
Defines functions matchGrowth

Documented in matchGrowth

#' Adjust model to produce observed growth
#' Scales the search volume, the maximum consumption rate and the metabolic rate
#' all by the same factor in order to achieve a growth rate that allows
#' individuals to reach their maturity size by their maturity age while keeping
#' the feeding level and the critical feeding level unchanged. Then recalculates
#' the size spectra using [steadySingleSpecies()].
#' Maturity size and age are taken from the `w_mat` and `age_mat` columns in the
#' species_params data frame. If `age_mat` is missing, mizer calculates it from
#' the von Bertalanffy growth curve parameters using `age_mat_vB()`. If those
#' are not available either for a species, the growth rate for that species will
#' not be changed.
#' @param params A MizerParams object
#' @param species The species to be affected. Optional. By default all species
#'   for which growth information is available will be affected. A vector of
#'   species names, or a numeric vector with the species indices, or a logical
#'   vector indicating for each species whether it is to be affected (TRUE) or
#'   not.
#' @param keep A string determining which quantity is to be kept constant. The
#'   choices are "egg" which keeps the egg density constant, "biomass" which 
#'   keeps the total biomass of the species constant and "number" which keeps
#'   the total number of individuals constant.
#' @return A modified MizerParams object with rescaled search volume, maximum
#'   consumption rate and metabolic rate and rescaled species parameters
#'   `gamma`,`h`, `ks` and `k`.
#' @export
matchGrowth <- function(params, species = NULL,
                        keep = c("egg", "biomass", "number")) {
    assert_that(is(params, "MizerParams"))
    sel <- valid_species_arg(params, species = species, 
                                 return.logical = TRUE)
    sp <- params@species_params
    keep <- match.arg(keep)
    biomass <- getBiomass(params)
    number <- getN(params)
    sp <- set_species_param_default(sp, "age_mat", NA)
    # If age at maturity is not specified, calculate it from von Bertalanffy
    if (all(c("k_vb", "w_inf") %in% names(sp))) {
        sp <- set_species_param_default(sp, "age_mat", age_mat_vB(params))
    # Don't affect species where no age at maturity is available
    sel <- sel & !is.na(sp$age_mat)
    factor <- age_mat(params)[sel] / sp$age_mat[sel]

    params@search_vol[sel, ] <- params@search_vol[sel, ] * factor
    params@intake_max[sel, ] <- params@intake_max[sel, ] * factor
    params@metab[sel, ] <- params@metab[sel, ] * factor
    params@species_params$gamma[sel] <- sp$gamma[sel] * factor
    params@species_params[sel, "h"] <- sp[sel, "h"] * factor
    if ("ks" %in% names(sp)) {
        params@species_params$ks[sel] <- sp$ks[sel] * factor
    if ("k" %in% names(sp)) {
        params@species_params[sel, "k"] <- sp[sel, "k"] * factor
    params <- steadySingleSpecies(params, species = sel)
    if (keep == "biomass") {
        factor <- biomass / getBiomass(params)
        params@initial_n <- params@initial_n * factor
    if (keep == "number") {
        factor <- number / getN(params)
        params@initial_n <- params@initial_n * factor

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mizer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.