta.obs)

    return(f.1 - f.2)

## Purpose: L2 distance based method of estimating the mixture complexity of a
##          discrete mixture (as well as the weights and component parameters) returning
##          a 'paramEst' object

#' @title Estimate a Discrete Mixture's Complexity Based on L2 Distance
#' @description Estimation of a discrete mixture's complexity as well as its component weights and parameters by minimizing the squared L2 distance to the empirical probability mass function.
#' @details Define the \eqn{complexity} of a finite discrete mixture \eqn{F} as the smallest integer \eqn{p}, such that its probability mass function (pmf) \eqn{f} can be written as
#' \deqn{f(x) = w_1*g(x;\theta_1) + \dots + w_p*g(x;\theta_p).}
#' Further, let \eqn{g, f} be two probability mass functions. The squared L2 distance between \eqn{g} and \eqn{f} is given by
#' \deqn{L_2^2(g,f) = \sum(g(x)-f(x))^2.}
#' To estimate \eqn{p}, \code{L2.disc} iteratively increases the assumed complexity \eqn{j} and finds the "best" estimate for both, the pmf of a mixture with \eqn{j} and \eqn{j+1} components, by calculating the parameters that minimize the squared L2 distances to the empirical probability mass function. The infinite sum contained in the objective function will be approximated by a sum ranging from 0 to \code{n.inf}, set to 1000 by default. Once the "best" parameters have been obtained, the difference in squared distances is compared to a predefined \code{threshold}. If this difference is smaller than the threshold, the algorithm terminates and the true complexity is estimated as \eqn{j}, otherwise \eqn{j} is increased by 1 and the procedure is started over. The predefined thresholds are the \code{"LIC"} given by 
#' \deqn{0.6*log((j+1)/j)/n} 
#' and the \code{"SBC"} given by
#' \deqn{0.6*log(n)*log((j+1)/j)/n,}
#' \eqn{n} being the sample size. Note that, if a customized function is to be used, it may only take the arguments \code{j} and \code{n}.
#' \code{L2.boot.disc} works similarly to \code{L2.disc} with the exception that the difference in squared distances is not compared to a predefined threshold but a value generated by a bootstrap procedure. At every iteration (of \eqn{j}), the function sequentially tests \eqn{p = j} versus \eqn{p = j+1} for \eqn{j = 1,2, \dots}, using a parametric bootstrap to generate \code{B} samples of size \eqn{n} from a \eqn{j}-component mixture given the previously calculated "best" parameter values. For each of the bootstrap samples, again the "best" estimates corresponding to pmfs with \eqn{j} and \eqn{j+1} components are calculated, as well as their difference in squared L2 distances from the empirical probability mass function. The null hypothesis \eqn{H_0: p = j} is rejected and \eqn{j} increased by 1 if the original difference in squared distances lies outside of the interval \eqn{[ql, qu]}, specified by the \code{ql} and \code{qu} empirical quantiles of the bootstrapped differences. Otherwise, \eqn{j} is returned as the complexity estimate.
#' To calculate the minimum of the L2 distance (and the corresponding parameter values), the solver \code{\link[Rsolnp]{solnp}} is used. The initial values supplied to the solver are calculated as follows: the data is clustered into \eqn{j} groups by the function \code{\link[cluster]{clara}} and the data corresponding to each group is given to \code{MLE.function} (if supplied to the \code{\link{datMix}} object \code{obj}, otherwise numerical optimization is used here as well). The size of the groups is taken as initial component weights and the MLE's are taken as initial component parameter estimates.
#' @aliases L2.disc L2.boot.disc
#' @usage
#' L2.disc(obj, j.max = 10, n.inf = 1000, threshold = "SBC", control = c(trace = 0))
#' L2.boot.disc(obj, j.max = 10, n.inf = 1000, B = 100, ql = 0.025, qu = 0.975, 
#'              control = c(trace = 0), ...)
#' @param obj object of class \code{\link{datMix}}.
#' @param j.max integer stating the maximal number of components to be considered.
#' @param n.inf integer, the L2 distance contains an infinite sum, which will be approximated by a sum ranging from 0 to \code{n.inf}.
#' @param threshold function or character string in \code{c("LIC", "SBC")} specifying which threshold should be used to compare two mixture estimates of complexities \eqn{j} and \eqn{j+1}. If the difference in minimized squared distances is smaller than the relevant threshold, \eqn{j} will be returned as complexity estimate.
#' @param B integer specifying the number of bootstrap replicates.
#' @param ql numeric between \eqn{0} and \eqn{1} specifying the lower quantile to which the observed difference in minimized squared distances will be compared.
#' @param qu numeric between \eqn{0} and \eqn{1} specifying the upper quantile to which the observed difference in minimized squared distances will be compared.
#' @param control control list of optimization parameters, see \code{\link[Rsolnp]{solnp}}.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to the \code{\link{boot}} function.
#' @return Object of class \code{paramEst} with the following attributes:
#'      \item{dat}{data based on which the complexity is estimated.}
#'      \item{dist}{character string stating the (abbreviated) name of the component distribution, such that the function \code{ddist} evaluates its density function and \code{rdist} generates random numbers.}
#'      \item{ndistparams}{integer specifying the number of parameters identifying the component distribution, i.e. if \eqn{\theta} is in \eqn{R^d} then \code{ndistparams}\eqn{ = d}.}
#'      \item{formals.dist}{string vector specifying the names of the formal arguments identifying the distribution \code{dist} and used in \code{ddist} and \code{rdist}, e.g. for a gaussian mixture (\code{dist = norm}) amounts to \code{mean} and \code{sd}, as these are the formal arguments used by \code{dnorm} and \code{rnorm}.}
#'      \item{discrete}{logical flag indicating whether the underlying mixture distribution is discrete. Will always be \code{TRUE} in this case.}
#'      \item{mle.fct}{attribute \code{MLE.function} of \code{obj}.}
#'      \item{pars}{Say the complexity estimate is equal to some \eqn{j}. Then \code{pars} is a numeric vector of size \eqn{(d+1)*j-1} specifying the component weight and parameter estimates, given as \deqn{(w_1, ... w_{j-1}, \theta 1_1, ... \theta 1_j, \theta 2_1, ... \theta d_j).}}
#'      \item{values}{numeric vector of function values gone through during optimization at iteration \eqn{j}, the last entry being the value at the optimum.}
#'      \item{convergence}{integer indicating whether the solver has converged (0) or not (1 or 2) at iteration \eqn{j}.}
#' @references T. Umashanger and T. Sriram, "L2E estimation of mixture complexity for count data", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 51, 4379-4392, 2007.
#' @seealso \code{\link{hellinger.disc}} for the same estimation method using the Hellinger distance, \code{\link[Rsolnp]{solnp}} for the solver, \code{\link{datMix}} for the creation of the \code{datMix} object.
#' @keywords cluster
#' @examples
#' ## create 'Mix' object
#' poisMix <- Mix("pois", discrete = TRUE, w = c(0.45, 0.45, 0.1), lambda = c(1, 5, 15))
#' ## create random data based on 'Mix' object (gives back 'rMix' object)
#' set.seed(1)
#' poisRMix <- rMix(1000, obj = poisMix)
#' ## create 'datMix' object for estimation
#' # generate list of parameter bounds
#' poisList <- list("lambda" = c(0, Inf))
#' # generate MLE function
#' MLE.pois <- function(dat){
#'   mean(dat)
#' }
#' # generating 'datMix' object
#' pois.dM <- RtoDat(poisRMix, theta.bound.list = poisList, MLE.function = MLE.pois)
#' ## complexity and parameter estimation
#' \donttest{
#' set.seed(1)
#' res <- L2.disc(pois.dM)
#' plot(res)
#' }
#' @export L2.disc
L2.disc <- function(obj, j.max = 10, n.inf = 1000, threshold = "SBC", control = c(trace = 0)){

