
Defines functions balance_resource_logistic resource_logistic

Documented in balance_resource_logistic resource_logistic

#' Project resource using logistic model
#' If you set your resource dynamics to use this function then the time
#' evolution of the resource spectrum is described by a logistic equation
#' \deqn{\frac{\partial N_R(w,t)}{\partial t} = r_R(w) N_R(w)\Big[ 1 - \frac{N_R(w,t)}{c_R (w)} \Big] - \mu_R(w, t) N_R(w,t)}{dN_R(w,t)/d t  = r_R(w) N_r(w)( 1 - N_R(w,t) / c_R (w)) - \mu_R(w,t ) N_R(w,t)}
#' Here \eqn{r_R(w)} is the resource regeneration rate and \eqn{c_R(w)} is the
#' carrying capacity in the absence of predation. These parameters are changed
#' with [setResource()]. The mortality \eqn{\mu_R(w, t)} is
#' due to predation by consumers and is calculate with [getResourceMort()].
#' This function uses the analytic solution of the above equation to calculate
#' the resource abundance at time `t + dt` from all abundances and rates at time
#' `t`, keeping the mortality fixed during the timestep.
#' To set your model to use logistic dynamics for the resource you do
#' ```
#' params <- setResource(params, 
#'                       resource_dynamics = "resource_logistic", 
#'                       resource_level = 0.5)
#' ```
#' where you should replace `params` with the name of the variable holding your
#' MizerParams object. You can of course choose any value between 0 and 1 for
#' the resource level.
#' @param params A [MizerParams] object
#' @param n A matrix of species abundances (species x size)
#' @param n_pp A vector of the resource abundance by size
#' @param n_other A list with the abundances of other components
#' @param rates A list of rates as returned by [mizerRates()]
#' @param t The current time
#' @param dt Time step
#' @param resource_rate Resource replenishment rate
#' @param resource_capacity Resource carrying capacity
#' @param ... Unused
#' @return Vector containing resource spectrum at next timestep
#' @export
#' @family resource dynamics
resource_logistic <- function(params, n, n_pp, n_other, rates, t, dt,
                              resource_rate, resource_capacity, ...) {
    # We use the exact solution under the assumption of constant mortality 
    # during timestep
    mur <- resource_rate - rates$resource_mort
    n_steady <- mur * resource_capacity / resource_rate
    n_pp_new <- n_steady / ((n_steady - n_pp) / n_pp * exp(-mur * dt) + 1)
    # Here is an alternative expression that looks as if it might be more
    # precise when the sum of the rates is small due to the use of expm1.
    # However the above has the advantage of preserving the steady state
    # n_steady exactly.
    # n_pp_new <- n_steady / (n_steady / n_pp * exp(-mur * dt) +  expm1(-mur * dt))
    # if growth rate and death rate are zero then the above would give NaN
    # whereas the value should simply not change
    sel <- is.nan(n_pp_new)
    n_pp_new[sel] <- n_pp[sel]

#' @rdname resource_logistic
#' @details 
#' The [balance_resource_logistic()] function is called by [setResource()] to
#' determine the values of the resource parameters that are needed to make the
#' replenishment rate at each size equal the consumption rate at that size, as
#' calculated by [getResourceMort()]. It should be called with only one of
#' `resource_rate` or `resource_capacity` should and will return a named list
#' with the values for both.
#' @export
balance_resource_logistic <- function(params,
                                      resource_rate, resource_capacity) {
    assert_that(is(params, "MizerParams"))
    mu <- getResourceMort(params)
    NR <- initialNResource(params)
    if (!is.null(resource_rate)) {
                    length(resource_rate) == length(params@rr_pp))
        if (any(resource_rate < mu)) {
            stop("I can't balance the resource if the resource rate is less than the mortality rate.")
        cc <- NR * resource_rate / (resource_rate - mu)
        if (any(is.infinite(cc))) {
            stop("I can't balance the resource unless the resource rate is greater than the mortality rate except where they are both zero.")
        # If there is no death then the capacity must match the abundance
        cc[mu == 0] <- NR[mu == 0]
        # unless the rate is also zero in which case the capacity is not
        # determined, so we'll keep it at the current value.
        cc[mu == 0 & resource_rate == 0] <- 
            params@cc_pp[mu == 0 & resource_rate == 0]
        balance <- list(
            resource_rate = resource_rate,
            resource_capacity = cc
    } else if (!is.null(resource_capacity)) {
                    length(resource_capacity) == length(params@cc_pp))
        if (any(resource_capacity < NR)) {
            "I can't balance the resource if the capacity is less than the current abundance."
        # If the capacity equals the abundance then there is no 
        # replenishment, so this is only allowed when there is no death either.
        death <- (mu * NR) != 0
        if (any(resource_capacity[death] == NR[death])) {
            stop("I can't balance the resource unless the capacity is greater than the current abundance wherever there is consumption.")
        rr <- mu * resource_capacity / (resource_capacity - NR)
        # If the capacity equals the abundance then the rate is not determined,
        # so we'll keep it at the current level
        rr[resource_capacity == NR] <- params@rr_pp[resource_capacity == NR]
        balance <- list(
            resource_rate = rr,
            resource_capacity = resource_capacity
    } else {
        stop("Both `resource_capacity` and `resource_rate` were NULL.")
    # The following should never happen if the tests above worked as desired.
    if (!all(is.finite(balance$resource_rate)) ||
        !all(is.finite(balance$resource_capacity))) {
        stop("Non-finite results obtained.")

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mizer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.