birds: birds

Description Usage Format Source Examples


birds dataset.




An mldr object with 645 instances, 279 attributes and 19 labels


F. Briggs, Yonghong Huang, R. Raich, K. Eftaxias, Zhong Lei, W. Cukierski, S. Hadley, A. Hadley, M. Betts, X. Fern, J. Irvine, L. Neal, A. Thomas, G. Fodor, G. Tsoumakas, Hong Wei Ng, Thi Ngoc Tho Nguyen, H. Huttunen, P. Ruusuvuori, T. Manninen, A. Diment, T. Virtanen, J. Marzat, J. Defretin, D. Callender, C. Hurlburt, K. Larrey, M. Milakov. "The 9th annual MLSP competition: New methods for acoustic classification of multiple simultaneous bird species in a noisy environment", in proc. 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)



Example output

  num.attributes num.instances num.inputs num.labels num.labelsets
1            279           645        260         19           133
  num.single.labelsets max.frequency cardinality    density   meanIR    scumble
1                   73           294    1.013953 0.05336597 5.406996 0.03302765      tcs
1   2.298296 13.39547
                          index count        freq     IRLbl    SCUMBLE
Brown Creeper               261    14 0.021705426  7.357143 0.12484341
Pacific Wren                262    81 0.125581395  1.271605 0.05232609
Pacific-slope Flycatcher    263    46 0.071317829  2.239130 0.06361470
Red-breasted Nuthatch       264     9 0.013953488 11.444444 0.15744451
Dark-eyed Junco             265    20 0.031007752  5.150000 0.10248336
Olive-sided Flycatcher      266    14 0.021705426  7.357143 0.18493760
Hermit Thrush               267    47 0.072868217  2.191489 0.06777263
Chestnut-backed Chickadee   268    40 0.062015504  2.575000 0.06807452
Varied Thrush               269    61 0.094573643  1.688525 0.07940806
Hermit Warbler              270    53 0.082170543  1.943396 0.07999006
Swainson's Thrush           271   103 0.159689922  1.000000 0.11214301
Hammond's Flycatcher        272    28 0.043410853  3.678571 0.06129884
Western Tanager             273    33 0.051162791  3.121212 0.07273988
Black-headed Grosbeak       274     9 0.013953488 11.444444 0.20916487
Golden Crowned Kinglet      275    37 0.057364341  2.783784 0.09509474
Warbling Vireo              276    17 0.026356589  6.058824 0.14333613
MacGillivray's Warbler      277     6 0.009302326 17.166667 0.24337605
Stellar's Jay               278    10 0.015503876 10.300000 0.12151527
Common Nighthawk            279    26 0.040310078  3.961538 0.06520272
Brown Creeper              0.6788629
Pacific Wren               1.4590810
Pacific-slope Flycatcher   1.1456585
Red-breasted Nuthatch      0.9686548
Dark-eyed Junco            0.7750301
Olive-sided Flycatcher     0.5305291
Hermit Thrush              1.2703174
Chestnut-backed Chickadee  1.1641298
Varied Thrush              1.1296842
Hermit Warbler             1.4472129
Swainson's Thrush          0.9562594
Hammond's Flycatcher       0.9188832
Western Tanager            0.8804317
Black-headed Grosbeak      0.6308997
Golden Crowned Kinglet     0.8898242
Warbling Vireo             0.9121402
MacGillivray's Warbler     0.8726136
Stellar's Jay              1.5532108
Common Nighthawk           1.4424929

mldr documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 9:18 a.m.