  # check relevant inputs
  .input.checks.functions(obj, thrshL2 = threshold, j.max = j.max, n.inf = n.inf,
                          assert_discrete = TRUE, Hankel = FALSE, param = TRUE)
  # get standard variables
  variable_list <- .get.list(obj)
  list2env(variable_list, envir = environment())
  j0 <- 0


    j0 <- j0 + 1 # current complexity estimate
    j1 <- j0 + 1

      thresh <- threshold(n = N, j = j0)
    else if(threshold == "LIC"){
      thresh <- (0.6*log((j1)/j0))/N
    else if (threshold == "SBC"){
      thresh <- (0.6*log(N)*log((j1)/j0))/N

    if(j0 > 1){ # if j1 was calculated in the last iteration, pass it over to j0...

      theta.j0 <- theta.j1
      L2.j0 <- L2.j1
      conv.j0 <- conv.j1
      values.j0 <- values.j1

    } else { # ... or calculate j0 directly if j0 = 1 (j1 has not been calculated yet)
      # in this case we already know w = 1 (single component mixture)

      fmin <- .get.fmin.L2.0(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                             ndistparams = ndistparams, n.inf = n.inf, N = N, dist_call)

      restrictions <- .get.restrictions(j = j0, ndistparams = ndistparams, lower = lower,
                                        upper = upper)
      lx <- restrictions$lx
      ux <- restrictions$ux
      initial.j0 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j0, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper, dist,

      opt <- solnp(initial.j0, fun = fmin, LB = lx, UB = ux, control = control)
      .printresults(opt, j0, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams)
      theta.j0 <- opt$pars
      L2.j0 <- opt$values[length(opt$values)]
      conv.j0 <- opt$convergence

      values.j0 <- opt$values

    # optimization for j1. Starts from j1 = 2 so we always need to include weight
    # restrictions in optimization

    fmin <- .get.fmin.L2(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                         ndistparams = ndistparams, j = j1, n.inf = n.inf, N = N, dist_call)

    restrictions.j1 <- .get.restrictions(j = j1, ndistparams = ndistparams, lower = lower,
                                         upper = upper)
    ineq <- restrictions$ineq
    lx.j1 <- restrictions.j1$lx
    ux.j1 <- restrictions.j1$ux
    initial.j1 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j1, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper, dist,

    opt <- solnp(initial.j1, fun = fmin, LB = lx.j1, UB = ux.j1, ineqfun = ineq,
                 ineqLB = 0, ineqUB = 1, control = control)
    theta.j1 <- opt$pars <- .augment.pars(opt$pars, j1)
    L2.j1 <- opt$values[length(opt$values)] <- fmin(opt$pars)
    conv.j1 <- opt$convergence
    values.j1 <- opt$values

