
## This file keeps record of reading the data into R and
## transformations (if any) that have been applied. All
## transformations are indicated in the respective help pages.


LetterRecognition <- scan(file="")

LetterRecognition <- matrix(LetterRecognition,ncol=17,byrow=TRUE)
LetterRecognition <-
colnames(LetterRecognition) <-
    c("lettr", "", "", "width", "high", "onpix", "",
      "", "x2bar", "y2bar", "xybar", "x2ybr", "xy2br", "x.ege",
      "xegvy", "y.ege", "yegvx")
LetterRecognition$lettr <- factor(LetterRecognition$lettr,

save(LetterRecognition, file="data/LetterRecognition.rda")


### PimaIndiansDiabetes2

PimaIndiansDiabetes2 = PimaIndiansDiabetes

for(n in c("glucose", "pressure","triceps", "insulin",  "mass")){
    PimaIndiansDiabetes2[[n]][PimaIndiansDiabetes[[n]]==0] <- NA

save(PimaIndiansDiabetes2, file="data/PimaIndiansDiabetes2.rda")


Satellite <- scan("")

Satellite <- matrix(Satellite,ncol=37,byrow=TRUE)
Satellite <- data.frame(x=Satellite[,1:36], classes=factor(Satellite[,37]))
levels(Satellite$classes) <- c("red soil",
                               "cotton crop",
                               "grey soil",
                               "damp grey soil",
                               "vegetation stubble",
                               "very damp grey soil")

save(Satellite, file="data/Satellite.rda")


### Zoo

## download from UCI repository (2007-02-02)
## edit from UCI repository: two rows have name "frog"
## -> frog.1 and frog.2

Zoo <- read.csv("", header=FALSE, row.names=1)

colnames(Zoo) <- c("hair",

Zoo[,1:12] <- lapply(Zoo[,1:12], as.logical)
Zoo[,14:16] <- lapply(Zoo[,14:16], as.logical)
Zoo[,17] <- factor(Zoo[,17],

save(Zoo, file="Zoo.rda")


## change compression type

for(f in list.files("data")){
    n <- sub(".rda", "", f)
    load(file.path("data", f))
    save(list=n, file=f, compress="xz")

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mlbench documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:49 a.m.