
Defines functions mixedsde.sim

Documented in mixedsde.sim

#' Simulation Of A Mixed Stochastic Differential Equation
#' @description Simulation of M independent trajectories of a mixed stochastic differential equation (SDE) with linear drift  and two random effects \eqn{(\alpha_j, \beta_j)}
#'  \eqn{dX_j(t)= (\alpha_j- \beta_j X_(t))dt + \sigma a(X_j(t)) dW_j(t)}, for \eqn{j=1, ..., M}.
#' @param M number of trajectories
#' @param T horizon of simulation.
#' @param N number of simulation steps, default Tx100. 
#' @param model name of the SDE: 'OU' (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck) or 'CIR' (Cox-Ingersoll-Ross).
#' @param random random effects in the drift: 1 if one additive random effect, 2 if one multiplicative random effect or c(1,2) if 2 random effects.
#' @param fixed fixed effects in the drift: value of the fixed effect when there is only one random effect, 0 otherwise. 
#' If random =2, fixed can be 0 but \eqn{\beta} has to be a non negative random variable for the estimation.
#' @param density.phi name of the density of the random effects.
#' @param param vector of parameters of the distribution of the two random effects. 
#' @param sigma diffusion parameter 
#' @param t0 time origin, default 0.
#' @param X0 initial value of the process, default X0=0.
#' @param invariant 1 if the initial value is simulated from the invariant distribution, default 0.01 and X0 is fixed.
#' @param delta time step of the simulation (T/N).
#' @param op.plot 1 if a plot of the trajectories is required, default 0. 
#' @param add.plot 1 for add trajectories to an existing plot
#' @return
#' \item{X}{matrix (M x (N+1)) of the M trajectories. }
#' \item{phi}{vector (or matrix) of the M simulated random effects.}
#' @details
#' Simulation of M independent trajectories of the SDE (the Brownian motions \eqn{Wj} are independent), with linear drift. Two diffusions are implemented, with one or two random effects:
#' \subsection{Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model (OU)}{
#' If random = 1, \eqn{\beta} is a fixed effect: \eqn{dX_j(t)= (\alpha_j- \beta X_j(t))dt + \sigma dW_j(t)  } 
#' If random = 2, \eqn{\alpha} is a fixed effect: \eqn{dX_j(t)= (\alpha - \beta_j X_j(t))dt + \sigma dW_j(t)  }
#' If random = c(1,2), \eqn{dX_j(t)= (\alpha_j- \beta_j X_j(t))dt + \sigma dW_j(t)  } 
#' }
#' \subsection{Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model (CIR)}{
#' If random = 1, \eqn{\beta} is a fixed effect: \eqn{dX_j(t)= (\alpha_j- \beta X_j(t))dt + \sigma \sqrt{X_j(t)} dW_j(t)  } 
#' If random = 2, \eqn{\alpha} is a fixed effect: \eqn{dX_j(t)= (\alpha - \beta_j X_j(t))dt + \sigma \sqrt{X_j(t)} dW_j(t)  } 
#' If random = c(1,2), \eqn{dX_j(t)= (\alpha_j- \beta_j X_j(t))dt + \sigma \sqrt{X_j(t)}  dW_j(t)  } 
#' The initial value of each trajectory can be simulated from the invariant distribution of the process:
#'  Normal distribution with mean \eqn{\alpha/\beta} and variance \eqn{\sigma^2/(2 \beta)} for the OU,  a gamma distribution
#'  \eqn{\Gamma(2\alpha/\sigma^2,  \sigma^2/(2\beta))} for the C-I-R model.
#' \subsection{Density of the random effects}{
#' Several densities are implemented for the random effects, depending on the number of random effects. 