    .printresults(opt, j1, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams)

    if((L2.j0 - L2.j1) < thresh){
    } else if(j0 == j.max){


  .return.paramEst(j0, j.max, dat, theta.j0, values.j0, conv.j0, dist, ndistparams, formals.dist,
                   discrete, MLE.function = NULL)

## Purpose: L2 distance based method of estimating the mixture complexity of a
##          discrete mixture (as well as the weights and component parameters) returning
##          a 'paramEst' object (using bootstrap)
#' @export L2.boot.disc
L2.boot.disc <- function(obj, j.max = 10, n.inf = 1000, B = 100, ql = 0.025, qu = 0.975,
                         control = c(trace = 0), ...){

  # check relevant inputs
  .input.checks.functions(obj, j.max = j.max, B = B, n.inf = n.inf, ql = ql, qu = qu,
                          assert_discrete = TRUE, Hankel = FALSE, param = TRUE)
  # get standard variables
  variable_list <- .get.list(obj)
  list2env(variable_list, envir = environment())
  j0 <- 0


    j0 <- j0 + 1 # current complexity estimate
    j1 <- j0 + 1

    if(j0 > 1){ # if j1 was calculated in the last interation, pass it over to j0...

      theta.j0 <- theta.j1
      L2.j0 <- L2.j1
      conv.j0 <- conv.j1
      values.j0 <- values.j1

      # also need to pass over the restrictions as they will be used in the bootstrap
      ineq.j0 <- ineq.j1
      lx.j0 <- lx.j1
      ux.j0 <- ux.j1

    } else { # ... or calculate j0 directly if j0 = 1 (j1 has not been calculated yet)
      # in this case we already know w = 1 (single component mixture)

      fmin.j0 <- .get.fmin.L2.0(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                ndistparams = ndistparams, n.inf = n.inf, N = N, dist_call)

      restrictions.j0 <- .get.restrictions(j = j0, ndistparams = ndistparams, lower = lower,
                                           upper = upper)
      lx.j0 <- restrictions.j0$lx
      ux.j0 <- restrictions.j0$ux
      initial.j0 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j0, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper,
                                     dist, formals.dist)

      opt <- solnp(initial.j0, fun = fmin.j0, LB = lx.j0, UB = ux.j0, control = control)
      .printresults(opt, j0, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams)
      theta.j0 <- opt$pars
      L2.j0 <- opt$values[length(opt$values)]
      conv.j0 <- opt$convergence
      values.j0 <- opt$values

    # optimization for j1. Starts from j1 = 2 so we always need to include weight
    # restrictions in optimization

    fmin.j1 <- .get.fmin.L2(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                            ndistparams = ndistparams, j = j1, n.inf = n.inf, N = N, dist_call)

    restrictions.j1 <- .get.restrictions(j = j1, ndistparams = ndistparams, lower = lower,
                                         upper = upper)
    ineq.j1 <- restrictions.j1$ineq
    lx.j1 <- restrictions.j1$lx
    ux.j1 <- restrictions.j1$ux
    initial.j1 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j1, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper,
                                   dist, formals.dist)

    opt <- solnp(initial.j1, fun = fmin.j1, ineqfun = ineq.j1, ineqLB = 0, ineqUB = 1,
                 LB = lx.j1, UB = ux.j1, control = control)
    theta.j1 <- opt$pars <- .augment.pars(opt$pars, j1)
    L2.j1 <- opt$values[length(opt$values)] <- fmin.j1(opt$pars)
    conv.j1 <- opt$convergence
    values.j1 <- opt$values

    .printresults(opt, j1, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams)

    diff.0 <- L2.j0 - L2.j1

    # parameters used for parametric bootstrap and corresponding 'Mix' object
    param.list.boot <- .get.bootstrapparams(formals.dist = formals.dist, ndistparams = ndistparams,
                                            mle.est = theta.j0, j = j0)
    Mix.boot <- Mix(dist = dist, discrete = discrete, w = param.list.boot$w, theta.list = param.list.boot$theta.list,
                    name = "Mix.boot")

    ran.gen <- function(dat, mle){
      rMix(n = length(dat), obj = mle)

