
Defines functions w2l l2w different

Documented in different l2w w2l

#' Check whether two objects are different
#' Check whether two objects are numerically different, ignoring all attributes.
#' We use this helper function in particular to see if a new value for a slot
#' in MizerParams is different from the existing value in order to give the
#' appropriate messages.
#' @param a First object
#' @param b Second object
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
#' @concept helper
different <- function(a, b) {
    !isTRUE(all.equal(a, b, check.attributes = FALSE, scale = 1, 
                      tolerance = 10 * .Machine$double.eps))

#' Length-weight conversion
#' Convert between length and weight using the relationship
#' \deqn{w = a l^b}
#' where `a` and `b` are taken from the species parameter data frame.
#' This is useful for converting a length-based species parameter to a 
#' weight-based species parameter.
#' If any `a` or `b` parameters are missing the default values `a = 0.01` and
#' `b = 3` are used for the missing values.
#' @param l Lengths in cm. Either a single number or a vector with one number
#'   for each species.
#' @param w Weights in grams. Either a single number or a vector with one number
#'   for each species.
#' @param params A species parameter data frame or a MizerParams object.
#' @return A vector with one entry for each species. `l2w()` returns a vector
#' of weights in grams and `w2l()` returns a vector of lengths in cm.
#' @export
#' @concept helper
l2w <- function(l, params) {
    sp <- params
    if (is(params, "MizerParams")) {
        sp <- params@species_params
    if (!is.data.frame(sp)) {
        stop("The second argument must be either a MizerParams object or a
             species paramter data frame.")
    if (length(l) != 1 && length(l) != nrow(sp)) {
        stop("The length of 'l' should be one or equal to the number of species.")
    sp <- sp %>%
        set_species_param_default("a", 0.01,
                                  "Using default values for 'a' parameter.") %>%
        set_species_param_default("b", 3,
                                  "Using default values for 'a' parameter.")
    sp[["a"]] * l^sp[["b"]]

#' @rdname l2w
#' @export
w2l <- function(w, params) {
    sp <- params
    if (is(params, "MizerParams")) {
        sp <- params@species_params
    if (!is.data.frame(sp)) {
        stop("The second argument must be either a MizerParams object or a
             species paramter data frame.")
    if (length(w) != 1 && length(w) != nrow(sp)) {
        stop("The length of 'w' should be one or equal to the number of species.")
    sp <- sp %>%
        set_species_param_default("a", 0.01,
                                  "Using default values for 'a' parameter.") %>%
        set_species_param_default("b", 3,
                                  "Using default values for 'a' parameter.")
    (w / sp[["a"]])^(1 / sp[["b"]])

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mizer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.