#' \emph{If two random effects, choice between} 
#' 'normalnormal': Normal distributions for both  \eqn{\alpha} \eqn{\beta} and param=c(mean_\eqn{\alpha}, sd_\eqn{\alpha}, mean_\eqn{\beta}, sd_\eqn{\beta})
#' 'gammagamma': Gamma distributions for both  \eqn{\alpha} \eqn{\beta} and param=c(shape_\eqn{\alpha}, scale_\eqn{\alpha}, shape_\eqn{\beta}, scale_\eqn{\beta})
#' 'gammainvgamma': Gamma for \eqn{\alpha}, Inverse Gamma for \eqn{\beta} and param=c(shape_\eqn{\alpha}, scale_\eqn{\alpha}, shape_\eqn{\beta}, scale_\eqn{\beta})
#' 'normalgamma':  Normal for \eqn{\alpha}, Gamma for \eqn{\beta} and param=c(mean_\eqn{\alpha}, sd_\eqn{\alpha}, shape_\eqn{\beta}, scale_\eqn{\beta})
#' 'normalinvgamma':  Normal for \eqn{\alpha}, Inverse Gamma for \eqn{\beta} and param=c(mean_\eqn{\alpha}, sd_\eqn{\alpha}, shape_\eqn{\beta}, scale_\eqn{\beta})
#' 'gammagamma2':  Gamma \eqn{+2 * \sigma^2} for \eqn{\alpha},  Gamma \eqn{+ 1} for \eqn{\beta}  and param=c(shape_\eqn{\alpha}, scale_\eqn{\alpha}, shape_\eqn{\beta}, scale_\eqn{\beta})
#' 'gammainvgamma2':   Gamma \eqn{+2 * \sigma^2} for \eqn{\alpha}, Inverse Gamma for \eqn{\beta} and param=c(shape_\eqn{\alpha}, scale_\eqn{\alpha}, shape_\eqn{\beta}, scale_\eqn{\beta})
#' \emph{If only \eqn{\alpha} is random, choice between}
#' 'normal': Normal distribution with param=c(mean, sd)
#' lognormal': logNormal distribution with param=c(mean, sd)
#' 'mixture.normal': mixture of normal distributions \eqn{p N(\mu1,\sigma1^2) + (1-p)N(\mu2, \sigma2^2)} with 
#' param=c(p, \eqn{\mu1, \sigma1, \mu2, \sigma2})
#' 'gamma': Gamma distribution with param=c(shape, scale) 
#' 'mixture.gamma': mixture of Gamma distribution \eqn{p \Gamma(shape1,scale1) + (1-p)\Gamma(shape2,scale2)}
#' with param=c(p, shape1, scale1, shape2, scale2)
#' 'gamma2': Gamma distribution \eqn{+2 * \sigma^2} with param=c(shape, scale) 
#' 'mixed.gamma2': mixture of Gamma distribution \eqn{p \Gamma(shape1,scale1) + (1-p) \Gamma(shape2,scale2)} + \eqn{+2 * \sigma^2}
#' with param=c(p, shape1, scale1, shape2, scale2)
#' \emph{If only \eqn{\beta} is random, choice between}
#'  'normal': Normal distribution with param=c(mean, sd)
#'  'gamma': Gamma distribution with param=c(shape, scale) 
#'  'mixture.gamma': mixture of Gamma distribution \eqn{p \Gamma(shape1,scale1) + (1-p) \Gamma(shape2,scale2)}
#' with param=c(p, shape1, scale1, shape2, scale2)
#' }
#' @examples 
#' #Simulation of 5 trajectories of the OU SDE with random =1, and a Gamma distribution.
#' simuOU <- mixedsde.sim(M=5, T=10,N=1000,model='OU', random=1,fixed=0.5,
#' density.phi='gamma', param=c(1.8, 0.8) , sigma=0.1,op.plot=1)
#' X <- simuOU$X ; 
#' phi <- simuOU$phi
#' hist(phi)
#' @references This function mixedsde.sim is based on the package sde, function sde.sim. See Simulation and Inference for stochastic differential equation, S.Iacus, \emph{Springer Series in Statistics 2008}
#' Chapter 2
#' @seealso \url{https://cran.r-project.org/package=sde}

mixedsde.sim <- function(M, T, N = 100, model, random, fixed = 0, density.phi, param, sigma, t0 = 0, X0 = 0.01, 
    invariant = 0, delta = T/N, op.plot = 0, add.plot = FALSE) {
    ## local sde.sim to sink undesired output away into a tempfile
    con <- file(tempfile(), open = "w")
    sde.sim <- function(...) {
        res <- sde::sde.sim(...)