    # counting bootstrap iterations to print progression
    bs_iter <- -1

    stat <- function(dat){

      assign("bs_iter", bs_iter + 1, inherits = TRUE)
      if(bs_iter != 0){

        # don't include first iteration as this just uses the original data
        # to calculate t0
        message(paste("Running bootstrap iteration ", bs_iter, " testing for ", j0,
                  " components.\n", sep = ""))

      } else message(paste("\n"))

      # in the bootstrap we have to calculate the values for j0 and j1 as the bootstrap
      # data changes in every iteration (cannot reuse last j1 values as j0)
      initial.boot0 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j0, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper,
                                        dist, formals.dist)

      # calculate optimal parameters for j0
      if(j0 != 1){ # need to include weight restrictions in optimization

        fmin.boot0 <- .get.fmin.L2(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                   ndistparams = ndistparams, j = j0, n.inf = n.inf, N = N, dist_call)
        opt.boot0 <- solnp(initial.boot0, fun = fmin.boot0, ineqfun = ineq.j0, ineqLB = 0,
                            ineqUB = 1, LB = lx.j0, UB = ux.j0, control = control)
        opt.boot0$pars <- .augment.pars(opt.boot0$pars, j0)
        L2.boot0 <- fmin.boot0(opt.boot0$pars)

      } else { # already know w = 1 (single component mixture)

        fmin.boot0 <- .get.fmin.L2.0(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                     ndistparams = ndistparams, n.inf = n.inf, N = N, dist_call)
        opt.boot0 <- solnp(initial.boot0, fun = fmin.boot0, LB = lx.j0, UB = ux.j0,
                            control = control)
        L2.boot0 <- opt.boot0$values[length(opt.boot0$values)]


      # calculate optimal parameters for j1 (always need weight restrictions since j1
      # starts from 2)
      fmin.boot1 <- .get.fmin.L2(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                 ndistparams = ndistparams, j = j1, n.inf = n.inf, N = N, dist_call)

      initial.boot1 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j1, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper,
                                        dist, formals.dist)

      opt.boot1 <- solnp(initial.boot1, fun = fmin.boot1, ineqfun = ineq.j1, ineqLB = 0,
                         ineqUB = 1, LB = lx.j1, UB = ux.j1, control = control)
      opt.boot1$pars <- .augment.pars(opt.boot1$pars, j1)
      L2.boot1 <- fmin.boot1(opt.boot1$pars)

      return(L2.boot0 - L2.boot1)

    bt <- boot(dat, statistic = stat, R = B, sim = "parametric", ran.gen = ran.gen,
               mle = Mix.boot, ...)
    diff.boot <- bt$t

    q_lower <- quantile(diff.boot, probs = ql)
    q_upper <- quantile(diff.boot, probs = qu)

    if(diff.0 >= q_lower && diff.0 <= q_upper){
      # so that the printed result reflects that the order j.max was actually estimated
      # rather than just returned as the default
      j.max <- j.max + 1
    } else if (j0 == j.max){


  .return.paramEst(j0, j.max, dat, theta.j0, values.j0, conv.j0, dist, ndistparams, formals.dist,
                   discrete, MLE.function = NULL)

## Purpose: returns the squareroot of the empirical mass function needed for hellinger
##          distance calculation

.get.f.n.sqrt <- function(dat, n.max, N){

  # calculating square root of the empirical mass function
  f.n <- as.numeric(table(dat)[match(0:n.max, sort(unique(dat)))]/N)
  f.n[is.na(f.n)] <- 0
  f.n.sqrt <- sqrt(f.n)


## Purpose: returns the Hellinger distance function corresponding to parameters x

.get.fmin.hellinger <- function(dat, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams, j, n.max, N,
                                f.n.sqrt, dist_call){


    w <- x[1:(j-1)]

    # calculating square root of mixture distribution corresponding to the parameters x
    theta.list.long <- vector(mode = "list", length = ndistparams)
    names(theta.list.long) <- formals.dist
    for(i in 1:ndistparams){
      theta.list.long[[i]] <- matrix(x[(i*j):((1 + i)*j-1)], nrow = (n.max+1), ncol = j, byrow = TRUE)
    theta.list.long$x <- 0:n.max

    # # NAs or warnings can happen as solnp sometimes uses intermediate
    # # parameter values outside of the box constraints (to speed up convergence
    # # and avoid numerical ill conditioning)
    mat <- suppressWarnings(do.call(dist_call, args = theta.list.long))
    w <- c(x[1:(j - 1)], 1 - sum(x[1:(j - 1)]))
    if(any(w < 0)) return(sqrt(.Machine$integer.max))
    f.theta <- as.matrix(mat) %*% w
    if(any(is.na(f.theta))) return(sqrt(.Machine$integer.max))
    f.theta.sqrt <- sqrt(f.theta)

    # calculate Hellinger distance to empirical mass function
    H2 <- f.n.sqrt * f.theta.sqrt
    return(2 - 2 * sum(H2))

## Purpose: returns the Hellinger distance function corresponding to parameters x
##          when the mixture consists of only a single component

.get.fmin.hellinger.0 <- function(dat, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams, n.max, N,
                                  f.n.sqrt, dist_call){


