
#' @title PipeOpProbregrCompositor
#' @name mlr_pipeops_compose_probregr
#' @template param_pipelines
#' @description
#' Combines a predicted `reponse` and `se` from [PredictionRegr] with a specified probability
#' distribution to estimate (or 'compose') a `distr` prediction.
#' @section Dictionary:
#' This [PipeOp][mlr3pipelines::PipeOp] can be instantiated via the
#' [dictionary][mlr3misc::Dictionary] [mlr3pipelines::mlr_pipeops] or with the associated sugar
#' function [mlr3pipelines::po()]:
#' ```
#' PipeOpProbregrCompositor$new()
#' mlr_pipeops$get("compose_probregr")
#' po("compose_probregr")
#' ```
#' @section Input and Output Channels:
#' [PipeOpProbregrCompositor] has two input channels named `"input_response"` and `"input_se"`,
#' which take `NULL` during training and two [PredictionRegr]s during prediction, these should
#' respectively contain the `response` and `se` return type, the same object can be passed twice.
#' The output during prediction is a [PredictionRegr] with the "response" from `input_response`,
#' the "se" from `input_se` and a "distr" created from combining the two.
#' @section State:
#' The `$state` is left empty (`list()`).
#' @section Parameters:
#' * `dist` :: `character(1)` \cr
#'    Location-scale distribution to use for composition. Current choices are `"Normal"` (default),
#'     `"Cauchy"`, `"Gumbel"`, `"Laplace"`, `"Logistic"`. All implemented via \CRANpkg{distr6}.
#' @section Internals:
#' The composition is created by substituting the `response` and `se` predictions into the
#' distribution location and scale parameters respectively.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (requireNamespace("mlr3pipelines", quietly = TRUE) &&
#'   requireNamespace("rpart", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(mlr3)
#'   library(mlr3pipelines)
#'   set.seed(1)
#'   task = tsk("boston_housing")
#'   # Option 1: Use a learner that can predict se
#'   learn = lrn("regr.featureless", predict_type = "se")
#'   pred = learn$train(task)$predict(task)
#'   poc = po("compose_probregr")
#'   poc$predict(list(pred, pred))[[1]]
#'   # Option 2: Use two learners, one for response and the other for se
#'   learn_response = lrn("regr.rpart")
#'   learn_se = lrn("regr.featureless", predict_type = "se")
#'   pred_response = learn_response$train(task)$predict(task)
#'   pred_se = learn_se$train(task)$predict(task)
#'   poc = po("compose_probregr")
#'   poc$predict(list(pred_response, pred_se))[[1]]
#' }
#' }
    inherit = mlr3pipelines::PipeOp,
    public = list(
      #' @description
      #' Creates a new instance of this [R6][R6::R6Class] class.
      initialize = function(id = "compose_probregr", param_vals = list(dist = "Normal")) {
        ps = ps(
          dist = p_fct(default = "Normal",
            levels = distr6::listDistributions(filter = list(Tags = "locscale"), simplify = TRUE),
            tags = "predict")

          id = id,
          param_set = ps,
          param_vals = param_vals,
          input = data.table(name = c("input_response", "input_se"), train = "NULL",
            predict = c("PredictionRegr", "PredictionRegr")),
          output = data.table(name = "output", train = "NULL", predict = "PredictionRegr"),
          packages = c("mlr3proba", "distr6")

    private = list(
      .train = function(inputs) {
        self$state = list()

      .predict = function(inputs) {
        pred_response = inputs$input_response
        pred_se = inputs$input_se

        if ("se" %nin% pred_se$predict_types) {
          stopf("'se' is not a predict_type in %s.", pred_se$id)

        response = pred_response$response
        se = pred_se$se

        assert(all(pred_response$truth == pred_se$truth))
        assert(all(pred_response$row_ids == pred_se$row_ids))

        pv = self$param_set$values
        dist = pv$dist

        if (is.null(dist) || dist %in% c("Normal")) {
          params = data.table(mean = response, sd = se)
        } else if (dist %in% c("Cauchy", "Gumbel")) {
          params = data.table(location = response, scale = se)
        } else if (dist %in% c("Laplace", "Logistic")) {
          params = data.table(mean = response, scale = se)

        list(PredictionRegr$new(row_ids = pred_response$row_ids,
          truth = pred_response$truth,
          response = response,
          se = se,
          distr = distr6::VectorDistribution$new(distribution = dist,
            params = params)))

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mlr3proba documentation built on April 25, 2022, 5:07 p.m.