    if (missing(X0) && missing(invariant)) {
        message("be careful, X0 and invariant are missing thus the initial value X0=0.01 is used")
    delta <- T/N
    times <- seq(t0, T, length = N + 1)
    X <- matrix(0, M, N + 1)
    sig <- sigma
    if (sum(random) > 2) {
        # simulation of the random effects
        phi <- matrix(0, 2, M)
        if (density.phi == "normalnormal") {
            phi[1, ] <- rnorm(M, param[1], param[2])
            phi[2, ] <- rnorm(M, param[3], param[4])
        if (density.phi == "gammagamma") {
            phi[1, ] <- rgamma(M, param[1], scale = param[2])
            phi[2, ] <- rgamma(M, param[3], scale = param[4])
        if (density.phi == "normalgamma") {
            phi[1, ] <- param[1] + param[2] * rnorm(M, mean = 0, sd = 1)
            phi[2, ] <- rgamma(M, param[3], scale = param[4])
        if (density.phi == "normalinvgamma") {
            phi[1, ] <- param[1] + param[2] * rnorm(M, mean = 0, sd = 1)
            phi[2, ] <- 1/rgamma(M, param[3], scale = param[4])
        if (density.phi == "gammainvgamma") {
            phi[1, ] <- rgamma(M, param[1], scale = param[2])
            phi[2, ] <- 1/rgamma(M, param[3], scale = param[4])
        if (density.phi == "gammagamma2") {
            phi[1, ] <- 2 * sig^2 + rgamma(M, param[1], scale = param[2])
            phi[2, ] <- 1 + rgamma(M, param[3], scale = param[4])
        if (density.phi == "gammainvgamma2") {
            phi[1, ] <- 2 * sig^2 + rgamma(M, param[1], scale = param[2])
            phi[2, ] <- 1/rgamma(M, param[3], scale = param[4])
        # simulation of the series
        if (model == "OU") {
            for (j in 1:M) {
                if (invariant == 1) {
                  X0 <- phi[1, j]/phi[2, j] + (sig/(sqrt(2 * phi[2, j]))) * rnorm(1)
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(T = T, X0 = X0, N = N, delta = delta, method = "EA", theta = c(phi[, j], 
                    sig), model = "OU")
                if (invariant == 0) {
                  # suppressMessages(
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(T = T, X0 = X0, N = N, delta = delta, method = "EA", theta = c(phi[, j], 
                    sig), model = "OU")
                  # )
        if (model == "CIR") {
            for (j in 1:M) {
                if (invariant == 1) {
                  X0 <- rgamma(1, 2 * phi[1, j]/sig^2, scale = sig^2/(2 * phi[2, j]))
                  # suppressMessages(
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(T = T, X0 = X0, N = N, delta = delta, method = "milstein", theta = c(phi[, 
                    j], sig), model = "CIR", sigma.x = expression(sig/(2 * sqrt(x))), sigma = expression(sig * 
                  # )
                if (invariant == 0) {
                  # suppressMessages(
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(T = T, X0 = X0, N = N, delta = delta, method = "milstein", theta = c(phi[, 
                    j], sig), sigma.x = expression(sig/(2 * sqrt(x))), sigma = expression(sig * sqrt(x)), model = "CIR")
                  # )
    if (sum(random) == 1) {
        # simulation of the random effects
        phi <- rep(0, M)
        if (density.phi == "normal") {
            phi <- param[1] + param[2] * rnorm(M, mean = 0, sd = 1)
        if (density.phi == "lognormal") {
            phi <- param[1] + param[2] * rnorm(M, mean = 0, sd = 1)
            phi <- exp(phi)
        if (density.phi == "gamma") {
            phi <- rgamma(M, shape = param[1], scale = param[2])
        if (density.phi == "gamma2") {
            phi <- 2 * sig^2 + rgamma(M, shape = param[1], scale = param[2])
        if (density.phi == "mixture.gamma") {
            phi <- mixture.sim(M, density.phi, param)
        if (density.phi == "mixture.gamma2") {
            phi <- 2 * sig^2 + mixture.sim(M, density.phi, param)
        if (density.phi == "mixture.normal") {
            phi <- mixture.sim(M, density.phi, param)
        # simulation of the series
        if (model == "OU") {
            for (j in 1:M) {