    # calculating square root of mixture distribution corresponding to the parameters x
    # (single component mixture)
    theta.list.long <- vector(mode = "list", length = ndistparams)
    names(theta.list.long) <- formals.dist
    for(i in 1:ndistparams){
      theta.list.long[[i]] <- rep(x[i], n.max+1)
    theta.list.long$x <- 0:n.max

    # # NAs or warnings can happen as solnp sometimes uses intermediate
    # # parameter values outside of the box constraints (to speed up convergence
    # # and avoid numerical ill conditioning)
    f.components <- suppressWarnings(do.call(dist_call, args = theta.list.long))
    if(any(is.na(f.components))) return(sqrt(.Machine$integer.max))
    f.components.sqrt <- sqrt(f.components)

    # calculate Hellinger distance to empirical mass function
    H2 <- f.n.sqrt*f.components.sqrt
    return(2 - 2*sum(H2))

## Purpose: Hellinger distance based method of estimating the mixture complexity of a
##          discrete mixture (as well as the weights and component parameters) returning
##          a 'paramEst' object

#' @title Estimation of a Discrete Mixture Complexity Based on Hellinger Distance
#' @description Estimation of a discrete mixture complexity as well as its component weights and parameters by minimizing the squared Hellinger distance to the empirical probability mass function.
#' @details Define the \eqn{complexity} of a finite discrete mixture \eqn{F} as the smallest integer \eqn{p}, such that its probability mass function (pmf) \eqn{f} can be written as
#' \deqn{f(x) = w_1*g(x;\theta_1) + \dots + w_p*g(x;\theta_p).}
#' Let \eqn{g, f} be two probability mass functions. The squared Hellinger distance between \eqn{g} and \eqn{f} is given by
#' \deqn{H^2(g,f) = \sum (\sqrt{g(x)} - \sqrt{f(x)})^2,}
#' where \eqn{\sqrt{g(x)}} and \eqn{\sqrt{f(x)}} denote the square roots of the respective probability mass functions at point x.
#' To estimate \eqn{p}, \code{hellinger.disc} iteratively increases the assumed complexity \eqn{j} and finds the "best" estimate for the pmf of a mixture with \eqn{j} and the pmf of a mixture with \eqn{j+1} components, by calculating the parameters that minimize the sum of squared Hellinger distances to the empirical probability mass function at given points. Once these parameters have been obtained, the difference in squared distances is compared to a predefined \code{threshold}. If this difference is smaller than the threshold, the algorithm terminates and the true complexity is estimated as \eqn{j}, otherwise \eqn{j} is increased by 1. The predefined thresholds are the \code{"AIC"} given by 
#' \deqn{(d+1)/n} 
#' and the \code{"SBC"} given by 
#' \deqn{(d+1)log(n)/(2n),} 
#' \eqn{n} being the sample size and \eqn{d} the number of component parameters, i.e. \eqn{\theta} is in \eqn{R^d}. Note that, if a customized function is to be used, it may only take the arguments \code{j} and \code{n}, so if the user wants to include the number of component parameters \eqn{d}, it has to be entered explicitly.
#' \code{hellinger.boot.disc} works similarly to \code{hellinger.disc} with the exception that the difference in squared distances is compared to a value generated via a bootstrap procedure instead of being compared to a predefined threshold. At every iteration (of \eqn{j}), the function sequentially tests \eqn{p = j} versus \eqn{p = j+1} for \eqn{j = 1,2, \dots}, using a parametric bootstrap to generate \code{B} samples of size \eqn{n} from a \eqn{j}-component mixture given the previously calculated "best" parameter values. For each of the bootstrap samples, again the "best" estimates corresponding to pmfs with \eqn{j} and \eqn{j+1} components are computed, as well as their difference in squared Hellinger distances from the empirical probability mass function. The null hypothesis \eqn{H_0: p = j} is rejected and \eqn{j} increased by 1 if the original difference in squared distances lies outside of the interval \eqn{[ql, qu]}, specified by \code{ql} and \code{qu}, empirical quantiles of the bootstrapped differences. Otherwise, \eqn{j} is returned as the complexity estimate.
#' To calculate the minimum of the Hellinger distance (and the corresponding parameter values), the solver \code{\link[Rsolnp]{solnp}} is used. The initial values supplied to the solver are calculated as follows: the data is clustered into \eqn{j} groups by the function \code{\link[cluster]{clara}} and the data corresponding to each group is given to \code{MLE.function} (if supplied to the \code{\link{datMix}} object \code{obj}, otherwise numerical optimization is used here as well). The size of the groups is taken as initial component weights and the MLE's are taken as initial component parameter estimates.
#' @aliases hellinger.disc hellinger.boot.disc
#' @usage
#' hellinger.disc(obj, j.max = 10, threshold = "SBC", control = c(trace = 0))
#' hellinger.boot.disc(obj, j.max = 10, B = 100, ql = 0.025, qu = 0.975, 
#'                     control = c(trace = 0), ...)
#' @param obj object of class \code{\link{datMix}}.
#' @param j.max integer, stating the maximal number of components to be considered.
#' @param threshold function or character string in \code{c("AIC", "SBC")} specifying which threshold should be used to compare two mixture estimates of complexities \eqn{j} and \eqn{j+1}. If the difference in minimized squared distances is smaller than the relevant threshold, \eqn{j} will be returned as complexity estimate.
#' @param B integer, specifying the number of bootstrap replicates.
#' @param ql numeric between \eqn{0} and \eqn{1} specifying the lower quantile to which the observed difference in minimized squared distances will be compared.
#' @param qu numeric between \eqn{0} and \eqn{1} specifying the upper quantile to which the observed difference in minimized squared distances will be compared.
#' @param control control list of optimization parameters, see \code{\link[Rsolnp]{solnp}}.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to the \code{\link[boot]{boot}} function.
#' @return Object of class \code{paramEst} with the following attributes:
#'      \item{dat}{data based on which the complexity is estimated.}
#'      \item{dist}{character string stating the (abbreviated) name of the component distribution, such that the function \code{ddist} evaluates its density/ mass function and \code{rdist} generates random variates.}
#'      \item{ndistparams}{integer specifying the number of parameters identifying the component distribution, i.e. if \eqn{\theta} is in {R^d} then \code{ndistparams}\eqn{ = d}.}
#'      \item{formals.dist}{string vector specifying the names of the formal arguments identifying the distribution \code{dist} and used in \code{ddist} and \code{rdist}, e.g. for a gaussian mixture (\code{dist = norm}) amounts to \code{mean} and \code{sd}, as these are the formal arguments used by \code{dnorm} and \code{rnorm}.}
#'      \item{discrete}{logical flag indicating whether the underlying mixture distribution is discrete. Will always be \code{TRUE} in this case.}
#'      \item{mle.fct}{attribute \code{MLE.function} of \code{obj}.}
#'      \item{pars}{say the complexity estimate is equal to some \eqn{j}. Then \code{pars} is a numeric vector of size \eqn{(d+1)*j-1} specifying the component weight and parameter estimates, given as \deqn{(w_1, ... w_{j-1}, \theta 1_1, ... \theta 1_j, \theta 2_1, ... \theta d_j).}}
#'      \item{values}{numeric vector of function values gone through during optimization at iteration \eqn{j}, the last entry being the value at the optimum.}
#'      \item{convergence}{integer indicating whether the solver has converged (0) or not (1 or 2) at iteration \eqn{j}.}
#' @references M.-J. Woo and T. Sriram, "Robust estimation of mixture complexity for count data", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 51, 4379-4392, 2007.
#' @seealso \code{\link{L2.disc}} for the same estimation method using the L2 distance, \code{\link{hellinger.cont}} for the same estimation method for continuous mixtures, \code{\link[Rsolnp]{solnp}} for the solver, \code{\link{datMix}} for the creation of the \code{datMix} object.
#' @keywords cluster
#' @examples
#' ## create 'Mix' object
#' poisMix <- Mix("pois", , discrete = TRUE, w = c(0.45, 0.45, 0.1), lambda = c(1, 5, 10))
#' ## create random data based on 'Mix' object (gives back 'rMix' object)
#' set.seed(0)
#' poisRMix <- rMix(1000, obj = poisMix)
#' ## create 'datMix' object for estimation
#' # generate list of parameter bounds
#' poisList <- list("lambda" = c(0,Inf))
#' # generate MLE function
#' MLE.pois <- function(dat){
#'   mean(dat)
#' }
#' # generating 'datMix' object
#' pois.dM <- RtoDat(poisRMix, theta.bound.list = poisList, MLE.function = MLE.pois)
#' ## complexity and parameter estimation
#' set.seed(0)
#' res <- hellinger.disc(pois.dM)
#' plot(res)
#' @export hellinger.disc
hellinger.disc <- function(obj, j.max = 10, threshold = "SBC", control = c(trace = 0)){

  # check relevant inputs
  .input.checks.functions(obj, j.max = j.max, thrshHel = threshold,
                          assert_discrete = TRUE, Hankel = FALSE, param = TRUE)
  # get standard variables
  variable_list <- .get.list(obj)
  list2env(variable_list, envir = environment())

    # otherwise it is a function and will be calculated further down
    if(threshold == "AIC") thresh <- (ndistparams + 1)/N
    if(threshold == "SBC") thresh <- ((ndistparams + 1) * log(N))/(2 * N)
  j0 <- 0

    j0 <- j0 + 1 # current complexity estimate
    j1 <- j0 + 1

      thresh <- threshold(n = N, j = j0)

    f.n.sqrt <- .get.f.n.sqrt(dat, n.max, N)

    if(j0 > 1){ # if j1 was calculated in the last interation, pass it over to j0...

      theta.j0 <- theta.j1
      Hellinger.j0 <- Hellinger.j1
      conv.j0 <- conv.j1
      values.j0 <- values.j1