                if (invariant == 1) {
                  X0 <- phi[j]/fixed + (sig/(sqrt(2 * fixed))) * rnorm(1)
                  # suppressMessages(
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(T = T, X0 = X0, N = N, delta = delta, method = "EA", theta = c(phi[j], fixed, 
                    sig), model = "OU")
                  # )
                if (invariant == 0) {
                  # suppressMessages(
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(T = T, X0 = X0, N = N, delta = delta, method = "EA", theta = c(phi[j], fixed, 
                    sig), model = "OU")
                  # )
        if (model == "CIR") {
            for (j in 1:M) {
                if (invariant == 1) {
                  X0 <- rgamma(1, 2 * phi[j]/sig^2, scale = sig^2/(2 * fixed))
                  # suppressMessages(
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(T = T, N = N, X0 = X0, delta = delta, method = "milstein", theta = c(phi[j], 
                    fixed, sig), sigma.x = expression(sig/(2 * sqrt(x))), sigma = expression(sig * sqrt(x)), 
                    model = "CIR")
                  # )
                if (invariant == 0) {
                  # suppressMessages(
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(T = T, N = N, X0 = X0, delta = delta, method = "milstein", theta = c(phi[j], 
                    fixed, sig), sigma.x = expression(sig/(2 * sqrt(x))), sigma = expression(sig * sqrt(x)), 
                    model = "CIR")
                  # )
    if (sum(random) == 2) {
        # simulation of the random effects
        phi <- rep(0, M)
        if (density.phi == "normal") {
            phi <- param[1] + param[2] * rnorm(M, mean = 0, sd = 1)
        if (density.phi == "gamma") {
            phi <- rgamma(M, param[1], scale = param[2])
        if (density.phi == "mixture.gamma") {
            phi <- mixture.sim(M, density.phi, param)
        # simulation of the series
        if (model == "OU") {
            for (j in 1:M) {
                if (invariant == 1) {
                  X0 <- (sig/(sqrt(2 * phi[j]))) * rnorm(1)
                  # suppressMessages(
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(T = T, X0 = X0, N = N, delta = delta, method = "EA", theta = c(fixed, phi[j], 
                    sig), model = "OU")
                  # )
                if (invariant == 0) {
                  # suppressMessages(
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(T = T, X0 = X0, N = N, delta = delta, method = "EA", theta = c(fixed, phi[j], 
                    sig), model = "OU")
                  # )
        if (model == "CIR") {
            for (j in 1:M) {
                if (invariant == 0) {
                  # suppressMessages(
                  X[j, ] <- sde.sim(t0, T, X0, N, delta, method = "milstein", theta = c(fixed, phi[j], sig), 
                    sigma.x = expression(sig/(2 * sqrt(x))), sigma = expression(sig * sqrt(x)), model = "CIR")
                  # )
                if (invariant == 1) {
                  if (fixed == 0) {
                    message("no invariant distribution, please fix X0")
                  if (fixed != 0) {
                    X0 <- rgamma(1, 2 * fixed/sig^2, scale = sig^2/(2 * phi[j]))
                    # suppressMessages(
                    X[j, ] <- sde.sim(t0 = t0, T = T, X0 = X0, N, delta = delta, method = "milstein", theta = c(fixed, 
                      phi[j], sig), sigma.x = expression(sig/(2 * sqrt(x))), sigma = expression(sig * sqrt(x)), 
                      model = "CIR")
                    # )
    output <- X
    if (op.plot) {
        if (add.plot) {
            for (j in 1:M) {
                lines(delta * (0:N), X[j, ], col = j)
        } else {
            plot(delta * (0:N), X[1, ], type = "l", ylim = c(min(X), max(X)), xlab = "time", ylab = "", col = 1)
            for (j in 2:M) {
                lines(delta * (0:N), X[j, ], col = j)
    return(list(phi = phi, X = X, times = times))

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