    } else { # ... or calculate j0 directly if j0 = 1 (j1 has not been calculated yet)
      # in this case we already know w = 1 (single component mixture)

      fmin <- .get.fmin.hellinger.0(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                    ndistparams = ndistparams, n.max = n.max, N = N,
                                    f.n.sqrt = f.n.sqrt, dist_call)

      restrictions <- .get.restrictions(j = j0, ndistparams = ndistparams, lower = lower,
                                        upper = upper)
      lx <- restrictions$lx
      ux <- restrictions$ux
      initial.j0 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j0, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper,
                                     dist, formals.dist)

      opt <- solnp(initial.j0, fun = fmin, LB = lx, UB = ux, control = control)
      .printresults(opt, j0, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams)
      theta.j0 <- opt$pars
      Hellinger.j0 <- opt$values[length(opt$values)]
      conv.j0 <- opt$convergence
      values.j0 <- opt$values

    # optimization for j1. Starts from j1 = 2 so we always need to include weight
    # restrictions in optimization

    fmin <- .get.fmin.hellinger(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                ndistparams = ndistparams, j = j1, n.max = n.max, N = N,
                                f.n.sqrt = f.n.sqrt, dist_call)

    restrictions.j1 <- .get.restrictions(j = j1, ndistparams = ndistparams, lower = lower,
                                         upper = upper)
    ineq.j1 <- restrictions.j1$ineq
    lx.j1 <- restrictions.j1$lx
    ux.j1 <- restrictions.j1$ux
    initial.j1 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j1, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper, dist,

    opt <- solnp(initial.j1, fun = fmin, ineqfun = ineq.j1, ineqLB = 0, ineqUB = 1,
                 LB = lx.j1, UB = ux.j1, control = control)
    theta.j1 <- opt$pars <- .augment.pars(opt$pars, j1)
    Hellinger.j1 <- opt$values[length(opt$values)] <- fmin(opt$pars)
    conv.j1 <- opt$convergence
    values.j1 <- opt$values

    .printresults(opt, j1, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams)

    if((Hellinger.j0 - Hellinger.j1) < thresh){
      # so that the printed result reflects that the order j.max was actually estimated
      # rather than just returned as the default
      j.max <- j.max + 1
    } else if(j0 == j.max){


  .return.paramEst(j0, j.max, dat, theta.j0, values.j0, conv.j0, dist, ndistparams, formals.dist,
                   discrete, MLE.function)

## Purpose: Hellinger distance based method of estimating the mixture complexity of a
##          discrete mixture (as well as the weights and component parameters) returning
##          a 'paramEst' object (using bootstrap)
#' @export hellinger.boot.disc
hellinger.boot.disc <- function(obj, j.max = 10, B = 100, ql = 0.025, qu = 0.975,
                                control = c(trace = 0), ...){

  # check relevant inputs
  .input.checks.functions(obj, j.max = j.max, B = B, ql = ql, qu = qu,
                          assert_discrete = TRUE, Hankel = FALSE, param = TRUE)
  # get standard variables
  variable_list <- .get.list(obj)
  list2env(variable_list, envir = environment())
  j0 <- 0


    j0 <- j0 + 1 # current complexity estimate
    j1 <- j0 + 1

    f.n.sqrt <- .get.f.n.sqrt(dat, n.max, N)

    if(j0 > 1){ # if j1 was calculated in the last interation, pass it over to j0...

      theta.j0 <- theta.j1
      Hellinger.j0 <- Hellinger.j1
      conv.j0 <- conv.j1
      values.j0 <- values.j1

      # also need to pass over the restrictions as they will be used in the bootstrap
      ineq.j0 <- ineq.j1
      lx.j0 <- lx.j1
      ux.j0 <- ux.j1

    } else { # ... or calculate j0 directly if j0 = 1 (j1 has not been calculated yet)
      # in this case we already know w = 1 (single component mixture)

      fmin.j0 <- .get.fmin.hellinger.0(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                       ndistparams = ndistparams, n.max = n.max, N = N,
                                       f.n.sqrt = f.n.sqrt, dist_call)

      restrictions.j0 <- .get.restrictions(j = j0, ndistparams = ndistparams, lower = lower,
                                           upper = upper)
      lx.j0 <- restrictions.j0$lx
      ux.j0 <- restrictions.j0$ux
      initial.j0 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j0, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper, dist,

      opt <- solnp(initial.j0, fun = fmin.j0, LB = lx.j0, UB = ux.j0, control = control)
      .printresults(opt, j0, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams)
      theta.j0 <- opt$pars
      Hellinger.j0 <- opt$values[length(opt$values)]
      conv.j0 <- opt$convergence
      values.j0 <- opt$values

    # optimization for j1. Starts from j1 = 2 so we always need to include weight
    # restrictions in optimization

    fmin.j1 <- .get.fmin.hellinger(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                   ndistparams = ndistparams, j = j1, n.max = n.max, N = N,
                                   f.n.sqrt = f.n.sqrt, dist_call)

    restrictions.j1 <- .get.restrictions(j = j1, ndistparams = ndistparams, lower = lower,
                                         upper = upper)
    ineq.j1 <- restrictions.j1$ineq
    lx.j1 <- restrictions.j1$lx
    ux.j1 <- restrictions.j1$ux
    initial.j1 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j1, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper, dist,

    opt <- solnp(initial.j1, fun = fmin.j1, ineqfun = ineq.j1, ineqLB = 0, ineqUB = 1,
                 LB = lx.j1, UB = ux.j1, control = control)
    theta.j1 <- opt$pars <- .augment.pars(opt$pars, j1)
    Hellinger.j1 <- opt$values[length(opt$values)] <- fmin.j1(opt$pars)
    conv.j1 <- opt$convergence
    values.j1 <- opt$values

    .printresults(opt, j1, dist, formals.dist, ndistparams)

    diff.0 <- Hellinger.j0 - Hellinger.j1

    # parameters used for parametric bootstrap and corresponding 'Mix' object
    param.list.boot <- .get.bootstrapparams(formals.dist = formals.dist, ndistparams = ndistparams,
                                            mle.est = theta.j0, j = j0)
    Mix.boot <- Mix(dist = dist, discrete = discrete, w = param.list.boot$w, theta.list = param.list.boot$theta.list,
                    name = "Mix.boot")

    ran.gen <- function(dat, mle){
      rMix(n = length(dat), obj = mle)

    # counting bootstrap iterations to print progression
    bs_iter <- -1

    stat <- function(dat){

      assign("bs_iter", bs_iter + 1, inherits = TRUE)
      if(bs_iter != 0){

        # don't include first iteration as this just uses the original data
        # to calculate t0
        message(paste("Running bootstrap iteration ", bs_iter, " testing for ", j0,
                  " components.\n", sep = ""))

      } else message(paste("\n"))

      f.n.sqrt.boot <- .get.f.n.sqrt(dat, n.max, N)

      # in the bootstrap we have to calculate the values for j0 and j1 as the bootstrap
      # data changes in every iteration (cannot reuse last j1 values as j0)

      initial.boot0 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j0, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper, dist,

      # calculate optimal parameters for j0
      if(j0 != 1){ # need to include weight restrictions in optimization

        fmin.boot0 <- .get.fmin.hellinger(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                          ndistparams = ndistparams, j = j0, n.max = n.max, N = N,
                                          f.n.sqrt = f.n.sqrt.boot, dist_call)
        opt.boot0 <- solnp(initial.boot0, fun = fmin.boot0, ineqfun = ineq.j0, ineqLB = 0,
                           ineqUB = 1, LB = lx.j0, UB = ux.j0, control = control)
        opt.boot0$pars <- .augment.pars(opt.boot0$pars, j0)
        hellinger.boot0 <- fmin.boot0(opt.boot0$pars)

      } else { # already know w = 1 (single component mixture)

        fmin.boot0 <- .get.fmin.hellinger.0(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                            ndistparams = ndistparams, n.max = n.max, N = N,
                                            f.n.sqrt = f.n.sqrt.boot, dist_call)
        opt.boot0 <- solnp(initial.boot0, fun = fmin.boot0, LB = lx.j0, UB = ux.j0,
                           control = control)
        hellinger.boot0 <- opt.boot0$values[length(opt.boot0$values)]


      # calculate optimal parameters for j1 (always need weight restrictions since j1
      # starts from 2)

      fmin.boot1 <- .get.fmin.hellinger(dat = dat, dist = dist, formals.dist = formals.dist,
                                        ndistparams = ndistparams, j = j1, n.max = n.max, N = N,
                                        f.n.sqrt = f.n.sqrt.boot, dist_call)

      initial.boot1 <- .get.initialvals(dat, j1, ndistparams, MLE.function, lower, upper,
                                        dist, formals.dist)

      opt.boot1 <- solnp(initial.boot1, fun = fmin.boot1, ineqfun = ineq.j1, ineqLB = 0,
                         ineqUB = 1, LB = lx.j1, UB = ux.j1, control = control)
      opt.boot1$pars <- .augment.pars(opt.boot1$pars, j1)
      hellinger.boot1 <- fmin.boot1(opt.boot1$pars)

      return(hellinger.boot0 - hellinger.boot1)


    bt <- boot(dat, statistic = stat, R = B, sim = "parametric", ran.gen = ran.gen,
               mle = Mix.boot, ...)
    diff.boot <- bt$t

    q_lower <- quantile(diff.boot, probs = ql)
    q_upper <- quantile(diff.boot, probs = qu)

    if(diff.0 >= q_lower && diff.0 <= q_upper){
      # so that the printed result reflects that the order j.max was actually estimated
      # rather than just returned as the default
      j.max <- j.max + 1
    } else if (j0 == j.max){


  .return.paramEst(j0, j.max, dat, theta.j0, values.j0, conv.j0, dist, ndistparams, formals.dist,
                   discrete, MLE.function)

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